scholarly journals RETRACTED Defamation Strategy Implementation in the German Political Discourse

A. P. Kryachkova

RETRACTEDThe main definitions of political discourse are introduced in this article. The author also suggests her own definition of this term. The participants of political discourse use various communicative strategies in order to influence opponents. The article reviews various definitions of communicative strategy term. The author gives her own definition of communicative strategy term and describes the main political discourse strategies. The purpose of the article is to review defamation strategy implementation and to identify its role in political discourse of Germany based on Bundestag's political wrangling. The author describes the main tactics and conversational turns of defamation strategy and its development in German politicians' speech image. Defamation strategy is one of the leading strategies in any aggressive verbal behavior discourse. The research describes main communicant's intentions by using of defamation strategy. The addresser uses this kind of strategy to offend the opponent's positive image aiming to undermine opponent's credibility and to reduce his significance at the political stage. There are following tactics of defamation strategy: offence, accusation, jeer. The article reviews the functioning of named tactics in political discourse of Germany. The article describes special aspects of above listed tactics, distinguishes terms of offence and accusation, gives examples from Bundestag's political speeches. Every tactic has its conversational turns, that are realized by various linguistic means. The article analyses political comments as an evaluative lexis subject. It also suggests analysis of such turns as intensification, comment's metaphoricity, comparative constractions, that promote better perlocutionary effect.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 103-123
Christian Etzrodt ◽  

The goal of this paper is to develop a consistent framework for a phenomenological discourse analysis of political debates. The political sphere arises through the questioning of taken-for-granted definitions of reality: a crisis. During a crisis meaning has to be restored, and different interest groups will try to push their definition of reality, which is advantageous for them. For the analysis of such a political discourse phenomenology provides several tools that can help us to understand the background of the discourse, the severity of the crisis, the level of expertise of the participants, the source of the information, discourse strategies and what arguments the audience accepts. These tools allow a unique phenomenological approach towards political discourse analysis.

Maryna Darchuk

The article deals with the linguistic and communicative peculiarities of the political discourse of Donald Trump, a presidential candidate in the USA. The focus is on the communicative strategies and tactics, used by the politician in his speech during the election campaign. The attention is paid to language means through which a particular communicative strategy or tactic is realized. Each communicative strategy is seen as a combination of language actions aimed at solving the general communicative task of a speaker. The achievement of such a task is possible only by using certain communication tactics. The strategy intends a combination of speech actions whereas a tactic describes peculiar speech actions that aim to influence listeners at a certain stage of communication. Tactics are dynamic, their change happens promptly throughout the communication process, which provides the flexibility of the chosen strategy. The usage of communicative strategies and tactics depends on the type of discourse. Political discourse is defined as a communicative act in which participants give specific meanings to facts and influence and persuade the listeners. Political speech is a public speech that is addressed to the audience in order to demonstrate the leadership of the speaker and influence the listeners. Communicative strategies used in political speech aim at the realization of the final aim of communication. They are focused on the future and are connected with the forecasting of the situation, that is why their sources should be searched in motives that determine human activity. Donald Trump's goal is to persuade the listeners to vote for him, that is why he delivers his speech using various communicative strategies that increase his chances of winning.

Nilay Yavuz ◽  
Naci Karkın ◽  
İsmet Parlak ◽  
Özlem Özdeşim Subay

Along with the growing use of twitter as a tool of political interaction, recently, there has also been an attention in the academia to understand and explain how and why politicians use twitter, and what its impact on the political outcomes are. On the other hand, there has been little analysis about the content of the tweets that politicians from different parties posted during major political events. Accordingly, this study aims to investigate the discourse strategies that the top-level politicians of the party in power and of the main opposition party in Turkey used in their tweets during Gezi Park events in the summer of 2013. Findings from a hand-coded content analysis based on Van Dijk's framework (2006) indicate that while the most frequently used strategy was actor descriptions and categorization for both parties' politicians, burden strategy and lexicalization / metaphor strategy were used significantly more by the main opposition party politicians compared to the politicians of the party in power.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 205630511989122 ◽  
Farzana Masroor ◽  
Qintarah N. Khan ◽  
Iman Aib ◽  
Zulfiqar Ali

