scholarly journals Attitudes towards physics. A study with high school students from the Colombian context

2021 ◽  
Vol 2118 (1) ◽  
pp. 012019
C A Hernánez-Suarez ◽  
A A Gamboa-Suárez ◽  
O J Suarez

Abstract Science education should promote the development of competent students in science and develop their interest in science; however, although the role and relevance of science within society is evident; the interest towards it is not conscious, being the negative attitudes of the students the main problem in the teaching of physics, which translates into a deficient knowledge and lack of scientific vocation. This report aims to diagnose the attitudes of students in high school physics courses. The study was developed through a non-experimental, descriptive research design, obtained from the application of a Likert scale that evaluates attitudes towards physics, adapted and validated to the context of students in an educational institution in Colombia. The results indicate that the attitudes of the students are slightly favorable, which is an empirical precedent to continue with the studies on attitudes towards physic. This should be considered to enhance the learning processes in these students, especially for those who have their first approach to physical concepts and give importance to attitudes when teaching.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 202
Astalini Astalini ◽  
Darmaji Darmaji ◽  
Dwi Agus Kurniawan ◽  
Sumaryanti Sumaryanti ◽  
Rahmat Perdana ◽  

The purpose of this study is to find out how attitudes and interests of students and analyze the relationship between attitudes and student interest in high school physics subjects in Jambi Province. This type of research is quantitative which uses survey research design as a research procedure. This study involved 463 high school students in Jambi Province. The instrument used was a questionnaire with data analysis techniques namely descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results of the dominant student attitude indicators discussed in this paper are attitude indicators towards good research in physics with a percentage of 58.5% with a total of 271 students. The results of indicators of dominant interest are indicators of learning attention with categories good a percentage of 74.3% with total 344 students. The results of the analysis of the relationship between attitudes and interests of students towards high school physics subjects in Jambi Province showed r value 0.725 and positive. Therefore it is said that the attitudes and interests of high school students in Indonesia in physics subjects are high.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-100
Antonia Dwi Raharti ◽  
Tri Nova Hasti Yunianta

The study aims to identify kinds of high school students’ misrepresent in doing their tasks and to provide the appropriate scaffolding as a solution to help the students. This is a qualitative descriptive research. The research subject consists of three junior high school students who have different abilities in Mathematics. They were selected out of 92 students. This research studied the conceptual errors, procedural mistakes, and students’ technical mistakes in working on the problems based on the stages of Kastolan mistakes and the scaffoldings given. Furthermore, the data were collected by using the way of testing, interviewing and documenting techniques. The research data were guarantee validated with the triangulation method. The result of the research showed that there were some errors done by the students in doing the tasks. They were the conceptual errors, procedural mistakes, and technical errors. The scaffoldings given to help the students do the tasks for Level 1 (environmental provisions), Level 2 (explaining, reviewing dan restructuring), and Level 3 (developing conceptual thinking).

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 265
Sury . Utami ◽  
Rahmad . Husein ◽  
Zainuddin . Zainuddin

English conversation is an important lesson for Senior High School students in order to face the globalization effects. Many students considered English conversation as a controversial lesson through their positive and negative attitudes toward it. This study aimed to investigate the types of attitudes of the Senior High School students in learning English conversation, to describe the realization of the attitudes of Senior High School students in learning English conversations, and to explain the reason of the attitude which Senior High School students realized in the ways they are. The subjects of this study were 20 students consisting 12 females and 8 males at the age of 16-18 years old. The data were collected by observations and interviews then were analyzed using Interactive Models. The result showed that positive and negative attitude in learning English conversations, five types of realizations, and the reasons of the students realized their attitudes i.e. the language loyalty, language pride,  and awareness of language norms. It was concluded that the students’ attitude varied as to positive and negative ones and realized in numerous manners affected by several factors. Keywords: Discourse Markers, Students Interactions, Nonformal Education, Conversation

