Formation of Mental Operations of Senior Preschoolers in the Group of Short-Term Stay at a Preschool Educational Institution

Liudmila I. Lashmaikina ◽  
Natalia E. Kuleshova

Introduction. At the present stage of the development of the Russian education system, along with the tasks of teaching and developing children cognitive abilities is the task of their social adaptation. The solution of this problem largely depends on the teacher, who contributes to personal development at a preschool educational institution. It is obvious that one of the criteria for the quality of social training of older preschoolers can be the degree of their mental and speech activity. Materials and Methods. The results of the study (adequate for its subject), are presented: the analysis of scientific literature, observation, psychodiagnostics methods (tests, conversations), experimental methods, mathematical and statistical methods (the Mann – Whitney test, the Wilcoxon test). The development of the authors educational and game tasks (“Sly Butterflies”, “Talking Fish”, “Confusion”, “Dunnos Letter”, “Find a Photo”) for the formation of mental operations of older preschoolers has become one of the real prerequisites for updating contents of the educational process at a preschool institution. Results. The article presents the results of the study, which are related to the intensification of the educational process in the aspect of the formation of mental operations of older preschoolers at preschool institutions, with the development of a structural model of the mental operations of older preschoolers. Discussion and Conclusion. The expected effect of the implementation of the model of formation of mental operations of older preschoolers in the group of short-term stay of a preschool educational institution is the level of their preparation for school and social adaptation general. The proposed provisions and conclusions create prerequisites for further study of the phenomenon – the formation of mental operations, preschool children in the methodological, content and organizational plans, and the practical experience of implementing this model can be used in the planning and organization of the educational space of a preschool institution.

2021 ◽  
pp. 109-114
А. B. Kostyshyn ◽  
Z. R. Ozhogan ◽  
Z. Т. Kostyshyn ◽  
О. М. Ilnytska ◽  
V. М. Shturmak

IFNMU actively uses educational innovations in various pedagogical processes, determining adequate mechanisms for the transformation of higher education. After all, innovative education is a constant desire to re-evaluate values, preserve those that are of undeniable importance, and discard those that are already outdated. In the practice of IFNMU, the diversification of educational technologies allows effectively combine them through the modernization of traditional education and its reorientation to distance education. With this approach, teachers focus on the personal development of future professionals, the ability to master new experiences of creative and critical thinking, finding solutions to educational problems. Therefore, we consider the innovative educational technology as a general didactic process, which consists in using a set of methods and techniques of joint activities of the subjects of the educational process aimed at achieving the goal of learning, personality development and creative and professional acquisition of knowledge and competencies in accordance with the tasks of training specialists of modern times. The process of forming the professional competence of future doctors consists of a set of consistent, purposeful actions that contribute to the renewal, modification of purpose, content, organization, forms and methods of teaching and education, adaptation of the educational process to new socio-historical conditions. Innovations in medical education do not arise spontaneously, but arise as a result of systematic scientific research, analysis, generalization of pedagogical experience. The basis of these processes is the implementation of the achievements of psychological and pedagogical science in practice, study, generalization and dissemination of advanced domestic and foreign pedagogical experience in training doctors. At the present stage, the integration of knowledge in pedagogical theory is seen as a synthesis of interacting sciences on the basis of some basic discipline. The mechanism of interdisciplinary integration is to implement the explanatory, constructive and prognostic functions of academic disciplines, in their transformation into a methodological, theoretical and technological means of building holistic models of the researched phenomena and processes, solving cognitive and professional problems. As the practical experience of synchronizing the study of related educational material from different courses has shown, as well as the maximum use of multidisciplinary knowledge to study complex objects and concepts of medicine is an important condition for the effectiveness of the educational process. Productive integration of knowledge covers such ways as solving interdisciplinary problems, performing complex practical tasks, conducting educational and research observations, conducting lectures and practical classes, applying problem situations in one discipline to classes in another.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 311-355
Larysa Dudikova ◽  
Iryna Melnychuk ◽  
Katalin Hnatyk ◽  
Kateryna Fodor ◽  
Oleksandr Didenko ◽  

The article reveals a study of the ethical competence formation of students at medical universities. This competence includes theoretical knowledge of professional ethics, professional and ethical value orientations, moral and personal qualities and practical skills of a doctor in the professional activity. Formation of ethical competence provides for the doctor’s conscious ethical behavior in accordance with professional and ethical standards, as well as the need for professional and ethical self-improvement throughout life. The results of the study allowed to establish the availability of reserves to improve the quality of future doctors’ training and formation of their ethical competence. Taking into account the trends of globalization of the educational sphere, the impact of postmodernism on the formation and development of value orientations of student youth, the emergence of new forms of ethical values, etc., it is assumed that the this competence formation will be effective if at different stages of students’ training at medical universities there will be introduced pedagogical conditions that enhance functioning of the main subsystems of the educational process. These stages correspond to the peculiarities of students’ professional and personal development during different years of study and in view of their cognitive abilities. Experimental verification of the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for the formation of future doctors’ ethical competence at medical universities confirmed the validity of the research hypothesis. At the same time summarizing of the research results revealed certain influence of the tendencies of traditionalism, universalism and pragmatic motives on the future doctors’ value-motivational sphere.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (Extra-B) ◽  
pp. 76-83
Liliya Zufarovna Gumerova ◽  
Valeriy Sergeevich Karimov ◽  
Gulshat Nakipovna Aglyamzyanova ◽  
Robert Nafisovich Abaidulin

