scholarly journals Ujian Nasional, Dulu, Kini dan yang Akan Datang: Tinjauan Normatif

Nadwa ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 161
Muntholi’ah Muntholi’ah

<p>The policy of the National Examination (UN) continues to get criticism from education experts, practitioners, as well as various elements of society. With the  problems happen in the implementation of National Examination, it can be af-firmed that the impacts of its implementation are more harmful than the objec-tives to be achieved. Considering the imbalances and disadvantages of the Na-tional Examination implementation, the government through the Ministry of Education should have to be more thoughtful and immediately review the policy  comprehensively. Thus, the purpose of education should be tailored to the interests of Indonesia, which is stated and defined in the the National Education Law No. 20/ 2003 on National Education System Chapter II, Article 3. <br /><br /><strong></strong></p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p><strong></strong>Kebijakan Ujian Nasional (UN) terus menuai kritik dari para pakar dan praktisi pendidikan serta berbagai kalangan  masyarakat. Melihat banyaknya permasalahan dan carut-marut dalam pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional dapat ditegaskan bahwa dampak dari penyelenggaraan UN lebih banyak mudaratnya dari pada tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Menilik berbagai ketimpangan dan kemudaratan yang ditim bulkan akibat pelaksanaan UN, maka seyogianya pemerintah melalui Kemendiknas harus bersikap lebih bijaksana dan segera mengkaji ulang kebijakan UN secara komprehensif. Dengan demikian maka tujuan pendidikan yang hendak dicapaipun disesuaikan dengan kepentingan bangsa Indonesia, yang sekarang ini<br />tujuan pendidikan tersebut dirumuskan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (UU sisdiknas) BAB II pasal 3.<br /> </p>

Al-Albab ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Mujiburrahman Mujiburrahman

Studies on religious education teacher’s competences in Aceh could not be separated from studies on state’s intervention toward education. State hegemony occurs in the form of regulation formalization which regulates efforts for improving qualification and competence of teachers. The research showed that the presence of Act No. 14, 2005 and the Government Regulation No. 74, 2008 had been used as legal reference to encourage the improvement of Aceh religious education teachers’ qualification and competence. This is a qualitative study in which triangulation in data collection was used. The data was then collected through documentations, observations, and deep interviews. This work emphasizes that improving teachers’ competences in Islamic education system in Aceh was in accordance to and did not contradict with national education system and moreover strengthen the content of Act No. 14, 1005 and Government Regulation No. 74, 2008. Qualification and competence of religious education teachers in Aceh underwent improvement better than previous term. However, teachers experienced that socialization process and implementation of regulation has yet to receive upmost attention. The study also suggests that religious education teachers’ qualifications and competences will significantly contribute to the development of religious education quality, thus Islamic education transforms intently in national and state relations order.

Agung Saputra

Education is considered to have a very important role in promoting the civilization of a nation. Good quality education can encourage the creation of a quality society, creative and productive until finally able to achieve welfare. Through this national education system, the government should be able to ensure equal distribution of educational opportunities, as well as the relevance and efficiency of education management to face challenges in line with the changing demands of local, national and global life. The budget allocation system for education in Indonesia is heavily influenced by government policies. Education financing depends on the management of educational institutions, but budget allocations used must conform to national financing standards. Education in Indonesia, implemented in accordance with educational policies that regulate the national education system, as well as the allocation of 20% education funding obtained from the state budget and APBD.

2015 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Mohamad Yusuf ◽  
Carl Sterkens

This article aims to analyse the Indonesian State’s laws regarding models of religious education, by evaluating Law No. 20/2003, concerning the national system of education and other related laws. Two questions are highlighted: What type of religious education is favoured by Indonesian state? Does the preference for a certain type of religious education reflect a specific vision of the state-religion relationship? Our data consisted of two sources: the State’s law on national education system, Law No. 20/2003, and the minutes of the Indonesian parliament meeting approving the law. We found that Law No. 20/2003 expresses the preference of the government for a mono-religious model. Indonesia is categoreized as having preferred treatment for some religions or support for a particular religious tradition. This categorisation is confirmed by the results of our research findings indicated by the preferential treatment delivered by the State, and the State’s legislation and regulations on religion.[Tulisan ini menganalisis legislasi negara terhadap pendidikan agama dengan cara mengevaluasi UU No. 20/2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional beserta perundang-undangan terkait lainnya. Dua pertanyaan berusaha untuk dijawab dalam tulisan ini, yaitu: Model pendidikan agama yang bagaimana yang menjadi preferensi negara? Apakah preferensi tersebut merefleksikan visi negara terhadap model relasi negara-agama tertentu? Tulisan ini merujuk kepada dua data utama, yaitu: UU No. 20/2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional serta Risalah Rapat Paripurna ke-35 DPR RI tahun 2003 yang mengesahkan UU No. 20/2003. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa UU Sistem Pendidikan Nasional merefleksikan preferensi negara terhadap model pendidikan agama mono-relijius. Model pendidikan mono-religius ini merefleksikan preferensi negara terhadap model relasi negara-agama preferensial; negara mengakui lebih dari satu agama resmi dan memberi dukungan kepada institusi-institusinya, yang direfleksikan melalui legislasi dan peraturan terkait agama.]

