scholarly journals Lexical and semantic features of the names of herbaceous plants in dialects of the Khanty language

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 400-410
Fedosia M. Lelkhova

Introduction. The vocabulary of the plant world of the Khanty language contains a significant amount of information, closely connected with ethno-mentality, ethnography and thinking of the people. In this regard, the study of vegetation seems to be one of the most interesting layers of the vocabulary, since it reflects the degree of practical and cultural development of the surrounding nature. The purpose of the article is to establish the lexical and semantic features of the nominations of wild-growing herbs, the definition of dialectal features. The aim of the research is to identify the nominations of herbs with the greatest possible completeness, to establish the lexical meaning of each name in dialects of the language. The relevance of the topic is determined by the research interest to the study of differences between the dialects in the theoretical and practical terms; the attention recently been paid to folk spiritual and material culture; and the loss of certain plant names in the modern Khanty language. Materials and Methods. The study uses a set of methods and techniques for analyzing linguistic material: the method of semantic classification, lexical-semantic analysis, word-formation, linguistic-geographical analysis, as well as the elements of etymological analysis. The description is the main method for studying names of the plants. The source of the material is based on the vocabulary of the Khanty language, which was collected during field work; the source of Eastern dialects was the materials contained in lexicographic publications. When collecting the lexical material, the observation was conducted mainly on the speech of representatives of the older generation, as well as the people who have a traditional way of life, who retain the patterns of active spoken language. At the same time, not only facts that are in the active vocabulary of speakers were recorded, but also the words related to the passive vocabulary, which native speakers use only in conversations and sharing the memories of the past. Results and Discussion. The study of dialectal material based on the names of plants in the Khanty language is of great research interest. The life of the Khanty people since ancient times is closely connected with nature, the vocabulary of the plant world covers almost all spheres of economic activity of the Khanty, thereby making up a significant part of their vocabulary. In Khanty linguistics, this vocabulary has not yet been the subject of a special and detailed study, which makes it an urgent research task for today. The article identifies the signs that underlie the motivation of plant names and highlights the borrowed words. Conclusion. The collected vocabulary tells about the richness and vastness of phytonymic vocabulary of the Khanty language. The authors collected about 50 Khanty names of wild herbaceous plants in the Northern and Eastern dialects of the Khanty language. As a result of the research, new lexemes were identified and described, and the interpretation of the semantics of lexemes was clarified. Late borrowings of Russian origin are recorded. It was found that some dialect words are not actively used in the modern Khanty language. In flora vocabulary, the diversity and multiplicity of the nomination principles was revealed.

Muazzama Foziliya ◽  

This article discusses the study of phraseology, one of the most interesting fields of study in world linguistics. Research in Uzbek and Turkish linguistics has been commented on. In Uzbek linguistics, attention is paid to the issue of grouping according to the meaning, lexical, methodological and semantic features of phraseology, and some shortcomings are discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on the semantic classification of phraseologies, the interpretation of complex phrases. It is explained by the scientific views of Turkish linguists on phraseology, the terms “idiom”, “expression”. It is also argued that the common features of phraseology in all languages of the world are the same, and in the language of writers the use of phraseology to give national identity. Lexical-semantic analysis of phraseologies and phrases refers to the national language, which reflects similarities in the worldview, religion and customs of the speaking population. At the same time, the phraseology used in the Ottoman period in the Turkish language was analyzed lexically and semantically. For this purpose, the author Rashod Nuri Guntekin’s novels “Choliqushi” (“Çalıkuşu”), “The Enemy of a Woman” (“Bir Kadin Düşmanı”) were chosen as a source. In his novels, Rashod Nuri Guntekin notes that the protagonists used a lot of rhetoric to ensure nationalism in their speech, and that no other can be used in their place. Praising the author’s writing skills, the phraseology in his novels is analyzed lexically and semantically based on certain components. Accordingly, the expressions used by the author in the two works are classified according to a certain system. Author Rashod Nuri Guntekin’s novels, on the other hand, contain a variety of components. Turkish writer Rashod Nuri Guntekin’s novels “Cholikushi” and “The Enemy of a Woman” often use the phrase “Allah” and are used by the author to express various meanings.

Kovbasyuk L.A.

