Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan dengan Penggunaan Sarana Jamban Keluarga Di Desa Dadap Kecamatan Juntinyuat Kabupaten Indramayu

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-38
Sudirman ◽  
Hairil Akbar

Background: Making latrines is a human effort to improve health by creating a healthy environment in which to live. In making latrines, as much as possible, care must be taken so that they do not cause unpleasant odors. Objectives: This study to see the relationship between the level of education, behavior, and income of the community and the use of family toilet facilities in Dadap Village, Juntinyuat District, Indramayu Regency in 2018. Research Methods: This research uses quantitative research with an analytic observational approach using the Cross-Sectional Study method. The population of this study was all heads of households in the village of Dadap with a sample size of 98 people. Result: The statistical test (Chi-Square test) show the results that the level of education is p = 0.240> 0.05 indicates there is no relationship between education and the use of family latrines. Behavior p = 0.000 <0.05 indicates a relationship between behavior and the use of family latrines. Income p = 0.000 <0.05 indicates that there is a relationship between income and the use of family toilet facilities. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the research results have no relationship between education and the use of family toilet facilities in Dadap Village, Juntinyuat District, Indramayu Regency. Behavior and income have a relationship with the use of family toilet facilities in Dadap Village, Juntinyuat District, Indramayu Regency. The need for increased education, to improve changes in people's behavior to create a clean and healthy life. Keywords: Education, behavior, income.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Dini Yuliansari

The well is one of the source water used for bathing, washing, and drinking by the citizens in Jiken Hamlet, Rarang Village, Terara Sub-District. Poor dug well construction conditions can affect the amount of coliform bacteria contained in the dug well water. The purpose of this study is to identify the construction of dug wells and the content of coliform bacteria in dug well water and determine the relationship between dug well construction and the content of coliform bacteria. This research is analytic with a cross sectional study design. The results were obtained from 11 samples of dug wells which were observed in construction and the coliform content was known that all samples did not requirements as good dug well construction. Coliform content test results showed that as many as 5 dug well water samples did not pass the clean water quality standards. The results of data analysis with the chi-square test variable construction of dug wells with coliform content variable  showed 0,172 > 0,05, then the concluded is the dug well not suitable to use by people in that area as a source of water for daily needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-101
Adi Zayd Bintang ◽  
Ayik Mirayanti Mandagi

ABSTRACTDepression is a mental health problem that mostly occurs during adolescence. Physical, cognitive and emotional changes experienced during adolescence can cause stress. The prevalence of depression in adolescence has a very high increase compared to the age of children and adults. The main factor in being able to cure depression in adolescents is social support (Depkes, 2007). This study aims to identify depressive symptoms in adolescents and to find out the relationship between social support factors and depression incidence. This research is a quantitative research, with the type of observational analytic research with a cross sectional approach involving students at SMA XY in Jember Regency in May 2020. The analytical method uses the Chi Square test to see the relationship between independent and dependent variables with a significance level of α ≤ 0, 05. Data collection tool using google form. Determination of respondents by random sampling with a total of 158 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the distribution of women is 76.58% more than that of men. Based on the distribution of social support, 56.96% received good social support, while based on the incidence of depression, 54.43% did not experience depression. From the statistical test, the significance value of <0.05 indicates that there is a relationship between social support factors and the incidence of depression. Social support plays an effective role in overcoming depression experienced by adolescents.Keywords: Depression, Teens, social support. ABSTRAKDepresi merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan mental yang sebagian besar terjadi pada masa remaja. Perubahan fisik, kognitif dan emosional yang dialami pada masa remaja dapat menimbulkan stress. Prevalensi depresi pada usia remaja memiliki peningkatan yang sangat tinggi dibandingkan dengan usia anak-anak dan usia dewasa. Faktor utama untuk dapat menyembuhkan depresi pada remaja yaitu dukungan sosial (Depkes, 2007). Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi gejala depresi pada remaja dan mengetahui mengenai Hubungan Faktor Dukungan Sosial dengan Kejadian Depresi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, dengan jenis penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang melibatkan siswa di SMA XY di Kabupaten Jember pada Bulan Mei tahun 2020. Metode analisis menggunakan uji Chi Square untuk melihat hubungan variabel independen dan dependen dengan tingkat kemaknaan α ≤ 0,05. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan google form. Penentuan responden secara random sampling dengan jumlah 158 reponden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan distribusi perempuan 76,58% lebih banyak daripada laki-laki, berdasarkan distribusi dukungan sosial sebesar 56,96% mendapatkan dukungan sosial yang baik, sedangkan berdasarkan kejadian depresi sebesar 54,43% tidak mengalami depresi. Dari uji statistik nilai signifikansi sebesar < 0,05 menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara faktor dukungan sosial dengan kejadian depresi. Dukungan sosial berperan efektif dalam mengatasi depresi yang dialami remaja.Kata Kunci: Depresi, Remaja, Dukungan Sosial.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-58
Ajeng Febrianti Rahayu ◽  
Bagas Aidi ◽  
Meirna Mega Rizki ◽  
Ayik Mirayanti Mandagi

