M. O. Levkiv ◽  
O. Ya. Zhyznomirska

Modern medicine is moving to a new level of care, transforming into a patient–oriented model. This situation in the market of medical services leads to a change in approaches in the interaction of doctor and patient, doctor and relatives of the patient, doctor and society. An important role in such interaction is played by emotional intelligence (EQ from English – Emotion Quotient) – which is an understanding of their own and others’ emotions, the ability to constructively express them, to understand the feelings and experiences of others. Today, the doctor faces certain tasks, such as: the ability to establish contact, clearly and understandably convey information to the patient, taking into account the patient’s personality and the circumstances under which the disease occurred, the ability to persuade and become partners in treatment, to build trusted relations. The article considers the features of emotional intelligence of the individual; various scientific approaches (domestic, foreign) to the definition of “emotional intelligence” are analyzed; the connections of the emotional component of the medical employee with the psychological dimension are revealed; the model of emotional intelligence of the personality which is correlated with professional growth of the expert of medical institution is thoroughly outlined. Developing the emotional intelligence of future physicians who are able to empathize, provide quality care, and ensure patient satisfaction with treatment is part of the health care system.

Oleksandr Mozolev

Training future specialist to professional activity is one of the main tasks of higher and professional education. Pedagogical modeling of professional activity is used to determine the content of quantitative and qualitative information, which is necessary for modern researchers to further work, and also directs them to the prospects of career growth. The purpose of the article is to analyse the content of the process of pedagogical projecting of the model of the future specialist. The author established requirements for the training of qualified personnel determine the necessary competences which specialist has to master, his professionally important qualities, necessary in future activity, and also carry out the goal setting of the training process, acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills. It is identified that the competence of future specialists is a set of their competencies, which in turn are classified into key required, without exception to all graduates and professional, appropriate to the particular specialty. The article reveals the content of constructing a model of the future specialist which allows to solve such problems: a description of the specialist's work in the course of its professional activities; identifying inconsistencies between the content of training and specific professional activities of specialists. Requirements are defined as quality standards to the training of future qualified personnel. The list of basic competencies of the future specialist has been set which include: general cultural, methodological, professionally-oriented. The model of the specialist personality is characterized. Disclosed the content of the process modeling of learning outcomes and the algorithm of its development is determined. The definition of the concept «pedagogical design» was offered to reveal the principles and forms of pedagogical design. It is established that pedagogical design is one of the most common types of research. It is considered as an alternative to the classroom system in educational institutions. Project technology should be used as a supplement to other forms of direct or indirect learning as a means of accelerated professional growth of the individual.

Шакирова Сымбатхан

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются определение конфликта, его причины, обосновывается важность его эмоционального компонента. Проанализировано понятие эмоционального интеллекта и его основных характеристик. Представлены результаты пилотажного исследования эмоционального интеллекта студентов и используемые ими стратегии поведения в межличностном конфликте студентов. В статье отмечается актуальность изучения этого вопроса, которая обусловлена растущей напряженностью и конфликтами в социальной и профессиональной сферах жизни человека, а также меняющимися профессиональными требованиями к личности специалиста. Ключевые слова: конфликт, эмоциональный интеллект (EQ), компоненты эмоционального интеллекта, стратегии поведения в конфликте. Аннотация: Макалада чыр-чатактын аныктамасы, анын себептери, анын эмоционалдык компонентинин маанилүүлүгү каралат. Эмоциялык интеллекттин жана анын негизги мүнөздөмөлөрүнүн түшүнүгү талданды. Пилотаждык изилдөөлөрдүн натыйжалар сунушталып студенттердин эмоционалдык интеллектти жана алардын колдонулган стратегиялары көргөзүлөт. Изилдөөнүн актуалдуулугу ушул маселенин төмөнкүлөр менен шартталуусу - өсүп келе жаткан коомдук чыңалуулар жана чыр-чатактарды социалдык жана кесиптик чөйрөдөгү адамдын өмүрүнө, ошондой эле адиске алмашууга дуушар болгон кесиптик талаптар коюлушу. Түйүндүү сөздөр: чыр-чатак, жан акыл (таанып-билүүчүлүк) (EQ), психикалык акыл компоненттери, чыр-чатак стратегиясын жүрүм-туруму. Abstract: The article discusses the definition of conflict, its causes, justifies the importance of its emotional component. The concept of emotional intelligence and its main characteristics is analyzed. The results of the pilot study of emotional intelligence of students and their strategies of behavior in the interpersonal conflict of students are presented. The article notes the relevance of studying this issue, which is due to the growing tensions and conflicts in the social and professional spheres of human life, as well as changing professional requirements to the personality of a specialist. Key words: conflict, emotional intelligence (EQ), components of emotional intelli- gence, conflict behavior strategies.

