2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-176
Fita Tri Wijayanti

This study aims to describe and analyze it critical about the implementation of the development of children's spiritual intelligence through habituation methods at SD Islam Plus Masyithoh Kroya, Cilacap district. This type of research is field research or field research. This research is presented in descriptive form with the aim to describe a process that occurs in the field. While the approach taken is a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used: observation, interviews, and documentation. While the data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman Model, which consists of: Data Reduction, Data Display and Verification (Conclusion Drawing). The results of this study found that the forms of development of children's spiritual intelligence through habituation methods at SD Islam Plus Masyithoh Kroya were divided into two activities, namely: first, programmed habituation activities, including extracurricular activities scheduled every Saturday namely extracurricular tilawah, tambourine and calligraphy . In addition, outdoor learning, activities that have been scheduled each year for grade 5 (five) students, are religious tourism. Second, habituation activities are not programmed in the development of children's spiritual intelligence through habituation methods. a) routine activities, carried out continuously and scheduled. The routine activities include: morning munajat activities (asmaul husna, daily prayers, tartil juz 30, and memorizing selected hadith) which are carried out before teaching and learning activities, dhuha prayer, dzuhur prayer in congregation, and social service activities, b) spontaneous namely activities that occur when experiencing special events. In this case the spontaneous activities carried out included: greeting, apologizing before asking for help, always dhikr, and thanking, c) exemplary is a habituation activity shown by the teacher in daily actions. Exemplary here is shown by the performance of the teacher both in the classroom providing subject matter as well as outside the classroom.

Belinda Dewi Regina

Abstrak: Batik merupakan warisan budaya yang menjadi ciri khas masyarakat Indonesia sehingga wajib dilestarikan. Wujud pelestariannya bisa dilakukan dengan cara mengenalkan batik melalui pemakaian seragam batik di sekolah. Hal ini diterapkan juga di Sekolah Indonesia Bangkok (SIB). Siswa-siswinya dikenalkan batik dengan cara mewajibkan berseragam batik. Terdapat 76 anak sekolah di sana, mereka adalah anak-anak dari WNI yang bekerja di perusahaan asing. Mayoritas dari mereka adalah anak diplomat serta staf KBRI. Kegiatan belajar mengajar di SIB hampir sama dengan Indonesia, yang membedakan hanya jumlah muridnya, serta mata pelajaran seni yang diajarkan hanya menyanyi dan menggambar. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya pendampingan membatik Shibori. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendampingan dalam membatik Shibori bermotif gajah dikombinasikan dengan motif Indonesia yaitu parang. Penelitian ini berjenis kualitatif, dengan penelitian lapangan di SIB. Subjek penelitian ini siswa kelas 5 SD. Metode yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini berupa pendampingan membatik Shibori yang terdiri dari 4 langkah yaitu persiapan, sosalisasi, pelaksanaan kegiatan membatik Shibori dan evaluasi. Proses persiapan pembelajaran membatik meliputi observasi, wawancara. Proses sosialisasi pengenalan membatik Shibori. Proses pelaksanaan kegiatan membatik shibori terdiri dari pembuatan pola, pemberian ikatan, pemberian warna, dan finishing. Selanjutnya evaluasi meliputi observasi dan wawancara dari siswa-siswi SIB.Kata Kunci: Pendampingan, Membatik Shibori, Sekolah DasarAbstract: Batik is a cultural heritage that is characteristic of Indonesian society so it must be preserved. The form of its preservation can be done by introducing batik through the use of batik uniforms at school. This applies also at the Indonesian School of Bangkok (SIB). The students were introduced to batik by requiring batik uniforms. There are 76 school children there, they are children of Indonesian citizens who work in foreign companies. The majority of them are diplomatic children and Indonesian Embassy staff. Teaching and learning activities at SIB are almost the same as Indonesia, which distinguishes only the number of students, as well as art subjects taught only singing and drawing. Therefore it is necessary to provide assistance to make Shibori batik. This study aims to provide assistance in batik making elephant-patterned Shibori combined with Indonesian motifs, namely machetes. This research is a qualitative type, with field research at SIB. The subject of this research is grade 5 elementary school students. The method used is observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study in the form of mentoring batik Shibori consisting of 4 steps, namely preparation, socialization, implementation of Shibori batik activities and evaluation. The process of preparation for batik learning includes observation, interviews. Shibori's batik introduction process. The process of carrying out Shibori batik activities consists of making patterns, giving ties, giving colors, and finishing. Next evaluation includes observations and interviews from SIB students.Keywords: Monitoring, Shibori Batik, Primary School