ABSTRACTFirst year student are one of the groups that are prone to depression. This is because the first year student is in a transition period or in a new condition that initially senior high school student becomes a college student. In addition, busy schedules, new learning environments and homesickness can trigger depression in college students. This study used a cross sectional study design. Respondents in this study were new students of the Study Program Outside the Main Campus (PSDKU) of Airlangga University in Banyuwangi, class 2019 with a total of 110 students. Depression levels were obtained from the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) questionnaire. Meanwhile, the adaptability was obtained from the Communicative Adaptability Scale (CAS) questionnaire and the place of residence was obtained from questions about where to live during college. A total of 53 out of 110 students (49,1%) experienced low depression and students who experienced high depression were 57 out of 110 students (50,9%). The results of the chi square test regarding the relationship between residence and the level of depression of new students, obtained data p= 0.008 (p <0.05). Chi-square test results regarding the relationship between adaptation ability and depression level of new students, obtained data p = 0.001 (p <0.05). There is a relationship between residence and adaptability with the degree of depression of new students. Higher education institutions are expected to pay more attention to the psychological conditions of students and new students are expected to maintain good coping management in facing the new environment.Keywords: depression level, adaptability, place to live, new students ABSTRAKMahasiswa baru adalah salah satu kelompok yang rentan mengalami depresi. Hal ini dikarenakan mahasiswa baru berada pada masa transisi atau suatu kondisi baru yang awalnya siswa SMA menjadi mahasiswa. Selain itu, jadwal yang padat, lingkungan belajar yang baru dan homesickness dapat memicu depresi pada mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian crosssectional. Responden pada penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa baru Program Studi Diluar Kampus Utama (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga di Banyuwangi angkatan 2019 dengan jumlah 110 mahasiswa. Tingkat Depresi didapatkan dari kuisioner Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II). Sedangkan kemampuan adaptasi didapatkan dari kuisioner Communicative Adaptability Scale (CAS) dan tempat tinggal didapatkan dari pertanyaan mengenai tempat tinggal selama kuliah. Sebanyak 49,1% (53 dari 110 mahasiswa) mengalami depresi ringan dan mahasiswa yang mengalami depresi berat sebanyak 50,9 (57 dari 110 mahasiswa). Hasil uji chisquare mengenai hubungan tempat tinggal dengan tingkat depresi mahasiswa baru, diperoleh data p=0,008 (p<0,05). Hasil uji chisquare mengenai hubungan kemampuan adaptasi dengan tingkat depresi mahasiswa baru, diperoleh data p=0,001(p<0,05). Terdapat hubungan antara tempat tinggal dan kemampuan adaptasi dengan tingkat depresi mahasiswa baru. Institusi perguruan tinggi diharapkan lebih memperhatikan kondisi psikologis mahasiswa dan mahasiswa baru diharapkan tetap mempertahankan manajemen koping yang baik dalam menghadapi lingkungan baru.Kata Kunci: tingkat depresi, kemampuan adaptasi, tempat tinggal, mahasiswa baru

Dyah Widiastuti ◽  
Dwi Priyanto

Leptospirosis is associated with occupations which exposed workers to contaminated environments. The risk of leptospirosis exposure in the market as a gathering place for many people needs to be assessed, to obtain the basis for decision making to anticipate leptospirosis transmission. This study aimed to determine the relationship between market environmental conditions including market sanitation conditions, the level of rat density and the presence of leptospira-positive rats  toward the history of leptospirosis exposure among market workers (traders and janitors). A cross sectional study conducted in 35 markets in Banjarnegara and 175 market workers randomly selected. Blood samples analysed using ELISA against 40 Kda pathogenic Leptospira protein. Rat trapping  conducted in each market for two days with 100 traps. The caught mice examined with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to detect the presence of Leptospira bacteria in their kidneys. Leptospirosis exposure was spread in 17 markets in Banjarnegara. The PCR examination showed that the pathogenic Leptospira infected rats were spread in four markets in Banjarnegara. Chi square test showed that the hygene condition in market area was significantly associated with the leptospirosis exposure. Markets workers (traders and janitors) were at risk for leptospirosis proved by high seroprevalence of leptospirosis in this study.