2010 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 7-20
Francesco Olmastroni

Since the late nineteenth century, the tension generated by the lumping of subjective and personal opinion with objective and common public as a single concept is matter that urged scholars to provide a comprehensive definition of public opinion. This article is intended to trace the history of the modern study of public opinion in political science. It begins with a description of the early theoretical works and their attempts to investigate the mass public through systematic and normative analyses, and then focuses on the individual and psychological dimension examined by contemporary empirical works. The article draws some conclusions on both the main achievements and the most manifested limitations that this branch of political analysis must overcome in order to better understand the relationship between public opinion and democratic governance.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 215-222
Любов Лохвицька

Стаття присвячена висвітленню сутнісного змісту психологічних основ принципу білатерально- емотивної довіри (БЕД) у контексті реалізації особистісно-деонтологічного підходу (ОДП) в моральному  вихованні дітей дошкільного віку. Розкрито ідеологічні постулати зазначеного принципу, якими є вчення  моральних психологів, що представляють американську наукову школу, та доробок українських дослідників.  Запропоновано  новаційне  формулювання  специфіки  принципу  білатерально-емотивної  довіри  (БЕД)  у  моральному  вихованні  дошкільників,  що  базується  на  визначенні  кожного  структурного  компонента.  Конкретизовано обґрунтування довіри, яку розглядаємо через призму морального розвитку особистості в  різних    наукових    підходах:    психосоціального,    соціокультурного,    гуманістичного.    Визначаємо її  багатоаспектність: як базове почуття у структурі особистості, як потребу, як ставлення, як основу  позитивної  Я-концепції;  структуру  та  особливості  становлення  в  період  дошкільного  дитинства.  Здійснено аналіз своєрідності процесу розвитку довірливого ставлення як моральної потреби на етапі  раннього   дошкільного   віку   з   опорою   на  сучасні   дослідження   американського  науковця   Д. Нарваез  (D. Narvaez). Доведено раціональність наукового твердження про врахування «еволюційної ніші розвитку»  (EDN – evolved developmental niche) в оптимізації процесу морального виховання дитини. Щодо поняття  білатеральності, то воно розглядається як двосторонність у взаємодії між дитиною і дорослим (формула  суб’єкт-суб’єктних  взаємин).  Розкрито  місце  емотивного  (як  емоційного)  компонента  у  структурі  принципу білатерально-емотивної довіри (БЕД). Як результат, запропоновано таке авторське тлумачення  принципу білатерально-емотивної довіри: рівноцінне двостороннє емоційне ставлення обох сторін одна до  одної, в основу якого закладено виконання норм моралі. Зроблено висновки про те, що побудова процесу  морального  виховання  дошкільників  з  дотриманням  принципу  білатерально-емотивної  довіри  у  межах  особистісно-деонтологічного  підходу  забезпечить  формування  у  дітей  сукупності  моральних  уявлень,  емоцій та почуттів як основ моральної поведінки. The article is devoted to the coverage of the substantive content of the psychological foundations of the  bilateral and emotional confidence (BEC) principle in the context of the personality-deontological approach (PDA)  implementation in the preschool children’s moral education. The ideological postulates of the principle being  mentioned, which are the studies of moral psychologists representing the American scientific school, and the work  of Ukrainian researchers are outlined. An innovative definition of the principle of the bilateral and emotional  confidence (BEC) specificity in the preschoolers’ moral education is offered. It is based on the definition of each  structural  component.  Substantiation  of  confidence  is  concretized,  which  we  consider  through  the  prism  of  personality’s  moral  development  according  to  different  scientific  approaches:  psychosocial,  socio-cultural,  humanistic, is specified in the article. We define its multidimensionality: as the basic feeling in the structure of the  individual, as the necessity, as an attitude, as the basis of the positive I-conception, the structure and peculiarities  of formation in the period of pre-schooling. The analysis of the process of development peculiarity of a trusting  attitude as a moral need at the stage of early preschool age, based on modern research by American scientist D.  Narvaez, has been analyzed. The reasonabless of the scientific statement concerning the «evolved developmental  niche» (EDN) in optimizing the process of child’s moral education has been proved. Concerning the notion of  bilateralism, we consider it as a two-way interaction between a child and an adult (the formula is of the subject- subjective  relations).  The  place of  emotional  (as  emotional)  component  in  the  structure  of  the  bilateral and  emotional confidence (BEC) principle is revealed. As a result, the following author’s interpretation of the bilateral  and emotional confidence principle is suggested: an equal two-way emotional attitude of both sides to each other,  based on the moral standards implementation. It is concluded that the construction of the process of preschool  children’s moral education with observance of the principle of bilateral and emotional confidence within the limits  of the personal-deontological approach will provide the children’s formation the combination of moral conception,  emotional temper and senses as well as moral behavior foundation among children

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-89
Yevheniy Klopota ◽  
Olena Okolovych ◽  

