Features of disease affected varieties and hybrids of carrots and beets created in the Primorsky vegetable experimental station in the monsoon climate of the Far East

2020 ◽  
pp. 29-32
И.А. Ванюшкина ◽  
Ю.Г. Михеев ◽  
В.И. Леунов

В течение четырех лет (2016–2019 годы) на опытном поле Приморской овощной опытной станции – филиал ФГБНУ «Федеральный научный центр овощеводства» на естественном инфекционном фоне проводились исследования по изучению устойчивости перспективных сортообразцов моркови и столовой свеклы местной селекции к грибным и бактериальным заболеваниям в период вегетации в условиях муссонного климата Дальнего Востока для дальнейшего использования в селекционном процессе. Были испытаны сорта моркови Тайфун, Лидер, Гарант, Приморская 22 и гибрид F1 Форвард, а также сорта столовой свеклы Приморская 4, Приморская цилиндрическая и пять номерных образцов. Оценку пораженности листьев моркови проводили для всего комплекса болезней: Alternaria dauci(Kuhn.) Groves & Skolko, Cercospora carota (Pass.) Solh., Xanthomonas carotae Dows, листьев столовой свеклы – для Сercospora beticolaSass. Первые признаки болезней (A. dauci) обнаруживались на листовой поверхности моркови со второй декады июля – начала первой декады августа и во второй декаде августа – начале сентября их распространенность составляла 100% с максимальным средневзвешенным баллом поражения 2,6. Первые признаки пораженности образцов столовой свеклы церкоспорозом были отмечены в первой – второй декадах июля и ко второй декаде августа распространенность болезни почти на всех образцах составила 100%. При этом прослеживалась прямая зависимость распространенности и степени поражения растений болезнями от количества выпавших осадков и температуры воздуха. Наибольшую устойчивость к заболеваниям на листовой поверхности моркови показал гибрид моркови F1 Форвард и к церкоспорозу – образец столовой свеклы ПООС 22. Сорт моркови Лидер и образец столовой свеклы ПООС 22 могут быть использованы в селекционной работе для создания сортов и гибридов с повышенной устойчивостью к инфекционным болезням. For four years (2016–2019), research on the resistance of promising varieties of carrots and beets of local selection to fungal and bacterial diseases during the growing season in the monsoon climate of the Far East was conducted on the experimental field of the Primorsky vegetable experimental station - a branch of the FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center against a natural infectious background. Carrot varieties Typhoon, Leader, Garant, Primorskaya 22 and hybrid F1 Forward were tested, as well as beet varieties Primorskaya 4, Primorskaya cylindrical and 5 numbered samples. Carrot leaf infestation was evaluated for the entire complex of diseases: Alternaria dauci (Kuhn.) Groves & Skolko, Cercospora carota (Pass.) Solh., Xanthomonas carotae Dows, and beet leaves – for Cercospora beticola Sass. The first signs of diseases (A. dauci) were detected on the leaf surface of carrots from the second decade of July – the beginning of the first decade of August and in the second decade of August – early September, their prevalence was 100% with a maximum weighted average score of 2.6. The first signs of infection of table beet samples with cercosporosis were noted in the first and second decades of July and by the second decade of August, the prevalence of the disease in almost all samples was 100%. At the same time, there was a direct dependence of the prevalence and degree of plant diseases on the amount of precipitation and air temperature. The greatest resistance to diseases on the leaf surface of carrots showed a hybrid of carrots F1 Forward and cercosporosis – a sample of beet POOS 22. The Leader carrot variety and the POOS 22 beet sample can be used in breeding work to create varieties and hybrids with increased resistance to infectious diseases.

2019 ◽  
pp. 38-41
Galina A. Kuzmitskaya

Relevance. Tomato is one of the most spreaded vegetable cultures in Khabarovsk Territory. Presence of the favourable weather conditions in the region, high ecological plasticity of tomato sorts promote the tomato cultivation in open and protected ground everywhere and in large areas. The main cause of crop failure or large losses of tomatoes in the Far East is a complex, unpredictable, not meeting anywhere else in Russia the monsoon climate causing a strong waterlogging observed almost every year in July-August, the period of the main tomato harvest forming. Such weather conditions promote the development of main diseases of the solanaceous cultures, and their most aggressive races often appear. Therefore a high natural infectious background and a sharply variable hydrothermal regime are the main limiting factors in the cultivation of tomatoes in the Khabarovsk Territory.Methods. Work on the creation of a new variety with the given parameters was started in 2007 by conducting intervarietal crossings between Volgogradsky 5/95 and Zarya Vostoka varieties, followed by multiple selections against a natural infectious background. The early ripening variety of Zarya Vostoka is a local selection variety, was used in the breeding process as an early maturity donor, and Volgogradsky 5/95, a stem type of plant. The main method of breeding work to create new varieties of tomato was analytical with continuous selection. All the necessary phenological, biometric and phytopathological observations and counts according to methods generally accepted in this culture. The purpose of our research was to create a new strain tomato variety with a short period of vegetation, forming the harvest of fruit before the appearance and spread of the disease and high productive potential.Results. This publication presents the information about the new local tomato sort Galant. This sort was received by inter-sort hybridization between the stem sort Volgogradsky 5/95 and local early ripening sort Zarya Vostoka. The sort was selected as a result long-term selection on the natural infectious background with the assessment by progeny of promising lines for a complex of morpho-biological and economically valuable traits in monsoon climate conditions of Priamurye. The new sort is different from other studied non-district and local sorts by fastripeness, high productivity, resistance to main diseases and also by stem type of plant.