Objective: This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of microdontia among patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Sindh Institute of Oral Health Sciences, (JSMU) from January-2020 to May-2020. Pre-treatment casts were taken of 140 subjects. The mesiodistal dimension of each tooth was recorded through the vernier caliper. Frequency and percentage were calculated for the presence of microdontia. The test applied was Pearson’s Chi-square test to assess the relationship between microdontia and variables like age and gender. P-value <0.05 was taken as statistically significant. Data analysis was performed on SPSS version 22. Results: A total of 140 subjects were selected i.e. 105 (75%) females and 35 (25%) males aged range 13 -30 years with mean age 18.29 ± 3.88. Out of 42, single tooth microdontia was found in 3 (7.1%), more than one tooth microdontia, and generalized microdontia was present in 36 (85.7%) and 3 (7.1%) respectively. Microdontia was found to be more common in the maxilla (n=42, 100%) than the mandible (n=14, 33.3%). It was found more common in females (n=37, 35.2%) as compared to males (n=5, 14.3%). Statistically significant relationship was found among gender and prevalence of microdontia (p=0.019) with a statistically insignificant relationship between age and presence of microdontia (p=0.228). Conclusions: Microdontia was found to be a frequent dental anomaly, was more common in maxilla and females with a significant association with gender.

Anies Dewi Wirati Indraswari ◽  
Abdul Aziz ◽  
Meircurius Dwi Condro Surboyo

Abstract Introduction The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has also hit Indonesia. Until September 2020, cases continued to increase with the highest number in Jakarta. The right behavior needs to be followed to prevent COVID-19; this aspect has a strong relationship with knowledge and attitude. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of hospitalized patients' families in Fatmawati Hospital, Jakarta, in an effort to prevent COVID-19. Materials and Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted on 300 respondents using a self-administered questionnaire to assess their knowledge, attitude, and behavior about COVID-19. The relationship between knowledge, attitude, and behavior was analyzed using the chi-square test with p < 0.05. Results Most of the participants responded to the questionnaire showing a good knowledge, attitude, and behavior related to the efforts to prevent COVID-19. No relationship was present between knowledge, attitude, and behavior in an effort to prevent COVID-19 (p = 0.414 and p = 0.165). Conclusion The hospitalized patients' families exhibited an adequate level of knowledge, attitude, and preventive behaviors toward COVID-19.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1-3) ◽  
pp. 38
Marie Christabelle ◽  
Bernie Endyarni Medise

Objective: In different parts of the world, Indonesia included, overweight and obese people are seen to have worse performance compared to their healthy counterparts. Although there were research that had been done to observe the relationship between overweight, obesity, and academic performance, the results obtained were still divided into significantly and non-significantly related.Methods: A cross-sectional study was done to 373 students from two different schools in South Jakarta on December 2017–January 2018. Data was obtained by measuring height and weight of the participant to get his/her nutritional status and the average of participant’s odd semester Continual Assessment and Semestral Assessment of Academic Year 2017/2018 to see if the result was higher or equal to the passing grade.Results: Data analysis with chi square test shows that there was no significant relationship between overweight, obesity, and academic performance (p = 0.452 for Indonesian Language and p = 0.476 for Mathematics) although overweight and obese students tend to have better performance in some exam.Conclusion: The events that lead to overweight, obesity, and one’s academic performance are all multifactorial that the relationship between the two is difficult to be determined.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 24 ◽  
Eri H. Jubhari ◽  
Wahipa Wiro ◽  
Sinaryanti Sinaryanti

