scholarly journals Aransemen Ansambel Woodwind Sebagai Identitas Orkes Keroncong Gita Puspita di Tegal

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-116
Meizan Riza Arhamni ◽  
Abdul Rachman

The Keroncong Orchestra Gita Puspita Orchestra is one of the Keroncong Orchestras that has a place in the hearts of the people of Tegal Regency. This happened not instantaneously, Keroncong Orchestras Gita Puspita has always been in the process of working and being creative so that he managed to get a place in the hearts of the people of Tegal Regency, especially teenagers. One of the uniqueness of Keroncong Orchestras Gita Puspita is the use of woodwind ensembles for Keroncong music, where this kind of collaboration has never existed before in the Tegal district. This study aims to describe the use of woodwind ensembles in Keroncong music by Keroncong Orchestras Gita Puspita in Tegal. This study uses a qualitative method with a music analysis approach, data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results showed that the use of the woodwind ensemble on Keroncong Orchestras Gita Puspita is quite important in composition, because the woodwind ensemble functions as an accent filler, filler, blocking note, and melody note, this is what makes the woodwind ensemble have an important role in every Keroncong Orchestras Gita Puspita arrangement

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 89
Arifin Arifin

Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang kasus penegakan kebijakan protokol kesehatan yang tidak konsisten di Kota Pontianak. Kondisi masyarakat ini merepresentasikan keterlibatan mereka sebagai bagian dari penyelenggaraan kebijakan, khususnya dalam penegakan kebijakan protokol kesehatan di masa pandemic Covid-19. Terjadi ketimpangan yang tidak adil dalam penegakan aturan ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data primer melalui wawancara dan observasi. Pengumpulan data sekunder juga dilakukan dengan penelusuran daring. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ketaatan masyarakat Kota Pontianak terhadap penyelenggaraan aturan protokol kesehatan tergolong baik. Hal ini dilihat dari kepatuhan masyarakat dalam melaksanakan perilaku menjaga jarak, mencuci tangan, dan memakai masker secara konsisten. Meski demikian, ada juga pelanggaran aturan yang terjadi. Hal ini dilihat dari jumlah sanksi atau denda yang diberlakukan kepada sejumlah pengusaha kedai kopi. This paper describes the case of inconsistent health protocol policy enforcement in Pontianak City. The condition of this community represents their involvement as part of the implementation of policies, especially in the enforcement of health protocol policies during the Covid-19 pandemic. There is unfair and inequality in the enforcement of the rule. This research uses qualitative method, with primary data collection by interview and observation. Secondary data collection is also done with online browsing. Based on the results of the study, the adherence of the people of Pontianak city to the implementation of health protocol rules is relatively good. This is seen from the community's compliance in maintaining distance, washing hands, and wearing masks consistently. However, there is also a violation of the rules that occur, this is seen from the number of sanctions or fines imposed on a number of coffee shop entrepreneurs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 390-322
Iwan Ramadhan

Every development activity always leads to better things. If development is not achieved, it will impact the society negatively. Through each of existing social changes, the existing community is expected to work together in carrying out any existing development activities, one of which is in the tourism sector, namely the construction of the Equator Park. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method, and the techniques used in data collection are observation and interviews. The purpose of this study is to see and find out the changes that have occurred in economic and socio-cultural fields that have existed in the community, especially in Jeruju Besar Village since the existence of the Equator Park tourist destination. The results indicated the occurrence of socio-cultural and economic changes leading to positive things for the people in Jeruju Besar village since the existence of the Equator Park tourist destination, and the community is required to be more creative and innovative in creating Equator Park tourist attractions and utilizing technology in introducing the tourist attractions.

