scholarly journals Assessing Visual Spatial Intelligence on Biology Content

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-98
Baiq Fatmawati* ◽  
Nuryani Y. Rustaman ◽  
Purwati Kuswarini Suprapto

One of the assessments in the learning processes is assessment of skills, the drawing is one of the competancy components standard of graduation in 2013 curriculum. However, teachers rarely do this assessment during the learning process instead microscopic practicum on abstract material including biology subjects. The research aim is to assess students' spatial visual intelligence on plant cell material and plant tissues, find out understanding concepts and student responses to apply spatial visual learning. The participants were 20 students SMA NW Pancor. Data collection used was students’ worksheets, and questionnaires. The data analysis was qualitative descriptive. The findings, spatial visual intelligence was seen when the teacher asked students to draw 2D cells and plant tissues before began to the core material, but did not appropriate with its’ original design. There are differences in the acquisition of scores on plant cell and tissue material, this proves that to help students' memory in making 2D images and understanding concepts, contextual media is needed such as by showing real objects and or it can also be done practicum. Therefore, the teacher can identify early about assessing the spatial visual competence, it was done by looking at the similarity of images made to the original, from the images made can be seen the students’ concepts mastery of the material being taught.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-82
Jhoni Warmansyah ◽  
Amalina Amalina

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of constructive play and visual-spatial intelligence on early mathematical abilities. The approach used is quantitative through an experimental method with 2x2 treatment by level design. This research was conducted on children in kindergarten group B in the city of Padang. The sampling technique uses Stratified cluster random sampling. The number of samples in this study were 40 children. Data collection in this study used an initial mathematical ability test and a spatial visual intelligence test. The data analysis technique in this study used two-way ANOVA to see the main effects and interactions, then using the Tukey test to see simple effects. The results of this study are as follows: 1) Early mathematical abilities provided with constructive games Lego have a higher influence than constructive games Beams (Fhitung= 5,16 > Ftabe (α=0,05)= 4,04). 2) There is an interaction between constructive play and spatial visual intelligence, in general it has a significant effect on the early math skills of kindergarten children in group B (Fhitung = 13,34 > Ftabel (α=0,05) = 4,04). 3) Early mathematical abilities that have high spatial visual intelligence with given constructive games Lego are higher than the initial mathematical abilities with constructive games (Qhitung = 4,24 > Qtabel (α=0,05) = 3,15). 4) Early mathematical abilities that have low spatial visual intelligence with given constructive games Beams have a higher value than the initial mathematical abilities given by constructive games Lego (Qhitung = -2,30 > Qtabel (α=0,05) = -3,15).

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 388
Muhammad Sujatmiko

Spatial visual intelligence has a significant influence on the online learning process because of the independence of students in the informal learning process. Furthermore, this study aims to determine the relationship of spatial visual intelligence and learning independence to student learning outcomes in online learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in the DPTM (Basic Mechanical Engineering Design) subject in class X TPM SMK Negeri 6 Malang in the 2020 academic year. / 2021. The design of this study is a correlation with a quantitative approach. The subjects of this study were 82 students of class X Mechanical Engineering at SMK Negeri 6 Malang. Data collection techniques are tests, questionnaires, and documentation. The data analysis used linear and multiple regression statistics. The results showed that visual spatial intelligence and students' learning independence were high in the basic subjects of Mechanical Engineering Planning. Each variable has a relationship and influence on student learning outcomes. This is indicated by the value of student learning outcomes with high criteria. So, it can be concluded that each variable simultaneously has a positive effect on learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-159
M. Husnaini ◽  
Ahmad Syauqi Fuady ◽  
Irnie Victorynie

