scholarly journals JOURNALISM AND FACT-CHECKING: typification of sources used for checking and criteria for selecting fact-checked material – an analysis by Agência Lupa and Aos Fatos

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 368-393
Daniel De Rezende Damasceno ◽  
Edgard Patrício

Fact-checking was initially used to verify the factuality of information given by political agents. However, the proliferation of false information on social networks and concerns about the political use of spreading lies have led to fact-checking methodologies also being used to combat fake news. In terms of a cognitive and behavioral approach, Lazer et al. (2018) suggest there are some doubts as to how effective this methodology is. This article analyzes the performance of two Brazilian checking agencies, Aos Fatos and Agência Lupa. We demonstrate that, although checking discourse is directly related to the credibility of organizations, the agencies themselves do not lay out the criteria for selecting what is to be checked. The platforms that use this form of fact-checking mainly rely on data and studies provided by official sources and public institutions, once again compromising the credibility of the process.A prática de fact-checking foi iniciada para verificar a factualidade das informações nos discursos de agentes políticos. Mas a proliferação de informações falsas nas redes sociais da internet, e a preocupação com a disseminação de mentiras como instrumento político, fez com que as metodologias de fact-checking também fossem utilizadas para combater fake news. Levando em consideração uma abordagem cognitiva e comportamental, Lazer et al. (2018) alertam que existem dúvidas quanto à eficácia dessa utilização. Esse artigo analisa a atuação de duas agências brasileiras de checagem, Aos Fatos e Agência Lupa. Demonstramos que, apesar da checagem de discursos ter relação direta com a credibilidade das organizações, as próprias agências não explicitam os critérios que orientam a seleção do que é checado. E que nessa modalidade de checagem, as plataformas de fact-checking se valem, sobretudo, de dados e estudos fornecidos por fontes oficiais e instituições públicas, comprometendo mais uma vez a credibilidade do processo.La práctica de fact-checking inició para verificar la factualidad de las informaciones en los discursos de agentes políticos. Pero la proliferación de informaciones falsas en las redes sociales de internet, y la preocupación por la diseminación de mentiras como instrumento político, hizo que las metodologías de fact-checking también fueran utilizadas para combatir las fake news. Teniendo en cuenta un enfoque cognitivo y conductual, Lazer et al. (2018) advierten que existen dudas sobre la eficacia de esta utilización. Este artículo analiza la actuación de dos agencias brasileñas de chequeo, Aos Fatos y Agência Lupa. Demostramos que, aunque la verificación del discurso tiene una relación directa con la credibilidad de las organizaciones, las agencias mismas no detallan los criterios que guían la selección de lo que se verifica. Y que en este modo de verificación, las plataformas de verificación de hechos se basan principalmente en datos y estudios proporcionados por fuentes oficiales e instituciones públicas, comprometiendo una vez más la credibilidad del proceso.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-39
Juliana Teixeira ◽  
Allysson Martins

This article, which integrates broader research, aims to identify the fake news patterns propagated in the process of disinformation about COVID-19 that were evaluated by the Brazilian fact-checking agencies Fato or Fake and Lupa. Aiming at this goal, we considered the strategies for spreading false information about the disease from January to September 2020. As a methodology, we used part of the procedures associated with media framing, focusing on the themes and labels of the checked information. Politics and death were the two main issues in misinformation assessed by the agencies, closely followed by themes related to cure and prevention. Personalities were particularly relevant at Lupa. The high frequency of the political issue reveals the ideological polarization that Brazil is experiencing, leading to global health crises such as the new coronavirus pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 5488-5497
Sandra Flores Guevara ◽  
Fannia María Cadena Montes ◽  
Ramiro Cadena Uribe

