scholarly journals Blended Learning as a form of Effective Organization of Professional Training of Future Social Workers / Social Pedagogues

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1 (339)) ◽  
pp. 265-279
Yaroslava Yurkiv ◽  

The article reveals some of the most important aspects of the organization of blended learning on the example of training future social workers / social pedagogues. Describes the experience of using Moodle, Microsoft Teams and Zoom in blended learning. There are such aspects as the possibility and features of conducting online lectures and practical classes. The article reveals in detail the technical capabilities of Moodle, Microsoft Teams and Zoom, which were used by teachers and students majoring in 231 "Social Work. Social pedagogy. Practical Psychology ”at the Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University during the period of self-isolation. The presented material allows us to conclude that, despite the urgency and generality of the introduction of blended learning during the pandemic, its organization was well thought out and allowed to effectively organize the educational process.

V. Kovpak ◽  
N. Trotsenko

<div><p><em>The article analyzes the peculiarities of the format of native advertising in the media space, its pragmatic potential (in particular, on the example of native content in the social network Facebook by the brand of the journalism department of ZNU), highlights the types and trends of native advertising. The following research methods were used to achieve the purpose of intelligence: descriptive (content content, including various examples), comparative (content presentation options) and typological (types, trends of native advertising, in particular, cross-media as an opportunity to submit content in different formats (video, audio, photos, text, infographics, etc.)), content analysis method using Internet services (using Popsters service). And the native code for analytics was the page of the journalism department of Zaporizhzhya National University on the social network Facebook. After all, the brand of the journalism department of Zaporozhye National University in 2019 celebrates its 15th anniversary. The brand vector is its value component and professional training with balanced distribution of theoretical and practical blocks (seven practices), student-centered (democratic interaction and high-level teacher-student dialogue) and integration into Ukrainian and world educational process (participation in grant programs).</em></p></div><p><em>And advertising on social networks is also a kind of native content, which does not appear in special blocks, and is organically inscribed on one page or another and unobtrusively offers, just remembering the product as if «to the word». Popsters service functionality, which evaluates an account (or linked accounts of one person) for 35 parameters, but the main three areas: reach or influence, or how many users evaluate, comment on the recording; true reach – the number of people affected; network score – an assessment of the audience’s response to the impact, or how far the network information diverges (how many share information on this page).</em></p><p><strong><em>Key words:</em></strong><em> nativeness, native advertising, branded content, special project, communication strategy.</em></p>

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 232-241
Марина Лапіна

Статтю присвячено проблемам професійного навчання соціальних працівників, зокрема розглянуто психолого-педагогічні аспекти процесу підготовки висококваліфікованих фахівців. Зазначено що в професійній психології та педагогіці набуває поширення компетентнісний підхід до сучасної освіти. Акцентовано увагу на особистісно-орієнтованому та психолого-акмеологічному напрямках професійної освіти та навчання. Особистісні якості фахівця розглядаються як метапрофесійні компетенції, що забезпечують якість праці майбутнього соціального працівника. На основі аналізу специфіки підготовки фахівців соціономічних професій окреслено загальні напрями формування професійних компетенцій соціальних працівників: пріоритет професійно-особистісного розвитку для досягнення високого рівня професіоналізму фахівця; формування психологічної, особистісної та рефлексивної компетентності; практична зорієнтованість процесу навчання. Розглянуто методи та технології активного формування психологічної та особистісної компетентності фахівця в процесі професійного навчання, а саме методика контекстного (знаково-контекстного) навчання та психолого-акмеологічні методи та процедури професійного розвитку. Стверджується, що включення до навчального процесу інноваційних, заснованих на взаємодії педагога та учня, психолого-педагогічних технологій активного навчання має формувати особистісні зони розвитку майбутніх фахівців, удосконалювати способи та засоби професійного становлення, що значно підвищує якість професійного навчання соціальних працівників. The article deals with the problems of vocational training of social workers. They are particularly considered with psychological and pedagogical aspects of training highly qualified specialists. It specifies that competence-based approach to modern education gets spreading in the professional psychology and pedagogy. The article is accented on personality-oriented and psycho-akmeological directions existing in the psychology of professional education and training. Personal qualities of the professional are considered as metaprofessional competences which ensure the future social worker’s quality of work. The general directions of formation professional competence of social workers are identified on the base of the analyses of the specific professional training socionomic professions: priority of vocational and personality development for achievement a high level of professionalism; formation of the psychological, personal and reflective competence; practical orientation of the learning process. The methods and technologies of active formation of psychological and personality’s competence of the specialist during the vocational training are reviewed in the article, specifically the method and technique of signed-contextual learning and psycho-akmeological methods and procedures of professional development. It is alleged that the inclusion in the educational process of preparation innovational, psychological and pedagogical techniques of active learning, based on the interaction between the teacher and the student, should generated personal’s development zones of the future professionals, refine the methods and means of the professional development that significantly improves the quality of social worker’s professional training.