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Pancahadi Siswasusila

The emergence of unpleasant assumptions about Islamic religious education, such as Islam is taught more on memorization that must be practiced. So the problem that is often encountered in teaching, especially teaching Islam is how to present material to students well so that the results are effective and efficient. In order for the learning of Islamic religious education (pendidikan agama Islam/PAI) on the material of the names of the books of God to be embedded in students well, then many concepts of active learning models are offered. One of them is by implementing a cooperative learning model through the crossword puzzle strategy that is expected to increase students' learning motivation. By involving them actively in the learning process, students will experience or even discover science independently. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of cooperative learning through the crossword puzzle strategy in increasing learning motivation in the Grade 5 PAI Subjects of Jombatan 1 Elementary School in Jombang Regency. The research method used is action research. In collecting data, the author uses the observation method, checklist, and participatory methods. The results of the study show that the implementation of cooperative learning through crossword puzzle strategies is effective in increasing the motivation to learn PAI subjects. This can be seen from the enthusiasm of students in working on group puzzles in PAI learning about the names of God's books. And learning that had been stiff and boring had become more alive because educators directly involved students in learning, not only listening, seeing and working on the questions given. Having been well implemented and in accordance with existing learning concepts, this could also be seen from the preparation, implementation (an application) and evaluation carried out in well-designed teaching and learning activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-152
Hermawati Hermawati ◽  
Jumroh Jumroh ◽  
Eka Fitri Puspa Sari

AbstrakKemampuan pemecahan masalah tidak lepas dari kegiatan belajar mengajar pada umumnya karena keberhasilan seseorang terhadap sesuatu yang dihadapi tidak lepas dari matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik kelas IX di SMP Negeri 15 Palembang. Sampel pada penelitian ini di ambil secara acak yaitu peserta didik kelas IX.1 berjumlah 31 peserta didik yang dilakukan di SMP Negeri 15 Palembang tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan soal tes berbentuk uraian materi bangun ruang (kubus dan balok). Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Dari hasil analisis data dan pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik dikategorikan rendah.  Analysis of Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability on Cubes and Blocks in Junior High SchoolAbstractThe ability to solve problems cannot be separated from teaching and learning activities in general because one's success in something that is faced cannot be separated from mathematics. This study aims to determine the mathematical Problem-solving abilities of grade IX students at SMP Negeri 15 Palembang. The sample in this study was taken randomly. namely students of class IX.1, totaling 31 students which were conducted at SMP Negeri 15 Palembang for the 2019/2020 academic year. The data collection technique used test questions in the form of a description of the material (cubes and cuboids). The data analysis technique in this research is descriptive quantitative. From the results of data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the students' mathematical Problem-solving ability is categorized as low.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 168-187
Dean Hermawan ◽  
Roup ◽  
Acep Jurjani