2019 ◽  
pp. 112-118
Oksana Lehkun

The article deals with literary and artistic life at the Kremenets Ukrainian Gymnasium named after Ivan Steshenko. On the basis of archival materials the teaching staff of the educational institution, which functioned in the territory of the Second Rzeczpospolita, was studied. The author notes that the main component of state formation in the years of the Ukrainian People's Republic was the formation and development of Ukrainian national education and culture. The first step in implementing the national school reform was the creation of conditions for the introduction of the Ukrainian language in high school and the opening of new Ukrainian gymnasia. Numerous documents stored in the State Archives of the Ternopil region (351, «Private Ukrainian Gymnasium of Joint Training in Kremenets»), reveal the activity of the educational institution and confirm its prominent role in the educational life of the Ukrainian population of Kremenets. The researcher emphasizes the pedagogical skills of the teaching staff of the Kremenets Ukrainian Gymnasium, and the understanding of the important role of education in the process of preserving national dignity and spirituality contributed to the formation of students' professional and intellectual development. In its activity, the Ukrainian gymnasium has repeatedly faced difficulties: lack of funding, lack of premises adapted properly to educational needs, lack of appropriate material and technical base, but it became the center of high culture and education. The content of the first issue of the handwritten literary and artistic magazine "Youth" was analyzed, on the basis of the memoirs of the student of the gymnasium and the editor of the almanac U. Samchuk, the names of the members of the literary circle were established. The main aspects of the cultural-artistic collaboration of the teaching staff and the students' collectives of the gymnasium with Prosvita Society are revealed. The musical activity of high school students was traced and the programs of concert performances were explored. Based on the memories of former students of the gymnasium, the repertoire of the theater circle under the direction of G. Berezovsky was considered, and the study of high school students at the School of National Dances V. Avramenko was analyzed. The names of well-known writers and public figures who studied in the Ukrainian gymnasium were established.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-238
Siti Zakiyah ◽  
Wahyu Hidayat ◽  
Wahyu Setiawan

AbstrakPemecahan masalah merupakan suatu kemampuan yang sangat kompleks di mata siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik siswa SMA kelas X dan respon peralihan matematika SMP ke SMA terhadap materi SPLTV. Penelitian ini berbentuk deskriptif kualitatif dengan objek penelitian siswa kelas X di salah satu SMA di Bandung Barat. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah uji soal kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan angket kemampuan matematika siswa apabila ditinjau dari peralihan SMP ke SMA terhadap materi SPLTV. Jumlah soal yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak empat dari enam butir soal yang disediakan dengan angket yang berisikan sepuluh pertanyaan, yang terdiri dari empat pertanyaan tertutup dan enam pertanyaan terbuka. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 September 2018 dan 8 Oktober 2018. Kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik siswa kelas X di Bandung Barat terhadap materi SPLTV tergolong tinggi, dengan persentase sebesar 79,868%. Siswa yang memiliki latar belakang pemahaman SPLDV yang baik cenderung mudah memahami SPLTV dengan baik pula. Analysis of Problem Solving Ability and Respons of Transition from Junior to Senior High School in SPLTV MaterialAbstractProblem-solving is problem-solving in the eyes of students. The purpose of this study was to study and analyze the mathematical problem solving of high school students in class X and the response of the transition of junior high school to high school to SPLTV material. This research is in the form of qualitative descriptive research with class X objects in one of the high schools in West Bandung. The instruments in this study were problem-solving questions and mathematical ability questionnaires which were reviewed from the transition of junior high school to high school to SPLTV material. The number of questions used in this study amounted to four of the six items provided with a questionnaire containing questions, which consisted of four closed questions and six open questions. This research was conducted on September 10, 2018, and October 8, 2018. The ability to solve the problems of grade X students in West Bandung on SPLTV material was high, with a contribution of 79.868%. Students who have a background in understanding SPLDV can easily consider SPLTV well too.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-236 ◽  
Ilham Rizkianto ◽  
Rusgianto Heri Santosa

AbstrakPenelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk memformulasikan masukan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam penyempurnaan buku matematika siswa SMP kurikulum 2013. Sehingga nantinya kesalahan-kesalahan yang ditemukan dalam buku matematika siswa SMP kurikulum 2013 dapat diminimalisisr dan layak dipakai oleh siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik, yakni suatu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang realitas pada objek yang diteliti secara objektif. Penelitian ini menekankan pada satu variabel yaitu kebenaran konsep pada buku matematika siswa SMP kurikulum 2013. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dalam buku matematika siswa SMP kurikulum 2013 masih terdapat banyak kesalahan. Kesalahan ini berupa kesalahan dalam penulisan maupun dalam merumuskan konsep pembelajaran matematika.Kata Kunci: analisis buku, buku matematika siswa, kurikulum 2013, pembelajaran matematika.AbstractThe aim of this present study is to formulate suggestions as a consideration in improving junior high school students’ mathematics book 2013 curriculum. Later on, the mistakes found in the book can be minimalize and suitable to be used by students. The sort of this study is a analitic descriptive research, namely a research that intends to give representations about reality towards objects that have been studied objectively. This research study stresses in one variable, namely the truth concept in junior high school students’ mathematics book 2013 curriculum. The result of the analysis shows that in Junior High School students’ mathematics textbook 2013 curriculum was found many mistakes. The mistakes includes wrong spelling in written the words and wrong formulation of mathematics learning concepts.Keyword: book analysis, students’ mathematics book, 2013 curriculum, mathematics learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-88
Enny Zarvianti ◽  
Desrianti Sahida