Мета нашого дослідження полягає в багатоаспектному вивченні утворення іменників-композитів німецької мови під час пандемії COVID-19, в аналізі їхньої структури, семантики та семантичних трансформацій. Для досягнення цієї мети необхід-но вирішити такі завдання: 1) скласти корпус композит, 2) вивчити їхні структурно-семантичні ознаки, 3) визначити наявні семантичні трансформації одиниць дослідження.Методи. Методологічною основою нашого дослідження є: 1) метод суцільної вибірки для складання корпусу композитів, 2) метод історичного дослідження для встановлення типу та структури композиту, 3) метод семантичного аналізу для висвіт-лення семантики композита, 4) концептуальний аналіз для визначення семантичних трансформацій.Результати. Словоскладання є одним із найпродуктивніших способів словотворення німецької мови. У сучасній німецькій мові є такі різновиди написання композит: разом згідно з класичною граматикою, через дефіс (и), кожний компонент із великої літери або окремо та з великих літер як в англійській мові. Аналіз відібраних композит дав змогу визначити тенденції у пло-щині словоскладання під час пандемії COVID-19: 1) словоскладання є продуктивним для утворення німецьких іменників, найпродуктивнішою моделлю композита є двокомпонентна структура N. + N; 2) складовими компонентами німецьких компо-зит є запозичення з англійської, грецької, італійської (латинської) та французької мов; 3) важливу роль у процесах утворення нових композитів відіграють префіксоіди та префікси; 4) словоскорочення є складовим компонентом багатьох композит у часи пандемії коронавірусу. У роботі виявлено такі типи композит: 1) детермінативні композити, 2) бахувріхі, 3) контамінації, 4) зрощення. Детермінативні композити утворюють найбільшу групу в корпусі нашого дослідження. Більша частина новітніх композитів є неологізмами. У проаналізованому корпусі представлені як композити з прямим значенням, так і композити, які є концептуальними метафорами або метоніміями, оказіональними утвореннями.Висновки. Проведене дослідження дало змогу встановити основні тенденції словоскладання в німецькій мові під час пан-демії коронавірусу. Композити проаналізовано з урахуванням їхньої структури та семантики. Перспектива майбутніх дослі-джень полягає у всебічному контрастивному аналізі композит у сучасній німецькій та сучасній українській мовах, аналізі використання композит у процесі навчання іноземної мови. Purpose. This article deals with German compounding as one of the most productive forms of word formation of nouns in the time of the coronavirus pandemic. This article aims to take into account the types of compounding, to determine the structural-semantic characteristics of compounds, and to describe existing semantic transformations. It is necessary to solve the following tasks: 1) to compose a corpus of composite, 2) to study their structural and semantic features and 3) to determine the existing semantic transformations of research units.Methods. The methodological framework of our empirically supported study includes text analysis for the preparation of the list of compounds, the methods of historical word formation research to research the type of compounding and the structure of the compound words, the semantic analysis for determining the meaning of the selected compounds and the conceptual analysis to determine their semantic transformations.Results. Word formation is one of the most productive ways of word building in German language. In modern German compound words are written: together according to classical grammar, through a hyphen (s), each component with a capital letter or separately and with capital letters as in English.The analysis of the compound words made it possible to determine some tendencies of compounding in a coronavirus pandemic: 1) compounding is particularly productive in the noun area, the most productive is the two-part structure N. + N.; 2) the compounds contain borrowings from English, Greek, Italian (Latin) and French as constituents; 3) prefixoids and prefixes become an important part of the formation of new compounds; 4) many compounds of the coronavirus pandemic have different types of short words as a constituent. We distinguish between the following types of compounds: 1) determinative compounds, 2) possessive compounds, 3) contamination, and 4) phrasal compounds. Determinative compounds form the largest group. Most compounds are neologisms. In our corpus, there are both compounds with a direct meaning as well as compounds that are conceptual metaphors or metonymies, occasional words.Conclusions. The study has shown at a glance which tendencies are present in German compounding during a coronavirus pandemic period. The compound words have been analyzed from their structure and their semantics. The perspective of future research lies in the versatile contrastive analysis of the compounds in contemporary German and contemporary Ukrainian; in the sensible use of compound words in foreign language teaching.

Soshko O.H.

