scholarly journals Pengembangan Pembelajaran Sejarah Berbasis Microsoft Teams Untuk Membentuk Kecakapan Abad 21

Chronologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-37
Asyif Awaludin Romadhoni ◽  
Supardi Supardi ◽  
Aman Aman

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed all aspects of human life. One of them is education. The government has launched a Learning From Home (BDR) policy to tackle the spread of COVID-19. This has an impact on the learning process and inculcating character values ​​among the younger generation. History learning certainly plays an important role in shaping the character of the younger generation and becomes one of the solutions to moral decadence during the pandemic. Therefore, history learning needs to be arranged creatively by innovating learning technology, one of which is Microsoft Teams. This article aims to describe a Microsoft Teams-based history learning model by incorporating learning technologies such as broadcast. This article is written with descriptive writing method. The theories used to analyze and develop this learning model include the concepts of understanding, feeling, acting, and the example of Ki Hadjar Dewantara; the Smart School and Good School concepts developed by Matthew Davidson, Thomas Lickona, and Vladimir Khmelkov; and the concept of Teaching Controversial Issues based on Thomas Lickona's research. The history learning model based on Microsoft Teams consists of several stages, namely Preparation of Learning Implementation Plans (RPP); Material Ray Making; Asynchronous Learning by sharing podcasts of material into Teams Classes; Synchronous Learning Discussing Rays; Synchronous Learning that Discusses the Perspective of Characters, Historical Actors, or Experts and Discusses; and Control of Character Guidance with Homeroom and Counseling Teachers. This model can be applied in history learning in an effort to inculcate character values ​​and competencies in the 21st century by inviting students to continue to plan and realize good plans for the better.

Suci Rahayu ◽  
Sariyatun Sariyatun ◽  
Leo Agung

This study describes the role of the use of learning models which applied to students through historical materials of the Great Mosque Nur Sulaiman in Banyumas toward students' learning outcomes. Using qualitative description research here,the researchers described what learning needs to be met by teacher in achieving the maximum learning process. In addition, the use of learning models which applied in the classroom, especially related to the historical material of the Great Mosque of Nur Sulaiman, it was able to be used to foster students' tolerance attitude. In the process of learning, the teacher described the history of the Great Mosque Nur Sulaiman, which in this case, it was also part of local history that exist in Banyumas. Therefore, from this description, which associated with the learning model, it gave students an understanding about the importance of local history in the process of improving students' tolerance attitude.

Ta dib ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Agus Purwowidodo

Learning technology as applied disciplines grows and evolves based to the needs of learning more effective, more efficient, more and more, more spacious, and more quickly in the globalization era. And also solves the problem, facilitating problem solving learning on design aspects, development, utilization, management, and assessment processes and sources in learning. Islamic religious education teachers challenge in the global era is the demands of the learning process that can improve informationliteracy that is well supported by data and facts to deliver to the students in the era of information society (information society) and the scientific community (knowledge society). So it is needed an approach and innovative methods of learning strategies that address the challenges of learning needs in the era of globalization and information. Dialectics of technology on learning in a globalization era are characterized by the demands of the students to have critical thinking skills, problem solving, innovative and creative, mastering ICT, fluent communication, and multi languages. And also Islamic religious education teachers’ competence and interaction and learning technologies such as ICT products that push reposition the role of an advanced teacher trainers, counselors, managers, participants, leader and author of learning works as an abstraction and a high commitment as a base quality of professionalism.Teknologi pembelajaran sebagai  disiplin ilmu terapan tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai kebutuhan belajar  lebih efektif, lebih efisien, lebih banyak, lebih luas, lebih cepat di era global. serta memecahkan, memfasilitasi pemecahan masalah belajar pada aspek desain, pengembangan, pemanfaatan, pengelolaan, dan penilaian proses-proses dan sumber-sumber untu belajar. Tantangan guru PAI di era global adalah tuntutan terhadap proses pembelajaran yang mampu meningkatkan information literacy yang baik didukung oleh data dan fakta untuk menghantarkan siswanya menuju pada era masyarakat informasi (information society) dan masyarakat ilmu pengetahuan (knowledge society). Sehingga di butuhkan bentuk pendekatan strategi dan metode inovatif pembelajaran yang mampu menjawab tantangan kebutuhan pembelajaran pada era globalisasi dan informasi. Dialektika teknologi terhadap proses pembelajaran di era global diwarnai dengan tuntutan terhadap siswa mempunyai keterampilan dalam berpikir kritis, memecahkan masalah, inovatif dan kreatif, menguasai ICT, komunikasi lancar, multi bahasa. Serta interaksi kompetensi Guru  PAI  dan produk teknologi pembelajaran berupa ICT yang mendorong reposisi peran guru menajdi pelatih, konselor, manajer, partisipan, pemimpin serta pengarang karya pembelajaran sebagai daya abstraksi dan komitmen yang tinggi sebagai basis kualitas profesionalisme. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-146
Nurul Ifadhah ◽  
Irwansyah Irwansyah