This is a qualitative-descriptive analytic research aims to explore cues in the Qur'an that describe the concept of multiple intelligences. In Islam, the Qur’an is a complete guide for life. Indeed, many books that talk about multiple intelligences. However, there hasn’t been a book that specifically explain multiple intelligences according to the perspective of the Qur’an. This qualitative research used a literature review (research library)—data obtained through a literary approach in library data collection. The data were then analyzed using a thematic interpretation approach (maudhu'i). The results of this study: (1) deep linguistic intelligence-Nisa: 82, Al-Baqarah: 171, Al-An'am: 50, Ali Imran: 7; (2) Logical-mathematical intelligence in Al-Waqiah: 58-59, Al-Insan: 2, Ar-Ra'du: 3, Al-Anbiya: 30, An-Nur: 43; (3) visual-spatial intelligence in Ar-Ra'du: 3, Qaf: 7-8; (4) kinesthetic intelligence in Al-Baqarah: 219, Yasin: 68; (5) musical intelligence in Asy-Syuara: 221-227; (6) intrapersonal intelligence in Adz-Dzariyat: 21, Al-Baqarah: 44, Yasin: 62, Al-Mulk: 10; (7) interpersonal intelligence in Ar-Rum: 21, Al-Baqarah: 76, Ali Imran: 118; (8) naturalist intelligence in Al-Baqarah: 164, An-Nahl: 11, An-Nahl: 69, Al-Ghasyiyah: 17; (9) existentialist intelligence in Yunus: 24, Az-Zumar: 42, Al-Baqarah: 269. Researchers suggest educational institutions should add new insights regarding their learning strategies with multiple intelligences, especially those whose source of inspiration is the Qur'an and to other researchers should examine concept of musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and naturalist intelligence perspective of the Qur’an

2013 ◽  
Vol 462-463 ◽  
pp. 1011-1014
Josef Šedivý ◽  
Cestmir Barta

This article is an introductory study on extensive research and testing of visual spatial intelligence. Research respondents are students of technical universities with experience in spatial modeling on a computer. The aim of the research is to determine whether experience with spatial modeling is related to the level of spatial intelligence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sapiudin Shidiq ◽  
Ahmad Nasuki

Method of applying contemporary fiqh learning is still conventional. This research has purpose to describe method of applying fiqh learning effectiveness in MTs. This research uses a qualitative-descriptive and naturalistic approach by means of interview, observation and documentation instrument. By means of triangulation of data collection and tabulation technique, obtained a research outcome that implementation of fiqh learning method in MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta is proportionally considered effective in developing the students multiple intelligence. This is proofed by some implementations of learning method. 1). Movie learning method is effective for student who has talent of music, linguistic and visual-spatial intelligence, 2). Question-answer method is effective for student who has talent of math and logic, 3). Demonstration is effective for student who has talent of kinesthetic-bodily and interpersonal intelligence, 4). Concept chart method is effective for student who has talent of visual-spatial and intrapersonal intelligence. This research can be a model of method application in fiqh learning at MTs.

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-137
Martini Jamaris

Abstract: This reasearch was done in the form of research and development. The reason underlied the selection of the reasearch method was because the purpose of the reseacrh was to develop a valid and realiable instrument which can be used to measure the multiple-intellegences of the 4-5 years old childen. The multiple-intelligences measured were consisted of eigth dimensions, there were: verbal/linguistic intelligence, logical mathematical intelligence, visual spatial intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, bodily/kinesthetic intellgence, music/rythmic intelligence and naturalist intelligence. Based on the need in researching and developing, therefore, the study was conducted in two faces, as folowed : (1) the first face was literature research aiming to analyzed and synthesis concepts, principles, and theories. The result of the literature study was used formulte the construct of multiple intelligences, especially for the 4-5 years old children; (2) the second face was to define and to develop the valid and reliable multiple intelligences instrument for the 4-5 years old children. Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode research and Development. Alasan pemilihan metode tersebut karena tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan validitas dan reliabilitas suatu instrumen yang bisa digunakan untuk mengukur kecerdasan majemuk anak usia 4-5 tahun. Kecerdasan majemuk dikur dengan delapan dimensi, yaitu: kecerdasan bahasa/verbal, kecerdasan logika matematika, kecerdasan visual, kecerdasan intrapersonal, kecerdasan interpersonal, kecerdasan gerak/kinestetik, kecerdasan musik, dan kecerdasan natural. Berdasarkan penelitian dan pengembangan, oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap, yaitu: (1) tahap pertama adalah penelitian literatur yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mensintesis konsep, prinsip, dan teori. Hasil dari penelitian literatur digunakannnya rumus untuk mengkonstruksi kecerdasan majemuk. Khususnya anak usia 4-5 tahum, (2) tahap kedua yaitu mendefinisikan dan mengembangkan validitas dan reliabiltas instrumen kecerdasan majemuk untuk anak usia 4-5 tahun. Kata Kunci: penelitian dan pengembangan, kecerdasan majemuk, instrumen validitas dan reliabilitas, anak usia 4-5 tahun, penelitian literatur, mendefinisikan dan mengembangkan