Purpose. The main purpose of this paper is to interpret and differentiate the types of metaphorization mechanisms in Ukrainian, German and English phraseological units, which characterize positive intellectual abilities of a person, as well as to identify their common and distinctive features since one of the main characteristics of phraseological systems of different languages is the unity of general and special. Based on this goal and the general task of anthropocentric phraseology – the study of the ratio of linguistic and extralinguistic meanings, the existing definitions of phraseological units in languages are investigated, and the phraseological meaning is considered as an object of linguistic research. Phrasemes, or phraseological units, are studied in different directions. The study of them as units reflecting the human factor in any language remains relevant in recent decades. Metaphor is also in the focus of modern linguistics because of its relationship between linguistic phenomena and perception, memory and thinking, acquisition and application of human knowledge and experience.Methods. Since phraseological units are also studied in linguistic and linguocultural aspects, a complex research methodology is used here. According to the set goal and specific tasks, such basic methods as descriptive, comparative, component analysis were used.Results. The research findings are as follows: the author suggests a general classification of the mechanisms of metaphorization in phraseological units taking into account the components of their inner form. The models of phraseological units are highlighted, which are based on different types of metaphorical rethinking. The proposed classification can be used to study the semantic features of phraseological units using the material of different languages, as well as for their further correct ideographic separation.Conclusions. In the studied languages phrasemes with metaphorical rethinking form a rather large group. Many of them have a fairly transparent structure of meaning, the motivation of which is based on broad connotations known to almost any native speaker. The research objective includes identifying semantic similarities and differences between phraseological units of languages studied. The connection of phraseological units with the cultural code is preserved in the collective subconscious memory of native speakers. Phraseologisms, reflecting in their semantics the long process of people’s cultural development, fix and transmit cultural attitudes and archetypes, standards and stereotypes from generation to generation.Key words: phraseological unit/phraseme, idiom, metaphor, metaphorization, structural-semantic analysis, inner form. Мета. Основна мета дослідження – це інтерпретувати та диференціювати типи механізмів метафоризації в українських, німецьких та англійських фразеологізмах, які характеризують позитивні інтелектуальні здібності людини, а також виявити їх спільні та відмінні риси, адже однією з основних характеристик фразем різних мов виступає єдність загального і специфічного. Виходячи із цієї мети і спільного завдання антропоцентричної фразеології, що полягає у вивченні співвідношення мовних та екстралінгвістичних значень, досліджуються мовні визначення фразеологізмів у мові, а фразеологічне значення розглядається як об’єкт лінгвістичного дослідження. Вивчення фразем відбувається за різними напрямками. Вивчення їх як одиниць, що відбивають людський фактор в будь-якій мові, залишається актуальним в останні десятиліття. Метафора також знаходиться в центрі уваги сучасної лінгвістики через її взаємозв’язок між мовними явищами і сприйняттям, пам’яттю і мисленням, надбанням і застосуванням людських знань і досвіду.Методи. Оскільки фразеологічні одиниці розглядаються в лінгвістичному і лінгвокультурному аспектах, використовується комплексна дослідницька методологія. Згідно з поставленою метою та конкретними завданнями використовувалися такі основні методи, як описовий, зіставний, а також метод компонентного аналізу.Результати. Автор пропонує загальну класифікацію механізмів метафоризації у фразеологічних одиницях, що вивчаються з урахуванням компонентів їхньої внутрішньої форми. Виділено моделі фразеологізмів, засновані на різних типах метафоричного переосмислення. Запропонована класифікація може бути застосована для вивчення семантичних особливостей фразеологізмів на матеріалі різних мов, а також для їх подальшого правильного ідеографічного розподілу.Висновки. У досліджуваних мовах фраземи з метафоричним переосмисленням утворюють досить велику групу. Багато з них мають досить прозору смислову структуру, мотивація якої заснована на широких конотаціях, відомих практично кожному носію мови. У завдання дослідження входило виявлення семантичних подібностей і відмінностей між фразеологізмами мов. Зв’язок фразеологізмів із культурним кодом зберігається в колективній підсвідомій пам’яті носіїв мови. Фразеологізми, що відображають в своїй семантиці тривалий процес культурного розвитку людей, фіксують та передають культурні установки й архетипи, стандарти і стереотипи з покоління в покоління.Ключові слова: фразеологічна одиниця/фразема, ідіома, метафора, метафоричне переосмислення, структурно-семантичний аналіз, внутрішня форма.