El espacio virtual donde se han logrado abrir camino medios de comunicación digitales alternativos, y donde se informa la mayoría de los mexicanos, hoy se encuentra contaminado por el virus de la desinformación y las fake news. La llegada del virus Covid-19 ha sido terreno fértil para la propagación de la infodemia, y una herramienta de la oposición para golpear al gobierno del presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Ante esta epidemia de desinformación, el propósito de este trabajo es visibilizar las consecuencias que tiene la propagación de información falsa en torno al Covid-19, analizando para ello el uso político que se le da a los rumores y fake news que se difunden tanto en redes sociales digitales como en medios de comunicación. Entre los principales halazgos de este estudio de corte cualitativo, se pudieron distinguir algunos medios de comunicación que propician y otros que combaten a la infodemia. Además se observó que la epidemia de información falsa tiene graves consecuencias en la sociedad, con implicaciones que van desde afectaciones a la salud pública, hasta la desacreditación de movimientos sociales genuinos como el femeninismo, o de gobiernos legítimos.     The virtual space where alternative digital media have made their way, and where the majority of Mexicans are informed, is now contaminated by the virus of disinformation and fake news. The arrival of the Covid-19 virus has been fertile ground for the spread of infodemia, and a tool of the opposition to hit the government of the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Given this epidemic of disinformation, the purpose of this paper is to make visible the consequences of the spread of false information about Covid-19, analyzing the political use given to rumors and fake news that are spread both in digital social networks and in the media. Among the main findings of this qualitative study, it was possible to distinguish some media that favor and others that fight infodemia. In addition, it was observed that the epidemic of false information has serious consequences in society, with implications ranging from public health effects to the discrediting of genuine social movements such as feminism, or of legitimate governments.

Roberto M. Lobato ◽  
Andrea Velandia Morales ◽  
Ángel Sánchez Rodríguez ◽  
Mar Montoya Lozano ◽  
Efraín García Sánchez

The fact-checking is an important tool to improve the quality of the information that circulates in virtual networks. Although there are different fact-checking verification agencies, we also found some more informal strategies such as the use of the hashtag #Stopbulos. Thus, this research aims to characterize the #StopBulos hashtag on Twitter as a way to verify information and control the spread of fake news. The results showed that there was diversity among users and the themes of the tweets that included this hashtag, while the main function was to deny fake news. However, it was found that those who achieved greater dissemination were the users with the largest number of followers and institutional character. The implications of using the #StopBulos hashtag as a tool to identify false information on social networks are discussed. Keywords: fake news, post-truth, post-news, social media, network societies

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 462-466 ◽  
Carlos Elías ◽  
Daniel Catalan-Matamoros

The communication of the Coronavirus crisis in Spain has two unexpected components: the rise of the information on social networks, especially WhatsApp, and the consolidation of TV programs on mystery and esotericism. Both have emerged to “tell the truth” in opposition to official sources and public media. For a country with a long history of treating science and the media as properties of the state, this very radical development has surprised communication scholars.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-208
Ana Pérez-Escoda ◽  
Gema Barón-Dulce ◽  
Juana Rubio-Romero ◽  

The explosion of the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a major transformation in media consumption and the use of social networks. New habits and extensive exposure to connected devices coupled with unmanageable amounts of information warn of a worrying reality, especially among the younger population. The aim of this research is to discover the degree of trustworthiness of Generation Z towards the media, their media consumption preferences and the association they make between media consumption and fake news. Using a descriptive and exploratory quantitative methodology, a study is presented with a sample of 225 young people belonging to this population niche. The study addresses three dimensions: media consumption, social networks and perception of fake news. The results show that generation Z is an intensive consumer of the media they trust the least and perceive traditional media as the most trustworthy. The findings indicate that social networks are the main source of information consumption for this ge­neration, among other content, despite also being the least trustworthy and the most likely to distribute fake news according to their perceptions. There is a lack of media literacy from a critical rather than a formative perspective.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 347-381
Michele Goulart Massuchin ◽  
Regilson Furtado Borges