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (01) ◽  
pp. 10
Ernawati Ernawati

ABSTRAK           Tujuan penelitian ini untuk  berdiskusi strategi pembelajaran yang oftimal sehingga tercapai tujuan  sesuai dengan visi dan  misi mata kuliah Nirmana 2 (Trimatra) yang tercantum pada kurikulum. Metode pada penelitian ini menerapkan metode tindakan kelas (PTK) dengan pendekatan model PTK dari Kurt Lewin. Nirmana 2 (Trimatra) mempersiapkan mahasiswa untuk memiliki kepekaan rasa, ketajaman analisis visual dan pemahaman mendalam terhadap ilmu dasar seni rupa dan desain. Nirmana berpengaruh terhadap mata kuliah lainnya yang berhubungan denagn teori maupun praktik desain komunikasi visual. Modifikasi strategi pembelajaran nirmana 2 (Trimatra) dengan kontekstual (visual-spasial) dan evaluasi penilaian mampu menjadi poin penting dalam mengatur suasana kelas yang kondusif, meningkatkan kualitas semangat belajar dan menigkatkan pemahaman serta kreativitas mahasiswa untuk berkarya.Katakunci : Nirmana 2,  Spasial, Strategi Pembelajaran, visualABSTRACT          The purpose of this study is to discuss optimal learning strategies so that the objective is achieved under the vision and mission of Nirmana II (Trimatra) courses listed in the curriculum. The method in this study applied classroom action research (PTK) with the research approach from Kurt Lewin, which aimed to explore the strategic roles of the spatial intelligence learning toward the process of students’ creativity development in Nirmala learning. Arts and design students have a close relationship with creativity and sensitivity in which they need preparation in understanding the governance of design elements. Spatial intelligence is an ability to visualize the ideas relating to space and place. Spatial intelligence is an intelligence possessed by most fine art and design students. Nirmana II (Trimatra) prepares students to have a sense of taste, sharpness of visual analysis, and a deep understanding of the basic fine arts and design. Nirmana influences other courses relating to the theory and practice of visual communication design. Modification of the Nirmana II learning strategy (Trimatra) with contextual (visual-spatial) and evaluation assessment can be important points in managing a conducive classroom atmosphere, improving the quality of enthusiasm for learning, and increasing students' understanding and creativity to work. The analysis process is done by collecting data that is measurable.Keywords: Nirmana II, spatial, learning strategies, visual  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Imam Tobroni

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is present from birth or early childhood. People with autism usually have impaired social interaction, difficulties in verbal and non- verbal communication, and repetitive behaviour. One of the forms of autism treatment is therapy. Vision therapy through toys that require concentration and creativity is able to treat autism as it won’t limit the imagination of children with the disorder. Toys usually have their own patterns and programs that tend to limit children’s creativity, imagination and visual and spatial intelligence. This can lead to children’s stress and lack of confidence. A character design on unit block toys is a form of vision therapy. It develops children’s visual and spatial creativity and intelligence. It also helps children to be independent and helps with their perception. Unit blocks consist of pieces of wooden blocks with different shapes and sizes that can form even bigger shapes, based on children’s imagination and ability to design a space or a building. Children’s visual and spatial intelligence help them visualize and notice shapes, colours, spaces, and designs of the unit blocks accurately, modify their surroundings based upon their perceptions, and recreate the aspects of their visual experiences. Playing Lego blocks will help develop the visual spatial intelligence of children with autism as it stimulates their ability to express ideas and to design a character the way they like. 

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