Handwritting into book is the most ancient form of analog communication and a means of remote communication that was first present in human life. However, just like any other communication product, writing on books (journaling) slowly begins to be eroded by technology dermination. The culture of analog writing shifts to typing. The decline in interest analog writing is seen from the results of research and regulations in some countries that no longer require the younger generation to have certain skills of writing. In fact, analog writing activities are scientifically proven to be mentally healthy. The situation in Indonesia is slightly different from the presence of the government that requires handwritten classes for elementary children, and the growing writing market in young family communities. Journaling in the millenial mother community is a process to get a more conscious lifestyle. This research aims to understand the revitalization process of an analog communication to remain favored by people who have become accustomed to consuming communication information technology. Through the Case Study it was found that journaling as analog communication is able to maintain its existence because of the revitalization of ideas through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary collaboration in the scope of communication science.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-227
Nor Hasan ◽  
Edi Susanto

This article attempted to trace the existence of Dhâmmong tradition in the following scopes, namely: (1) Madurese perception against Dhâmmong , (2) the function and symbolic meaning of Dhâmmong in human life, and (3) the efforts of the Madurese community to preserve the Dhâmmong tradition. Through a descriptive phenomenological analysis, this study revealed that Dhâmmong is a hereditary tradition carried out by the Madurese community, it is urged by the community’s anxiety caused by the long dry season (némor lanjheng). Dhâmmong functionsas a means for salametan, paying respect for the ancestors, strengthening human relations (silaturrahim ), Bhek Rembhek, and nguri berkah (the fertility of the earth). The offerings and mouth-music by imitating the sounds of animals represent a strong desire and wishof the community for the immediate rainfall that could pour out blessings for the community. Hence, the community’s efforts to preserve Dhâmmong are: (1) introducing and involving the younger generation in the ritual, and (2) setting and changing the time sequence of Dhâmmong implementation from night to daytime.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Muhammad Nadzir

Water plays a very important role in supporting human life and other living beings as goods that meet public needs. Water is one of the declared goods controlled by the state as mentioned in the constitution of the republic of Indonesia. The state control over water indicated that water management can bring justice and prosperity for all Indonesian people. However, in fact, water currently becomes a product commercialized by individuals and corporations. It raised a question on how the government responsibility to protect the people's right to clean water. This study found that in normative context, the government had been responsible in protecting the people’s right over the clean water. However, in practical context, it found that the government had not fully protected people's right over clean water. The government still interpreted the state control over water in the form of creating policies, establishing a set of regulations, conducting management, and also supervision.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 177
Asep Saefullah

