Svitlana Fedorenko ◽  
Kateryna Sheremeta

The article focuses on the process of developing scholarly ideas on professional languages in the linguodidactic and linguistic aspects in the middle of the XXth–early XXIst centuries. Some theoretical definitions of the notion “professional language” and its features are systematized and concretized. It is emphasized that today the issues of studying professional languages are characterized by interdisciplinary orientation, covering applied linguistics, functional stylistics, theory of intercultural communication, linguodidactics, etc. It is noted that in the linguodidactical aspect, the professional language is considered as a subject of professionally oriented learning, and from the point of view of linguistic direction, professional language is viewed as a dynamic component of the national language. It is concluded that the professional language as a functional variety of the national language is a historical category with its own specifics, and in terms of its place in the national language, the professional language is considered as: 1) a general language structure of the national language in the status of an autonomous fragment; 2) an integral part of the national language. The term “academic and professional language” is highlighted, refering to the type of the language used by discursive communities or groups of professionals who share common values and use the same genres and terminology for communication.

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 159-169

Nowadays, sports play an important role in the world, both from the pure competitive (even emulative) and political point of view. The influence of sports is also traced here at the linguistic level: many words and expressions from the field of sports penetrate the language but, on the other hand, the sphere of sports itself becomes a fertile ground for the emergence of new expressive words and idioms having different stylistic and expressive colours that can perform various pragmatic functions. In the language of sports, lexical units often acquire a new meaning related to sports; in some cases, the meanings of already existing metaphorical phraseological models are actualized. The paper is devoted to the problem of the status and description of one of the types of phraseological units, i.e. stable comparisons, which are used in the sphere of sports or sports discourse in modern Russian and Ukrainian languages. On the one hand, these units have their origins in sports slang as well as in mass media language and also come from common phraseology and other discourses. On the other hand, such units have not only a high expressive level but they are often used as picturesque and metaphorical means in other discourses, e.g. political, social, or economic. Such expressions are nowadays very popular and commonly used both in spoken language (speech) and in mass media language. Stable comparisons are, in fact, a universally figurative and expressive means of language which can be used in any situation, context, and in any pragmatic field of language use. The sphere of sports is not an exception, where such language units fulfil various functions both in the language of sports journalism (oral reportages, articles on sports, internet communication and discussions in internet forums specializing in sports) and in the speech of the athletes themselves. This paper discusses some of the most commonly used stable comparisons in the sphere of sports (i.e. sports discourse) both in Russian and Ukrainian languages. The metaphorical models of such units are examined from the point of view of Russian-Ukrainian language convergence. It can be stated that the language of modern Russian sports journalism can be seen today to a certain extent as a possible (or potential) prototype for the development of Ukrainian-language sports discourse. Generally speaking, live contacts in interdiscourse sports communication, including the language of sports journalism, however, are still ongoing and active language interaction at the level of vocabulary and phraseology remains one of the most effective means of enriching the vocabulary of the national language.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 52-62
Svetlana Kurbakova

The research of cognitive aspects of intercultural communication is aimed to explore national linguistic consciousness, its peculiarities in order to determine the universal basics which make the intercultural communication possible while preserving national cultural identity and language diversity. This scientific analysis can become a background for developing skills of comprehending foreign speech and providing learning and teaching paths towards communication competence in accordance with Common European Framework of References for Languages. The analysis of texts has shown a fast-growing process of penetration of anglicisms into national languages which leads to obvious structural changes in the national languages. The effects of this interference on cognitive process should be studied and discussed as there is a strong awareness that substituting foreign verbal means for the native ones leads to weakening the immunity of the national language consciousness in general and undermines the national traditions of verbal communication approved and used by a national community. The linguistic analysis of professional activities of interpreters in the process of consecutive translation, students’ experimental with work with texts and material for comprehension and translation in class, survey of psychological tests on perception mechanism made it possible to describe a cognitive scheme of human reflection and interpretation of the real world and its developments which make up the contents of perceived texts during listening and reading. The concept of a subject whose activities are performed at a certain place at a certain time can be given the status of a three-coordinate (subject, place, time) cognitive scheme. The didactic exploitation of this cognitive scheme is seen in teaching students to identify these coordinates in the process of comprehending speech or text and thus to perceive its message by structuring and organizing the information. It is thought to be an effective method of developing productive communication skills as well as to be a reliable scientific basis to create and exploit learning and teaching techniques of handling and integrating information, including that of taking notes and organizing received facts in the process of consecutive translation.

