scholarly journals The Effect of Social, Individual, and Materialism Factors on the Purchase of Purchasing Luxury Mixed Bags and Consumer Attitudes as a Mediation Variable (Behavior Study in Career Women in Denpasar)

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 21297-21308 ◽  
Kadek Devi Wella Yanti ◽  
Luh Kadek Budi Martini ◽  
I Ketut Setia Sapta

Social factors include normative vulnerability and information on social influences. Social influence reflects the judgment of others on individual consumer behavior. Purchasing decisions are also influenced by personal factors such as age and stages of the life cycle, work, economic situation, lifestyle, and personality and self-concept of the buyer. Materialism is the consumer belief that valuing worldly assets is very important. Attitude is an expression of someone's feelings that reflects their joy or dislike of an object. Buying intention can be defined as the intention of someone to buy a certain brand that they have chosen for themselves after evaluating. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of social factors, individual factors and materialism on purchase intentions and consumer attitudes as mediating variables. The sampling technique used is proportional random sampling. The sample in this study was 95 buyers and then the determination of the sample was determined by proportional random sampling in 5 predetermined stores. The data analyst method used is SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) based on component or variance, namely PLS (Partial Least Square). The results of the study stated that social factor variables, individual factors, and materialism had a positive and significant effect on purchase intention. And individual factors and materialism have a positive and significant effect on consumer attitudes, while social factors have a positive but not significant effect on consumer attitudes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-44 ◽  
Girish K Nair ◽  
Nidhi Choudhary

This research focuses on the influence of social factors on the sustainability of hospitality industry in the context of Qatar. The significance of this research lies in its ability to empirically study the impact of social factors on the sustainability of hospitality industry in Qatar. The hypotheses building has been through the process of finding evidence through the theoretical models available in the literature for the linkages between the various social factors and sustainability. While there are several social factors which influence sustainability of any business in general, the ones which are most relevant to the hospitality industry are: Education, Life Expectancy, Income, TV index, Newspaper index, and PC index.  Structural Equation Modeling using Partial Least Square Method was used as the research methodology. This method was specifically chosen for its ability to undertake factor analysis and regression analysis simultaneously and address the issue of multi-collinearity. The sample size of 213 managers was chosen from various hotels.  The results based on the hypothesis testing would lead to the implications and also suggestions for the benefit of the hotel managers, so that sustainability of hospitality industry could be ensured.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Madjidainun Rahma

This research aims to identify and examine the effect of the Tax Transparency and Trust Taxpayers Against the Taxpayer Compliance existing areas of Jakarta. The method used is descriptive and associative. Target population studied is Unit in Unit 14 Analysis of the Tax Office in the region of Jakarta. Sampling technique used is random sampling. Model influence analyzed using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling ) with alternative method PLS ( Partial Least Square ) which is aimed at testing the Influence between Tax Transparency and Trust Taxpayers Against the Taxpayer Compliance that there diunit analysis has been given permission to conduct research. Results of the analysis showed that partially Tax Transparency and unsignificant positive effect on the Taxpayer Compliance. Similarly, the Trust Taxpayers partially positive and significant impact to the Taxpayer Compliance . Simultaneously Transparency and Trust Tax Taxpayers Against the Taxpayer Compliance effect, this means that the Tax and Trust trades Taxpayers together will increase the Taxpayer Compliance.   Keywords: Tax Transparency, Trust, Taxpayer Compliance.     Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menguji pengaruh Transparansi Pajak dan Kepercayaan Wajib Pajak Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak yang ada wilayah DKI Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan asosiatif. Populasi target yang diteliti ialah Satuan Kerja yang ada di Unit Analisis 14 Kantor Pelayanan Pajak diwilayah DKI Jakarta. Teknik sampel yang digunakan ialah random sampling. Model pengaruh di analisa menggunakan analisis SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) dengan metode alternative PLS (Partial Least Square) yang bertujuan menguji Pengaruh antara Transparansi Pajak dan Kepercayaan Wajib Pajak Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak yang ada diunit analisis yang telah diberi ijin untuk melakukan penelitian. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa Transparansi Pajak secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak. Begitu pula dengan Kepercayaan Wajib Pajak yang secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak. Secara simultan Transparansi Pajak dan Kepercayaan Wajib Pajak berpengaruh Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak, hal ini berarti bahwa dengan Transakasi Pajak dan Kepercayaan Wajib Pajak bersama-sama maka akan meningkatkan Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Rofiq Faudy Akbar

