scholarly journals Polsko-litewskie dziedzictwo kulturowe – różnice w świadomości społecznej. Perspektywy zbliżenia dzięki wspólnym bohaterom narodowym na przykładzie Michała Kleofasa Ogińskiego

2021 ◽  
pp. 231-261
Małgorzata Gumper

The uncomfortable situation of Poles in Lithuania is, among other things, the effect of Lithuanian historical education. Excerpts from the textbook on the history of Lithuania show diametrical differences in contemporary ideas about the past of both nations. Shared heroes are useful to overcome prejudices of the previous century (which affect the image of 1385-1795). One of them is Michał Kleofas Ogiński, Lithuanian nobleman, a political activist during the last years of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and two decades after its collapse. He has the rank of a great national hero in Lithuania and Belarus but is valued in Poland above all because of his piano compositions. The analysis of fragments of his work Memoirs about Poland and Poles helps us to regard a representative of the noble nation from a different perspective. It makes us aware of the cohesion of Polish and Lithuanian national identity at the turn of the 19th century, helps us to appreciate the heritage of the past and offers a chance to build positive relations between us. Rectifying a distorted vision of history is a prospect for a mature partnership now and in the future.

2020 ◽  
pp. 217-248
Roma Bončkutė

SOURCES OF SIMONAS DAUKANTAS’S BUDĄ SENOWĘS-LËTUWIÛ KALNIENÛ ĨR ƵÁMAJTIÛ (1845) The article investigates Simonas Daukantas’s (1793–1864) BUDĄ Senowęs-Lëtuwiû Kalnienû ĩr Ƶámajtiû (The Character of the Lithuanian Highlanders and Samogitians of the Old Times, 1845; hereafter Bd) with regards to genre, origin of the title, and the dominant German sources of the work. It claims that Daukantas conceived Bd because he understood that the future of Lithuania is closely related to its past. A single, united version of Lithuanian history, accepted by the whole nation, was necessary for the development of Lithuanian national identity and collective feeling. The history, which up until then had not been published in Lithuanian, could have helped to create the contours of a new society by presenting the paradigmatic events of the past. The collective awareness of the difference between the present and the past (and future) should have given the Lithuanian community an incentive to move forward. Daukantas wrote Bd quickly, between 1842 and May 28, 1844, because he drew on his previous work ISTORYJE ƵEMAYTYSZKA (History of the Lithuanian Lowlands, ~1831–1834; IƵ). Based on the findings of previous researchers of Daukantas’s works, after studying the dominant sources of Bd and examining their nature, this article comes to the conclusion that the work has features of both cultural history and regional historiography. The graphically highlighted form of the word “BUDĄ” used in the work’s title should be considered the author’s code. Daukantas, influenced by the newest culturological research and comparative linguistics of the 18th–19th centuries, propagated that Lithuanians originate from India and, like many others, found evidence of this in the Lithuanian language and culture. He considered the Budini (Greek Βουδίνοι), who are associated with the followers of Buddha, to be Lithuanian ancestors. He found proof of this claim in the language and chose the word “būdas” (character), which evokes aforementioned associations, to express the idea of the work.

2020 ◽  
Benjamin Wilkie

People have been visiting and living in the Victorian Grampians, also known as Gariwerd, for thousands of generations. They have both witnessed and caused vast environmental transformations in and around the ranges. Gariwerd: An Environmental History of the Grampians explores the geological and ecological significance of the mountains and combines research from across disciplines to tell the story of how humans and the environment have interacted, and how the ways people have thought about the environments of the ranges have changed through time. In this new account, historian Benjamin Wilkie examines how Djab wurrung and Jardwadjali people and their ancestors lived in and around the mountains, how they managed the land and natural resources, and what kinds of archaeological evidence they have left behind over the past 20 000 years. He explores the history of European colonisation in the area from the middle of the 19th century and considers the effects of this on both the first people of Gariwerd and the environments of the ranges and their surrounding plains in western Victoria. The book covers the rise of science, industry and tourism in the mountains, and traces the eventual declaration of the Grampians National Park in 1984. Finally, it examines more recent debates about the past, present and future of the park, including over its significant Indigenous history and heritage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-114
Domenico Francesco Antonio Elia

The paper analyses the origins of Italian national identity in opposition to the «otherness» of the African peoples subject to colonization between the end of the 19th century and the 1920s. The paper takes into consideration background studies in the history of pedagogy, among which, Gabrielli (2013, 2015) and colonial studies as Del Boca (1988) and Labanca (2002) in order to investigate the development of racial stereotypes outside the school. Racial stereotyping increased in advertising and emerged in trademark images of Italian companies so that it influenced the idea of otherness between 1890 – i.e. the conquest of Eritrea – and 1922 – i.e. the advent of Fascism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 100-117
Danielle Bainbridge

The public autopsies of 19th-century enfreaked performers remains a central issue in studies of 19th-century enslavement. While previously black performance studies focused on the instability of the historical past tense, the study of freak shows and enslavement dictates a reckoning with the future perfect tense, which sheds light on the history of the future by asking “what will have been” rather than “what was” or “what could have been.”

