scholarly journals Personal Agency Features of Younger Adolescents with A High Degree Of Passion for Computer Games

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.14) ◽  
pp. 331
Anna Viktorovna Grishina ◽  
Elena Nikolaevna Volkova

In the era of intensive informatization of society, computer becomes an integral part of the modern life of the younger teenagers. In Russia, the number of children spending time in front of monitors, playing computer games at home or in a computer club, increases every day. According to Entermedia LLC, the percentage of sales of computer games increases by 50% annually. Currently, 23% of the population of Russia plays computer games, at that the minimum age for a computer player is two years.Strengthening polarization regarding children's interest to computer games becomes one of the most important problems. What is meant here is the fact that, on the one hand, there are adolescents, whose interest in computer games is quite sustainable, while, on the other hand, there are also schoolchildren experiencing mild interest or no interest at all to computer games. The relevance of the present work is determined by the social danger of the phenomenon called high passion for computer games, which deforms, and sometimes blocks the development of the most important personal entities [3, 5, 9, 12, 15]. In this regard, the investigation of the features of personal agency in younger adolescents, which is responsible for the self-regulation of behavior and activity of a subject, is of particular importance. 

Rodrigo Elías Zambrano ◽  
Gloria Jiménez-Marín ◽  
Araceli Galiano-Coronil ◽  
Rafael Ravina-Ripoll

The growing number of children who are obese or overweight in certain countries or geographical areas is a fact, as evidenced by the continuous studies and reports on the subject, endorsed or carried out by the World Health Organisation and independent research. In this context, food and beverage advertising can contribute to this. The main objective of this research is to evaluate compliance with the Food and Drink Advertising Code for Children (PAOS Code) in Spain and its relationship with nutritional habits on television, specifically on channels aimed at children. The methodology is therefore mixed: on the one hand, a qualitative technique based on discourse analysis and, on the other, a quantitative technique based on the content analysis of the advertising broadcast for seven consecutive days on three specialised channels and two generalist channels on Spanish television. The results reveal a systematic noncompliance with this code, which translates into inadequate eating habits among children. The immediate conclusion is that 9 out of 10 parts of food and drink advertising do not comply with any of the rules of the PAOS Code and that self-regulation by the advertising companies is negligible and insufficient.

2002 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-215 ◽  
Nicola J. Yelland

This article investigates learning in an out-of-school informal computer club. Particularly, it sought to elucidate information about mathematical learning and understandings that were displayed when children played and interacted in computer-based contexts. It was also concerned with the social processes inherent to game playing and the design features of computer games which appealed to children. The data revealed that mathematical understandings can be promoted and practised in computer games and that the structure and design of the game determined the amount and quality of the interactions that children engage in. Children of all ages preferred games that had a design element and catered for different levels of participation. Additionally, they liked games that had a narrative and adventure context in which activities were situated with some purpose.

Галина Марчук

Анотація. Стаття присвячена аналізу особливостей формування соціальної компетентності дітей дошкільного віку. Проблема соціальної компетентності дошкільнят – одна з найактуальніших. Розв’язання її, з одного боку, допоможе здійснити системний, цілісний підхід до розвитку дитини, з другого – співвіднести цей розвиток з життям. Сучасна система освіти та виховання намагається втілити гуманістичні ідеали виховання досконалої людини, вільної особистості, здатної жити і творчо діяти в умовах змінного соціуму. Виховання такої людини виступає на перший план. Загальні підходи до формування соціальної компетентності дитини визначаються принципами гуманізації виховання – олюдненні виховних стосунків, визнанні цінності дитини як особистості, її значущості в суспільстві, заснованої на усвідомленні своїх зв’язків з оточуючими людьми і в цілому – місця у людстві. Такий підхід відповідає загальній меті виховання – формуванню цілісної, гуманної особистості, орієнтованої на відтворення цінностей національної та загальнолюдської культури у творчій життєдіяльності, саморозвиток і моральну саморегуляцію поведінки. З огляду на це особливої значущості набуває проблема становлення соціальної компетентності старших дошкільників. Оскільки на сучасному етапі розвитку освіти мають місце суперечності між процесом формування соціально-активної особистості та умовами її соціалізації, то перш за все доцільно посилити увагу до підготовки майбутніх вихователів. Зосереджена увага автора на необхідності підготовки майбутніх вихователів до успішної реалізації процесу соціалізації особистості дошкільного віку. Розкрито компоненти готовності майбутніх вихователів до формування соціальної компетентності старших дошкільників, виокремлено педагогічні умови для покращення стану готовності майбутніх вихователів до формування соціальної компетентності старших дошкільників. Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of features social competence formation of the preschool age children. The problem of social competence of preschool children is one of the most topical. On the one hand, the solving of it will help to implement a systematic, holistic approach to child development, on the other - will help to correlate this development with life. The modern system of education and upbringing tries to embody the humanistic ideals of the education of a perfect person, a free personality, to be able to live and act creatively in a changing society. The upbringing of such a person is the main task. General approaches to the formation of social competence of the child are determined by the principles of humanization education - the humanization in education relations, the recognizing the value of the child as a person, its importance in society, based on awareness of their relationships with the other people and in general - its place in humanity. This approach corresponds to the general purpose of the education - the formation of a holistic, humane personality, who is focused on the reproduction of the values of the national and universal culture in the creative life, self-development and moral self-regulation of behavior. In this case, the problem of the social competence formation of the older preschoolers becomes especially important. As at the present stage of the development of the education there are the contradictions between the process of the formation of the socially active personality and the conditions of its socialization, so, first of all, it is necessary to pay more attention to the training of the future educators. The author payed more attention to the necessarity to prepare future educators for their successful implementation to the process of the preschool personality's socialization. The components of readiness of future educators for the formation of social competence of senior preschoolers are revealed, pedagogical conditions for improving the state of readiness of future educators for the formation of social competence of senior preschoolers are singled out. It was discloced the components of future educators readiness for the formation of the social competence in the senior preschoolers , it was separated the pedagogical conditions how to improve the readiness of future educators for the formation of social competence in senior preschoolers.