<p><em>This study aims to examine the influence of personal factors on organizational commitment. Personal factors in this study are interpreted with job choice factor, expectancy, and psychological contract variables. Research respondents were private madrasa teachers in the Central Java Indonesia. Data analysis using structural equation modeling partial least square shows that personal factors have a positive and significant effect on teacher organizational commitment. Job choice factor is the consideration of the applicant the first time someone decides to work as a teacher. Individuals have evaluated salary, the nature of the type of work as an educator, as well as long-term prospects such as the possibility to become permanent teachers of a madrasa / school and the opportunity to get certified. Teachers have expectations regarding financial and non-financial compensation and hope the head of the madrasa or foundation provides reciprocity or appreciation for their sacrifice to the organization. Teachers always expect a positive response from the </em><em> </em><em>head of the madrasa/foundation, as their workload increases. Positive responses from the head of the madrasa/foundation provided their commitment to work and organization will always increase</em><em>, c</em><em>onversely</em><em>.</em><em> </em></p><p> </p>

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-104
Dewi Indriani Jusuf

Know the effect of the consumer behavior of online shop, Easy Shopping Indonesia on the consumers’ buying decision. The quantitative approach, descriptive and verified design are used. As much as 100 consumers of Essay Shopping in Bandung are selected as respondents using a purposive method. The instrument of data collection is questionnaire. The data analysis used is Structural Equation Modeling based on Partial Least Square (PLS SEM). The research results show that the consumer behavior of Easy Shopping online shop affects the consumer buying decision significantly.  The biggest effect of the consumer behavior dimension on the buying decision variable is a personal factor; the second one is a psychological factor; the third one is a social factor and the fourth one is a cultural factor. The biggest effect of the consumer behavior variable is on the dimension of payment method; then the second one is distribution selection; the third one is on brand selection; the fourth one is on buying time and the last one is on product selection. Those findings are the antecedents of the online buying decision which finally affect the changes of the buying decision from the conventional buying process into the online one. Key Words : consumer behavior, cultural factors, social factors, personal factors and psychological factors, buying decision, product selection, brand selection, distribution selection, payment method and timing.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-77
Ela Wulandari ◽  
Indri Murniawaty

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh diferensiasi produk dan diferensiasi citra terhadap keunggulan bersaing dan pengaruhnya terhahadap kinerja pemasaran Industri Kecil Menengah Kopi di Kabupaten Temanggung. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 156 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik proporsional area random sampling, penentuan jumlah sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin, sehingga diperoleh 61 responden dengan taraf signifikansi 10%. Metode pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan SEM PLS (Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square). Hasil analisis menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan dan positif dari diferensiasi produk terhadap keunggulan bersaing, sedangkan diferensiasi citra tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keunggulan bersaing dan keunggulan bersaing berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pemasaran. Simpulan yang diperoleh adalah semakin tinggi perusahaan menerapkan strategi diferensiasi produk maka akan meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing, namun semakin tinggi diferensiasi citra yang diterapkan perusahaan belum tentu meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing dan keunggulan bersaing meningkatkan kinerja pemasaran

Lucky Nugroho ◽  
Dewi Eva Kiranti

Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menguji pengaruh motivasi ketja dan kompetensi aparatur terhadap kualitas informasi akuntansi Barang Milik Negara pada Satuan Kerja yang ada di lingkungan Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Trasmigrasi RI. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan asosiatif. Populasi target yang diteliti ialah Satuan Kerja yang ada di Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi. Teknik sampel yang digunakan ialah random sampling. Model pengaruh dianalisa menggunakan analisis SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) dengan metode alternative PLS (Partial Least Square) yang bertujuan menguji hubungan dan pengaruh antara motivasi kerja dan kompetensi aparatur terhadap kualitas informasi akuntansi Barang Milik Negara yang ada di lingkungan Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa motivasi kerja secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kualitas informasi akuntansi Barang Milik Negara. Begitu pula dengan kompetensi aparatur yang secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kualitas informasi akuntansi Barang Milik Negara. Secara simultan motivasi kerja dan kompetensi aparatur berpengaruh terhadap kualitas informasi akuntansi barang milik nagara, hal ini berarti bahwa dengan motivasi kerja yang baik dan juga aparatur yang berkompeten maka akan menghasilkan informasi akuntansi barang milik Negara yang berkualitas.