This paper discusses the biography of K.H. Abdul Halim, a cleric, educator, political activist, a national hero, who was born in Jatiwangi, Majalengka, West Java on June 26, 1887 and died on May 7, 1962, in a peaceful and quiet place, Santi Asromo, Majalengka. The title of the National Hero from the Government of Indonesia was granted on the basis of his important roles in education, economics and politics. Among his legacy are the religious educational institutions, namely Santi Asromo Pesantren, the religious organization of the Islamic Ummah Union (PUI), and several books such as the Kitab Petunjuk bagi Sekalian Manusia (Manual for Man), Ekonomi dan Koperasi dalam Islam (Economics and Cooperative in Islam), dan Ketetapan Pengajaran di Sekolah Ibtidaiyah Persyarikatan Ulama (The Teaching Decrees at Ibtidaiyah Persyarikatan Ulama School). His biography is a manifestation of appreciation for his services and works, his struggle and his devotion to science and people, as well as his role and contribution in building the nation of Indonesia with noble character and dignity. Another milestone of his is the value of the struggle and at the same time his Islamic scholarship can be an example for the younger generation in particular and for anyone who aspires to build a nation of Indonesia which is based on the Belief in One God, fair and civilized, united in the context of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Keywords: Kiai, Education, Pesantren, Majalengka, West Java Tulisan ini mengangkat biografi K.H. Abdul Halim dan gagasannya tentang pendidikan ekonomi di pesantren. Ia memiliki nama kecil Otong Syatori, dikenal sebagai ulama pejuang, pendidik, dan aktivis politik. Ia dilahirkan di Desa Ciborelang, Kecamatan Jatiwangi, Majalengka, Jawa Barat, pada 26 Juni 1887, dan wafat dalam usia 75 tahun pada 7 Mei 1962, di Santi Asromo, Majalengka. Ia mendapat gelar Pahlawan Nasional dari Pemerintah RI tahun 2008. Perjuangannya meliputi pendidikan, ekonomi, dan politik. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah deskriptif-analitis dengan perspektif historis. Adapun fokusnya, selain biog¬rafi singkat K.H. Abdul Halim, juga tentang konsep pendidikan eko¬no¬mi berbasis pesantren. Dari hasil pembahasan ditemukan bahwa ia telah melakukan pembaharuan di bidang pendidikan agama dan sekaligus memberikan keterampilan kewirausahaan bagi santri dan lulusannya. Awalnya gagasan tersebut berasal dari konsep pembaharuannya yang disebut Iṣlāḥ as-Ṡamāniyyah, yaitu: perbaikan akidah, ibadah, pendidikan, keluarga, kebiasaan (adat), masyarakat, ekonomi, dan hubungan umat dan tolong-menolong. Di bidang pendidikan, ia memadukan sistem pesantren dengan sistem sekolah, ilmu-ilmu agama dengan ilmu-ilmu umum, serta memberkali para santrinya dengan berbagai keterampilan tangan dan keahlian teknik. Di bidang ekonomi, disebutnya dengan Iṣlāḥ al-Iqtiṣād, untuk menanggulangi ketimpangan ekonomi di masyarakat, yaitu dengan menanamkan kesadaran kepada kaum muslimin agar berusaha memperbai¬ki dan meningkatkan kehidupan ekonominya dan berjuang secara bersama-sama melalui wadah koperasi. Kata kunci: Abdul Halim, Santi Asromo, pendidikan ekonomi, Iṣlāḥ as-Ṡamāniyyah, Iṣlāḥ al-Iqtiṣād

2020 ◽  
Ashis Acharya ◽  
Nabaraj Poudyal ◽  
Ganesh Lamichhane ◽  
Babita Aryal ◽  
Bibek Raj Bhattarai ◽  

