scholarly journals Histological Study of the Immune System in Zebrafish, Danio Rerio (Hamilton, 1822)

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-28
Azin Azar ◽  
Zahra Khoshnood

Abstract The aim of the present study was to investigate the cellular characteristics of the immune tissues of Zebrafish, Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822). The fish were fixed in Bouin՚s solution for 24 hours then dehydrated, cleared, paraffinized, embedded and finally sectioned, stained and observed through optical microscopy. Results showed that immune system tissues of Zebrafish include the apical part of the kidney, thymus, and spleen. The apical part of the kidney was composed of hematopoietic tissue containing blood and immune cells. The spleen was a single organ located at the abdominal cavity containing melanomacrophages. The thymus was observed as a paired organ at the posterior part of the branchial cavity. Results showed that the immune system of the Zebrafish was dispersed in several organs of the body and that this species could be used as a laboratory model organism in immune system studies.

1893 ◽  
Vol 25 (5) ◽  
pp. 127-128
Alex. D. Macgillivray

Smynthurus spinatus, n. sp.Olive. Head tinted with purple, lighter on the sides, olive around the mouth and eyes; coarsely and sparsely punctuate, punctures light olive, each bearing a white hair. Antennæ purplish, basal joint lighter, as long as the body; apical segment with from seventeen to twenty subsegments. Abdomen fuscous with lighter spots; the apical part with an olivaceus cloud, the remainder fuscous with whitish or olivaceous blotches; on the middle of the back a number of groups or circular white spots, and on the posterior part of each side a row of white spots, varying from four to ten.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-75
R. R. Ishtukov ◽  
M. A. Nartailakov ◽  
V. S. Panteleev ◽  
V. V. Rezyapov

Introduction. One of the worst complication of different surgical diseases of abdominal cavity organs and of performed, on that regard, operational interventions, are intestinal festulas including without limitation deodenum fistulas. Longterm experience of surgical treatment of patients with unformed duodenal and high enteric fistulas show that it is feasible to have a clear surgical tactics with account of location level and type of fistulas, their quantity, volume of sarcous reduction, peritonitis and multi-organ failure syndrome. In this regard, the objective of this research is to find optimal surgical tactics and to determine the most effective method of treating duodenum fistulas of various causation.Materials and methods. Experimental work was carried out under conditions of experimentally formed intestinal fistula in rabbits of “Shinshilla” breed. After formation of fistula the animals were divided into 3 groups based on the method of removing artificially installed duodenal fistula: sealing through Albert — Schmieden — Lembert suture without fastening of suture line; sealing through fastening of intestinal suture with biological surgical glue; sealing through fastening with swine dermal collagen. Mechanical constancy of the sutures was measured with pneumocompression of sealed intestinal tract areas as well as with morphological study of surgical wound edges.Results. The results of histological study show that experiments with application of bio-implant demonstrated less vascular congestion and interstitial swelling. Phologistic infiltration also responded more efficiently both quantitatively (manifestation rate) and qualitatively (quick change of cell elements) in the group that used bio-implant.Conclusion. Results of morphological studies and pneumocompression data under modelling of duodenal fistulas in experimental animals show that application of bio-implant helps to earlier restore microcirculatory abnormality. 

А.С. Казицкая ◽  
Т.К. Ядыкина ◽  
М.С. Бугаева ◽  
А.Г. Жукова ◽  
Н.Н. Михайлова ◽  