Halyna Mykhailyshyn ◽  
Oksana Protas

For effective forming of creative competence in future social work experts, we suggested using the creative approach to organization of educational process in a higher educational establishment, using the potential of different disciplines in the process of professional training. We clarified the main aspects of shaping of creative competence in future social workers in classroom and outside classroom, as well as main forms of the methodology of such training. The use of the mentioned approaches will give an opportunity to shape creative competence in future social workers for work with gifted children.

Tetyana Semigina ◽  
Tetiana Basiuk

Dr. Iryna Zvereva (1952–2013) was one of the prominent founders of social work and social pedagogy in Ukraine. From 1992 through to 1998 she worked at the State Center of Social Services for Youth, the first professional public social work organization in Ukraine. She became a professor at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the Borys Grinchenko University of Kyiv. She led the development and international recognition of the Ukrainian professional community: under her leadership the Ukrainian Association of Social Educators and Social Work Specialists had joined the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) in 1994. She initiated the elaboration of the National Code of Ethics for Social Workers in accordance with international standards. She worked for the Ukrainian and international organizations that had introduced innovative, pioneer social work practices in Ukraine, and she authored over 200 publications on social work and social pedagogy.

The article is devoted to the description and analysis of the implementation model of modern educational technologies of blended learning in the process of professional training of specialists in foreign languages. These technologies act as a means of stimulating motivation, cognitive independence and activity of students. Their use increases the efficiency of the educational process by changing the models of interaction of its participants. At the same time, students make the transition from traditional passive perception of the material to its active development thanks to the capabilities of the virtual learning environment, which allows them to build their own learning path and consciously master the learning information. The advantage of blended learning is a more appropriate distribution of study time, high adaptability and interactivity, a deeper understanding and analysis of program material by students. The appropriateness of the application of educational technologies of blended learning was analyzed on the example of studying the course "Theory and Practice of Translation of Epistolary Texts (French)" by students of Kazan Federal University. The material for testing was an electronic educational resource developed specifically for the development of this educational discipline. An analysis of the results of the pilot training shows that the introduction of these technologies increases the significance and effectiveness of the educational process due to its individualization and differentiation, and also develops the creative thinking of students, forms their responsibility and ability to self-management.

Andrey Andreev ◽  
Natalia Tikhonskaya

The article considers the problem of involving students in innovative activities in the process of teaching physics. The methodical features of conducting city competition of creative works (the author's form of extracurricular activities of students in teaching physics) on improvement of the physical demonstration experiment are presented and considered. The purpose and conditions of the competition, the directions in which the evaluation of student works is carried out, the criteria for evaluation of works are described. The principal features of this physical and technical creative competition, in contrast to others, are that all interested students of grades 7-11 can become participants, regardless of the level of academic success; Criteria for evaluating student work are, first of all, the degree of development of student creativity (from the ability to only materialize the teacher's idea to the independent formulation of the idea, determining the conditions of the problem and its solution), novelty and degree of scientificity. In addition, it is stated that a special educational competition is the educational environment, which is characterized by humanity and tolerance, while minimizing opportunities for competition between participants from the same class or school. It is due to the observance of these positions that the city competition of creative works demonstrates its high rating among such events and proves its effectiveness from the standpoint of developing students' creative ability during 2010-2020. It is substantiated that the competition proposed and introduced in the educational process of physics in Zaporizhzhia not only plays an important role in activating students’ creative activity in teaching physics, but also is an effective organizational form of professional training of students majoring in 014 Secondary education 014.08 Secondary education (Physics) at Zaporizhia National University. Students, who are future teachers of physics, take an active part in this mass event both as student leaders (consultants) and as organizers of the competition.

The article substantiates the relevance of the implementation of the case study method in the educational process of social workers training, as well as explores the methodological features of its development and implementation in the field of social work. The article defines the concept of “case study”, examines the historical aspect of its development, provides an overview of various classifications, offers recommendations on the methodological support of the educational process using the case study method. Article examines intercommunication of “activity” and “competence” approaches in organization of educational process, it assists to get practical experience of future specialists. For this reason, an educational process should be filled with teaching forms and methods to promote forming the practical abilities and skills. The method of case study plays the special role among of them. The first attempts to use this method were observed in practice of charitable organizations at the end of XIX century in the USA for social workers teaching. With a lack of textbooks and methodical manuals for professional training of specialists, the case study became the primary teaching method that included fixation, discussion, diagnostics of the real case of client. With the passing of the time, after development of the plenty specialized social work literature, case study does not lose the actuality and importance in the American teaching process. The article observes different case study classifications offered in scientific literature, namely: classifications of L. Kottrell, R. Stacke, L. Stenhaus, R. Yin. The typology proposed by R. Yin includes analytical (explanatory) and descriptive type of case study. It should be drawn upon and considered as the most suitable for an educational process within the “activity” and “competence” approach. The attention is focused on requirements to teacher qualifications, qualitative and quantitative structure of students group.