Сафият Крымовна Кубашичева ◽  
Асият Асланбечевна Хатхе

Рассматриваются актуальные структурные модели словообразования и экстралингвистические факторы развития лексической системы английского языка. Использование структурно-семантического анализа позволяет выделить группу новых терминов экономической и финансовой сферы; посредством лингвистического анализа определяются неологизмы, образованные продуктивными способами словосложения. Словообразовательный анализ демонстрирует прагматический аспект новообразований, которые содержат дополнительные стилистические коннотации. Полученные данные способствуют достижению более высокого уровня ментальной адекватности перевода специальных текстов и актуализируют дальнейшие разработки переводческих концепций. Теоретическая значимость и практическая ценность работы заключается в осмыслении общетеоретических представлений и дефиниций, систематизации знаний о структурно-семантических особенностях новой терминологической лексики, а также в возможности использовать результаты исследования английского словообразовательного потенциала на курсах лекций по лексикологии, теории и практике перевода. This work explores current structural models of word formation and extralinguistic factors of the development of the Lexical System of the English language. The use of structural and semantic analysis makes it possible to identify a group of new economic and financial terms; through linguistic analysis, neologisms formed by productive ways of making words are defined. Word-forming analysis demonstrates the pragmatic aspect of neologisms that contain additional stylistic connotations. The findings contribute to a higher level of mental adequacy of translation of special texts and update further development of translation concepts. The theoretical significance and practical value of the work lies in the comprehension of general theoretical ideas and definitions, the systematic knowledge of the structural and semantic features of the new terminological vocabulary, as well as the ability to use the results of the study of English word-forming potential in courses in lexicology, theory and practice of translation.

Neophilology ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 49-58
Svetlana V. Kalinina

The subject of this study is the structural and semantic organization of oil sphere abbreviations. The process of abbreviation is considered in accordance with the principle of language economy in the rapidly growing industry vocabulary in response to the development of the oil and gas industry that indicates the relevance of the work. The aim is to study abbreviations’ formation specifics in the language for special purposes. The aim requires the following tasks to be solved: identification of patterns of abbreviations’ formation within the industry vocabulary and their classification by structural and semantic features. The terminological sample for the article is compiled by the method of continuous viewing of modern periodicals, highly specialized literature and corporate glossaries. The presented structural and semantic models of abbreviations, revealed on the basis of the sample analysis, determine the novelty of the study. The methods of this work include observation, description, structural and semantic analysis, quantitative processing of material as an element of statistical analysis of data processing. It is shown that abbreviations in the sublanguage are the basis for word-formation processes, they facilitate professional communication in the light of multicomponent terms dominance and function as full-fledged units of the industry term system. The conclusion is made regarding the place of abbreviations within the oil sphere terminology. As a result of the study, a glossary of English-language abbreviations of industry terminology was compiled, which is of interest to novice translators.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
pp. 86-101
B. Kassym ◽  

The article examines the role of word formation semantics for cognitive language research, for studying the cognitive model, the picture of the world. Based on the material of the modern Kazakh language, a semantic and cognitive analysis of etymologically related Turkic languages ​​with the root: КӨЗ, КӨРУ is carried out. Semantics plays an important role in the nominative process, which captures the peculiarities of human perception of the world, the specifics of the cultural and historical experience of a given nation. Cognitive-semantic models formed by these verbs represent cognitively highlighted fragments of the surrounding reality, fixed in the human mind. In derived words (motivated on a given synchronous slice of the language, preserving their internal form), such conceptual information is expressed explicitly. The analysis revealed the specific semantic features of these verbs, including fixing and active perception. As you know, in all languages, the semantic spectrum of the verbs of visual perception is wider than that of other verbs of perception, because “it is visual perception that is the most active way of understanding and understanding the world.

