2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Rekno Handayani ◽  
Imaniar Purbasari ◽  
Deka Setiawan

This study aims to analyze the type of parenting in the family education of SD 1 Gulang students, Mejobo District, Kudus Regency.This research is a qualitative descriptive study conducted in Gulang Village, Mejobo District, Kudus Regency. The research subjects were grade 4 students of SD 1 Gulang. The data collection techniques used include direct observation, interviews, research documentation, and note taking. Interviews were conducted with parents of students who implemented parenting, students, and teachers who were the main informants. In analyzing the data, the Milles Huberman model was used, namely the analysis was carried out including data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing.The results showed that SD 1 Gulang students received family education from parents who applied various types of parenting styles. The following shows several types of parenting that are found (1) democratic patterns, democratic parenting is a form of parenting that is cooperative for children, but there are certain limitations, this pattern is able to provide maximum education in the family so that children have good character and social attitudes. (2) neglect, this form of parenting has a tendency for parents not to be involved at all in the child's life, (3) authoritarian, the family provides strict supervision to the child so that the parents are quite dominant in the child's life and (4) permissive, the parents In providing assistance, only providing needs without providing good family education to children. Of the four types of parenting found, it is known that democratic patterns are parenting styles that have a positive role for children. The three other parenting styles do not have a positive role. As a result, students become passive and cannot socialize well, so that family education is important for a child's life, especially SD 1 Gulang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-118
Hastini Hastini ◽  
Maslamah Maslamah

The management of the PPTQ Griya Qur'an 3 Putri Klaten has been designed with modern management carried out by ustadzah (female teacher) and mudir as the center. The number of students was 80, and had graduated 2 generations of around 40 students. The purpose of this research is to describe the teaching and learning process at Tahfidz Qur'an. This research used a qualitative descriptive method, conducted at the PPTQ Griya Qur'an 3 Putri Klaten in January-July 2020. The research subjects were ustadzah. The informants were the boarding school leaders and the students. Data collection was carried out by observation technique, interviews, and documents. The validity of the data used source and data triangulation techniques. Meanwhile, the analysis technique used interactive data analysis encompassing data collection, data reduction, then presentation and conclusion. Based on the research, there are three stages of learning tahfizh; the first is the preliminary stage (pre-instructional), the second is the core stage (instructional) containing the implementation of muraja'ah and ziyadah students, then the teacher listens/justifies the students' readings, and the third is assessment stage. Evaluations include daily evaluations and level-up evaluations. Daily evaluation is done by the verse memorized every day, while the evaluation of the time level can be carried out at any time when the students are ready to memorize 30 juz’.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 237
Wayan Tamba ◽  
M A Rizka ◽  
Ika Andriani

The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of community education through empowering women based on life skills education in sewing at the Modes Kartini institution. This research method uses descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The method of determining research subjects using purposive sampling. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, documentation. Analysis of research data using interactive analysis which includes data collection, data presentation, data reduction, drawing conclusions. The results of this study are the implementation of community education through the empowerment of women based on life skill education in sewing in the Modes Kartini Institute which has been carried out smoothly according to program technical guidelines. The impact of the program is that it can improve welfare, provide expertise and skills to women to be able to become entrepreneurs and improve the family economy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Abue Dzar Algifarie ◽  
Suyatno Suyatno

ABSTRACT  This study aims to describe the use of libraries in Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan 3 Elementary School Yogyakarta, including the presence of students in the library, student activities in the library, book collections in the library and services in the library. This study included qualitative descriptive research. Research subjects of principals, librarians, teachers and students. The object of this research is the use of school libraries. The validity of the data in this study uses data source triangulation and technique triangulation. The technique of collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Hubermen models which include data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the library at SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan 3 Yogyakarta in its utilization was very good. The use of the library is realized so that the library becomes the most important part of its existence in the school environment. In the use of libraries in SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan 3 Yogyakarta is seen from a complete collection of books, high numbers of student visits to libraries, utilization of library space for activities in teaching and learning processes, libraries are comfortable places for students to do assignments and libraries are a solution for students to borrow books when needing references when learning is taking place. In the use of the library, students are also helped by a good library service.          Keywords: Library use, SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan perpustakaan di SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan 3 Yogyakarta, meliputi kehadiran siswa di perpustakaan, Aktfitas siswa di perpustakaan, koleksi buku di perpustakaan dan pelayanan di perpustakaan. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian kepala sekolah, petugas perpustakaan, guru dan siswa. Objek penelitian ini adalah pemanfaatan perpustakaan sekolah. Keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan trianggulasi sumber data dan trianggulasi teknik. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Hubermen yang meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perpustakaan  di SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan 3 Yogyakarta  dalam pemanfaatannya sangat baik. Pemanfaatan perpustakaan diwujudkan agar perpustakaan menjadi bagian terpenting keberadaannya dalam lingkungan sekolah.  Dalam Pemanfaatan perpustakaan di SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan 3 Yogyakarata dilihat dari koleksi buku yang lengkap, tingginya angka kunjungan siswa ke perpustakaan, pemanfaatan ruang perpustakaan untuk kegiatan proses belajar mengajar, perpustakaan menjadi tempat yang nyaman bagi siswa untuk mengerjakan tugas dan  perpustakaan menjadi solusi bagi siswa untuk meminjam buku ketika membutuhkan referensi ketika pembelajaran sedang berangsung. Dalam pemanfaatan perpustakaan, siswa juga terbantu dengan pelayaan perpustakaan yang  baik.Kata kunci: Pemanfaatan perpustakaan, SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan.

