scholarly journals The socio-economic effect on microplastic pollution of boiled salted fish

2021 ◽  
Vol 869 (1) ◽  
pp. 012015
G Gunawan ◽  
H Effendi ◽  
E Warsiki

Abstract Boiled salted fish is one of the favorite fish processing commodities in Bogor. Every year its production increase in line with potential health hazards for consumers, one of which is caused by contamination of raw materials by microplastics. The socio-economic of people were suspected of having influenced the occurrence of the contamination. The study area took place in Bogor, aiming to analyze the correlation between socio-economic and microplastic contamination in boiled salted fish. The purposive sampling method was used in this study on 150 consumers representing gender, age, education, occupation, and income. The result was analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics using the likelihood ratio, wald, and odds ratio test to determine which variables had the most influence. The analytical results showed that the variables of gender and education had a significant correlation (95%) with 0.5-7 times of risk. It is shown in the wald result, and the odds ratio is 2.619-17.182 (more than x2 (df,a) value) and 0.453-7.044. It can be concluded that the potential of microplastic contamination in boiled salted fish correlated with gender and level of education and can be controlled by enhancing the understanding of gender groups through improving public education to a higher level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-106
Indrawaty Sitepu ◽  
Nurmely Violeta Sitorus

Kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangkung rendang merupakan kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah, menghasilkan produk yang dapat dikonsumsi, serta menambah pendapatan dan keuntungan produsen.Tujuan penelitian untuk menguraikan apa saja tahapan pengolahan kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangukung rendang, menganalisis biaya produksi, penerimaan, dan pendapatan, menganalisis nilai tambah pengolahan kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangkung rendang, menganalisis apakah usaha pengolahan kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangkung rendang layak diusahakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jalan Bromo lorong Amal Medan Denai Kota Medan. Penentuan daerah penelitian dilakukan secara purposive, Metode pengambilan sampel secara sensus yaitu usaha Syifa Hidroponik dengan pengambilan data ulangan selama 2,5 bualan sebanyak 10 kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian: 1) Tahapan  pengolahan kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangkung rendang yaitu:  Penyediaan bahan baku kangkung hidroponik, kangkung dihaluskan, pengadonan kangkung, telur ayam, tepung beras dan garam, kangkung dikukus, kangkung didinginkan, dipotong-potong, digoreng, pemasakan bumbu rendang, pencampuran kangkung yang digoreng dengan bumbu rendang dan pemasaran. Total biaya pengolahan kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangkung rendang untuk sekali produksi sebesar Rp 545.291,83, penerimaan sebesar Rp 1.500.000,00, per sekali produksi dan pendapatan sebesar Rp 954.708,17 per sekali produksi. Nilai tambah yang dihasilkan dari pengolahan kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangkung rendang tergolong tinggi dengan rasio nilai tambah 75,31% > 50%.Usaha pengolahan kangkung hidroponik menjadi kangkung rendang layak untuk diusahakan dengan nilai R/C rasio 2,75 > 1.  Abstract  Hydroponic water spinach into rendang water spinach is an activity that can increase added value, produce edible products, as well as increase producer income and profits. The purpose of the research is to describe what are the stages of processing hydroponic water spinach into rendang kangukung, analyze production costs, revenue, and income, analyze added value of processing hydroponic water spinach into rendang water spinach, analyzing whether the business of processing hydroponic water spinach into rendang water spinach is worth the effort. This research was conducted in Jalan Bromo Amal Medan Denai alley Medan City. Determination of the study area was done purposively, census sampling method that is Syifa Hydroponic business with retrieval data retrieval for 2.5 boasting as many as 10 replications. The results of the study: 1) The stages of processing hydroponic water spinach into rendang water spinach, namely: Provision of raw materials for hydroponic water spinach, crushed water spinach, stirring water spinach, chicken eggs, rice flour and salt, steamed water spinach, water spinach water spinach, cut into pieces, fried, fried spicy water spinach, cooking water spinach kale, chicken egg, rice flour and salt, steamed water spinach, water spinach kangkung cooled, cut, fried, cooking spices, rendang, mixing fried kale with spicy rendang and marketing. The total cost of processing hydroponic water spinach into rendang water spinach for one production is Rp. 545,291.83, revenue is Rp. 1,500,000.00, per production and income is Rp. 954,708.17 per production. The added value generated from the processing of hydroponic water spinach into rendang water spinach is classified as high with a value added ratio of 75.31%> 50%. The business of processing hydroponic water spinach into rendang water spinach is feasible to be cultivated with an R / C ratio of 2.75> 1.  