One of the important problems faced by Al-Qur'an teachers is overcoming the disorderly students during the teaching and learning process and overcoming the irregularity of the Koran. In order for Al-Qur'an learning activities to run smoothly, many solutions are used, namely methods. In this case the researcher wants to reveal a method of reading the Koran, namely the tilawati method. The purpose of this study was to determine the students 'ability to read the Koran, the application of the tilawati method, supporting and inhibiting factors and to determine the results of students' ability to read the Koran after the implementation of the tilawati method at SDIT Bintang Tangerang Selatan. This research uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. This research took place at SDIT Bintang Serpong Utara, South Tangerang. The informants in this study were the principal, teachers, staff and employees of SDIT Bintang. The data collection techniques by interview, observation, documentation and triangulation. The analysis technique used is data presentation, data reduction, and drawing conclusions. This study found that the implementation of Al-Qur'an learning using the tilawati method at SDIT Bintang has gone well in accordance with the tilawati method learning guidelines. The learning outcomes prioritize the improvement in students' reading ability of the Al-Qur'an, with stages namely learning targets, learning process, material and learning evaluation. Then the results of learning Al-Qur'an using the tilawati method are very good so that children get their own pleasure in the learning process and improve much better, this can be seen from the results of the assessment or munaqosyah that have been implemented.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-119
Siti Noor Fauziah Abd Rahim

A soulful curriculum acknowledges and places an importance to life’s ultimate questions and man’s inner dimension. It pursues a balance and convergence between our inner and outer lives. In Islam, there is no separate discipline of ethics and religion. Islam is founded on the principles of belief and righteous action. In this sense, a meaningful education should not only focus on training the mind to retain and retrieve knowledge per se but to nurture a personality with good characters and behaviours. However, the reality that we are facing today in the education system is the reverse of that.  The exclusion of ethical and spiritual dimensions in pedagogical approaches is not only observed in present practices but also in existing references, concepts, and theories in the field of education, philosophy, and psychological literature. Modern theories are inadequate to act as a drive for the transformation of an individual’s personality. Therefore, this paper aimed to explore the pedagogical approaches reflected from a prominent Muslim philosopher and spiritual master, Mawlana Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273 A.D) towards fostering a balanced and excellent personality through education. The main contributions of Al-Rumi that are of great importance for today’s educators are: God-consciousness as the foundation of learning; the need to instill love and compassion through service learning; making learning enjoyable; and emphasis on experiential outdoor learning. Practical pedagogical implications of these were discussed in the light of educational psychology perspectives for educators to integrate these approaches in their teaching and learning activities in the classroom. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
Liya Nurul Habibah

This study aims to determine the role of schools in the implementation of Islamic Education everyday, knowing the parental role in launching the process of teaching and learning activities in schools and daily life, knowing the cooperation of school and parents in launching the process of teaching and learning activities in schools particularly in Islamic Education. This research is a field research. The research method used is qualitative, as the amplifier is also conducting research literature.The results showed that the role of the joint between the school and parents in the process of implementation of Islamic education of children. This is evidenced by the religious activities conducted school received a positive response from parents. The attention given to the students’ parents made the motivation for the students to be able to achieve a good academic record and have good morals in accordance with the guidance of Islam with the support of the school. Some of the activities carried out school aims to assist parents in order to succeed in school education for the students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-31
Eduard Steven

This research aims to find out the need for the application of the concept of Guidance and Counseling in teaching and learning activities in SMP Negeri 10 Medan., the ability and understanding of classroom teachers in applying the concept of Guidance and Counseling in teaching and learning activities in SMP Negeri 10 Medan., How the intensity of the application of guidance and counseling concepts in teaching and learning activities in SMP Negeri 10 Medan. The sample in this study is a classroom teacher found in SMP Negeri 10 Medan which amounted to 31 teachers who served in SMP Negeri 10 Medan., the data analysis technique used is content analysis or non-statistical analysis. Based on the data analysis, the results of the study are obtained as follows: In general, students in junior high school also urgently need Guidance and Counseling in teaching and learning activities., in general, teachers who serve in SMP Negeri 10 Medan, have understood and applied the concept of Guidance and Counseling in teaching and learning activities.  well, career guidance in the category is quite good, the application of tutoring and the application of social guidance in the category is not good., in general, the reality of teachers who serve in SMP Negeri 10 Medan expects a special officer of Guidance and Counseling (BP teacher/Counselor).