Приведена историческая справка по селекции сои в Дальневосточном научно-исследовательском институте сельского хозяйства, начиная с 1938 г. В 2018 г. впервые проведена сравнительная оценка сортов сои хабаровской селекции по биологическим и технологическим параметрам, изучен биохимический состав семян. Представлены сорта различного направления использования – пищевого, кормового, универсального. За годы успешной селекции создана линейка сортов с разным периодом вегетации – от среднескороспелых (Марината, Антон Толпышев) до среднепозднеспелых (Батя, Иван Караманов, Учитель); с высокой устойчивостью к полеганию (0 баллов) и имеющие прикрепление первого боба на высоте от 8,0 см и более. Среди сортов присутствуют как мелкосемянные (МОК, масса 1000 семян 79,5 г), так и крупносемянные (Учитель, масса 1000 семян 253,8 г). Высокое содержание белка отмечено у сортов Хабаровская 117 (42,1 %), Хабаровская 01 (41,3 %), Мария (40,9 %), Хабаровская 4 (40,7 %), ПИМ-95 (40,7 %), МОК (40,7 %), Учитель (40,3 %); среди кормовых сортов – у Черной кормовой (41,2 %) и Л-74-10 (40,7 %). Сорта Иван Караманов и Салтус рекомендуются как масличные. Сорта Локус, МОК, Пим-95, ВАЗ-100 пригодны для получения функциональных продуктов. Предлагаемые современные сорта сои ДВ НИИСХ в условиях муссонного климата обладают высокой продуктивностью, высокотехнологичны в производстве и являются основой для увеличения валового производства сои в Дальневосточном регионе. The historical information on soybean breeding at the Far East Research Institute of Agriculture, from 1938 to the present day, is provided. In 2018, for the first time, a comparative assessment of soybean varieties of the Khabarovsk selection by biological and technological parameters was carried out, the biochemical composition of seeds was studied. Varieties of various directions of use are presented – food, feed, universal. Over the years of successful breeding, a line of varieties with a different growing season has been created – from mid-season (Marinata, Anton Tolpyshev) to mid-late (Batya, Ivan Karamanov, Uchitel); with high resistance to lodging (0 points) and having the attachment of the first bean from 8.0 cm or more. Among the varieties there are both small-seeded (MOK, weight of 1000 seeds 79.5 g), and large-seeded (Uchitel, weight of 1000 seeds 253.8 g). High protein content was observed in the varieties Khabarovskaya 117 (42.1 %), Khabarovskaya 01 (41.3 %), Maria (40.9 %), Khabarovskaya 4 (40.7 %), PIM-95 (40.7 %), MOK (40.7 %), Uchitel (40.3 %); among fodder varieties – Black fodder (41.2 %) and L-74-10 (40.7 %). Varieties Ivan Karamanov and Saltus are recommended as oilseeds. Varieties Locus, MOK, Pim-95, VAZ-100 are suitable for obtaining functional products. The modern soybean varieties offered by the Far East Research Institute of Agriculture in the monsoon climate are highly productive, high-tech in production, and are the basis for increasing gross soybean production in the Far East Region.

2021 ◽  
pp. 16-19
Н.К. Антидзе ◽  
Н.А. Сакара ◽  
Ю.Г. Михеев ◽  
В.И. Леунов ◽  
И.А. Ванюшкина ◽  