The COVID-19 pandemic has re-emphasized distance learning. It became a powerful impetus for the transition from theoretical considerations to the practical implementation of such training in the school system (Strategy New Growth Model - New Social Policy, 2020). This article describes the experience of organizing such training for children in the 4th quarter of the 2019/2020 academic year. It considers all stages of implementation of distance learning, such as solution of legal issues regulating the activities of an educational institution; effective construction of the educational process, considering the important relationship "student-teacher"; the right choice of information technology that meets the capabilities and limited skills of students, and has a user-friendly interface. The experience of distance collaboration between a teacher, a student and his parents is also presented, which made it possible to build effective teaching and achieve a high-quality education.    

2020 ◽  
Vol 225 ◽  
pp. 68-75
O.N. Shevchenko ◽  

The education system at the university at the present stage is being created in the context of reforming education and other areas of activity that are closely related to the development processes of civil society. In todays’ Russia, the educational system that developed during the Soviet period has essentially lost its influence, and in accordance with the new challenges of the time, a different system for organizing the educational process is being formed. When teaching bachelors of technical sciences, it is possible and necessary to take into account the educational potential of technical disciplines in the complex process of a future engineering and technical worker personality forming. The methodological basis of the study is the psychological and pedagogical theory and practice of creating a system of educational activity when teaching engineering disciplines at a university with the aim of forming the personality of a competitive specialist in engineering and technology and reflecting the requirements of educational and professional standards for the training of experts in engineering profiles. The purpose of this article is to determine professionally important qualities and professionally significant psycho-physiological properties, based on theoretical analysis and study practical experience in teaching geometric graphic disciplines at a university, which students can form in the learning process for personal development and successful mastering of the profession in accordance with professional standards and the realities of industrial and technical sphere. Graphic culture has an impact on the worldview and moral values of the individual, forms aesthetic tastes, contributes to the formation of a civic position and responsibility. Educational activities at the university should be implemented not only in sports, leisure and entertainment events, but the most important aspects of personal education in learning technical disciplines are the formation of cognitive independence, strong-willed personality, emotional, behavioral, intellectual flexibility, which are the key qualifications of the future engineer. The results can be used in the teaching of graphic disciplines in technical universities.

New Collegium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (103) ◽  
pp. 84-89
S. Bakay

The article considers aspects of pedagogical partnership between participants in the educational process in educational institutions and preschool institutions as an effective factor of interaction. The article analyzes the principles, opportunities and ways of partnership pedagogy as a system of effective interaction between teachers, educators and parents for the purpose of personal development of participants in the educational process. The concepts of "partnership", "partnership pedagogy", "social institutions" in the system of relations between all participants in the educational process (teachers, future educators, employees of preschool educational institutions, parents) are revealed. The paper focuses on the criteria that determine the effectiveness of the idea of developing partnership relations as the most productive system of relations in the context of pedagogical interaction. The article highlights the social and pedagogical partnership as a separate form of social interaction of an educational institution with individuals and the importance of the determining role of a higher educational institution in the implementation of its personal and developmental functions in the training of future educators, which includes family, teachers, and the administration of educational institutions. The article considers the purpose and objectives of social and pedagogical partnership as the establishment of partnership relations between participants in the educational process to determine the value orientations of joint activities and ways to achieve partnership. The issues of organization and social and pedagogical partnership as the most effective form of involving parents in the structure of technology, designing a model of partnership interaction between educational institutions and family in the training of future educators are outlined and justified.

Mariia Zabolotniaia ◽  
Zhichao Cheng ◽  
Evgenij Dorozhkin ◽  
Anton Lyzhin

This article considers the opportunities of using Moodle LMS (learning management system) tools to ensure the effective implementation of an innovative policy of the higher educational institution. In the framework of digital transformation of social space an important and relevant topic for higher educational institutions is the creation of high-quality information and communication environment, which shall correspond to the contemporary state of science and technology development, global educational standards and information society needs. The advantages of the Moodle system are studied. Moodle system provides for a comprehensive educational process through its extensive educational content, a system for control, monitoring and evaluating the knowledge quality. The authors compare the four-phased model of knowledge management with the capacities of LMS Moodle educational environment. The latter is capable of simulating professional actions in a virtual educational space that allows the university to train advanced specialists and ensure a high level of their professional skills based on hard and soft skills. The perceptive and cognitive attitude of university students and teachers towards the implementation of the LMS Moodle educational platform was researched. The research has brought out the subjective assessment model of the innovative process with clear meaningful factors of changes’ perception. Such a model allows understanding the collective attitude to the university’s policy and highlighting mental settings necessary for working with human resources within the social adaptation and diffusion of innovation. The synergy of technological and managerial innovations has been updated to ensure completeness and efficiency in presenting a professional educational product based on the LMS Moodle platform.