В условиях непрерывного воздействия неблагоприятных факторов окружающей и производственной среды на человека особую актуальность приобретает изучение механизмов, поддерживающих гомеостаз организма. Длительное поступление фторидов в организм приводит к формированию хронической фтористой интоксикации, патогенез которой вызывает многочисленные споры и дискуссии. До сих пор недостаточно внимания уделяется изучению висцеральной патологии, обусловленной нарушениями иммунного статуса в условиях воздействия на организм соединений фтора. Практически отсутствуют исследования по изучению иммунной реактивности, определяющей морфофункциональный характер ответной реакции печени на ранних стадиях развития фтористой интоксикации. Цель работы - изучение действий патофизиологических механизмов иммунной реактивности печени при субхроническом действии на организм соединений фтора. Методика. Опыты проведены на 210 лабораторных крысах-самцах массой 180-220 г., разделенных на 2 группы: контрольную (n=80) и группу животных с субхроническим действием фторида натрия (n=130). Экспериментальные животные в течение 12 нед имели свободный доступ к водному раствору фторида натрия (концентрация 10 мг/л, что составляет суточную дозу фтора 1,2 мг/кг массы тела). Для изучения иммунологических и биохимических показателей забирали кровь из хвостовой вены через 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 нед от начала эксперимента. Для оценки состояния гуморального звена иммунитета определяли уровень сывороточных иммуноглобулинов (IgA, IgG, IgM) иммуноферментным анализом с помощью наборов реактивов ЗАО «Вектор-Бест» (Новосибирск). Уровень сывороточных цитокинов: TNF-α, IL-1β, 2, 4, 6, 10 определяли на анализаторе Multiskan EX методом иммуноферментного анализа с использованием наборов «Вектор Бест» (Новосибирск). Подсчет общего количества лейкоцитов произведен классическим способом в камере Горяева, анализ лейкоцитарной формулы - в окрашенных мазках периферической крови. Метаболические изменения оценивали по активности ферментов в ткани печени: щелочной фосфатазы (ЩФ), аланин- и аспартатаминотрансфераз (АЛТ, АСТ), лактатдегидрогеназы (ЛДГ), гаммаглутамилтранспептидазы (γ-ГТ). Активность ферментов определяли унифицированными методами с помощью наборов реактивов ЗАО «Вектор-Бест» (Новосибирск) на фотометре PM-750 (Германия). Гистологические исследования печени осуществляли после декапитации крыс, проводимой под эфирным наркозом. Результаты. Показано, что субхроническое воздействие фторида натрия сопровождается формированием внутриклеточных и внутрисосудистых повреждений печени. Активация медиаторов воспаления и развитие иммунологических нарушений в динамике эксперимента способствуют формированию системной воспалительной реакции, которая приводит к появлению стойких морфологических нарушений в печени и изменению активности ферментов основных метаболических путей. Заключение. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы при разработке и проведении профилактических мероприятий в условиях воздействия на организм высоких концентраций фтора с последовательным применением детоксикационной, иммуномодуляторной и органопротекторной коррекции. Studying mechanisms, which maintain the body homeostasis, is particularly important in the conditions of continuous impact of adverse environmental and manufacturing factors. Long-term exposure to fluorides leads to chronic fluoric intoxication, the pathogenesis of which is a subject of multiple controversy and discussions. Not enough attention is still paid to elucidating the visceral pathology associated with fluorine-induced immune disorders. There are virtually no studies of immune reactions that define the morphofunctional nature of the liver response to early stages of fluoric intoxication. Aim. To study pathophysiological mechanisms of hepatic immune reactivity in subchronic exposure of the body to fluorine compounds. Methods. Experiments were performed on 210 male rats weighing 180-220 g. The animals were divided into two groups: 1) control (n=80) and 2) subchronic exposure to sodium fluoride (n=130). The rats had free access to a 10 mg/l aqueous solution of sodium fluoride (daily dose, 1.2 mg/kg body weight) for 12 weeks. Blood was withdrawn from the caudal vein at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 weeks of the experiment for immunological and biochemical tests. Histological study of the liver was performed after decapitation of rats under ether anesthesia. Results. The subchronic exposure to sodium fluoride was associated with intracellular and intravascular damage of the liver. Activation of inflammatory mediators and development of immunological disorders during the experiment contributed to a systemic inflammatory reaction, which resulted in persistent morphological injuries of the liver and changes in enzyme activities in major metabolic pathways. Conclusion. The study results can be used for development and implementation of preventive measures against the effects of high fluorine concentrations, which would include a successive use of detoxification, immunomodulation and organ protection.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 832-838
Roshna Sukheoji Bhutada ◽  
Renu Rathi ◽  
Devyani Dasar