The COVID-19 global pandemic has affected all aspects of human life, with education, not an exception. In an attempt to stop the SARS-CoV-2 spreading like wildfire, the Government of Nepal has implemented nationwide lockdowns since March 24, 2020, that have enforced schools and universities to shut down. As a consequence, more than four hundred thousand students of various levels in higher education institutions (HEIs) are in a dilemma about restoring the situation. Several HEIs, nationwide, have leaped forward from the traditional concept of learning—limited within the boundary of the classroom—to choosing digital platforms as an alternative means of teaching because of the pandemic. For this research, the descriptive and inferential analysis was carried out to investigate the effects and challenges of learning via digital platforms during this pandemic. Data were collected from students and faculty at various levels of higher education and analyzed statistically with different factors using t-test and ANOVA, and variables were found to be approximately normally distributed. The study revealed that 70% of the respondents had access to the Internet, but 36% of the Internet accessed did not continue online classes due to unexpected disturbance in Internet and electrical connectivity. Likewise, 65% of students did not feel comfortable with online classes, and among attendees of online classes, 78% of students want to meet the instructor for a better understanding of course matters. According to the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model, three factors, such as institutional policy, internet access, and poverty, are found to be significant factors affecting the online higher education systems in Nepal. On the brighter side, this outbreak has brought ample opportunities to reform the conventional teaching-learning paradigm in Nepal.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 1116
Zeba Mahmood ◽  
Vacius Jusas

This paper introduces a blockchain-based federated learning (FL) framework with incentives for participating nodes to enhance the accuracy of classification problems. Machine learning technology has been rapidly developed and changed from a global perspective for the past few years. The FL framework is based on the Ethereum blockchain and creates an autonomous ecosystem, where nodes compete to improve the accuracy of classification problems. With privacy being one of the biggest concerns, FL makes use of the blockchain-based approach to ensure privacy and security. Another important technology that underlies the FL framework is zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs), which ensure that data uploaded to the network are accurate and private. Basically, ZKPs allow nodes to compete fairly by only submitting accurate models to the parameter server and get rewarded for that. We have conducted an analysis and found that ZKPs can help improve the accuracy of models submitted to the parameter server and facilitate the honest participation of all nodes in FL.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 137
Youngok Kang ◽  
Nahye Cho ◽  
Jiyoung Yoon ◽  
Soyeon Park ◽  
Jiyeon Kim

Recently, as computer vision and image processing technologies have rapidly advanced in the artificial intelligence (AI) field, deep learning technologies have been applied in the field of urban and regional study through transfer learning. In the tourism field, studies are emerging to analyze the tourists’ urban image by identifying the visual content of photos. However, previous studies have limitations in properly reflecting unique landscape, cultural characteristics, and traditional elements of the region that are prominent in tourism. With the purpose of going beyond these limitations of previous studies, we crawled 168,216 Flickr photos, created 75 scenes and 13 categories as a tourist’ photo classification by analyzing the characteristics of photos posted by tourists and developed a deep learning model by continuously re-training the Inception-v3 model. The final model shows high accuracy of 85.77% for the Top 1 and 95.69% for the Top 5. The final model was applied to the entire dataset to analyze the regions of attraction and the tourists’ urban image in Seoul. We found that tourists feel attracted to Seoul where the modern features such as skyscrapers and uniquely designed architectures and traditional features such as palaces and cultural elements are mixed together in the city. This work demonstrates a tourist photo classification suitable for local characteristics and the process of re-training a deep learning model to effectively classify a large volume of tourists’ photos.

Changhong Zhai

With the development of mobile technology, the intellectualization and intellectualization of mobile learning technology have greatly expanded the dimension of time and space of learning, and become a useful supplement to the traditional teaching mode. Taking College English vocabulary teaching as an example, this paper studies college English vocabulary teaching under the support of mobile technology, in order to provide new ways and methods to meet the individual learning needs of different learners. This paper designs College English vocabulary teaching based on mobile technology and puts forward a basic framework of mobile learning for college students’ English vocabulary learning. In this paper, English vocabulary technology is applied to college English vocabulary teaching. Through experiments, it promotes college students’ English vocabulary memory level, vocabulary use level and interest in English learning, respectively, to verify the effectiveness of College English vocabulary teaching mode based on mobile technology. The experimental results show that the flexibility of mobile learning can take into account the different learning needs of students at different levels of the same group, categorize and categorize the individual needs of students, and adjust different learning content and learning difficulty ladder to a certain extent. The innovation of this paper is to fully combine mobile technology with college English vocabulary teaching, solve practical application problems, and improve the application value of mobile technology in college teaching.

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