2020 ◽  
pp. 120-134
Sergey A. Morozov ◽  

Thereunder is a publication the program of the discipline of “Musical Informatics” devoted to the theory and methodology of teaching student musicians with strong visual impairments. The methodological and content-rich components of study of this discipline in the federal state-run professional educational institution “Kursk Music Residential College for the Blind” of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation are presented. The author of the article describes the special conditions for realizing the adapted program of the discipline of “Musical Informatics,” the thematic plan of the discipline, the methodological recommendations for teachers who implement the educational process within the walls of the college, the hardware-software, educational methodological and informational support for the realization of the educational process in specialized institutions the activities of which are directed at education, upbringing, rehabilitation and social adaptation of visually impaired invalids.

Tetiana Motuz ◽  
Liubov Pasichnyk ◽  
Yana Baranets Yana

The article raises the issue of application of information and communication technologies in the inclusive environment of the educational institution. It is proved that such an environment is formed as a result of an individual adaptation of educational programs, as well as with the use in the educational process of information and communication technologies that allow the perception and transmission of educational information in an accessible form for all students. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the relevance and features of the use of information and communication technologies in an inclusive educational environment of the educational institution. In the process of scientific research we used the following research methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization. Results of the research. The key ways in which information and communication technologies can support educational opportunities for people with disabilities are as follows: determining the previous level of personal development (skills and abilities); providing assistance in personal development, forming new skills or updating existing ones; improving access to information; overcoming geographical or social isolation through digital communications; increase motivation and awareness of the benefits of information and communication technologies. It is determined that the main types of information and communication technology used to teach children with special educational needs are: standard technologies (for example, computers with built-in settings for people with special educational needs); available data formats, also known as alternative formats (for example, available HTML, say books DAISY system (Digital Accessibility Information System ‒ electronic accessible information system), as well as “low-tech” formats such as Braille; assistive technologies: hearing aids, screen readers, keyboards, etc. Assistive technologies are devices, products, equipment, software, or services designed to enhance, support, or improve the functionality of people with disabilities. Taking into account the didactic capabilities of information and communication technologies, as well as the needs and demands of inclusive education, three key functions that perform information and communication technologies in inclusive education are formulated: compensatory, didactic, communication. Necessary conditions for the introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process are the availability of material and system-technical support, as well as the availability of appropriate professional competencies of teachers. Keywords: information and communication technologies, inclusive education, inclusive environment, audio lecture, audio simulator, compensatory function, standard technologies, auxiliary technologies.

Rita Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė

Students of the study programme of Primary Education experience what it means to be a teacher as early as first years of their studies. Their practical pedagogical studies (30 credits) consist of a 3-part teaching practice: Practice of Teacher Assistant; Teaching Practice under Supervision of Mentor and Independent Teaching Practice. The article discusses Teaching Practice under Supervision of Mentor-1, which was completed by the students in Semester 5. During their teaching practice the students observe lessons delivered by teachers and analyse them, teach lessons themselves, participate in activities of non-formal educational activities, familiarise with the school and its traditions, learn about support to school learners provided by the specialists working in the school and help school learners facing learning difficulties. The article presents the case of Vilnius Pranas Mašiotas Primary School, where 5 third year students of the study programme of Primary Education had their teaching practice. The analysis of practice diaries allows to reveal how teachers to be evaluate an educational institution and people working there, what they think about their own competency, personal development, how they obtain practical experience and what challenges they face during their teaching practice. Key words: pedagogical studies, pedagogical internship, primary education.

Roman Horbatiuk ◽  
Natalііa Volkova

In this paper the problem of the relationship of education and production with the consideration of the essence of the professional training of future engineers-educators in the field of food technologies is outlined. It is noted that in order to form a competent pedagogue engineer in the field of food technologies, it is necessary to use the potential embodied in such forms of integration of the "education-science-production" system as the dual purposeful training of future engineers-educators in the field of food technologies. Manufacturing practices are an important component of the interaction between institutions of higher education and production. The leading approach to organizing and conducting industrial practices of future engineers-educators in the field of food technologies in the research and production complex is the integration of theoretical, professional, practical, educational and research activities of students. It has been determined that the integrative nature of all stages of students’ industrial practice should be ensured by implementation of a number of basic principles in the educational process, including: the connection between education and life; compliance with the content and organization of the educational process requirements of production to the educational institution and future specialists; systematic, continuity, complication of the goals and objectives set from the course to the course; the complex nature of pedagogical influence, which involves the unity of professional and personal development of students. The author’s research suggests that the interaction of professional education with production should be carried out in positions of an integrative approach, which ensures the common purpose, commonality of content, community of activities, the common values of education and production. The author proposed the structure of continuous education (educational cluster) of future engineers-educators in the field of food technologies at the pedagogical university.

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