Este artigo apresenta uma análise sobre como o jornal O Estado do Maranhão (MA) se apropria da sua página no Facebook como espaço para difundir conteúdo jornalístico. A abordagem metodológica é quantitativa e qualitativa a partir da análise do conteúdo de 608 posts extraídos da fanpage do jornal e de entrevista com a responsável pela versão digital do veículo. A pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar as características dos conteúdos distribuídos pela rede social, especialmente observando o espaço destinado para temas políticos e eleitorais. A análise trabalha com as seguintes características: temas, tema eleitoral, abrangência, valência e interação. Como resultado principal ressalta-se que O Estado do Maranhão concedeu espaço considerável para o tema político-eleitoral, com baixa presença de entretenimento.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Jornalismo; redes sociais; eleições.   ABSTRACT This article presents an analysis of how the newspaper O Estado de Maranhão (MA) appropriates the Facebook page as a space for disseminating journalistic content. The methodological approach is quantitative and qualitative from the content analysis of 608 posts extracted from the fanpage of the newspaper and interview with the responsible for digital part of the vehicle. The research aims to analyze the characteristics of the contents distributed by the social network, especially observing the space destined for electoral subjects. The analysis discuses these characteristics: themes, electoral theme, scope and engagement. As a main result, O Estado do Maranhão granted considerable space for the political-electoral theme.   KEYWORDS: journalism; social networks; elections.     RESUMEN Este artículo presenta un análisis sobre cómo el diario El Estado de Maranhão (MA) se apropia de su página en Facebook como espacio para difundir contenido periodístico. El enfoque metodológico es cuantitativo y cualitativo a partir del análisis del contenido de 608 posts extraídos de la fanpage del periódico y de entrevista con la responsable de la parte digital del vehículo. La investigación tiene por objetivo analizar las características de los contenidos distribuidos por la red social, especialmente observando el espacio destinado a temas electorales. El análisis trabaja con las siguientes características: temas, tema electoral, alcance y la relación com os lectores. Como resultado principal se resalta que el Estado de Maranhão concedió espacio considerable para el tema político-electoral.   PALABRAS CLAVE: periodismo, redes sociales, elecciones.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 452-473
Marcelo Träsel ◽  
Sílvia Lisboa ◽  
Giulia Reis Vinciprova

The terms ‘fake news’ and ‘post-truth’ have been used to describe the augmented dissemination potential of misinformation in digital networks in the second decade of the years 2000. In Brazil, different actors have been exploiting digital social networks for political purposes, disseminating content that imitates legitimate journalistic material, often obtaining better audience metrics than the news stories published by mainstream media. This article is divided into two parts. First, defines the term pseudojournalism to classify fraudulent texts that use journalistic narrative resources to deceive the audience. Second, it presents the results of an analysis of 23 political content producers with the greatest audience on Facebook in Brazil, based on the credibility indicators developed by Projeto Credibilidade (Trust Project). The results suggest that, in the current scenario, it is not possible to distinguish the quality journalism from pseudojournalism based on the characteristics of the websites and articles published by political content producers.Os termos “notícias falsas” e “pós-verdade” vêm sendo usados para descrever a potencialização da desinformação nas redes digitais na segunda década dos anos 2000. No Brasil, diversos atores vêm instrumentalizando as redes sociais para disputas políticas, espalhando conteúdo falso que imita materiais jornalísticos legítimos, muitas vezes obtendo mais audiência do que o noticiário de veículos tradicionais. Este artigo se divide em duas partes. Na primeira, conceitua o termo pseudojornalismo para classificar textos fraudulentos que usam os recursos narrativos jornalísticos para ludibriar a audiência. Na segunda, apresenta os resultados de uma análise de 23 produtores de conteúdo político do país com maior audiência no Facebook, a partir dos indicadores de credibilidade desenvolvidos pelo Projeto Credibilidade (Trust Project). Os resultados sugerem que, no cenário atual, não é possível distinguir o jornalismo de qualidade do pseudojornalismo a partir das características dos websites e matérias publicadas por produtores de conteúdo político.Las expresiones “noticias falsas” y “posverdad” vienen siendo utilizados para describir la potencialización de la desinformación en las redes digitales en la segunda década de los años 2000. En Brasil, distintos actores vienen instrumentalizando las redes sociales para disputas políticas, diseminando contenido falso que simula materiales periodísticos legítimos, obteniendo, a menudo, mayor audiencia que el noticiero de medios tradicionales. Este artículo está dividido en dos partes. Primero, conceptualiza el término pseudoperiodismo para calificar textos fraudulentos que utilizan los recursos de narración típicos del periodismo para engañar a la audiencia. En segundo lugar, presenta los resultados de un análisis de 23 productores de contenido político del país con mayor audiencia en Facebook, a partir de los indicadores de credibilidad desarrollados por el Proyecto Credibilidad (Trust Project). Los resultados sugieren que, en el escenario actual, no es posible diferenciar el periodismo de calidad del pseudoperiodismo a partir de las características de los sitios web y de materias publicadas por productores de contenido político.