Muazzama Foziliya ◽  

This article discusses one of the most interesting scientific disciplines in world linguistics, the study of phraseology. Research in Uzbek and Turkish linguistics has been commented on. In Uzbek linguistics, attention is paid to the issue of grouping according to the meaning, lexical, methodological and semantic features of phraseology, and some shortcomings are discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on the semantic classification of phraseologies, the interpretation of complex phrases. It is explained by the scientific views of Turkish linguists on phraseology, the terms “idiom”, “expression”. It is also argued that the common features of phraseology in all languages of the world are the same, and in the language of writers the use of phraseology to give national identity. Lexical-semantic analysis of phraseologies and phrases refers to the national language, which reflects similarities in the worldview, religion and customs of the speaking population. At the same time, the phraseology used in the Ottoman period in the Turkish language was analyzed lexically and semantically. For this purpose, the author Rashod Nuri Guntekin’s novels “Çalıkuşu” (Cholikushi), “Bir Kadin Düşmanı” (An Enemy of a Woman) were chosen as a source. In his novels, Rashod Nuri Guntekin notes that the protagonists used a lot of rhetoric to ensure nationalism in their speech, and that no other can be used in their place. Praising the author’s writing skills, the phraseology in his novels is analyzed lexically and semantically based on certain components. Accordingly, the expressions used by the author in the two works are classified according to a certain system. Author Rashod Nuri Guntekin’s novels, on the other hand, contain a variety of components. Turkish writer Rashod Nuri Guntekin’s novels “Cholikushi” and “An Enemy of a Woman” contain various component expressions and the author uses them to express different meanings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 150-167
Оlga I. Klimkina ◽  

The article explores structural and semantic features of names of houses (oikodomonyms) in the Turkish language. The author proceeds from studying individual names’ motivations, contexts of their usage, and functional meaning (compared to the corresponding Russian designations) to the description of the general urbanonymic formula of Turkish house names. Typically, the name’s affiliation to this class is indicated by the element apartment (borrowed from French) which is used in modern Turkish to refer to the buildings intended for rental housing. In Turkish grammar, appellative nouns occur in postposition and agree with the complemented onym that specifies the nominated object. With names of houses, when these derive from other titles — a personal name or a sea name, the onymic component is formed through appellative onymization or transonomization and can consist of one or several elements with a variable degree of complexity. The study identifies typical patterns of house naming: “possessive” names, names verbalizing the concept of ‘home,’ reference names formed by metonymic transfer, “panegyric” names with double nomenclature element, communicative “greeting” names. The cultural and historical context of Turkish oikodomonymy reveals itself in less common yet present “memorial” names commemorating remarkable events. Another peculiar group is “associative” house names conditioned by the appearance of the building. There is a strong influence of extralinguistic factors in the urban onomasticon of Instanbul: the names of houses reflect cultural and historical traditions of the people, features of the city’s natural landscape, the multi-ethnic composition of the population of the metropolis. The large scope of this category of onyms, the variety of semantic patterns and the functions it displays, as well as extensive, continuously replenished vocabulary, brings Turkish house names into a separate and well-established microsystem within the Turkish urban toponymicon.

V.V. Kolmakova ◽  
E.V. Neroda

The purpose of this article is to analyze the structural and semantic features of neologisms that appeared as a result of the spread of coronavirus infection. The authors analyzed more than a hundred neologisms that appeared as a result of the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19 and the 2020 pandemic. The authors of the study attempted to classify these words taking into account the semantic indicator and word-formation models. The main thematic groups can be called neologisms that have a direct connection with the names of the disease "COVID" and "coronavirus", as well as neologisms formed under the influence of professional speech and medical terminology. No less significant in terms of frequency of use are neologisms that arose as a reaction of society to the pandemic. A small part of the analyzed units are neologisms of limited use. Based on the peculiarities of the modern language situation, the appearance of neologisms was a natural necessity for naming new phenomena of reality and processes directly related to the life of people, as well as changes in the mass consciousness and way of life of the people.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4(73)) ◽  
pp. 29-33
N.S. Bagdaryyn

The article continues the author's research on the toponymy of the North-East of the Sakha Republic, in particular the Kolyma river basin, in the aspect of the interaction of related and unrelated languages. The relevance of this work is defined in the description of local geographical terminology of Yukagir origin, as a valuable and important material in the further study of toponymy of the region. For the first time, the toponymy of the Kolyma river basin becomes the object of sampling and linguistic analysis of toponyms with local geographical terms of Yukagir origin in order to identify and analyze them linguistically. The research was carried out by comparative method, word formation, structural, lexical and semantic analysis. As a result of the research, phonetic and morphological features are revealed, the formation of local geographical terms and geographical names of Yukagir origin is outlined, and previously unrecorded semantic shifts and dialectisms are revealed. The most active in the formation of terms and toponyms is the geographical term iилil / eҕal 'coast‘, which is justified by the representation of the Yukagirs’ coast' home, housing

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