The designing of high school / Islamic high school physics comic teaching materials has been done to improve students' critical thinking skills in Newton's Law material. The purpose of this research is to determine to develop a physics comic for high school / Islamic high school based on problem-based learning (PBL) to improve the creative thinking skills of students at MAN Sebukar. The research method used is the research and development method, namely the 4D development method which consists of 4 phases: defining, designing, developing and disseminating. At the defining stage, need analysis on curriculum, students, and materials were carried out. The designing stage was done by designing high school / Islamic high school physics comics based on problem based learning to improve students' creative thinking skills. At the developing stage, validity, practicality and effectiveness tests were carried out. Furthermore, the disseminating stage also carried out the practicality and effectiveness tests. At the defining stage, the analysis on results of the students’ score showed the low acquisition of students competencies is due to the low creative thinking skills of students, so a teaching material is designed that is in accordance with the student's needs, materials, and learning objectives that is expected to improve students’ learning competence, namely physics comics for senior high school students/Islamic senior high school students. Furthermore, at the designing stage, an initial draft of PBL-based for / Islamic high school physics comics was made in accordance with the curriculum used in the school where the research was conducted. And in the next stage, namely the developing stage, the analysis results were obtained from the development of physics comics for high school / Islamic high school which have valid (0.85), practical (94.67%), and effective criteria for skill assessment that are judges as very good category. And the final stage after developing stage, namely the disseminating stage, researchers carried out practicality and effectiveness tests in different classes and the practicality test results were obtained in the very practical category, namely 94.33% from students’ response questionnaires and effectiveness test results from the assessment of students knowledge with a percentage of completeness reaching 82.33. % in the very good category, the students' attitude competency reached an average score of 87.43% in the very good category, the skills competency reached an average score of 89.17% with the very good category. The designing of PBL-based high school / Islamic high school physics comics is able to improve students' creative thinking skill since it eventually gives impact on students’ scores.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 281-283
О. A. Osadchaya ◽  

This article examines the methodological aspect of studying migration, namely, the analysis of the features of using the survey method in the study of migration attitudes of high school students from rural areas, who are a specific group of potentially active migrants. The problem is revealed on the basis of an anonymous online-survey conducted in 2019 and a group questionnaire survey in January 2020, conducted in Bolsherechye, Omsk region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Siti Monalisa ◽  
Tengku Nurainun ◽  
Misra Hartati

<p class="Abstrak">Idealnya, semakin tinggi jumlah pendaftar di suatu institusi pendidikan, semakin tinggi kualitas dari mahasiswa yang diterima. Akan tetapi, kondisi ideal ini tidak dicapai oleh Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi (FST) UIN Suska Riau disebabkan karena sedikitnya jumlah mahasiswa yang berasal dari sekolah menengah unggul yang mendaftar sebagai mahasiswa di FST UIN Suska Riau. Berdasarkan survey terhadap dosen di FST UIN Suska, masih terdapat kendala yang cukup besar dalam proses transfer ilmu kepada mahasiswa terutama dalam hal daya tangkap dan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap materi ajar. Oleh karena itu, analisis lebih lanjut mengenai mahasiswa saat ini diperlukan untuk merancang sebuah strategi bagaimana menarik minat siswa yang berasal dari sekolah menengah unggul untuk mendaftar sebagai mahasiswa di FST UIN Suska Riau. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah segmentasi mahasiswa menggunakan algoritma K-Means dan teknik kluster menggunakan algoritma Dunn Index. Pengumpulan data dilakukan sebanyak 614 mahasiswa FST tahun ajaran 2015 sampai 2017. Output dari segmentasi mahasiswa digunakan untuk menentukan target dari Marketing Mix 7P. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 2 kluster mahasiswa dengan nilai <em>Dunn Index</em> 1,99. Kuesioner disebarkan kepada mahasiswa dari dua kluster yang berbeda tersebut dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga variabel Marketing Mix yang berpotensi untuk meningkatkan target pasar yaitu <em>people, product, dan place</em>.</p><p class="Abstrak"> </p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Judul2"><em>Ideally, the higher number of registrant in an educational institution, the higher quality of the accepted students. But, this ideal condition was not achieved by Faculty of Science dan Technology UIN Suska Riau due to the minimum number of students from top ranking senior high school who registered as student in FST UIN Suska Riau.</em> <em>Based on a survey of lecturers at FST UIN Suska, there are still significant limitations in the process of transferring knowledge to students, especially in terms of catching dan understdaning students towards teaching materials</em><em>. </em><em>Therefore, further analysis of current input of students is needed to design a strategy how to attract the high quality of high school students to register as student in FST UIN Suska Riau. The methodology in this research are student segmentations using K-Means Algorithm dan Clustering with Dunn Index Algorithm. The data collection derived from 614 students of FST in academic year 2015 until 2017. The output of student segmentations were used to determine the target using Marketing Mix 7P.  This research yield two clusters of students with Dunn Index Value was 1.99. The questionnaire were spreaded to students from the two different clusters dan the results showed that there are three variables of Marketing Mix that potentially increase the market target that is people, product, dan place</em><em>.</em></p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p>

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