Mohhamad Kusyanto

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dari keberadaan Masjid Agung Demak yang merupakan masjid pertama di Kabupaten Demak. Masjid yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 1479 M ini memiliki arsitektur masjid yang unik. Keunikan arsitektur masjid ini dilakukan penelitian lebih mendalam sehingga sehingga menjadi rujukan dalam membangun masjid lain di Kabupaten Demak. Arsitektur masjid ini telah terjaga kearifan lokalnya hingga berdiri sampai sekarang ini. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi, merumuskan arsitektur masjid Demakan sebagai salah satu arsitektur masjid yang dilestarikan di Kabupaten Demak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan survei di lapangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan merupakan penelitian eksplorasi. Jenis penelitian bersifat deskriptif yakni menganalis dan menyajikan fakta secara sistematik sehingga mudah untuk dipahami dan disimpulkan. Adapun pengambilan data melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam pada sejumlah informan, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian dapat dirumuskan bahwa kearifan lokal arsitektur masjid Demakan meliputi : (1) tata ruang yakni ruang utama salat, serambi dan ruang tambahan lain; (2) Struktur ditopang 4 saka guru dan 12 saka penanggap pada ruang utama salat dan struktur ditopang 8 saka guru dan 28 saka penanggap pada ruang serambi; dan (3) Ruang utama salat berbentuk bujur sangkar dengan atap tajug tumpang tiga dan serambi berbentuk persegi panjang dengan atap limasan. Arsitektur masjid Demakan sampai sekarang masih dilestarikan oleh masyarakat KabupatenDemak. This research is motivated by the existence of the Great Mosque of Demak which is the first mosque in the Demak Regency. The mosque, which was founded in 1479 AD, has a unique mosque architecture. The uniqueness of the architecture of the mosque is carried out in-depth research so that it becomes a reference in building other mosques in Demak Regency. The architecture of this mosque has maintained its local wisdom up to now. The purpose of this study is to identify, formulate the architecture of the Demakan mosque as one of the preserved mosque architectures in the Demak Regency. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method. The method of data collection is done by field surveys. This research uses a qualitative approach and is an exploratory study. This type of research is descriptive in that it analyzes and presents facts systematically so that it is easy to understand and infer. The data collection through observation, in-depth interviews with a number of informants, and literature study. The results of the study can be formulated that the local wisdom of the mosque architecture of Demakan includes: (1) spatial planning, namely the main prayer room, foyer, and other additional spaces; (2) The structure is supported by 4 saka teachers and 12 saka responders in the main prayer room and the structure is supported by 8 saka teachers and 28 respondent saka in the foyer room; and (3) The main prayer room is square with a overlapping roof and a rectangular porch with a pyramid roof. The architecture of the Demakan mosque is still preserved by the people of the DemakRegency.

2019 ◽  
Ratna Widayati ◽  
Meliza Efriani

The development in the banking industry as well as opening the era of free information has contributed to greater competition between banks. Competition led to similar companies competing to provide the Bank's products and services to increase the Bank's income. With the PT. RB Rod Cotton gave credit to the people around Rod Cotton, one of which is Our Business Credit (KUMI). PT. RB Rod Cotton conduct its lending activities starting from receipt of application Loans, Credit, Credit Agreement, Realization of Credit and Credit Monitoring conducted by the Bank RB Rod Cotton.The purpose of this study was conducted to determine how the credit management at PT. Cotton Trunk Rural Bank in the period 2013-2015. The method used is a qualitative method. Data collection is done with the data mengumpulkam Development of Credit and Credit Kolektibiltas at. Cotton Trunk Rural Bank. The results could be seen in 2013 and 2015 with loan growth in 2013 61% 2014 71% and in 2015 84%, and the collectibility of the loans in 2013 types of performing loans 89.55%, substandard 3.68, doubt jammed 4.49% and 2.76%, in 2014 performing loans 89.70%, 4.49% substandard, doubtful and loss 4.36% to 1.42%, in 2015 performing loans 89.03% , substandard 4.73%, 4.90% doubtful, and loss of 1.31%. Thus it can be concluded that the development of credit and credit kolektibiltas at PT. Rural Bank Cotton Trunk good, because RB Rod Cotton was able to reduce the loan from the years 2013-2015.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Ahmadin Ahmadin ◽  
La Ode Sidu Marafad ◽  
Sulfiah Sulfiah

Abstrac : The aim of this research is to describe the forms of honorific expressions in the community of GunungSejuk Village. This study uses descriptive qualitative method aimed at revealing an empirical fact objectively scientifically based on scientific logic, procedures and supported by strong methodology and theoretical according to the scientific discipline that is pursued. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by Observation Method, Data collection techniques by conducting direct observations of GunungSejuk people to find forms of language honorific expressions used by the people of GunungSejuk Village, in this observation technique researchers used two types of observations namely , free observation and planned observation. The technique of cooperating with technical informants obtains data by working with informants about the forms of honorific expressions in Ciacia language, the technique of referring and noting is recording all the data obtained from the informant. recording technique is a technique used to record the conversation of informants in the community of GunungSejuk Village. From the results of research conducted on the Analysis of Honorific Forms in the Language of Ciacia. So the author can conclude that the people of GunungSejuk Village use honorific forms of communication. The honorific forms are categorized into five types of honorifics, namely, kinship honorifics, honorific personal pronouns, title honorifics, position honorifics and professional honorifics. The use of honorific forms is used in the communication process in the community of GunungSejuk Village based on the level of social position in the community. Keywords: CiaciaLanguage; Honorific; Shape

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (7) ◽  
Baiq Farhatul Wahidah ◽  
Norma Afiati ◽  
Jumari Jumari