Christian Aditya ◽  
Titik Kusmantini ◽  
Yuli Liestyana

Online shopping is an activity of buying and selling by utilizing the development of internet technology. The higher level of online shopping consumers has led to the phenomenon of e-commerce, like Zalora and Lazada. Consumers of online shopping in Special Region of Yogyakarta conducting online shopping activities are influenced by factors such as perception of easy to use, perception of perceived benefits, perception of risk, trust, consumer attitudes and online shopping interests. The design of research is descriptive and quantitative research using incidental sampling method. Data collection technique is carried out by distributing questionnaires using Google forms with the number of samples studied is 155 respondents. In order to test the hypothesis, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used with analysis technique based on Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study show that 1) There is a positive and significant effect of perception of easy to use on consumer attitudes, 2) There is a positive and significant effect of perception of perceived benefits on consumer attitudes, 3) There is a negative and insignificant effect of risk perception on consumer attitudes, 4) There is a positive and significant influence of trust on consumer attitudes, 5) There is a positive and significant influence of consumer attitudes on online shopping interest.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 28
Enda Imelda ◽  
Syamsuri Syamsuri ◽  
Novaliyosi Novaliyosi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh perhatian orangtua terhadap motivasi belajar matematika siswa MTs, penelitian  ini merupakan jenis penelitian survei. Data penelitian yang diambil menggunakan angket yang dilakukan secara online. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa MTs Mathlaul Anwar Pusat Menes tahun pelajaran 2021/2022. Dalam memilih sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian, peneliti menggunakan jenis rumus Slovin, sehingga diperoleh data sampel sebanyak 240 siswa dari total 600 siswa. Masing-masing sampel adalah siswa kelas VII, VIII dan IX dengan menggunakan proporsional random sampling. Siswa kelas VII, VIII dan IX masing-masing berukuran 1/3 dari total sampel, sehingga diperoleh sebanyak 80 siswa dari tiap-tiap angkatan. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh perhatian orangtua terhadap motivasi belajar matematika siswa, peneliti dapat menggunakan perhitungan statistik jenis Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Hasil analisis yang diperoleh pada penelitian menghasilkan nilai determinan hanya 0.878 %. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor perhatian orangtua sebesar 87.8 % dapat menjelaskan ada pengaruh postif terhadap motivasi belajar matematika siswa MTs Mathla’ul Anwar Pusat Menes. Dengan demikian, untuk penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat menyelidiki dan mengungkap faktor lain yang berkontribusi besar terhadap motivasi belajar matematika.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Shinta Nento ◽  
Abdul Haris Abdullah

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari angket dan diukur dengan menggunakan skala likert. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan di lembaga pendidikan tinggi islam sebanyak 75 orang. Metode pemilihan sampel penelitian menggunakan simple random sampling acak tanpa memperhatikan strata anggota populasi karena dianggap telah homogen. Teknik analisis data pengukuran dan pengujian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) berbasis Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan menggunakan program SmartPLS 3.2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan karir berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Rekomendasi bagi penelitian lanjutan adalah menambah jumlah variabel penelitian dan menggunakan mix method sebagai metode untuk memperkaya telaah

Domingos Yamaguti Mondego ◽  
Ergun Gide

Trust plays a vital role in the adoption of a new payment system in so far as people need to trust that the prevailing currency, or in other words, money, is recognized by all stakeholders. With the evolution of the payment methods, shifting from paper-based to electronic-based, building consumer trust has become a vital element for the success of businesses involved in the mobile payment systems sector. In this context, the aim of this study was to delve deeper into the factors that have impact on consumers trust in mobile payment systems (MPS) in Australia. A quantitative approach through a questionnaire survey was conducted to measure the data collected. The data of 200 participants were gathered using SurveyMonkey and the Excel spreadsheets was imported into SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) system, where the data were organised. Besides, this study adopted the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), where the data analysis took place. The findings of PLSSEM analysis pointed out that behavioural factors and organisational factors have significant impact on consumers’ trust, and this, as a consequence, have influence on MPS adoption. On the other hand, this research found that the technological factors, governmental factors and personal factors have no significant impact on Australian consumers’ trust and this, as a result, has no influence on MPS adoption.

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