The article presents definition and structure of emotional intelligence. Herein are described different approaches to study of emotional intelligence by national and foreign scientists in the context of emotions perception, understanding and regulation, empathy, self-control, development of abilities to withstand environmental pressure and study of personal and professional development. Herein is considered definition of “professional competence” of teachers working with inclusive groups. We have determined that the “emotional intelligence” phenomenon could be deemed an indicator of the emotional component of teachers’ professional competence in the context of their personal and professional development. We should emphasize that work of teachers in inclusive groups is full of different nervous situations and factors evoking increased emotional reactions. The emotional component requires special attention in the structure of professional competence of pre-school educational institution teachers working with inclusive groups. Emotions play significant role in their professional activities and it is reflected in the “emotional intelligence” definition. The empirical research according to N. Hall’s Emotional Intelligence Test was conducted and engaged 28 teachers of ‘Zaporozhets’ Pre-school Educational Institution No. 144 of Zaporizhzhia City Council, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, among them: 10 teachers working in inclusive groups, 18 teachers working in general development groups. The research revealed medium and low levels of emotional intelligence as the emotional component of teachers’ professional competence. Mann–Whitney U test has not revealed differences between samples; this fact indicates the necessity to carry out works increasing all teachers’ emotional intelligence. The following steps were proposed in accordance with the obtained results: development and implementation of a program with practical elements, workshops, counseling.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (6) ◽  
pp. 122-126
Lyudmila A. Slesarenko ◽  

This article examines the influence of emotional-volitional sphere of doctor-residents of the Tver state medical University of Minzdrav of Russia (Tugma) on the process of adaptation to labor activity and development of professional medical identity. Undoubtedly, the activities of medical professionals are associated with a high level of tension, not only physically, but also psychologically, morally and emotionally. The work of a medic is closely related to interpersonal communication within the doctor-patient system, in which the emotional component plays an important role. The constructive nature of this interaction determines not only the success and effectiveness of the patient's healing process, but also the level of their quality of life. In this regard, the basic content components that affect the construction of professional identity of medical specialists are described. A psychodiagnostic study was conducted on the basis of the center for psychological support of TvSMU, aimed at establishing the relationship between the level of emotional intelligence and the selection of behavioral coping strategies in residents. The object of the study was residents of the 1st year of study in the number of 203 people. During the analysis and interpretation of the data, it was found that more than seventy percent of residents demonstrate a low level of emotional intelligence, the influence of which affects the choice of problem-oriented coping. Summarizing the results of the psychodiagnostic study, it can be stated that seventy-one percent of respondents experience difficulties in communicating with colleagues and patients, as well as in leveling possible conflict situations. Therefore, it is advisable to develop and conduct specialized socio-psychological training and individual psychological consultations aimed at correcting the adaptive potential of the individual and contributing to the development of the professional identity of residents.

2014 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-56 ◽  
Kerry Mills ◽  
Jennifer Brush

Speech-language pathologists can play a critical role in providing education and intervention to prevent social withdrawal, prevent premature disability, and maximize cognitive functioning in persons with MCI. The purpose of this article is to describe positive, solution-focused educational program that speech-language pathologists can implement with family care partners to improve relationships and provide quality care for someone living with MCI.

2013 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-187
E. S. Burt

Why does writing of the death penalty demand the first-person treatment that it also excludes? The article investigates the role played by the autobiographical subject in Derrida's The Death Penalty, Volume I, where the confessing ‘I’ doubly supplements the philosophical investigation into what Derrida sees as a trend toward the worldwide abolition of the death penalty: first, to bring out the harmonies or discrepancies between the individual subject's beliefs, anxieties, desires and interests with respect to the death penalty and the state's exercise of its sovereignty in applying it; and second, to provide a new definition of the subject as haunted, as one that has been, but is no longer, subject to the death penalty, in the light of the worldwide abolition currently underway.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-42
Елена Старовойтенко

Персонологическая интерпретация текстов предполагает реализацию общенаучных, а также специфических для персонологии, герменевтических установок, к которым относятся: установка на интерпретацию текста как исследование, установка на разнообразие герменевтических действий с текстом, установка на выявление неисследованных содержаний текста, установка на творческое постижение тайн текста, установка на целостное отношение к личности и "Я" автора текста, установка на выявление способности автора быть "практикующим феноменологом", установка на определение места изучаемого текста в континууме текстовых репрезентаций "личности", установка на соотнесение своего понимания текста с другими интерпретациями и их интеграцию, установка на раскрытие сущности авторской "идеи личности", возможное только в единстве интерпретаций, установка на построение и применение герменевтической модели, определяющей процедуру интерпретации как исследования и творчества, установка на определение места проделанного герменевтического поиска в культуре познания и жизни личности, установка на интерпретацию различных видов "текстов личности". Personological interpretation of texts suggests the implementation of the general scientific and also hermeneutical settings specific for Personology which include the setting of the interpretation of the text as a research, setting of a variety of hermeneutical actions with the text, setting to identify unexplored contents of the text, setting of the creative comprehension of the mysteries of the text, setting of the integrity of the attitude of the individual and the "I" of the author of the text, setting to reveal the author's ability to be "practicing phenomenologist", setting of the definition of the place in the text in the continuum of textual representations of the "personality", setting in the correlation of the understanding of the text with other interpretations and their integration, setting of the disclosure of the author's "ideas person" is possible only in the unity of interpretation, setting of the construction and usage of hermeneutical models defining the procedure for the interpretation of both studies and work, the setting to determine the place of hermeneutical research in culture and knowledge of a person's life, setting of the interpretation of various types of "texts of the individual."

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