WHO declared Covid 19 /SARS -COV-2 as a global pandemic.Till date, there is no medicine for COVID-19. If the Infection arises in the body then the defence mechanism activated against infection. A recent study suggests that temporarily augmenting the body's immune system in the early stages of COVID-19 can help patient to avoid severe symptoms as it is rightly said prevention is better than cure. Ayurveda approaches to develop physiological reactions to facilitate immunity. Planning of diet is most important to boost immunity.As per many researches to provide supplementary food which contains Zinc, Vitamin C,Vitamin D and immunity boosting foodsuch as citrus natural products, custard apple, apple, papaya is among the Fruits. Vegetables include broccoli, onion, garlic and green leafy vegetables. Nuts, ginger, turmeric, pepper, egg yolk, shellfish, mushroom. The need of the hour is a quick boost to immune system to keep it fit, fighting. One should get the right amount of nutrients from the diet, supplementation regimen to boost immune system.In this review, there are few common supplements and super food studies have been included. It might be a torch bearer as sample menu and their alternatives are given for a normal adult. Needy may change contemplated according to age, sex, body mass index and daily physical activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 753-757
Anagha Gulhane ◽  
Shamli Hiware

It is the most unreliable truth that anybody can get infected by the COVID-19, and nobody can escape from the danger of getting tainted by the virus. Yet, the line of hope is that anyone and everyone can boost their resistance, thus avoid the risk of getting affected by the illness. The immunity of humans pulls down as they grow older. If their immune system is robust, them falling sick is feeble. If their resistance is weak, them getting ill is sound. Several factors affect the immune system and its ability, including its nourishment. A two-way connection between nutrition, infection and immunity presents. Changes in one part will affect the others part in our body that's the nature's rule. Well defined immune system quality which is present between each life phase may influence the type, generality and the degree of infections. At the same time, low nutrition to the body will decrease the immune function and expose the body to the danger of getting infected by infectious diseases. Different quantity of micronutrients is required for increasing the immunity power of our body. Generally the vitamins A,C,D,E,B2,B6,B12, iron, zinc and selenium.The deficiencies of micronutrients are acknowledged as a global health issue, and also low nutrition makes it prone to establishes the infections in the body.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 716-722
Sneha Dhakite ◽  
Sadhana Misar Wajpeyi

The “Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19)” is caused by “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)”, a newly discovered member of the Coronaviridae family of viruses which is a highly communicable. There is no effective medical treatment till date for Coronavirus disease hence prevention is the best way to keep disease away. Rasayana proved to be highly efficacious and cost effective for the Prevention and Control of viral infections when vaccines and standard therapies are lacking. Rasayana Chikitsa is one of the eight branches of Ashtanga Ayurveda which helps to maintain healthy life style. Rasayana improves immunity and performs many vital functions of human body. Vyadhikshamatva that is immune mechanism of the body is involved in Prevention of the occurrence of a new disease and it also decreases the virulence and progression of an existing disease. In COVID-19 the Respiratory system mainly get affected which is evident from its symptoms like cold, cough and breathlessness. Here the drugs help in enhancing immune system and strengthening functions of Respiratory system can be useful. For this purpose, the Rasayana like Chyavanprasha, Agastya Haritaki, Pippali Rasayana, Guduchi, Yashtimadhu, Haridra, Ashwagandha, Tulsi are used. Rasayana working on Respiratory system are best for Prevention of Coronavirus and boosting immune system. Rasayana Chikitsa can be effective in the Prevention as well as reducing symptoms of COVID-19.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-175
Ashraf A. ◽  
Hassan F. ◽  
Batool S. ◽  
Nadeem M. ◽  
Irshad M. ◽  

The objective of present study was to analyze and compare the nephroprotective effects of petroleum ether extracts of seeds of Nigella sativa and Silybum marianum in Swiss albino mice. Petroleum ether extracts of seeds of Nigella sativa and Silybum marianum were administered (200 mg kg–1) orally for 14 days following one dose of cisplatin injection (16 mg kg–1 i.p.) on 4th day. Cisplatin toxicity was identified in mice by loss of body weight, reduced triglycerides levels, elevated blood glucose, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels (P < 0.05). Silybum marianum and Nigella sativa significantly enhanced the body weight (9%) of diabetic rats. Silybum marianum had significantly reduced the elevated blood glucose (–106%), and BUN levels (–9%) as compared to the Nigella sativa administration. Silybum marianum extract also significantly elevated the levels of triglycerides (257%) which were much reduced after the cisplatin injection. Histological study showed that the cisplatin treated group demonstrated the necrosis signs in the glomerulus of Bowman’s capsule, hyalinization and severe cellular damage. The animals administered with extracts showed nearly normal kidney architecture, however, the kidney tissues of Silybum marianum-treated animals showed some improvement with slight signs of cellular damages.