2013 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
Gunde Kurtz

The goal of this paper is to encourage the search for accessible language features and teaching and learning facilitators which can ease the way into German as a Foreign Language (DaF). The paper begins with a terminological discussion, followed by a first model of the most important factors concerning the initial entry into FL territory. After a short review on previous work in this area, I consider methods for utilising knowledge of accessible language features and teaching and learning facilitators. Finally, suspected facilitating features - which have come to light through research as well as classroom observations – are exemplified. These, however, are to be understood as working hypotheses and thus still 'under construction'. Through this paper, I would like to invite other researchers to consider a new perspective on DaF with the intention of changing the status quo: "Applied linguistics is not simply a matter of matching up findings about language with pre-existing problems but of using findings to explore how the perception of problems might be changed. It may be that when problems are reformulated from a different point of view they become more amenable to solution. This changed perception may then, in turn, have implications for linguistics." (Cook : 2003: 10) My goal will have been achieved when the focus of this paper becomes a motivation for improving DaF teaching ("problems [...] become more amenable to solution") - and, should it lead to "implications for linguistics", so much the better. Ziel dieses Beitrages ist, eine umfassende Suche nach leichten Stellen und Erleichterungen beim Zugang zum Deutschen als fremder Sprache anzuregen. Nach Begriffsklärung und einem ersten Vorschlag zu den für die Zugänglichkeit einer Sprache ausschlaggebenden Faktoren (1) sowie einem kurzen Überblick über Fundstücke zum Thema (2) steht die Rolle der praktischen Umsetzung von Erkenntnissen als Hauptinstrument für den Bereich der Erleichterungen und die Nutzung leichter Stellen im Mittelpunkt (3). Dabei werden einige Kandidaten benannt, die sowohl aus vorliegenden Forschungsergebnissen als auch aus Beobachtungen in Alltag und Fremdsprachenunterricht (FSU) gewonnen wurden. Die so gewonnenen Einsichten sind als Arbeitshypothesen und somit als im Wandel begriffen zu verstehen. Ich möchte mit diesem Beitrag einladen zu einer neuen Perspektive auf das Deutsche als Fremdsprache, und zwar mit der Absicht etwas zu verändern: "Applied linguistics is not simply a matter of matching up findings about language with pre-existing problems but of using findings to explore how the perception of problems might be changed. It may be that when problems are reformulated from a different point of view they become more amenable to solution. This changed perception may then, in turn, have implications for linguistics." (Cook : 2003: 10) Mein Ziel ist erreicht, wenn sich vorliegende Fragestellung als Schlüssel zu verbesserter DaF-Unterrichtspraxis ("problems [...] become more amenable to solution") erweist. Falls sie sogar "implications for linguistics" zeitigt, umso besser.

Salah Hassan Mohammed ◽  
Mahaa Ahmed Al-Mawla

The Study is based on the state as one of the main pillars in international politics. In additions, it tackles its position in the international order from the major schools perspectives in international relations, Especially, these schools differ in the status and priorities of the state according to its priorities, also, each scholar has a different point of view. The research is dedicated to providing a future vision of the state's position in the international order in which based on the vision of the major schools in international relations.

2019 ◽  

Basic shape is one of the most important components of the learning design process. Using Western design thinking to understand shape, color and composition layout and attempting to reinterpret the application of traditional calligraphy from a design point of view—whether it is the expression of form or the meaning of content—are both important aspects of design thinking. The writing patterns of traditional calligraphy and the design creation of modern experiments may have different biases. If the artistic value of "the brush and ink of the time" is compared to the science and technology of innovation as the main appeal, the expressiveness of the traditional writing mode is obviously difficult to achieve. Using science and technology as an option for design creation is a difficult way to proceed; however, technology, ideas and thinking can still be in sync with the cultural issues of an entire era. This is also the test of the times to which contemporary creations are subjected. There are infinite possibilities for development, and it is worthwhile to explore these possibilities together with artistic aspirants. On the other hand, if we follow the well-beaten path of the status quo, the creativity of traditional calligraphic art will wither, it will deviate from the larger environment of the era in which it operates, and it will inevitably be neglected and pushed out by other art categories. The design and creation process uses the traditional calligraphy characters and drums as the theme, assisted by digital tools in the creation, and finally transforms the traditional calligraphy visual form into an expression of the art of science and technology.