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (01) ◽  
pp. 744-750
Tn. Lubis ◽  
Abdullah Sappe Ampin Maja

The purpose of this research was to know the form and implementation of character education, and to analyze the process of spiritual formation of student quotient through the concept of character education on health sciences college students in Palopo.This research uses descriptive qualitative research with psycho-individual approach of cultural, institutional, psychological, and pedagogical. Techniques in data collection using observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis was done by reducing data, display data, data verivications, and provides conclusions.The form and implementation of character education in STIKES Palopo were: a) Internalization of character values in each learning peoses; b) Integration of character values in each subject contained in the GBPP, syllabus, semester program, and annual program; c) Enabling religious extracurricular activities such as praying in congregation, study or religious dialogue, and commemoration of religious big days (Islam) and the process of establishing spiritual quotient through the concept of character education education are: a) Integration of values character and spiritual values of learning activities; b) Establishment of religious activities within the school; c) Exemplary demonstrated by the Lecturers; and d) Evaluation done by the campus.Implementation of the program of the formation of spiritual quotient and internalization of the values of the characters in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom, then created STIKes students who have a spiritual quotient good by understanding and carrying out the values of the character, so that in everyday life was reflected life of Islamic, respect for parents and lecturers, courteous in speech, polite in acting, always greeting when met, and active in following the process of teaching and learning in the classroom. Key Word: Education Character, Spiritual Quotient Forming, Student

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-52
Elmedi Elmedi

    To learn something well, we need to hear, see, ask questions about it, and discuss it with others. Not only that, teachers need to "do it", that is to describe something in their own way, to show their example, to try to practice their skills and to do tasks that demand the knowledge they have gained. Problems to be studied in this research are: a. How to improve learning outcomes penjaskes especially soccer game using cooperative learning methods on students SDN 44 Lubuk Anau? b. The steps taken to improve the outcome of the guidance in January 2016? This research is a research action (action research) Because research done to solve the problem of learning in class. This research also includes descriptive research, because it describes how a learning technique is applied and how desired results can be achieved. According to Oja and Sumarjan (in point sugiarti, 1997: 8) there are four different types of action research, namely: (1) teacher action research as a researcher, (2) collaborative action research, (3) research of interlinked simulative action. (4) experimental social action research. In this action research uses collaborative research forms with teacher training eyes and in the teaching and learning process in the classroom as a teacher is the teacher of training eye while peneiti acts as an observer, the full responsibility of action research is observer (researcher). Data Analysis Technique, To know the effectiveness of a method in learning activities need to be held data analysis. In this research using qualitative descriptive analysis technique, that is a research method that is describe reality or facts in accordance with the data obtained with the aim to know learning achievements achieved sisw also to obtain student responses to learning activities and student activities during the learning process To analyze the success rate or percentage of students' success after the learning process each round is done by giving evaluation in the form of practice test at the end of each round. This analysis is calculated by using simple statistic that is: For learning mastery, There are two categories of mastery learning that is individual and classical. Based on the guidance of the implementation of teaching and learning curriculum 1994 (Depdikbud, 1994) that students have complete learning when the class gets 85% who have reached the absorption. From the results of learning activities that have been done for three cycles and based on the entire pembahaan and analysis that has been done can be concluded as follows: Learning by the method of learning play methods have a positive impact in improving student learning achievement characterized by the improvement of student learning completeness in each cycle, cycle I (61,54%), cycle II (89,74%), while for affective aspect that is cycle I (84,62%), cycle II (100%) Application of learning method of play method have positive influence, that can increase student learning motivation which is indicated by the average of students' answers which states that students are interested and interested in learning method of play method so that they are motivated to learn.      

2020 ◽  

of education that are very instrumental in supporting learning activities both directly and indirectly. One of the most important components is educational facilities and infrastruncture. Administration of educational facilities and infrastructure is a very supportive thing for achieving the goals of education. The teaching and learning process will be more succesful if educational facilities and infrastucture are adequate. Education infrastructure and facilities must always be complete. The government must always strive to continuously aquip aducational facilities and infrastructure for all levels and levels of education. this article aims to determine the administration of educational facilities and infrastructure in Indonesia along with the obstacles faced and the efforts taken to overcome these obstacles. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection is done by the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique in this study is an interactive analysis consisting of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Check the validity of the data using

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