Caterina Ledda ◽  
Claudia Lombardo ◽  
Elisabetta A. Tendi ◽  
Maria Hagnas ◽  
Gianluca Paravizzini ◽  

: Fluoro-edenite (FE) is an asbestos-like amphibole present in the bentonitic lavas extracted from a stone quarry in Biancavilla, a village sited in the Etnean Volcanic Area (Italy). : Thoracic pathologies are the results of excessive inflammatory processes that are the early response of the immune system to inhaled fibers. As demonstrated for asbestos, fibers may trigger immune system cells in an acute and/or chronic manner. This review aims to clarify the pathways of inflammation in workers exposed to FE fibers. : Based on the articles reviewed, it seems that a permanent stimulus created by repeatedly inhaling the FE fibers and their persistence in the body can act as trigger both in promoting inflammatory processes and in immunological induction of autoimmune disease.

Biologics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-110
Neslihan Yeşilyurt ◽  
Birsen Yılmaz ◽  
Duygu Ağagündüz ◽  
Raffaele Capasso

Intestinal microbiota interacts with other systems, especially the immune system, which is responsible for protecting the body by recognizing “stranger” (pathogen associated molecular patterns-PAMPs) and “danger” (damage-associated molecular patterns-DAMPs) molecular motifs. In this manner, it plays an important role in the pathogenesis of various diseases and health. Despite the use of probiotics that modulate the intestinal microbiota in providing health benefits and in the treatment of diseases, there are some possible concerns about the possibility of developing adverse effects, especially in people with suppressed immune systems. Since probiotics provide health benefits with bioactive compounds, studies are carried out on the use of products containing non-living probiotic microorganisms (paraprobiotics) and/or their metabolites (postbiotics) instead of probiotic products. It is even reported that these microbial compounds have more immunomodulatory activities than living microorganisms via some possible mechanism and eliminates some disadvantages of probiotics. Considering the increasing use of functional foods in health and disease, further studies are needed with respect to the benefits and advantages of parabiotic and/or postbiotic use in the food and pharmaceutical industry as well as immune system modulation. Although probiotics have been extensive studied for a long time, it seems that postbiotics are promising tools for future research and applications according to the recent literature. This review aimed to evaluate the interaction of probiotics and postbiotics with the immune systems and also their advantages and disadvantages in the area of food-pharmaceutical industry and immune system modulation.

Parasite ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 4 ◽  
Dagmar Jirsová ◽  
Xuejuan Ding ◽  
Kristína Civáňová ◽  
Eliška Jirounková ◽  
Jana Ilgová ◽  

Paradiplozoon hemiculteri (Ling, 1973), a member of the Diplozoidae, parasitizes the gills of Asian fish. Not only is the type material unavailable for this species, the original description was poor and somewhat conflicting, and adequate molecular data were not available. What is more, the available morphological and molecular data are inconsistent and fluctuate significantly. Here, we present a redescription of P. hemiculteri based on morphological and molecular data from new isolates collected from the type host, the sharpbelly Hemiculter leucisculus (Basilewsky, 1855), captured at the neotype locality (Shaoguan, Guangdong Province, southern China); a neotype for P. hemiculteri was designated from this collection. The length and width of the body, buccal suckers, pharynx, attachment clamps, sickle and the central hook handle were all measured and the shape of the anterior and posterior part of the median plate and anterior and posterior joining sclerites accurately documented. Phylogenetic analyses based on the sequences of the second rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) indicated that all new samples clustered together and differed clearly from sequences attributed to P. hemiculteri, which are deposited in GenBank. Our results confirm that P. hemiculteri is the only diplozoid that has demonstrably been found on the gills of H. leucisculus to date.

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