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Tonny Pongoh ◽  
Henry Soelistyo Budi ◽  
Bintan R. Saragih

<p><span>The legal status of polytechnic has been fundamentally changed from time to time. After the Law of National Education System Number 20/2003 and the Law of Higher Education Number 12/2012 came into effect, the polytechnic has been granted a new legal status that offers more diverse programs at various levels. Since then, polytechnic could conduct vocational diploma programs and degree programs in applied sciences from graduate to postgraduate. This legal status raises legal problems whether polytechnic is a higher education institution in vocational or applied sciences. Best education practices in some countries classify applied sciences higher education as academic education, not vocational education. This doctrinal research paper then will examine this legal problem using statute, historical and comparative approach, in the light of the Development Legal Theory. This study shows that the legal status of polytechnic is heavily dependent on government policy. In the absence of a clear and firm ground policy of vocational education, the legal status of the polytechnic has been interpreted differently from time to time. The government ought to reset the vocational education policy and then reform the law of the national education system. Therefore, the legal status of the polytechnic will be more sustainable and have better legal certainty accordingly. Regarding the recent development of higher education, it will be better if the government constitutes polytechnic as a higher education institution in applied sciences.</span></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 426-435
Ni Wayan Arini ◽  
Gusti Nyoman Mastini ◽  
Ni Ketut Kantriani

Education is closely related to national development and is directed at the development of all Indonesian people. As an effort to implement the National Education System Law, the government hereby pays great attention to religious education. This study aims to determine the urgency of Hindu religious education on government policies regarding religious and religious education. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using descriptive analysis techniques, with data collection techniques carried out through library research. The results of the study stated that Hindu religious education has a function as a motivator and dynamist, can encourage the creativity of students to do good and right to achieve their life goals, as stated in the Vedas namely Moksartham Jagadhitaya Ca Iti Dharma, meaning that people can practice Hinduism, understand, If you live and practice it, then the purpose of life, namely physical and spiritual well-being, will be achieved in this world and the next life. It is said how great the function of Hinduism is in shaping the character of the nation's children, especially in ethics, morality and morality, developing spirituality in everyday life in order to achieve their life goals. In this context, the government always lists religious education as one of the compulsory subjects that must be taken from elementary school to university. This is reflected in the laws and regulations of the 1945 Constitution and the National Education System Law, as well as other laws and regulations.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-84
Mukhammad Abdullah

Plurality of ethnicities, religions, and cultures is Indonesian historical facts. Diversity can be a gift or a disaster. If properly managed it can enrich human lives; on the contrary, if not properly managed it can lead to disaster in the form of tension, conflict, and violence. The function Islamic Education as a subject that is still preserved in the National Education System is expected to shape the character of students, so that they become Muslims who fear (in the sense of obedience to Allah),and at the same time be a citizen of Indonesia that is tolerant, accepting the condition of multi-cultural, and reject all forms of oppression that degrades human dignity. It specifically can be seen from learning objectives, that is to realize the Indonesian people who are religious, noble, knowledgeable, diligent to worship, intelligent, productive, honest, fair, ethical, disciplined, tolerant (tasamuh), maintaining harmony and developing religious culture at school. Philosophically, Islamic education is relevant to and an integral part of the national education system. The position of Islamic education as a subsystem of national education serves not only as a supplement, but as a substantial component. It means that Islamic education is a crucial component of national educational journey. Since the government has proposed the concept of multicultural education, civic education, and character education, then it cannot get rid of Islamic education. Key words: ideology of Islamic education, multicultural education, civic education, character education of the nation.