The form and functions of political discourse have considerably taken a new orientation with the evolving ways of communication. Twitter is a platform that is increasingly preferred by the political elites for the purpose of gaining public acclaim and propagating political ideologies. The political discourse on Twitter requires a critical attention toward linguistic structures and strategies to uncover the relationship between language and social practices. For this purpose, tweets of two eminent Pakistani political figures are chosen for unmasking a variety of discourse strategies at work from the perspective of critical discourse analysis (CDA) through the socio-cognitive model of ideological square. The analysis uncovers the hidden ideological structures and strategies realized through a number of rhetorical moves in the selected tweets. The cognitive binary of positive self-presentation and negative other-presentation help achieving political domination and legitimization of political actions by controlling the public opinion. The underlying motives vary and are context bound such as the aims to topple a government or to restore public faith in the governance. This research is significant for political discourse analysts as well as the general public, as a means for analytical activism propagated by any CDA inquiry, and paves way for further research in the use of social media platforms for political purposes.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-85 ◽  
K.A. Kiyanova

The present essay examines the issues connected with the differences in the speeches of public men and women determined by their gender. The paper presents the analysis of the political speeches of such German politicians as H. Kohl, G. Schroeder and A. Merkel. By the comparison of their public speeches, the author tries to reveal gender rhetoric particularities at different linguistic levels, with the concern of extralinguistic factors. The material under analysis makes it possible to identify the gender speech peculiarities through the verbal behaviour of men and women in political discourse.

Silvana Neshkovska ◽  
Zorica Trajkova

The general pervasiveness of politics in modern society renders political discourse susceptible to analysis by many different profiles of researchers, especially linguists. This particular paper attempts to shed light on the usage of verbal irony in political discourse. The premise we put forward here is that politicians in their political speeches purposefully employ irony in order to enhance the persuasiveness of their speech. Moreover, we believe that the enhancement of persuasiveness is in a direct correlation with the pragmatic functions of verbal irony. To put it differently, 'seasoning' political speeches with ironic statements which evoke either humor; or express mild ridicule, or harsh criticism at the expense of the political opponent, is what makes them truly persuasive. The corpus compiled for the purposes of this research comprises political speeches delivered by American politicians in the course of the 2016 U.S. presidential race. The results obtained primarily confirm the relatively high incidence of verbal irony in political speeches; then, they also point to the relatively high degree of persuasion attached to irony in general and its association mainly with expressing mild ridicule and harsh criticism.

Dolynskiy I.V.

Increasing of language contacts, globalization and internationalization of public relations, expansion of modern information technologies encourage a comprehensive study of modern English communication. Political activity has always played a special role in society. An important role in determining the country’s international image is played by its presentation by the country’s political leaders. With the help of speeches, politicians have the opportunity to address both the international community and the citizens of their country. Direct contact with the audience determines the choice of lexical, syntactic and phonetic means in the design of speech. Political speeches have three main functions: the communication function, the announcement function and the influence function. American oratory theorists point to the need for the speaker to concentrate on composing his speech, taking into account the audience reaction what he is trying to provoke. Much attention in the American oratory theory is paid to the speech compositional construction. One of the political discourse genres is political speech. Presidential political speech is an oral political text, which is proclaimed by the president to a mass audience, sets urgent tasks in a particular sphere of public life, and gives recommendations for the implementation of tasks. It performs the functions of persuasion, agitation, congratulations, has a pre-created script, which depends on the communicative situation. The construction of a political speech is based on the principle of argumentation (introduction, main part, final part), which facilitates the speech audience perception. The study was based on the political speeches texts of two American presidents – John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The analyzed speeches have different topics: inaugural addresses of presidents, comments during hostilities and diplomatic (delivered during visits). The article highlights the concept of political discourse; it’s identified and described the main types of political speeches; revealed the linguistic and stylistic features and expression means of John F. Kennedy’s; Ronald Reagan; Hillary Clinton political speeches.Key words: English discourse, political speeches, linguistic and stylistic aspect, translation aspect, rhetorical devices. Розширення мовних контактів, глобалізація та інтернаціоналізація суспільних відносин, впровадження сучасних інформаційних технологій спонукають до всебічного дослідження сучасної англомовної комунікації. Політична діяльність завжди відігравала особливу роль у житті суспільства. Політичний дискурс – це явище, з яким люди стикаються щодня. Боротьба за владу є основною темою та рушійним мотивом цієї сфери спіл-кування. Політична комунікація, орієнтована на викладення тих чи інших політичних подій, пропаганду ідей, установок, цінностей, володіє емоційним та інтелектуальним впливом на свідомість громадян. Важливу роль у визначенні іміджу країни відіграє спосіб презентації політичними лідерами держави. За допомогою виступів політики мають можливість звернутися як до міжнародної спільноти, так і до громадян своєї країни. Прямий контакт з аудиторією зумовлює вибір лексичних, синтаксичних і фонетичних засобів в оформленні промови. Політичні промови мають три основні функції: функцію спілкування, функцію повідомлення та функцію впливу. Теоретики американського ораторського мистецтва вказують на необхідність оратора сконцентруватися на тому, щоб його промова була складена, враховуючи реакцію аудиторії, яку він намагається викликати. Велика увага в теорії американського ораторського мистецтва приділяється композиційній побудові ораторської промови. Одним із жанрів політичного дискурсу є політична промова. Президентська політична промова – це усний політичний текст, який проголошується президентом перед масовою аудиторією, ставить назрілі завдання в тій чи іншій сфері громадського життя, дає рекомендації щодо здійснення поставлених завдань. Вона виконує функції переконання, агітації, вітання, має завчасно створений сценарій, який залежить від комунікативної ситуації. Побудова політичної промови засновується на принципі аргументації (вступ, основна частина, завершальна частина), що полегшує сприйняття промови аудиторією. На основі аналізу текстів політичних промов можна змоделювати інтереси, вподобання, типові реакції політичного лідера, його уявлення про друзів і ворогів. Матеріалом дослідження слугували тексти політичних промов двох американських президентів – Джона Кеннеді, Рональда Рейгана – й кандидата в президенти Гілларі Клінтон. Проаналізовані промови мають різну тематику: інавгураційні звернення президентів, коментарі під час воєнних дій і дипломатичні (що виголошувалися під час візитів). У статті викладено поняття політичного дискурсу; визначено й описано основні типи полі-тичних промов; виявлено лінгвостилістичні особливості й засоби вираження політичних промов Джона Кеннеді, Рональда Рейгана, Гілларі Клінтон.Ключові слова:англомовний дискурс, політичні промови, лінгвостилістичний аспект, перекладацький аспект, риторичні прийоми.

