scholarly journals Ancient Manuscript as Cultural Identity in The Community of Kabuyutan Ciburuy Bayongbong Garut Residence

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Saleha Rodiyah ◽  
Ute Lies Siti Khodijah ◽  
Nuning Kurniasih

The background of documenting manuscript of Kabuyutan Ciburuy is related to the process of community understanding towards conducting preservation, real value  of documenting and looking at the connection between documentation and efforts of preserving the cultural values embodied in the ancient manuscript. This study uses qualitative ethnographic approach. Data was collected through literature study, interview and observation. The result is that the ancient manuscripts can be maintained and prevented from damaging by storing them in proper temperature and humidity, and culturally maintained appropriately, besides understanding in the cultural context. Beside that, transforming to digital media is also done to avoid the old manuscripts from physical damage, although the contents are used for various purposes. Furthermore, the value of ancient manuscripts from this documentation is not only informative, historical and educational, but more culturally nuanced because the main purpose of this documentation activities aimed at developing the culture so that people of Kabuyutan Ciburuy understand the benefit value of ancient manuscript.

2013 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 25-52 ◽  
Arieahn Matamonasa-Bennett

Domestic violence is a serious social problem in contemporary American Indian communities and research is critical to create and evaluate prevention and intervention strategies. This small qualitative study sought to discover the ways in which men from a single reservation community with histories of domestic violence define and perceive domestic violence within the cultural context. The narratives held themes of intergenerational family violence and dysfunction, alcoholism, racism, isolation, deep grief, and remorse. Each of the narratives also revealed themes of healing and hope through connecting with elders, learning spiritual traditions and strengthening cultural identity as a means for achieving sobriety and lives of nonviolence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 106
Sahidi Sahidi

<p><em>As one of the written historical evidence, ancient manuscripts or manuscripts are ancestral heritage that is rich in cultural values, moral values, religious values, and social values. The ancient manuscript also describes the previous human civilization that was rich in science. The ancient manuscript is a historical reminder that should be preserved and its existence is preserved so that the next generation of the nation can also recognize the values </em><em></em><em>of the information contained in the text. Preservation is the most appropriate way to maintain the existence of ancient manuscripts from obliteration. Preservation efforts are activities carried out to preserve the heritage of cultural heritage in this case the ancient manuscripts so that they are not quickly damaged and can be used in accordance with the original. This is very important to be carried out by the relevant institutions to save the priceless national assets that have so far been neglected and are still very concerning. Along with the development of increasingly sophisticated technology, preservation also undergoes a change of method, from traditional to modern techniques. This method is the most appropriate method to do than traditional methods that can have an adverse effect on the manuscript, because there are many texts that have been physically damaged. With modern methods it is hoped that ancient manuscripts can be digitized so that they can be easily accessed and read by the next generation.</em></p><p><em>Keywords: preservation, ancient manuscripts, heritage, culture</em></p><p><em> </em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
I Gede Yudha Pratama

<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>Any change can occur when the rapid development of technology and information, which makes everything, including culture, must be able to co-exist with technology. Seeing the decline in Mesatua culture in Bali, the Mesatua tradition in Balinese society seems almost extinct. This can make a possibility for the loss of traditional culture which has cultural values that are very important for children. However, with the efforts to preserve culture through the use of digital media technology. Mesatua Bali, which was originally known as oral culture, is now becoming known as an image culture that is poured into digital media with interesting picture stories for children. To meet the data requirements used as research material, a descriptive qualitative research method is used to describe the phenomenon of change that occurs based on data collection through observation, documentation and literature study. The Mesatua Balinese culture in its preservation experiences a phenomenon of change in 3 periods, namely; oral period, writing period, and drawing period. In the phenomenon of change, each period has an impact or aspect of phenomena that causes new phenomena, changing phenomena, permanent phenomena, and even a phenomenon that is missing in the development of efforts to preserve Mesatua Bali culture. </span></p></div></div></div>

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 168
Fitra Endi Fernanda ◽  
Samsuri Samsuri

The Lampung tribe is a minority tribe established by Lampung Province. The Lampung Province became a destination for population migration, so Lampung was discussed by Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese and so on. As a minority tribe, the Lampung tribe needs to strengthen its cultural identity among the people so that the cultural values of the Lampung tribe are not lost. Piil Pesenggiri is a philosophy of life that has become the cultural identity of the Lampung tribe. The purpose of this study is to explain the principles of Piil Pesenggiri so that its values can be rebuilt. This article was written in the literature study method with a collection of various sources of books, journals and research on the Piil Pesenggiri. The results show four principles of Piil Pesenggiri that need to be revived, namely juluk adek, nemui nyimah, nemui nyapur and sakai sambyan. Cooperation between all parties, namely traditional leaders, community members, academics and the government, is needed to revive the principles of Piil Pesenggiri.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Birgita Iyona Yulita ◽  
Bagus Susetyo ◽  
Irfanda Riski Harmono Sejati