Yassin MEKLACH ◽  
Abderrahmane MERZOUKI

The secondary school performance of Ghomara’s students (coastal area of Chefchaouen province, Rif Mountain, Morocco) is deeply influenced by the cultivation of cannabis practiced by many Ghomarian families. To highlight this relationship, a field study was conducted with students, their parents, and other stakeholders through the adoption of a quantitative and qualitative sociological approach. It then appears that most of the students, especially boys, from cannabis families had annual averages assessment marks (AAM) less than 10/20. These marks do not allow them to continue their schooling. In addition, other factors are added to aggravate the already precarious situation, such as the need for manpower to carry out family farming activities, the social reluctance towards education, the inadequacy of education system to the labour market and the mistrust of the local population to the reforms of the national education system recently proposed by the government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Satrio Ageng Rihardi ◽  
Arnanda Yusliwidaka

ABSTRAKSistem pendidikan sesuai dengan UU Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintah Daerah kebijakan tentang desentralisasi diserahkan pada Pemerintah Daerah masing-masing. Khususnya dalam kebijakan jalur zonasi berpengaruh terhadap mutu penyelenggaraan pendidikan khususnya dalam perolehan jumlah siswa. Contohnya ada satu siswa di SMAN Kota Magelang terpaksa tidak dapat sekolah favorit, selain itu protes dari pihak orang tua murid. Penelitian secara normatif empiris yang dianalisis secara diskriptif kualitatif. Pemerintah wajib melaksanakan perbaikan secara berkesinambungan mengenai sistem nasional pendidikan di era desentralisasi melalui: Evaluasi kesiapan pemerintah daerah dalam sistem zonasi untuk mendata kecukupan sekolah; Pemerataan pendidikan dengan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai; Guru yang memadai untuk setiap zona; Ketersediaan informasi secara online maupun melalui pamflet dan papan pengumuman; Perlunya dipetakan dampak sistem zonasi. Jika memperhatikan hal tersebut, maka pelaksanaan kebijakan desentralisasi pendidikan dapat dikatakan lebih efektif dan efisien untuk dunia pendidikan di masa yang akan datang.Kata Kunci: Kebijakan, Zonasi, PPDB, Desentralisasi  ABSTRACTThe education system is in accordance with Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government. Policies on decentralization are left to the respective Regional Governments. Especially in the zoning policy policies affect the quality of the implementation of education, especially in the acquisition of the number of students. For example, there was one student in Magelang City High School who was forced to not get a favorite school, besides protesting from the parents. Empirical normative research that is analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The government is obliged to carry out continuous improvement of the national education system in the decentralization era through: Evaluation of the readiness of local governments in the zoning system to record the adequacy of schools; Equitable education with adequate facilities and infrastructure; Adequate teachers for each zone; Availability of information online as well as through pamphlets and bulletin boards; The need to map the impact of the zoning system. If you pay attention to this, then the implementation of education decentralization policy can be said to be more effective and efficient for the world of education in the future.Keywords: Policy, Zoning, PPDB, Decentralization

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 39-53
Miftahul Huda

This paper aims to analyze the development of Islamic education in Indonesia and efforts to strengthen it in the national education system. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Study of literature by focusing on terms of peeling, summarizing and collecting a literature, then the authors provide an analysis of the data that has been collected. The results showed that during the pre-independence era religious education was not only not recognized but also not included in the education system, it was even suspected of being a place to incite and fight the invaders. At the time of independence it did not yet have a role because the government still tended to be controlled by nationalist and secular groups, if there were Islamic groups, Islam was still more abangan. Thus the New Order government continuously fostered the quality of madrasa education so that in 1975 a joint decree (SKB) was issued by three ministers on Improving the Quality of Education in Madrasas, where the SKB of the three ministers had advantages and disadvantages. So that the solution of this weakness is the government is trying to make breakthroughs to restore the function of the madrasa as a place to print religious leaders, namely by opening an alternative Madrasah Aliyah named Madrasah Aliyah Special Program (MAPK). Henceforth, this MAPK was changed to Madrasah Aliyah Religious (MAK) which focuses and strengthens the field of Islamic education. There are two strengthening of Islamic education in the national education system, namely strengthening Islamic educational institutions, and strengthening religious subjects in all schools both under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion and other Ministries.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-59
Akhiyat Akhiyat

The dichotomy of the education system causes a gap between the sourcesof knowledge, between the religious sciences and general sciences. In thebook Integrasi Ilmu: Sebuah Rekonstruksi Holistik, the supporters of thereligious sciences only consider divine source and prophetic tradition asvalid sources and reject the others. On the other hand, secular scientistsonly considered valid information obtained through sensory observation.Therefore, the integration of Islamic education in the national educationsystem is part of the problems. According to the writer, the approachshould be integrated. All legislation and policies made by the government(which appears to lead to the integration) are effort to prepare and realizethe law of “one national education system ", as foreseen by Article 31 of the1945 Constitution. With the enactment of Law No. 2 of 1989 on NationalEducation System, supported by Act No. 20 of 2003 (also on NationalEducation System), the effort of integration of Islamic education into thenational education system has got legal standing.

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