Увеличение численности населения на российском Дальнем Востоке (РДВ) и ее стабилизация связаны прежде всего с привлекательностью и оптимизацией здорового питания проживающего здесь населения. Основа такого питания – снабжение свежими овощами и пищевыми продуктами, изготовленными на основе свежих, переработанных и законсервированных овощей. Проблема самообеспечения населения Дальнего Востока продуктами сельского хозяйства возникла с начала его освоения, т. е. с середины XVIII века, и даже сегодня еще далека от решения. Для устранения дефицита овощной продукции (391,1 тыс. т) нами рассчитаны необходимые объемы производства овощей на Дальнем Востоке для полного самообеспечения населения на период с 2020 по 2025 годы. Приморский край, будучи самым южным регионом России, не отличается по уровню самообеспеченности населения овощами. Производство овощей резко изменяется по годам, вследствие чего этот показатель варьирует от 53,1 до 86,8%, что лишь немногим превышает самообеспеченность в целом по Дальнему Востоку. К числу причин, сдерживающих развитие овощеводства в Приморском крае, можно отнести и недостаточное научное обеспечение этой отрасли. Для решения этой проблемы была создана Приморская овощная опытная станция, история которой начинается с создания в 1980 году в селе Кневичи Приморского края Дальневосточного опорного пункта ВНИИ овощного хозяйства. Сотрудники этого учреждения стали вести исследования по актуальным проблемам овощеводства в Приморском крае (технологическая модернизация возделывания овощей в полевых условиях и зимних блочных теплицах; селекция и семеноводство; вопросы земледелия, агрохимии и защиты растений от болезней, вредителей и сорной растительности). Цель данной публикации – обобщить многолетнюю работу Приморской овощной опытной станции – филиала ФГБНУ ФНЦО по научному обеспечению овощеводства Приморского края и показать перспективу дальнейшей деятельности этого научного коллектива. The increase in the population in the Russian Far East and its stabilization are primarily associated with the attractiveness and optimization of a healthy diet of the population living here, which is based on the supply of fresh vegetables and food products made on the basis of fresh, processed and canned vegetables. The problem of self-sufficiency of the population of the Far East with agricultural products has arisen since the beginning of its development, i. e. since the middle of the 18th century, and is still far from being solved. To eliminate the above-mentioned shortage of vegetable products (391.1 thousand tons), we have calculated the necessary volumes of vegetable production in the Far East for full self-sufficiency of the population for the period from 2020 to 2025. Primorsky Territory, which is the southernmost region of Russia, does not differ in the level of self-sufficiency of the population with vegetables. Vegetable production varies dramatically over the years, as a result of which this indicator varies from 53.1 to 86.8%, which is only slightly higher than self-sufficiency in the Far East as a whole. Among the reasons hindering the development of vegetable growing in the Primorsky Territory, we can also include insufficient scientific support for this industry. For this purpose, the Primorsky Vegetable Experimental Station was created, the history of which begins with the creation in 1980 in the village of Knevichi of the Primorsky Territory of the Far Eastern reference point of the Vegetable Research Institute. As a result of the work of this institution, research began to be carried out on topical problems of vegetable growing in the Primorsky Territory (technological modernization of vegetable cultivation processes in the field and winter block greenhouses; selection and seed production; issues of agriculture, agrochemistry and plant protection from diseases, pests and weeds). The purpose of this publication is to summarize the long – term work of the Primorsky Vegetable Experimental Station – a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution for the scientific support of vegetable growing in the Primorsky Territory and to show the prospects for the further activities of this scientific team.

2020 ◽  
pp. 108-126 ◽  
V. A. Bryzgalin ◽  
Е. N. Nikishina

The paper investigates cross-cultural differences across Russian regions using the methodology of G. Hofstede. First, it discusses the most common approaches in measuring culture and the application of the Hofstede methodology in subnational studies. It identifies the critical issues in measuring culture at the regional level and suggests several strategies to address them. Secondly, the paper introduces subregional data on individualism and uncertainty avoidance using a survey of students across 27 Russian universities. The data allow to establish geographical patterns of individualism in Russia. It is demonstrated that collectivism is most prevalent in the Volga region, while individualism characteristic becomes stronger towards the Far East. The findings are robust to the inclusion of various controls and different specifications of the regression model. Finally, the paper provides a discussion about the potential of applying the sociocultural approach in economics.

2019 ◽  
pp. 27-33
Aleksei K. Solovyov ◽  
Bi Guofu

The term “window” in architecture usually stands for an opening in a wall or roof for penetration of natural light, sunrays and fresh air in premises. Recently, the requirement of contact with environment is added to this condition. It is especially relevant for residential buildings where rooms are considered residential if they have windows. The energy consumption of a building depends on sizes, form and location of windows. In winter, windows cause huge heat losses, in summer, on the other hand, large heat enters a building via the windows and is required to be removed by means of air conditioning. Moreover, windows are used for penetration of natural light in premises, which assists in saving of large amounts of power for artificial illumination. This article discusses partial solving the problem of the energy efficiency of residential buildings by determining the most efficient area of windows in terms of energy spending for compensation of heat losses via windows in winter, elimination of heat penetration through them in summer and energy losses for artificial lighting throughout the year. The analysis of the results of calculation of power consumption for residential premises in conditions of monsoon climate of the Russian Far East and Northern areas of China (PRC) is provided.

1937 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 45-47
R. G. S.
Far East ◽  

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