Traditional music is one of the elements of culture keeping the continuity, dynamics, cultural identity and also becoming a vehicle for transmitting the cultural values inherited from generation to generation. This study aims to identify and describe the exploration of traditional music Lampung as an effort to preserve music culture by the Kulit Tipis community in Bandar Lampung. This research was conducted using qualitative methods. Data collection techniques used literature study, observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results showed that there were efforts to preserve Lampung traditional music by Kulit Tipis community in Bandar Lampung, namely: (1) Collaborating traditional Lampung musical instruments with modern musical instruments or traditional musical instruments from other regions. (2) Making musical compositions from Lampung folk songs or modern pop songs today. (3) Performing musical exploration performances in various festivals, regular bands, and competitions in Lampung or outside the Lampung area. (4) Creating and uploading their video recordings of musical composition performances from the Kulit Tipis community through social media, such as YouTube.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Amir Razak ◽  
Ferdinand Ferdinand

Kanayatn Dayak music in the anthro-social aspect experienced a multiplication of functions caused by sublimation of local musical genius intra-extras and the human needs of the community, where until now the description of ethnic music, especially Dayak Kanayatn is still not widely explained in the cultural context, so this research focuses on describing functions of Dayak kanayatn music in community activities.Qualitative narrative is an effort to describe the process or function of Dayak Kanayatn music so that it can provide interpretation in accordance with facts in the community, where data collection is through literature study, observation and documentation while data analysis uses domain interpretation techniques.The results showed that Dayak Kanayatn music had several functions including; entertainment facilities, commodification of tourism, ratification of social institutions, integration of social groups, propaganda media, local cultural identity, informal education facilities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-57
Salman Zahidi

Ali Bin Abi Talib once said that children should be educated in accordance with the  development of the times. The Ali bin Abi Talib’s statement could be considered as his attention more to the development of human civilization. For that reason, there should be studies focused on the role of educational institutions in facing the challenges of the times. On this stand, the writer raises the existence of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) for being considered to have been able to survive amid the onslaught of civilization increasingly obscuring cultural identity. In addition, this study also aims to identify and discuss the role of pesantren in the modern era. This is a literature study using a descriptive and exploratory approach. It can be concluded that pesantren are non-formal Islamic educational institutions. Pesantren have permanent and distictive methods and learning models. The purpose of pesantren education is the same as Islamic education in general, instilling a sense of virtue, familiarizing themselves with courtesy, preparing for a holy, sincere and honest life entirely. Pesantren could be seen from three aspects: (a) pesantren that are seen from facilities and infrastructures, (b) pesantren that are seen from disciplines taught, and (c) pesantren that are seen from the fields of knowledge.

Marde Christian Stenly Mawikere

This study reveals the Baliem ethnic concept of "eternal life" and how it relates to contextual gospel preaching (both potential and crisis). The study was conducted using a qualitative approach with a participant observer method supported by a study of a variety of relevant literature with a discussion of the concept of eternal life of Baliem people in Papua. As for the Baliem Society, Papua with a background of traditional societies with a worldview of animism has an eternal view of life which is lived out as an "ideal situation and condition" in the Nabelan-Kabelan myth and "an ideal person or figure" in the Naurekul myth. Through this view of eternal life, there is a "meeting point" and "difference" with the gospel message and Bible values. Because it is possible to be able to advocate and implement a contextual evangelistic approach for the Baliem people in Papua by touching and empowering their cultural values, Thus the Gospel and Christianity are not just a history or monument but are still present and change society while still paying attention to the integrity of the socio-cultural context, especially the people of Baliem, Papua.  ABSTRAKStudi ini mengungkapkan konsep etnis Baliem mengenai “hidup kekal” dan bagaimana kaitannya dengan pemberitaan Injil yang kontekstual (baik potensi maupun krisis). Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan  pendekatan kualitatif melalui metode pengamatan partisipan yang didukung dengan kajian kepada beragam literatur yang relevan dengan pembahasan mengenai konsep hidup kekal orang Baliem di Tanah Papua. Masyarakat Baliem, Papua dengan latar belakang masyarakat tradisional dengan pandangan dunia animisme memiliki pandangan hidup kekal yang dihayati sebagai “situasi dan kondisi yang ideal” pada mitos atau legenda Nabelan-Kabelan dan “pribadi atau sosok yang ideal” dalam legenda Naurekul. Melalui pandangan mengenai hidup kekal seperti ini, maka terdapat “titik temu” maupun “perbedaan” dengan berita Injil dan nilai-nilai Alkitab. Karena itu memungkinkan untuk dapat menganjurkan dan melaksanakan pendekatan kontekstualisasi Injil bagi etnis Baliem di Papua dengan menyentuh, memanfaatkan dan memberdayakan nilai budaya etnis Baliem, Dengan demikian Injil maupun kekristenan bukan hanya akan menjadi sejarah atau monumen namun akan tetap hadir dan mengubahkan masyarakat dengan tetap memperhatikan keutuhan konteks sosial budaya, khususnya etnis Baliem, Papua.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-116
Dewi Anggraeni ◽  
Ahmad Hakam ◽  
Izzatul Mardhiah ◽  
Zulkifli Lubis