Jauhan Budiwan

This research aimed to 1). Conceptual description of “Warok” content as family education to improve children's character; 2). To find out the steps of "Warok" as an educational alternative to the character values of children in Ponorogo; 3) To find out the effectiveness of "Warok" as character education in the community in Ponorogo. This research is an analysis of literature-based qualitative descriptive studies of the value of the local wisdom of the people of Ponorogo which is complemented by elements of social psychology of constructivism as an effort to maximize community character education. The results of this study indicate that “Warok” is educational teaching of the Ponorogo community that has developed in the community, which is formulated in 5 steps: Wani, Anulodho, Rumekso, Omber, Kulino, Warok as community education are very effective in improving children's character.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
I Gusti Ngurah Fredi Firawan ◽  
Ida Bagus Suryawan

Nungnung Waterfal is located in Pelaga Village, Petang District, Badung Regency. Nungnung Waterfal have several potentials that can be developed into a natural taourist attraction. It is the researchers wanted to know the potential of what is owned by NungnungWaterfall that can be developed into a tourist attraction. Types of data and data sources used are the data Qualitative, Quantitatif, primary data and secondary data. Collection data by Observasi, interviews, library, and using purpose sampling method, data analytic method using qualitative descriptive that applies the facts found in the field. Nungnung Waterfallhas the potential of natural and artificial potential that could be developed into a tourist attraction. Natural potential possessed NungnungWaterfallis landscapes, mountains, waterfalls, and forests. As for the potential of artificial owned by Nungnung Waterfallnamely supporting facilities including a gazebo for resting place for tourists and take pictures in the area of Nungnung Waterfall.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 359
Misnawati Misnawati ◽  
Hasbi ◽  
Abd Rasyid J ◽  
Yusriadi Yusriadi ◽  
Saidna Zulfiqar Bin-Tahir

The Family Hope Program (PKH) is one of government policy programs in poverty alleviation by involving the main actor who called PPKH. This study aimed to describe the task and function of PPKH in empowering the sick society in Bone Regency. Qualitative approach used with case study research. Data collection techniques used was interviews, observation, and documentation. The instrument in this study was the researcher himself as a human instrument, while the informants selected by a purposive method. Data analysis techniques used an interactive model includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification, and conclusion. The results of the study showed that PPKH has carried out their roles well as representatives and technicians but have not been optimal in their roles as facilitators and educators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 291
Rekno Handayani ◽  
Imaniar Purbasari ◽  
Deka Setiawan ◽  
Farid Ahmadi ◽  
Ramadhani Putri Praswanti

The character value of elementary school students' independence is one of the problems that becomes a problem for students. The formation of the character value for independence is not only a school task, but the role of the family is also expected to form a character of independence. The purpose of this study was to analyze in depth the role of family education in shaping the independent character values syudents of class IV elementary school. Independence becomes a character value that must be embedded in students, so that independence becomes one of the attitudes needed in the implementation of learning. Descriptive qualitative is the method used in conducting research. The informants used as data sources included parents, students of class IV elementary school, and also class teachers. The techniques used in collecting data include observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis used was Milles Huberman's interactive model. The results showed that good family education has a positive role in the formation of the character values for the independence students of class IV elementary school. This can be seen from the independent attitude shown by students both in the family and school environment. Through good family education such as habituation that reflects independence will shape student character. The positive impact of instilling the value of independence is that students are able to fully participate in the learning process at school. The benefits that can be conveyed from the results of the research should be for parents to be able to apply proper family education to elementary school age children, because this education will have a positive impact on children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-64
Dwi Cahyadi Wibowo ◽  
Lhadyza Ocberti ◽  
Adriana Gandasari

The purpose of this research is to describe the factors that affect mathematics learning outcomes in class V SD Negeri 01 Nanga Merakai Academic Year 2019/2020. This research uses qualitative research methods with a qualitative descriptive approach with a case study research form.  The research sample consisted of 16 student of class 5th at public elementary school 01 Nanga Merakai. Data collection tools in the form of interview guidelines, questionnaires and documentation studies. Data analysis through several stages of data collection, data persentation, data reduction and conclusion drawing. The results showed that (1) Inhibiting factors affecting mathematics learning outcomes were divided into two factors, namely internal factors and external factors. (2)  Supporting factors for mathematics learning outcomes, the research results are divided into two, namely internal factors and external factors.

2013 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Sutrisna Sutrisna Wibawa

This study aims to reveal and formulate Javanese philosophical values and philosophical foundations in Serat Centhini. It was a qualitative descriptive study. The data source was the Serat Centhini text. The research steps included data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The data were analyzed using the hermeneutic and heuristic techniques. The findings are as follows. First, Javanese philosophical values in Serat Centhini are reflected in Javanese cultural contents and philosophy reflecting the Javanese society when Serat Centhini was written. The Javanese philosophy in Serat Centhiniis reflected by the life perfection value (ngudi kasampurnan) and the philosophy of origin and destination (sangkan paraning dumadi). Second, the philosophy in Serat Centhini is reflected in the ontological, epistemological, and axiological foundations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Anisah Ulfi ◽  
Prayetno Prayetno

The aim of this research is to find out the understanding of the political community after watching the Episode "2019 presidential election: Jokowi getting stronger?". Data collection is done by Interview, Observation, and Documentation. The interviewees in this study were ten people from Hamlet XIII in Sei Rotan Village. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method and tends to use analysis as well as to highlight the process and meaning. Technical data analysis used in the study is data collection, data reduction, data presentation (data display) and conclusion (verification). The results of this reaserch show that Indonesian Lawyers Club Impressions on TV One Episode "2019 presidential election: Jokowi getting stronger?". Can provide political understanding for the community. Where related 5 (Five) Indicators in the form of understanding of the State, Government, Power, Political Parties and General Elections. As well as the benefits obtained by the community in the form of insights about politics, as well as benefits that lead to positive things for the community.

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