Daria Bybyk

The article defines the algorithm for building the educational environment of the «Social Leadership School – Student» as a factor in the formation of social leadership in the professional training of future social workers, which has a clear logic: presentation of the mission and visit, which provides for informing about the School, its activities, current information for students – future social workers; announcements of news and events, which include coverage of events regarding social leadership, characterization of directions and organizational forms of social leadership, a photo and audio report, an archive of events that took place at the School on these topics. Six consecutive stages of the algorithm for building the educational environment are defined in accordance with the tasks and characterized: the first stage is the definition of the goal of the activity of the Social Leadership School – Student in the context of strategic priorities for taking into account objective world trends in the development of education for social work; the second stage – highlighting the leading idea of the development of the school; the third stage – the definition of values, key directions and scientific approaches to the organization of the School's activities; The fourth stage is the development of directions for achieving the goal and strategic directions for the development of the School; The fifth step is to determine the scale of the transformation; the sixth stage – formation of readiness of all participants in the educational process of the School to form social leadership; the sixth stage – achievement and evaluation of the result – qualitative changes in the system of formation of social leadership of students in the educational process of the «School of Social Leadership – Student». The model of the educational environment of the School of Social Leadership – Student and the structure of its activities are determined in accordance with the normative support for the functioning of the School, which will allow planning the organization and conduct of training programs and activities of the School, in particular in the areas of formation of social leadership; activities on acquisition of leadership skills, development of partnerships. Through the development of the content of selective educational disciplines «Fundamentals of Leadership», «Social Leadership» in the process of training social workers, the formation of the readiness of future social workers for proactive functioning in the informal environment of the «School of Social Leadership – Student» is ensured.


The article is devoted to defining the essence of the concept ‘educational analytics’ as an automated process of collecting, measuring, analyzing and visualizing data about the subjects of educational process in order to improve the educational environment. The algorithms of using educational analytics to control and evaluate the level of professional training of future physical culture teachers in conditions of blended learning as a tool of improvement the education quality are characterised. It has been found that blended learning, based on the use of information and communication technologies, contains a significant amount of digital data of online learning systems and a wide range of intellectual analysis to improve the academic success of both the individual student and the educational process as a whole. The study characterizes the types of combining full-time and e-learning education according to the level of process technologies.  Basic effective strategies of using educational analytics in blended courses for students’ profiling and their academic achievements tracking (timely detection of difficulties in mastering certain content; regulation and control of academic activity; development of an empirical framework for educational programme planning and individual academic and professional development strategies) are identified.  The key objects of educational analytics in blended learning are characterized (student activity in the form of number of course (Web site)visits; time, spent on tasks’ fulfilment; student productivity in forums and chats (number of reactions, argumentation); electronic testing data (number of attempts,  the number of points scored, typical mistakes); the quality of practical tasks’ fulfilment). The author’s algorithm of using tools and strategies for organizing of blended learning and monitoring the level of educational achievements of future physical culture teachers while the course ‘Adaptive Physical Education’ is presented.  The results of empirical research show that blended educational environment provides new approaches and ways to aggregate a wide range of information about students, their academic activity and success, the effectiveness of educational activities in a particular course, the level of mastering the material.  It is emphasized that the use of educational analytics provides an opportunity to predict students’ success and determine the effectiveness of educational courses, and thus allows timely to choose strategies of students’ support and to correct the quality of educational content.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (35) ◽  
pp. 160-180
Myroslava M. Kachur ◽  
Irena A. Dikun ◽  
Myroslava A. Zhyshkovych ◽  
Liudmyla P. Stepanova ◽  
Inna S. Synevych

The objective of this study was to determine whether higher education institutions, teachers and students of the specialization in musical art are prepared to create and use the digital educational space in the educational process. The study involved the following methods: literature review and analysis of the content of official documents of higher educational institutions that provide professional training for music teachers; survey; mathematical methods of data processing; Statistica software package. The research has shown that not all higher educational institutions have the necessary resources to implement learning in the digital education space. Besides, not all higher educational institutions teach subjects that help improve students’ digital literacy. There are also teachers who have difficulties using the digital educational space in the learning process due to lack of digital literacy. The study demonstrated awareness of the importance of using the digital educational space in the education of future music teachers. But, it is necessary to pay attention to improving the digital literacy of all participants in the educational process, as well as provide educational institutions with proper modern recourses, software, hardware and equipment, including also computer music technologies and electronic musical instruments.

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