Indonesia is a multicultural country with a variety of the diversity has the potential to build a nation’s civilization based on knowledge of nationalism and local cultural values. In other side, the diversity that owned by Indonesian nation has the potential to split the unity specially when that implementation to broke tradition called by Islamic puritanism. Palang Pintu tradition in Betawi cultures is still preserving until now especially in wedding ceremony and has development at welcoming guests. The method of research is qualitative with ethnographic approach. The theory used of religion and culture. The results of this research show that the tradition of Palang Pintu in Betawi Cultures has contain of Islamic values. The values of religiosity in that tradition are such as glorifying the Prophet Muhammad, Silaturrahmi, Protecting with Silat, Manners. Local culture can build a civilization where the human as the actors of the builder civilization are be able to formulate a system of values contained in the tradition. So Far local culture can build national civilization when the local culture is formulating as the ontological level of culture. Keywords: Local Culture, Palang Pintu, Religiosity Abstrak Indonesia merupakan Negara majemuk dengan berbagai keanekaragaman memiliki potensi dalam membangun peradaban bangsa yang didasari pada pengetahuan wawasan kebangsaan serta nilai-nilai budaya local. Disisi lain, keanekaragaman yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia memiliki potensi yang dapat memcah belah persatuan dan kesataun khususnya ketika anti tradisi melalui puritanisme Islam. Palang Pintu merupakan salah satu budaya Betawi yang hingga saat ini masih dilestarikan pada acara mantenan dan pada perkembangannya digunakan pada penyambutan tamu secara adat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan nilai-nilai religiusitas yang terdapat pada tradisi Palang Pintu yang dapat dikembangkan dalam membangun peradaban. Dengan pendekatan teori Agama dan Budaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan kualitatif dengan jenis etnografi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Tradisi Palang Pintu pada Budaya Betawi kayak akan nilai-nilai religious yang bersumber dari ajaran Islam. Nilai-nilai religiusitas tersebut seperti memuliakan nabi Muhammad Saw, Silaturrahmi, Melindungi diri atau menjaga diri, Sopan santun. Selanjutnya budaya local dapat membangun peradaban sejuah mana manusia sendiri sebagai pelaku budaya dan pembangun peradaban tersebut mampu memformulasiakan system nilai yang terdapat dalam tardisi.budaya local dapat dapat membangun peradaban bangsa ketika budaya local tersebut diformulasikan pada tataran ontologis budaya. Kata kunci: Budaya Lokal, Palang Pintu, Religiusitas

Suryaningsi Mila

This paper examines the application of cross-textual reading on the story of women around Moses in the Qur'an and the Bible by grassroots Muslim and Christian women in the village of Wendewa Utara, Central Sumba. Due to the involvement of women, then I apply the feminist approach to analyze the dynamics of cross-textual reading. During several focus group discussions, cross-textual reading was run smoothly because the participants are bound by kinship ties. They are also rooted in Sumbanese cultural values that reflect Marapu religious values. In other words, Muslim and Christian women are living in a context of socio-religious-cultural hybridity in which their religious identity intermingles with their cultural identity. For this reason, this paper describes a project bringing these women into another space of dialogue through cross-textual reading. In the cross-textual reading, both grassroots Muslim and Christian women are crossing their religious borders by finding resonant commonalities between the two texts, as they explore the affirmative, enriched, and irreconcilable difference as well. Cross-textual reading is a new adventure for both Muslim and Christian women in Wendewa Utara.  The participants were enthusiastic because the material readings encourage them to share their problems, joys, hopes, and dreams. By reflecting on the struggle of women around Moses, the participants are committed to supporting one another in their daily life. Accordingly, this model of reading creates a safe space for grassroots Muslim and Christian women to learn from one another for mutual enrichment.  

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