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 116
Despoina Eugenia Kiousi ◽  
Nikos Chorianopoulos ◽  
Chrysoula C. Tassou ◽  
Alex Galanis

Food fermentation has led to the improvement of the safety characteristics of raw materials and the production of new foodstuffs with elevated organoleptic characteristics. The empirical observation that these products could have a potential health benefit has garnered the attention of the scientific community. Therefore, several studies have been conducted in animal and human hosts to decipher which of these products may have a beneficial outcome against specific ailments. However, despite the accumulating literature, a relatively small number of products have been authorized as ‘functional foods’ by regulatory bodies. Data inconsistency and lack of in-depth preclinical characterization of functional products could heavily contribute to this issue. Today, the increased availability of omics platforms and bioinformatic algorithms for comprehensive data analysis can aid in the systematic characterization of microbe–microbe, microbe–matrix, and microbe–host interactions, providing useful insights about the maximization of their beneficial effects. The incorporation of these platforms in food science remains a challenge; however, coordinated efforts and interdisciplinary collaboration could push the field toward the dawn of a new era.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 267-276
Surianti Surianti ◽  
Hasrianti Hasrianti ◽  
Wahyudi Wahyudi ◽  
Muh Irwan

Tilapia cultivation has the potential to be developed in Indonesia, especially in South Sulawesi. However, the obstacle faced in tilapia cultivation is feed; the price is relatively high because the raw materials are still imported. One of the efforts to overcome dependence on imported feed raw materials is using local raw materials, namely rice bran. This study aims to determine the best type of probiotic in hydrolyzing rice bran flour into artificial feed on survival and conversion ratio of tilapia fish feed. This research was conducted in Sidenreng Rappang Regency. The test animals used were tilapia larvae with an average size of 1.03 g. The maintenance container is a tarpaulin pond with a size of 1 m x 1 m x 1 m filled with 85 L of freshwater. The study was designed using a completely randomized design consisting of four treatments and three replications. The fermenting materials used as treatment were Bacillus sp., Lactobacillus sp., Aspergillus nigers, Yeast (Acetobacter). The test feed was given to 20 tilapia larvae stocked in each container for 60 days of rearing. The survival data and feed conversion ratio for tilapia were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that tilapia fed fermented rice bran feed using the fermenter Lactobacillus sp. had a significant effect on survival (SR) with a value of 85% and the feed conversion ratio (FCR) of tilapia with a value of 2.23.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-35
Gopal Kumar ◽  
Anshuman Shukla ◽  
Amit Chhoker ◽  
Rohit Kumar Thapa

The purpose of this study was to find the factors responsible for winning in the men’s and women’s beach volleyball championship. Materials and methods. The study sample consisted of a total of 212 matches for men and 214 matches for women of the 2017 & 2019 FIVB Men and Women Beach Volleyball World Championships held at Vienna & Hamburg from 28 July to 6 Aug 2017 and 28 June to 7 July 2019. The matches were played by 192 teams (both men and women combined) consisting of 384 numbers (both men and women combined) of players from different nations. The data were analyzed using Binary Logistic Regression (Forward: LR Method) with the result of the game as the dependent variable and predictor variables as covariates. β, standard error β, Wald’s χ2, odds ratio with 95% confidence interval were calculated. Model evaluation was conducted using the likelihood ratio test, Cox & Snell (R2), and Nagelkerke (R2) tests. The goodness of fit test for the models was conducted using the Hosmer & Lemeshow test. Results. The analysis revealed seven factors related to winning in men’s and women’s competition. While in league rounds, six factors in men’s and seven factors in women’s competition were related to winning. Besides, in knockout rounds, four factors in men’s and six factors in women’s competition were related to winning. Conclusion. The study shows that there is a significant association of important factors with respect to winning a match in an elite beach volleyball championship. The coaches and players can take note of the important factors responsible for winning in the elite beach volleyball championship, with different factors playing an important role in men’s and women’s competition during league and knockout rounds as well.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Ahsan Mardjudo ◽  
Ade Ayu