2003 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-62 ◽  
Robert C. Solomon

Abstract:Should the responsibilities of business managers be understood independently of the social circumstances and “market forces” that surround them, or (in accord with empiricism and the social sciences) are agents and their choices shaped by their circumstances, free only insofar as they act in accordance with antecedently established dispositions, their “character”? Virtue ethics, of which I consider myself a proponent, shares with empiricism this emphasis on character as well as an affinity with the social sciences. But recent criticisms of both empiricist and virtue ethical accounts of character deny even this apparent compromise between agency and environment. Here is an account of character that emphasizes dynamic interaction both in the formation and in the interplay between personal agency and responsibility on the one hand and social pressures and the environment on the other.

T. N. Volkova

The article discusses the play by contemporary playwright Yuri Klavdiev "TheYakuza Dogs." Here is a detailed (but not exhaustive) analysis of the cultural codes. According to the author of the study, the languages of animation, cinema, classical  and  fictional  literature,  computer  games  and  eastern  philosophy  form in the play, a specific "dialect" addressed to its teenage reader. The article emphasizes that a reading teenager is different from a child-reader and an adult reader: their receptive capabilities are largely defined by puberty crisis. On the one hand, in fiction a teenager looks for dynamics and heroics, and, on the other hand, they are eager to face  the  social  reality  fierce  with  its  innumerable  conflicts.  In  the  first  case, the teenagers manifest  themselves  as a  child-reader with  their interest for action and the  struggle  between  good  and  evil.  In  the  second  case,  on  the  contrary, as an adult, since the ability to see the border that separates the tale from life belongs only to a well-formed reader. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 3-17 ◽  
Margareta Baddeley

AbstractHigh-profile decisions of the sports governing bodies and subsequent judicial decisions of the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) in Lausanne, the Swiss Federal Tribunal and, sometimes, the European Court of Human Rights frequently draw wide public attention to the fact that in litigations of the sports world, the decisions of the sports governing bodies will generally be upheld on court appeal. This is due to the extraordinary autonomy that sports governing bodies enjoy under Swiss law, deriving on the one hand from the liberal legislations in Switzerland governing associations and arbitration, and on the other hand, from their equally liberal application by the courts, especially in sports-related cases. While the high degree of self-regulation and arbitration in sports allowed the efficient handling of the increasingly complex activities of international sports and of the ever-rising cases of contention among its stakeholders, it is also necessary to point out the flaws of the resulting situation: for the governing bodies of international sports, self-regulation serves primarily the smooth organization of sports, while the specific interests of the subjects of their rules, in particular those of the lower level sports organizations and of athletes, are of secondary importance or may fall completely by the way-side. By contrast, state and international political and judiciary bodies must weigh the interests and rights of all parties involved when regulating relations or deciding in litigation between private parties, so as to ensure that the essential rights of the weaker parties are respected in all situations. This is a heavy responsibility for courts facing the bulk and the power of international sports governing bodies, foremost the Swiss Federal Tribunal, and to a certain extent also the Swiss legislator.