2004 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 284-294
René Bloch

AbstractStrabo's history of Judaism (Geography 16.2.35ff.), which is most probably copied from Posidonius, focuses less on the past which is idealized than on the present which is criticized—as is common in descriptions of a "golden age" which later deteriorates. The Posidonian thought that the Jewish religion declined made its way into Tacitus' mostly hostile ethnography of Judaism. Modern scholars, especially in the 19th century, when commenting on Posidonius and Tacitus sympathized from a quite different perspective with that very idea of a Jewish decline.

1978 ◽  
Vol 133 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-183
J. L. T. Birley

I am not a historian, a mere dabbler in history, but the figures of the past have always intrigued me. Psychiatry lives in the shadow of the 19th century, both in terms of its architecture and of its theories. It is not too difficult to give oneself déjà vu feelings about psychiatry, and to see its ‘progress' as a circular tour. But what of it ? In that way we revisit all sorts of old friends, provided we meet them as they really were, and not as dusty images, mouldering statues, ancient deities or foolish fond old men.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Julian Kitchen ◽  
Diana Petrarca

While teacher education has changed dramatically over the years, educators, policy-makers and the general public are largely unaware of the history of teacher preparation in the province. This history, beginning in the 19th century, tells the story of increasing professionalism over the years as Ontario adapted its system to meet a rising demand for elementary and secondary education. It is a story of authority over education, as teacher training under provincial direction became teacher education in universities, and as accreditation shifted to the Ontario College of Teachers. It is a story of reform, and the limits of reform, in the preparation of teachers for a diverse and changing world. By better understanding the history of teacher preparation in the past, we may gain insight into the present situation and imagine a better future for teacher education in Ontario.