This research aims to find out the fumigation process (local: roa fish)and the added value of fumigation processing, and knowing the marketing channels for roa fish in Buajangka village, South Bungku District of Morowali regency in Central Sulawesi Province. Data collection in this research was carried out by census method to all people who conduct fumigation of smoked-baffled fish (roa fish) in Buajangka Village. The data were analysis through qualitative and quantitative descriptive approaches. The research results show that technically, the fumigation process for roa fish starts from receiving raw materials, washing, transporting, clamping and fixing clips, structuring, fumigation process, and packaging or packing. The added value generated from the cocoa fumigation business in Buajangka Village, South Bungku District in per bunch of roa fish is Rp. 6,082. The added value generated from the cocoa fumigation business in the study area was relative low with a value added ratio> 50% (40.54%). While the marketing channel of Roa's fish fumigation business sells smoked roa fish products directly to consumers and collectors who come from outside the region such as Kendari, Bungku Tengah, Tentena, Poso and Palu who come directly to the place of roa fumigation.

Saiful wathan Saiful ◽  
Rini Endang Prasetyowati ◽  
Muhammad Anwar

Cayenne pepper is one of the horticultural commodities that can be relied upon to increase farmers' income and state revenue. At first, cayenne pepper was cultivated to meet household consumption needs, namely as vegetables and cooking spices. In addition, cayenne pepper is also consumed by food industry companies that require raw materials for cayenne pepper, for example chili sauce or just a complement to cooking spices. This research was conducted in Suralaga Subdistrict, East Lombok Regency in 2021, from 15 villages 3 villages were taken using a purposive sampling method including Anjani Village, Tebaban Village, Bagek Payung Village, the number of farmers was determined by Quota Sampling as many as 30 people. Proportional Random Sampling and in this study used descriptive methods while data collection was carried out using survey techniques. The objectives of this study are: (1) To determine the costs and income of cayenne pepper farming in Suralaga District, East Lombok Regency. (2) To determine the feasibility of cayenne pepper farming in Suralaga District, East Lombok Regency. (3) To find out the constraints faced by farmers in cayenne pepper farming in Suralaga District, East Lombok Regency. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that: (1) Financially, the production cost of Rawit Chili in Suralaga District, East Lombok Regency is Rp. 12,524,018/LLG and Rp. 25,787,271/Ha. And the production value is Rp.18.691.000/LLG and Rp38.485.244/Ha. (2) Farmer's income obtained is Rp.6.166.982/LLG and Rp.12.697.973 /Ha. From the results of the calculation of the R/C Ratio, a value of Rp. 1.4 is obtained, which is greater than 1. This indicates that the Chili Rawit farming in Suralaga District, East Lombok Regency is feasible.

Bratasena Bratasena ◽  
Junita Henriette

Background : In Indonesia, eclampsia in addition to bleeding and infection is still the main cause of maternal mortality and a high cause of perinatal mortality. Therefore, early diagnosis of preeclampsia, which is a preliminary level of eclampsia, and its handling need to be implemented immediately to reduce maternal and child mortality (Prawiroharjo, 2012). Method : The research design used was case control. Population is the whole object of research. The population in this study were all women who gave birth at Muhammad Sani Karimun Hospital, namely 218 people with the number of preeclampsia incidents of 30 people. The number of cases to be used is 2 (two) times the number of cases, namely 60 people. The analysis used was the Ods Ratio (OR), which is a measure of the association of exposure (risk factors) with the incidence of disease in the risk group (exposed to risk factors) compared to the incidence of disease in the group that is not at risk (not exposed to risk factors). Result : The results of the study, the value of the Prevalence Odds Ratio (POR) = 6,875 with a value of 95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 3,318-12,410. Congclusions : The conclusion of this research is that respondents with high parity are 6.8 times more likely to experience preeclampsia than respondents with little parity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 127
Evita Zuyyina Afianti ◽  
I Ketut Satriawan ◽  
I Wayan Gede Sedana Yoga