Ирина Викторовна Евстафьева

В статье исследуются вопросы попечительства в отношении несовершеннолетних, отбывающих наказание в виде лишения свободы. Проблема, поднимаемая автором настоящей статьи, многогранна, касается различных аспектов отбывания наказания несовершеннолетними в воспитательных колониях и требует комплексного исследования, способного ответить на определенно значимый вопрос: является ли колония законным представителем находящихся в ней несовершеннолетних со всеми вытекающими из статуса законных представителей последствиями. При этом необходимо обращать внимание на специфику правового статуса лиц, отбывающих наказание в воспитательных колониях, которые, во-первых, являются несовершеннолетними, то есть не обладают дееспособностью в полном объеме и нуждаются в особой заботе, защите и представительстве, а во-вторых, осуждены за совершение тяжкого или особо тяжкого преступления, влекущего изоляцию от общества и определенные ограничения и лишения. Отечественное законодательство достаточно детально регламентирует особенности режима отбывания наказания в виде лишения свободы несовершеннолетними, не определяя при этом статуса воспитательных колоний, кем они являются: воспитателями, попечителями или исключительно учреждениями исполнения наказаний. Между тем правильное понимание значения и роли воспитательной колонии в жизни находящихся в ней несовершеннолетних преступников, по мнению автора, поможет избежать ряда проблем, объективно складывающихся в учреждениях подобного рода. С этой точки зрения предлагаемая тема представляет интерес не только для ученых-теоретиков, но и для практиков - сотрудников соответствующих учреждений. Особо следует подчеркнуть, что исследований по данной тематике в специальной литературе нет. Отдельные исследования, встречающиеся в современной литературе, касаются исключительно общего гражданско-правового статуса несовершеннолетних осужденных. Однако это обстоятельство может свидетельствовать только о новизне данной темы, но никак не об отсутствии самой проблемы. The article analyzes the issues of the status of educational colonies as guardians of minors serving a sentence of imprisonment. In fact, the problem raised by the author of this article is multifaceted, concerns various aspects of the serving of punishment by minors in educational colonies and requires a comprehensive study that can answer, it seems, a definitely significant question: whether the colony is the legal representative of the minors in it with all the consequences arising from the status of legal representatives in the form of duties and responsibilities. At the same time, it seems, it is necessary to pay attention to the specifics of the legal status of citizens serving sentences in educational colonies, who, firstly, are minors, i.e. do not have full legal capacity and need special care, protection and representation, and, secondly, are convicted of committing a serious or particularly serious crime, entailing isolation from society and certain restrictions and deprivation. Domestic legislation regulates in sufficient detail the peculiarities of the regime of serving sentences in the form of deprivation of liberty by minors, without determining the status of educational colonies. Who are they: educators, Trustees or only institutions of execution of punishments. Meanwhile, the correct understanding of the importance and role of the educational colony in the life of juvenile offenders in it, according to the author, will help to avoid a number of problems that objectively develop in institutions of this kind. From this point of view, the proposed topic is of interest not only for theoretical scientists, but for practitioners-employees of relevant institutions. It should be emphasized that there are no studies on this subject in the special literature. However, this circumstance can testify only about novelty of the given subject, but in any way about absence of the problem. It seems that the relevance and importance of a problem is not always measured by the number of studies devoted to it. Sometimes these its traits are manifest only under particularly careful consideration.

Christopher McCarroll

This chapter sets out some key issues related to a philosophical analysis of point of view in memory. It does so by looking at examples of psychological, philosophical, and literary accounts of the phenomenon, as well as examples of the author’s own observer perspective memories. The chapter provides an overview of some of the empirical evidence related to visual perspective in memory. Despite these consistent empirical findings, however, a number of doubts and misconceptions about remembering from-the-outside still linger, especially concerning the status of observer perspectives in memory. This chapter outlines some of the skepticism to the possibility of remembering from-the-outside and points to a possible diagnosis of why such skepticism arises. This chapter points to a way of thinking about memory—to be developed through the course of the book—which eases the worries about remembering from-the-outside.

This book focuses on the relationship between private and public education in a comparative context. The contributors emphasize the relationship between private choices and public policy as they affect the division of labor between public and private non-profit schools, colleges, and universities. Their essays examine the kinds of choices offered by each sector, as well as the effects of present and proposed public policies on the intersectoral division of labor. Written from neither a pro-private nor a pro-public point of view, the contributors point to the ways in which they believe one sector or the other may be preferable for certain goals or groups.

Jennifer Knust

The pericope adulterae (John 7:53–8:11) is often interpreted as an inherently feminist story, one that validates women’s humanity in the face of a patriarchal order determined to reduce sexual sinners and women more generally to the status of object. Reading this story within a framework of queer narratology, however, leads to a different point of view, one that challenges the consequences of seeking rescue from a god and a text that are both quite willing to forge male homosocial bonds at a woman’s expense. As the history of this story also shows, texts and their meanings remain unsettled and therefore open to further unpredictable and contingent elaboration. Pondering my own feminist commitments, I attempt to imagine a world and a story where a woman is a person and Jesus is in need of rescue. Perhaps such a world is possible. Or perhaps it is not.

Chris Lorenz

This introductory chapter assesses the role of theory in history and traces the developments in the discipline of history. Theoretical reflection about the ‘true nature’ of history fulfils three interrelated practical functions. First, theory legitimizes a specific historical practice—a specific way of ‘doing history’—as the best one from an epistemological and a methodological point of view. Second, theory sketches a specific programme of doing history. Third, theoretical reflections demarcate a specific way of ‘doing history’ from other ways of ‘doing history’, which are excluded or degraded. The chapter then considers three phases of theoretical changes from analytical to narrative philosophy of history, and then on to ‘history from below’ and the ‘presence’ of history, ultimately leading to the current return of fundamental ontological and normative questions concerning the status of history and history-writing.

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