Abstract. Wahidah BF, Afiati N, Jumari. 2021. Community knowledge of Amorphophallus muelleri Blume: Cultivation and utilization in Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 2731-2737. Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) is a member of the Araceae edible family currently popular on Java island, Indonesia. In the last five years, this plant which has high economic value due to its various benefits as a food plant and medicinal plant has been cultivated in Central Java. This study aims to determine the knowledge of the people in Central Java about porang plant, its cultivation, and its use in people's lives. The method used is a qualitative method by applying data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. Besides general interviews, this study gains more information from some informants whose purposively chosen amongst the respondents as people knowledgeable about porang in general, and in particular A. muelleri. Results showed that people in Central Java do have knowledge about porang plant even though it was not used as food ingredient. Public knowledge about porang cultivation is obtained from various sources including social media and people who strive for porang with success. Therefore, since the community is currently aware of the potential and economic values of porang, they have started to cultivate it. Porang has enormous potential to be developed in the future and provide welfare for the community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Raodah Raodah

This study aimed to describe the noble values of Pasang in the beliefs of Kajang traditional community in South Sulawesi. Pasang ri Kajang is an oral message containing guidance, customary rules, guidelines, and institutionalized norms by Turie Arakna (God Almighty) to the first Ammatoa (the first people) for the all members of Kajang traditiobal community. These oral messages inherited from generation to generation, from the first Ammatoa into the present Ammatoa according to the faith teachings of Patuntung. Ammatoa as a traditional leader is mandated to carry out all the rules containing in Pasang, supervised the teaching violations of Pasang, and practiced the all teachings of Pasang as cultural values growth in Kajang traditional community. The glory of a person depended on his/her obedience to Pasang called Tu Salama (saved people). The people who throughout their lives adhere to the values of Pasang will feel an enjoy life. The essence of Pasang is to surrender to Turie Arakna, which means surrender to the God willing, do all teachings and avoid all prohibitions of Pasang. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques were interview, observation, and literature study, then be analyzed inductively. From the result study, it is known that there were three noble values of Pasang ri Kajang, namely the relationship between humans with their God, humans with humans, and human with nature. The relationship between humans with their God as the embodiment of values of Pasang ri Kajang is the essence of Manuntungi truth based on the Patuntung belief by Kajang traditional community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-116
Ifa Hanifia Senjiati ◽  
Yadi Wahyudin

There has been a decline in animal sacrifice in 2012 at LAZ Rumah Zakat. There is a phenomenon that customers are not satisfied with Rumah Zakat services. Thus several factors can influence mudhohi's decision to sacrifice in zakat institutions. Based on these problems the formulation of the research problem is how mudhohi sacrifices decisions at zakat institutions. The research method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach. Data collection techniques with interviews to 100 mudhohi. The result is that mudhohi's decision to sacrifice at Rumah Zakat is 93% mudhohi will sacrifice again. Mudhohi's decision to make sacrifices at Rumah Zakat is due to the longer value of superqurban benefits, distribution throughout the country, offering affordable prices, product innovation in the form of corned beef and rendang cans, simple processes, and voucher offers.

Nanda Dwi Astri ◽  
Oktaviandi Bertua Pardede

This study uses a qualitative method. Qualitative method is a method that uses descriptive methods to describe data by describing related events both in writing and verbally. The research procedure consists of three stages, namely the stage of data collection, data analysis, and presentation of data analysis. The method used in data collection is the method of observing. The technique used in data collection is a free-to-conversation listening technique by observing and recording data in the form of imperative sentences in the Ngoko Javanese language in North Sumatra. The purpose of this study is to increase knowledge and increase understanding of language command sentences   Java Ngoko in North Sumatra. The source of the data in this research is the people in Bandar Tengah village, Bandar Khalipa h, North Sumatra as speakers of the Javanese Ngoko language. Based on the results of the study, imperative sentences in Javanese. Ngoko contain the intent to command, prohibit, invite, order repeatedly, invite, request, be angry, and ask for help.

2019 ◽  
Ikhsania Hapsari Putri

Anime is known by the people of Indonesia as an animation made in Japan. Whereas in Japan itself, the word “anime” is used to refer to any animated film, regardless of where the origin of the anime is. Anime is liked by many Indonesians because the visual characters of anime are considered to be very interesting such as big eyes, colorful hair, etc. Anime lovers, also called otaku, usually spend their time watching anime. Anime can be used as an informal learning media that uses the senses of sight and hearing or it is called audio visual. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method and data collection through quotation of words from the anime Barakamon, an adaptation of the manga that was composed and illustrated by Satsuki Yoshino. This anime’s genre is comedy, slice of life. This study aims to provide more knowledge about anime as a media for learning Japanese, especially about common expressions such as pronouns, greetings, apologies, and expressions of thanks.

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