Continuing Professional Education and the Internet: Views of Alberta Occupational Therapists

2005 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. 234-244 ◽  
M. Violet Pui ◽  
Lili Liu ◽  
Sharon Warren

Background. Occupational therapists have identified barriers to accessing continuing professional education (CPE) in the traditional face-to-face formats. One alternative to traditional, centrally located, face-to-face CPE is course delivery through the Internet. Purpose. This study examined Alberta occupational therapists' perceptions of Internet-based CPE. Method. A questionnaire was mailed to 800 randomly sampled Alberta occupational therapists (response rate = 35.5%; n = 281). Results. Respondents pursued CPE to increase skills, knowledge and maintain clinical competency. They reported that a face-to-face CPE course was more useful than distance courses. Although almost 90% of respondents had access to computers with an Internet connection at home or at work, and nearly 65% thought that their computer knowledge was sufficient, only 2.9% had previously taken Internet-based CPE. Practice Implications. In order for the Internet to be accepted as a common, useful and alternative delivery tool for CPE in occupational therapy, the perceived barriers such as the lack of personal time, cost, and limited interaction with other learners and instructors will need to be addressed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 85-94
Thomas L. Davies ◽  
Vonda K. Cotton ◽  
Leon Korte

More than ever before, today’s colleges and universities are employing innovative and mutually-beneficial ways to meet the needs of students.  Due to increasing competition and changing demographics, institutions benefit from attracting more students as higher enrollments generate greater revenue; these additional tuition and fees are crucial as costs continue to rise and state funding declines.  Alternative course delivery modalities provide flexibility that can enable more students to obtain access to a postsecondary education as well as appeal to those with different learning styles or who are looking for a less traditional college experience.  In recent years, online programs have grown significantly when compared to the traditional face-to-face (F2F) environment.  While both deliveries have their own advantages and thus supporters, each has its own disadvantages as well.  As a result, blended or hybrid classes, which include features of both F2F and distance courses, are becoming more common.  This article describes a study in which two sections of an F2F tax course offered students access to recorded lectures, and reports the results of a survey designed to ascertain student usage and perceptions of the value of this supplemental material. 

Muesser Cemal Nat

People’s environment is increasingly enriched and changed with computing devices which offer services that aid users in their daily activities. In addition, the way that people using the Internet have begun to change with these high-tech computing tools and devices. Following the recent trends on digital technologies, this chapter will discuss how to select and utilize existing Internet technologies for the benefits of education, and policies on using these technologies. The rapid improvements in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the wide introduction of the Internet have added a whole new dimension to education. There are seemingly limitless ways of using technologies and the Internet to enhance the quality of instruction, both in face-to-face courses as well as in distance courses. This chapter will also explain how technological advances and ICT policies are being applied to assist for both instructors and students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 74-77 ◽  
M. V. Toropova

The paper looks at the advantages and potential of network-based training of state forensic examiners, and the use of e-learning and distance learning technologies in continuing professional education in forensic science disciplines. The system of professional retraining developed by the RFCFS of the Russian Ministry of Justice is described in terms of how it combines face-to-face and distance learning approaches.

As per the Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of the distance learning is - “It is a method of study where teachers and students do not meet in a classroom but use the Internet, e- mail, video conference, audio conference mediums of the study. The assessments and doubt clearing also happen online and still there are some planned face to face interaction programs with the students.” In the late 1900s, correspondence courses started coming into the picture. These courses were mainly introduced for the working professionals and for the people who wish to go for competitive examinations as travelling to the university is difficult if it is far off. This is to enhance the access and reach for the learners. Many of the tutorial companies and coaching centers also use distance learning model to cater to the needs of IIT JEE/Civil services aspirants in India. However, distance-learning courses have much better acceptance in the western countries. In Europe and America, they have wider acceptance and several studies done have proven the need of the distance courses and the perception of the people about the distance courses is really good.