2000 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 427-441 ◽  

Child development involves both reactive and self-regulatory mechanisms that children develop in conjunction with social norms. A half-century of research has uncovered aspects of the physical basis of attentional networks that produce regulation, and has given us some knowledge of how the social environment may alter them. In this paper, we discuss six forms of developmental plasticity related to aspects of attention. We then focus on effortful or executive aspects of attention, reviewing research on temperamental individual differences and important pathways to normal and pathological development. Pathologies of development may arise when regulatory and reactive systems fail to reach the balance that allows for both self-expression and socially acceptable behavior. It remains a challenge for our society during the next millennium to obtain the information necessary to design systems that allow a successful balance to be realized by the largest possible number of children.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 31-39
K. V. Nastoiashcha

The article is devoted to the life-style designing practices of modern man. Contrary to conventional, traditional, background practices, the practice of living constructions is constructive, transformative practices. They are conditioned by more individual contexts than cultural ones. However, these practices as well as religious practices tend to transcendental, sacred meaning, and therefore often subjective due to the fact that by building a strategy of his life one way or another, the person thus also responds to existential, semiotic issues. Globalization has brought in their adjustments by changing the general vector of these practices, influenced by its main trends – individualization, virtualization, mobility and universalization of culture. And here it is worth mentioning Enghelhard postmaterialization with its emphasis on the quality of life, the protection of the rights and freedoms of the individual, tolerance, the orientation of the modern man to self-development, self-realization, life for life, life for themselves, ecologism, etc. Due to the influence of global trends, modifications of practices, variations of life styles, heterogeneity of culturals capitals of actors are increasing. Globalization and processes associated with it endow sociality with new qualities, new vectors. And this has different consequences. For us, the first changes the practice of life design by expanding the spectrum of choice of activities forms, life styles, life strategies, as well as their intensification and deprivation of social filters in the form of gender, age, social status. Due to the fact that the practices of life-building are becoming more individualistic, subjective, creative, poly-stylistic, often separated from social-traditional life styles, socially necessary scenarios, which, on the one hand, creates a problem and causes social tension, with the second - hides the powerful potential for further transformation of the social system. That is why modern life-building practices are mostly focused on self-employment, not in the context of professional self-realization, in order to generate income, but in the sense of taking on a variety of interesting activities, such as master classes, trainings, trips, clubs of interests, but more so has a leisure and developing character than applied or self-improving. The spread of downshifting practices, the reduction of vertical mobility, the so-called «slow life» and the popularization of practices of «awareness» is due not only to the antithesis of redundancy of alternatives to choice, but also to other factors, in particular the deepening of existential issues for both modern humans and for humanitarian thinking in general, that seems to already have a protective trend – the antithesis to technologization of science and relevant methodologies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 28
Norbert Bátfai

A cikk célja a mesterséges intelligencia kutatásokat az emberi önmegismerés szolgálatába állítani. Ehhez egyrészt filozófiai hátteret biztosítani, másrészt a mesterséges intelligencia társadalmi elfogadottságát megalapozni. Tézisünk, hogy az emberi kultúra fenntartásához és fejlesztéséhez a játékokon és a mesterséges intelligencián keresztül vezet az út. E tézis alátámasztásnak támogatására kísérletet teszünk a szubjektivitás elméletének megalapozására. --- Games and artificial intelligence as the future of culture: an attempt to develop a theory of subjectivity The goal of this paper is to use artificial intelligence research to acquire more extensive knowledge of ourselves. On the one hand, we provide a philosophical background to facilitate this, and on the other hand, we try to improve the social acceptance of artificial intelligence. We argue that the way to maintain and further develop human culture is through gaming and artificial intelligence. In support of this thesis we make an attempt to create a theory of subjectivity. Keywords: artificial intelligence, complexity, entropy, meme, computer games, esport

1970 ◽  
pp. 38-45
May Abu Jaber

Violence against women (VAW) continues to exist as a pervasive, structural,systematic, and institutionalized violation of women’s basic human rights (UNDivision of Advancement for Women, 2006). It cuts across the boundaries of age, race, class, education, and religion which affect women of all ages and all backgrounds in every corner of the world. Such violence is used to control and subjugate women by instilling a sense of insecurity that keeps them “bound to the home, economically exploited and socially suppressed” (Mathu, 2008, p. 65). It is estimated that one out of every five women worldwide will be abused during her lifetime with rates reaching up to 70 percent in some countries (WHO, 2005). Whether this abuse is perpetrated by the state and its agents, by family members, or even by strangers, VAW is closely related to the regulation of sexuality in a gender specific (patriarchal) manner. This regulation is, on the one hand, maintained through the implementation of strict cultural, communal, and religious norms, and on the other hand, through particular legal measures that sustain these norms. Therefore, religious institutions, the media, the family/tribe, cultural networks, and the legal system continually disciplinewomen’s sexuality and punish those women (and in some instances men) who have transgressed or allegedly contravened the social boundaries of ‘appropriateness’ as delineated by each society. Such women/men may include lesbians/gays, women who appear ‘too masculine’ or men who appear ‘too feminine,’ women who try to exercise their rights freely or men who do not assert their rights as ‘real men’ should, women/men who have been sexually assaulted or raped, and women/men who challenge male/older male authority.

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