I.A. Sinitsyna ◽  
M.A. Saphonov ◽  
S.S. Usov ◽  
N.L. Kharchenko ◽  
E.A. Yanova

In this article we consider the category of fiction in political discourse - its language expression and the reasons for its appearance. In the process of research, we found out that one of the most important language means of expressing fiction in political discourse is metaphor and all its manifestations in the text. Metaphors convey a special, fantastic perception of the world. But, besides metaphors, the use of metonymy, hyperbole, litotes, comparisons, epithets, etc. also helps to form the category of the fantastic. We will consider the use of elements of the fantastic in political discourse on the example of the famous book “Maxims and Thoughts of Saint Helena Prisoner” in which Count de Las Cases, who voluntarily followed Napoleon Bonaparte in his exile, captured the emperor's statements, his aphorisms, fragments of political speeches, etc. Napoleon Bonaparte created authorial myths about himself, his rule and his army (the Great Army, Grande Armee), captured in his political speeches, letters, maxims and appeals to soldiers and contemporaries. From a literary and linguistic point of view, the very form chosen by Napoleon to express his political and philosophical judgments - maxims, aphorisms - is of interest. The result of our research is that the category of the fantastic in the political discourse of the Napoleonic era is the place to be and includes the use of metaphors, epithets, hyperbole, grotesques, personification, special comparisons and repetitions, as well as allusions, reminiscences, explicit and hidden quoting.


This article deals with the process, and with the main factors and mechanisms contributing to the modification of mental boundaries among people on the South of Ukraine in regard to the definition of what was and is the South Ukrainian’s historical region of Tavria/Tauride. A conclusion is drawn that in the social perception of this historical region has been more and more frequently perceived as divided into two separate ones. The mainland part of the region has beenexpanded and became known as Tavria, while Crimea became known mostly as Tauride. This process of diversification of Tavria/Tauride toponyms coming into the political discourse of both Ukraine and Russian Federation that might allow some political manipulation and even legitimization of aggression.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-68
Birgir Hermannsson

The main purpose of this article is to trace the debate in Iceland about the inclusion of the minister of Iceland in the Danish state council from 1874 to 1915. This debate concerned the interpretation of the Danish Positional Law and whether the Danish Constitution was in some regards also enforceable in Iceland. The state council was included in the Icelandic constitution in 1903 and proposed changes hotly debated until 1915. To understand this debate the political discourse on the state council is analyzed and its role in the wider struggle for independence. The Icelandic opposition to the state council was based on the definition of specific Icelandic issues apart from Danish ones in the Positional law and the proposition that the state council was a Danish institution defined by the Danish constitution. It was therefore against Icelandic self-rule to discuss and decide on specific Icelandic issues in a Danish institution. During the independence struggle Icelanders had to decide whether the state council clause was a matter of principle and should therefore stand in the way of agreement with Denmark or whether a more pragmatic view should be taken. The disagreement was therefore not only between Iceland and Denmark but also a source of conflict and disagreement within Iceland.

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