Yaiza Pozo-Montes ◽  
Marina León-Manovel

Introducción: El fact-checking, o la verificación de datos, se ha convertido en una práctica periodística cada vez más en boga. Sin duda, una herramienta que ha demostrado ser necesaria para desmentir las fake news que circulan por las redes sociales, tal y como ha sucedido en el caso concreto de la crisis sanitaria del coronavirus. Objetivos: Analizar las características de las noticias falsas desmentidas por Newtral Media Audiovisual y determinar su tendencia durante las sucesivas prórrogas del Estado de Alarma. Metodología: Se han examinado 104 informaciones que hacen referencia al COVID-19 en España, desde el 14 de marzo hasta el 4 de mayo de 2020, mediante el análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo del estudio de caso. Resultados: Todas las fake news han convergido en diferentes redes sociales, pero el canal principal para su difusión ha sido WhatsApp, siendo el texto y el audio los formatos que han presentado una mayor manipulación. La temática predominante de los bulos ha sido la política y las falsas atribuciones a instituciones han logrado engañar a la ciudadanía. Conclusiones: El fact-checking constata su éxito para desmentir las falsedades mediante el uso de datos. Se trata de un fenómeno actual que requiere ser investigado en diversos campos académicos.

Natalia Aruguete

This work proposes a new model of activation of frames, called network activated frames (NAF). The NAF seeks to update the study of framing as a result of the activation of frames by users in a connected network. With this objective in mind, I reconstruct the different notions of frame and framing in the political communication literature and present their limitations. The activation of frames in social networks is verified experimentally using a conjoint experiment, a technique that randomly rotates a variety of frame elements and evaluates the intention to share the content. The results provide conclusive evidence of the propensity of social network users to activate different frame elements in different regions of a social network. Resumen Este trabajo propone un nuevo modelo de activación de encuadres llamado network activated frames (NAF) (activación de encuadres en red). El NAF busca actualizar el estudio del framing como resultado de la activación de encuadres por parte de los usuarios en una red conectada. Con este objetivo en mente, reconstruyo las distintas nociones de frame y framing en la bibliografía en comunicación política y presento sus limitaciones. La activación de encuadres en redes sociales se constata experimentalmente utilizando tweets apareados (conjoint experiment), una técnica que rota aleatoriamente una variedad de elementos de encuadre (frame elements) y evalúa la intención de compartir el contenido. Los resultados proporcionan evidencia concluyente de la propensión de los usuarios de redes sociales a activar distintos elementos de encuadre en distintas regiones de una red social.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-46
Abdulmalik Sugow

With the proliferation of peer-to-peer networks as a source of information, concerns on the accuracy of information shared have been raised, necessitating attempts by governments to regulate fake news. Kenya’s Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act, for instance, criminalises the intentional dissemination of false or misleading data. However, such regulation has resulted in a different set of concerns, particularly its potential to bring about undue limitation on the freedom of expression. In appraising the approach taken in Kenya of imposing liability on perpetrators, and that taken in some jurisdictions of imposing intermediary liability, the article posits that similar difficulties are faced in regulating fake news – the freedom of expression could be curtailed. This is fuelled by ambiguity in the definition of ‘fake news’. Consequently, this article seeks to find out if indeed, it is possible to regulate fake news while preserving the freedom of expression in Kenya. Further, the article delves into some of the effects the proliferation of fake news has had on the democratic process in Kenya, thereby requiring regulation. In doing so, it tackles fake news from two general conceptions: fake news as calculated disinformation campaigns by individuals for certain purposes, and fake news as an overarching culture of misinformation that enables the spread of false information. Regarding the former, it finds that legislative measures may prove sufficient. However, the latter requires a combination of non-legislative measures such as collaborative measure, awareness initiatives and fact-checking.

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