Евгения Константиновна Макаренко

Введение. Становление исторической прозы для детей и юношества в русской литературе началось в первой трети XIX в. и было вызвано стремительным развитием отечественной историографии. Детской писательнице А. О. Ишимовой принадлежит заслуга создания первого адаптированного для детей исторического труда. Принцип художественного осмысления прошлого, фактический материал, концепция истории отечества были заимствованы Ишимовой из «Истории государства Российского» Карамзина. В своей «Истории России в рассказах для детей» писательница заложила жанровые доминанты нового документально-художественного рода сочинений в детско-юношеской литературе, среди которых можно выделить познавательную и нравственно-назидательную цели исторического труда; выбор политической идеологии, которой подчиняется концепция отечественной истории; опору на разные исторические источники, в числе которых важное место занимает современная историография; художественное осмысление прошлого, психологизацию исторического материала; включение фольклорных и авторских литературных текстов; диалогизацию монологического текста в форме обращений и вопросов к адресату и др. Цель – анализ поэтики исторического повествования, а также представленной концепции русской истории в исторических произведениях для детей А. О. Ишимовой и Е. Поселянина. Исследование продолжает необходимую работу в области изучения произведений второго ряда литературы и позволяет определить принципы формирования детско-юношеской исторической прозы XIX – начала XX в. Материал и методы. Дается анализ исторической книги для детей и юношества Е. Поселянина «Сказание о святых вождях Земли Русской». Исследование написано в русле сравнительно-исторической поэтики. Результаты и обсуждение. Созданное Л. Тихомировым государственно-правовое учение о монархическом принципе власти повлияло на идеологическую составляющую исторической книги для детей и юношества Е. Поселянина «Сказание о святых вождях Земли Русской». Поселянин описывает историю Древней Руси и затрагивает современную ему Российскую империю, основываясь на концепции о присущей природе российской государственности модели православной самодержавной монархии. В период обострившегося социально-политического кризиса в конце XIX – начале XX в., когда актуализировалась проблема переоценки российской государственности и общества, а также определялись перспективы развития России в контексте общеевропейских тенденций, Поселянин утверждает ценность и самодостаточность российской государственности, декларирует идею особого пути России. Заключение. Большинство сказаний о русских князьях Е. Поселянина представляют собой переложение их жизнеописаний, взятых из летописей, Четьих-Миней святителя Димитрия Ростовского, Пролога, древнерусских поучений, сказаний, воинских повестей, а также научных трудов историков XIX в. Разнообразие источников, ориентация как на древнерусский жанр исторического сказания, так и на современные писателю мемуарно-биографические жанры обусловили жанровое своеобразие «Сказания...», в котором житийные повести перемежаются с историко-биографическими очерками о русских князьях и святых, объединенных общим повествованием о трагических и героических событиях древнерусской истории. В «Сказании...» Поселянина сочетаются эпическое начало, лиризм и очерковость. Introduction. The development of historical prose for children and youth in Russian literature began in the first third of the 19th century and was caused by the rapid development of Russian historiography, which began with the publication of N. M. Karamzin. The children’s writer A. O. Ishimova is credited with creating the first historical work adapted for children. The principle of artistic comprehension of the past, factual material, the concept of the history of the fatherland was borrowed by Ishimova from Karamzin’s “History of the Russian State”. In her History of Russia in Stories for Children, the writer laid down the genre dominants of a new documentary-artistic kind of works in children’s and youth literature, among which one can single out the cognitive and moral-edifying goals of historical work; the choice of political ideology to which the concept of national history is subject; reliance on various historical sources, among which modern historiography occupies an important place; artistic comprehension of the past, psychologization of historical material; inclusion of folklore and author’s literary texts; dialogization of a monologue text in the form of addresses and questions to the addressee, etc. Aim and objectives. Analysis of the poetics of historical narration, as well as the presented concept of Russian history in historical works for children by A. O. Ishimova and E. Poselyanin. This study continues the necessary work in the field of studying the works of the second series of literature and allows us to determine the principles of the formation of children’s and youth’s historical prose of the XIX – early XX centuries. Material and methods. The article analyzes the historical book for children and youth by E. Poselyanin “On the holy leaders of the Russian Land”. The study is written in the mainstream of comparative historical poetics. Results and discussion. The state-legal doctrine of the monarchical principle of power created by L. Tikhomirov influenced the ideological component of the historical book for children and youth by E. Poselyanin “The Legend of the Holy Leaders of the Russian Land”. The villager describes the history of Ancient Rus and touches on the contemporary Russian Empire, based on the concept of the inherent nature of Russian statehood, the model of an Orthodox autocratic monarchy. During the aggravated socio-political crisis at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, when the problem of reassessing Russian statehood and society was actualized, and the prospects for the development of Russia in the context of general European trends were determined, Poselyanin affirms the value and self-sufficiency of Russian statehood, declares the idea of a special path for Russia. Conclusion. Most of the legends about the Russian princes E. Poselyanin are transcriptions of their biographies taken from the chronicles, the Chetykh-Minei of St. Demetrius of Rostov, the Prologue, Old Russian teachings, legends, military tales, as well as scientific works of historians of the 19th century. A variety of sources, an orientation both to the ancient Russian genre of historical legends and to the contemporary memoir and biographical genres of the writer determined the genre originality of the Legend, in which hagiographic stories are interspersed with historical and biographical sketches about Russian princes and saints, united by a common narrative about the tragic and heroic events of ancient Russian history. The Peasant’s Tale combines an epic beginning, lyricism and essayism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (33) ◽  
pp. 197-211
Yara Altez

Se presentan aquí resultados de una investigación documental sobre la historia de una antigua hacienda de cacao fundada a principios del siglo XVII en la costa central venezolana, llamada originalmente Tuasana. Fue una hacienda trabajada por esclavizados que permanecieron asentados allí incluso abolida la esclavitud en 1854, mientras que sus descendientes todavía residen en el lugar, hoy llamado Todasana. A finales del siglo XIX, un grupo de mujeres cambió el apellido que les había impuesto la administración de la hacienda desde inicios del siglo XVIII. Fue una valiente decisión, pero al no transmitirse a la descendencia, dejó en el olvido al pasado de la esclavitud y a sus ancestros. De ellos nadie habla hoy, así como nadie refiere a la importante decisión de aquellas mujeres de Todasana. Abstract: The results of a documentary investigation on the history of an old cocoa farm founded in the early seventeenth century on the Venezuelan central coast, originally called Tuasana, are presented here. It was a farm worked by enslaved who remained seated there even abolished slavery in 1854, while their descendants still reside in the place, today called Todosana. At the end of the 19th century, a group of women changed the last name that had been imposed on them by the administration of the hacienda since the beginning of the 18th century. It was a brave decision, but not being transmitted to the offspring, he left the past of slavery and his ancestors in oblivion. Nobody talks about them today, just as nobody refers to the important decision of those women in Todasana.

Gesnerus ◽  
1994 ◽  
Vol 51 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 84-100
Josef M. Schmidt

After an enormous spread in the United States of America during the 19th century homeopathy had almost completely vanished from the scene by the beginning of the 20th century. For the past two decades, however, it seems once again to experience a kind of renaissance. Major aspects of this development—in terms of medical and cultural history, sociology, politics, and economics—are illustrated on the basis of a general history of homeopathy in the United States. Using original sources, a first attempt is made to reconstruct the history of homeopathy in San Francisco which has some institutional peculiarities that make it unique within the whole country.

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