2002 ◽  
Vol 65 (5) ◽  
pp. 245-251 ◽  
Auldeen Alsop ◽  
Carol Lloyd

This article suggests ways in which continuing professional education might contribute to occupational therapists' ongoing professional development. It highlights the need to view critical skills as a feature of competent practice and discusses the relative merits of enhancing these skills through workplace learning and postgraduate study. It is suggested that occupational therapists aspiring to leadership positions and consultant therapist posts seek postgraduate opportunities to prepare themselves for these roles. Consideration is given both to how occupational therapists might make choices about programmes of continuing education and to how they might prepare to undertake postgraduate study.

1987 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-78 ◽  
H.M. Madill ◽  
D. Macnab ◽  
E.S.G. Brintnell ◽  
L.L. Stewin ◽  
G.W. Fitzsimmons

From a sample of 1400 occupational therapy respondents, the characteristics of two groups, those scoring high on the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (N = 280) and those scoring low (N = 280) on this measure of job satisfaction, are compared on age, position, educational levels and the value and salience scales of the Life Roles Inventory. The implications of these findings for occupational therapy unit management and supervision are discussed and recommendations for continuing professional education are made.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 875-894
Yeni Yuliana

Abstract The internet can be made as a way to transfer knowledge from lecturers to students, while Learning that utilizes the internet is one of the E-Learning Learning media. E-learning is distance learning that utilizes computer technology or computer networks or the Internet E-learning, so that it can enable the learning process through computers in their respective places without having to physically go to attend classes or lectures in class, Systems e-learning learning is a new way of teaching and learning. E-learning as a special learning media PAI courses provide a very important role and a large function in the course because so far there are many shortcomings and weaknesses such as the limitations of space and time in the teaching and learning process through E-learning which prioritizes the efficiency of learning so students get full teaching even though they do not have to be face to face, can also be accessed anywhere, anytime, according to the assignments given by the lecturer usually scheduled with a specified deadline. The development of education towards e-learning is a must so that the quality standards of education can be improved, E-learning is one of the uses of internet technology in the delivery of learning and its broad reach. E-learning can also be an answer to a health problem that is Pandemic Corona (Covid-19) which is very influential also in every aspect of life, especially in education.Keywords: Effectiveness, Utilization, Islamic Religious Education, E-Learning, Covid 19. Abstrak Internet dapat dijadikan cara untuk mentransfer ilmu pengetahuan dari Dosen kepada mahasiswa/mahasiswi. Adapun Pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan internet salah satunya adalah media pembelajaran E-Learning. E-learning adalah pembelajaran jarak jauh (distance learning) yang memanfaatkan  teknologi komputer atau jaringan komputer atau internet E-learning, sehingga dapat  memungkinkan proses pembelajaran melalui komputer di tempat mereka  masing– masing tanpa harus secara fisik  pergi  mengikuti pelajaran atau pun  perkuliahan di kelas,  Sistem pembelajaran e-learning adalah cara baru dalam proses belajar mengajar. E-learning  sebagai   media pembelajaran khususnya mata kuliah PAI memberikan  peran   sangat   penting  dan fungsi yang besar pada mata kuliah tersebut karena selama  ini terdapat banyak  kekurangan  dan kelemahan seperti keterbatasan ruang dan waktu dalam  proses belajar  mengajar melalui E-learning yang  mengedepankan keefisienan dalam belajar sehingga  mahasiswa mendapat pengajaran yang penuh meski tidak harus bertatap muka, juga bisa di akses di mana saja, kapan saja,  sesuai dengan tugas yang diberikan oleh dosen biasanya terjadwal dengan  batas  waktu  yang  di tentukan. Pengembangan  pendidikan menuju e-learning merupakan suatu keharusan agar standar mutu pendidikan dapat ditingkatkan,  E-learning merupakan salah satu penggunaan teknologi internet dalam penyampaian  pembelajaran  serta  jangkauannya yang luas. E-learning  juga dapat menjadi jawaban dari suatu permasalahan kesehatan yaitu Pandemi Corona (Covid-19) ini yang sangat berpengaruh juga pada setiap aspek kehidupan terutama bidang pendidikan.Kata kunci  :  Keefektifitas, Pemanfaatan, Pendidikan Agama Islam,  E-Learning, Covid 19.  

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