Bapak Bakery is one of the bread companies in Bali. This company has never taken productivity measurements. The company only uses the profits of sale production as a benchmark of its success achievement. PT. Bapak Bakery has problem in the field of production, namely lack of availability of raw materials which resulted in hampered production process so that consumer demand could not be fulfilled. The purpose of this study is to measure the level of production productivity, analyze the contribution of productivity ratio component and recommendation for PT. Bapak Bakery productivity improvement. The study uses the Objective Matrix (OMAX) method. In this study there are 5 ratios that are used as criteria in measuring productivity. The ratio is included in the criteria of efficiency, effectiveness and inferentiality. The productivity measurement results show that the lowest productivity index value is in March 2018 which was 175.3 and the highest value obtained was in July which was 501.6. Contribution analysis of productivity ratio component PT. Bapak Bakery who obtained the highest productivity value, namely ratio 1 with value of 830.7 and the lowest productivity value is ratio 3 and 4 with a value of 738. Recommendation of productivity improvement obtained ratio 1 in the amount of Rp. 131.724.436, ratio 2 is Rp 1.830.959 , ratio 3 is 6.471 hours, ratio 4 is Rp 600.064.834 and ratio 5 is 504 hours. Keywords: Bread production, productivity measurement, Objective Matrix (OMAX)

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 1410
Sidi Rana Menggala ◽  
Wouter Vanhove ◽  
Dimas Rahadian Aji Muhammad ◽  
Abdur Rahman ◽  
Stijn Speelman ◽  

This paper focuses on the impact of the geographical indications (GIs) of Koerintji cinnamon on its value chain. The study was performed from September 2017 to November 2017 in Talang Kemuning, Kerinci regency, Indonesia. A village farmers’ group was surveyed using a semi-structured questionnaire, roundtable discussions, interviews, and direct observations to understand whether the GIs improve income, source of production, and promote product quality. Using a descriptive method, the literature on the topic was analyzed, and a value chain study was structured from the review’s findings. This helped us to better understand how GIs’ effects are dispersed among the chain actors and eventually enter the areas from which GI commodities originate. GIs generate added value, especially for farmers and buyers. Specifically, by using the GI Koerintji cinnamon’s handbook of requirements, the efficiency of farmers and buyers has improved. The studied population included farmers from Koerintji Cinnamon Jambi Geographical Indication Protection Society (MPIG-K2J) and Tani Saktik Alam Kerinci (TAKTIK), a farmer group. To obtain a GI, TAKTIK had to implement good agriculture practices and good manufacturing practices based on the handbook. Results show that farmers developed a system to monitor post-harvest handling in assuring a safe and high-quality supply to the global spices market. Following the book requirements, TAKTIK members follow specific procedures, including selecting raw materials, grading, origin verification, and quality control. Furthermore, GIs enable farmers to claim a price premium. As a result, GI Koerintji cinnamon’s presence has added value and credibility to TAKTIK farmers, leading to price improvement.

Wachidatus Sa'adah

The processing is carried out so that the fish and fishery products have added value. The purpose of fish processing is to reduce the water content in the fish body, one way is by making salted fish. The fish that are usually processed into salted fish in Deket District are freshwater fish, namely tilapia fish. The choice of tilapia fish because it is in fresh condition, the price is cheap and if it has been processed into salted fish, it taste good and is very attractive to the community. The purpose of this research was to determine the added value of processing tilapia fish into salted in Weduni Village, Deket District, Lamongan Regency. The method used in this research is quantitative method, and the sampling is done by purposive sample in the fishery product processing group, the name of group is “Dhie RT Dagelan”. The results showed that the added value obtained was Rp. 50.505/kg with a value added ratio of 70,14%             

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