Objective: This study aim to determine the relationship between teeth color value and skin color value of the Makassar tribe.Material and Methods: This observational analytic research employs cross-sectional study and purposive sampling methods, with 73 samples; held in May 2012 in Bontoramba, Jeneponto district, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It uses the Vita-Lumina shade guide for teeth color tests and Garnier FD344110.122.007 for skin color tests.Results: The results show that the distribution of teeth colour value in respondents is mostly in the highest values (A1, B1, A2, B2 color) which were 71.2%, while the skin value is mostly in a dark skin color (78.1%). Data was analyzed by the chi-square test. It was found that teeth color value was not related to skin color value in the Makassar tribe (p>0.05).Conclusion: Skin color value was not an indicator in determining the teeth color in the Makassar tribe.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-184
Nur Herawati ◽  
Emma Rachmawati ◽  
Mouhamad Bigwanto

ABSTRACT Nurses in meeting spiritual service needs in patients are influenced by one of the factors namely spiritual intelligence. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between characteristics and nurse's spiritual intelligence by fulfilling the inpatient spiritual service needs in Banten Hospital in 2019. The study was conducted in Banten General Hospital in July-August 2019. This research was quantitative with a cross-sectional design by using a questionnaire as a primary data and using Chi-square test as the data analysis. The sample used all nurses in population with total sampling to 71 nurses. The results showed that respondents who fulfilled the needs of spiritual services were not as good as 37 respondents (52.1%). Bivariate results showed variables related to meeting spiritual service needs, namely the level of education (p value = 0.039), length of work (p value =0.042), and nurse spiritual intelligence (p value =0.022). Based on the results of this study it is suggested that there is a need for assistance or special mentors conducted by senior nurses to junior nurses (length of work ≤ 4 years). Because the results of this research prove that nurses who have a new length of work who have the opportunity to meet the needs of spiritual services are not good for patients. Keywords : Nurses, Spiritual Intelligence, Spiritual Service Needs.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Meliza Wahyuni ◽  
Eva Decroli ◽  
Putri Sri Lasmini

Abstrak Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik (SOPK) merupakan kelainan endokrin dan metabolik pada wanita usia reproduksi. SOPK merupakan kumpulan gejala dari amenore, oligomenore, infertilitas, obesitas, hirsutisme, acne, alopesia, dan akantosis nigrikan. Resistensi insulin diyakini sebagai salah satu penyebab tersering dari SOPK melalui berbagai mekanisme. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan resistensi insulindengan gambaran klinis SOPK. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada pasien SOPK dengan menggunakan studi cross sectional dengan pendekatan retrospektif, yaitu mengumpulkan kejadian masa lalu dari tahun 2009 - 2011, jumlah sampel 105 orang. Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 33,3% penderita SOPK mengalami resistensi insulin. Berdasarkan gambaran klinis 35,23% amenore, 64,77% oligomenore, 72,04% infertilitas, 50,5% obesitas, 0,95% hirsutisme, acne 20%, alopesia dan akantosis nigrikan0%. Dari 33,3% SOPK dengan resistensi insulin 40% amenore, 60% oligomenore, 71,9% infertilitas, 77,14% obesitas, dan 0% hirsutisme. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara resistensi insulin dengan obesitas (p<0,05) dan tidak ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara resistensi insulin dengan infertilitas, hirsutisme, dan acne (p>0,05).Kata Kunci: SOPK, resistensi insulin, gambaran klinisAbstract Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine and metabolic disorders that is common in reproductive-aged women. PCOS is a group of symptoms, such as amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, infertility, obesity, hirsutism, acne, alopecia, and achanthosis nigricans. Insulin resistance is believed to be one of the most common causes of PCOS through a various mechanisms. The objective of this study was to find out the relationship between insulin resistance and clinical manifestation of PCOS. This research was done in patients with PCOS using cross sectional study with retrospective approach. Data was collected from 2009-2011, with the sample of 105 patients. This research used statistical analysis, that was chi square test. This research found that  33.3% patients of PCOS have insulin resistance. Based on clinical manifestation found that 35.23% amenorrhea, 64.77% oligomenorrhea, 72.04% infertility, 50.5% obesity, 0.95% hirsutism, 20% acne, 0% alopecia and achanthosis nigricans. From 33.3% PCOS with insulin resistance, 40% amenorrhea, 60%  oligomenorrhea, 71.9% infertility, 77.14% obesity, and 0% hirsutism. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between insulin resistance and obesity (p<0.05) and no significant reslationship between insulin resistance and infertility, hirsutism, and acne (p>0.05).Keyword: PCOS, insulin resistance, clinical manifestation 

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