scholarly journals Factions as Social Classes in Divergent novel by Veronica Roth (Marxism Study)

Hosmawati Hosmawati ◽  
Endang Suciati

Hosmawati1, Endang Suciati21Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul [email protected] 2Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul [email protected] AbstractDivergent novel tells the story about human factions community. Since this novel discussed about the domination of factions in the novel as delineation in social class or social life and struggle of the factions in society, this novel was analyzed using Marxism theory. The method used was descriptive qualitative to explain the kinds of factions and the struggles of the factions considered as social classes to get the power in society. Thus, this novel was analyzed using the theory Marxism which focused on the kinds of factions the struggles the factions done. The data were in the form of utterances in Divergent novel written by veronica Roth. The result of the research showed that factions in the novel depicted the social class in society as there are powerless and powerful faction group.They are categorized as bourgeois or capitalism and proletarian. Therefore, the researcher classified the events in the novel related to factions which were similar to social classes. The faction of Abnegation and Erudite are the same as the bourgeois or capitalism because they often oppress the weak and always want to control all factions with the wealth and power they have. On the other hand, Dauntless, Amity and Candor are the same as the proletarian because they are oppressed factions which have no power in society. The factions did some efforts or struggles to maintain or to get the power in society. It can be concluded that this novel uncovered the life of social class which was represented by faction and the struggles done in terms of getting the power and surviving the life.Keywords: marxism, social class, faction, Divergent  AbstrakNovel Divergent bercerita tentang faksi dalam masyarakat. Karena novel banyak membahas tentang faksi sebagai gambaran dalam suatu kelas sosial atau kehidupan sosial dan perjuangan masing-masing faksi dalam masyarakat, maka novel ini dianalisis menggunakan teori Marxisme. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif untuk menjelaskan jenis-jenis faksi dan perjuangan faksi-faksi yang dianggap sebagai kelas sosial untuk mendapatkan kekuasaan dalam masyarakat. Dengan demikian, novel ini dianalisis menggunakan teori Marxisme yang fokus pada jenis-jenis faksi dan perjuangan yang dilakukan. Data penelitian berupa pernyataan/ujaran dalam novel Divergent yang ditulis oleh veronica Roth. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faksi-faksi dalam novel tersebut menggambarkan kelas sosial dalam masyarakat karena ada kelompok faksi yang lemah dan kuat. Mereka dikategorikan sebagai borjuis atau kapitalisme dan proletar. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mengklasifikasikan peristiwa-peristiwa dalam novel yang berkaitan dengan faksi-faksi yang mirip dengan kelas-kelas sosial. Faksi Abnegation dan Erudite memiliki kesamaan dengan borjuis atau kapitalisme karena mereka sering menindas yang lemah dan selalu ingin mengendalikan semua faksi dengan kekayaan dan kekusaanyang dimiliki. Di sisi lain, Dauntless, Amity and Candor sama dengan proletar karena mereka adalah faksi tertindas yang tidak memiliki kekuasaan dan kekuatan dalam masyarakat. Faksi-faksi melakukan beberapa upaya atau perjuangan untuk mempertahankan atau mendapatkan kekuasaan di masyarakat. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa novel ini mengungkap kehidupan kelas sosial yang diwakili oleh faksi dan perjuangan yang dilakukan dalam hal mendapatkan kekuasaan dan bertahan hidup.Kata kunci: marxisme, kelas social, faksi, Divergent      

Res Publica ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-62
Herwig Reynaert

From the analysis of the social background of the local elected people in Flanders during the period 1946-1988 one can conclude that there are barriers for women, lower social classes and certain age categories preventing them from moving up the local political elite. The democratization process of the Flemish local political elite bas not yet made much progress. It appears from the fact that men are more numerous in political fonctions, that the distribution among the various professional categories strongly deviates from the general social stratification and from the conclusion that certain age categories are clearly dominant. It is however clear that the composition of the elites neverfully reflect society as a whole. On the other hand, the important fact is that the differences cannot be reduced to smaller variances which inevitably go together with any representative system.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
Nur Hastuti

chan by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi.The object research is Novel Madogiwa No Tottochan by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi that is published in 1981. This research has aim to get description of education values and the effects toward children social relationship in the novel of Totto-chan. The approach method to answer both problems is literary sociology approach. Litetature has relation with people in the society, the effort of people to addapt and change society. Sociology is objective and scientific study about human in society, study about institution and social process. The difference between literature and sociology is sociology does scientific and  objective analysis. In other hand, literature infiltrates and penetrates social life and shows human ways to comprehend society with their feeling.The teaching result of education values and the effects for the children social relationship are:1. Want to listen what the students tell. We must respect each other and appreciate to the others. It happens when people is speaking to us, so we must pay attention and listen well. The social relationship with everyone created by communication can run well. 2. Give self confidence.When we give trust to the others to do their tasks, so we must believe that person can responsible for their task, so that that person can be success in their task. When we give believe to the other person to overcome their problem, so we have to be sure that they can do it well. The trust between one and others create harmonious social relationship. 3. Delete unpretentious feeling  in disable children.Whoever our frien, we must love them eventhough they have lack (disable). Teacher Kobayashi also teach that children or students can not underestimate those disable person. This case makes children in Tomoe love each other, so that social relationship like friendship will create well without underestimate each other.

2017 ◽  
Vol 109 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-183
Roberta M. Styran ◽  
Robert R. Taylor

The technological history of the building of the Welland ship canal (1913-1932) is well recorded with photographs, documents, maps and plans in various archives. On the other hand, the social history of this saga is harder for the reader to discover because the engineers, contractors, and labourers have left little trace of their experiences “on the ground.” Fortunately, a diary kept by the engineer in charge, Alexander J. Grant, has come to life. Covering the longest period of construction, it chronicles the day-to-day problems of a hard-working, intelligent professional -- but also offers glimpses into the emotional and social life of the man. It will be a valuable source for a future biographer of this remarkable engineer.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-107
Tefan Randika Putra ◽  
Suseno W S ◽  
Maharani Intan Andalas IRP

Karya sastra merupakan sebuah struktur, namun bukan sesuatu yang statis. Karya sastra adalah cermin dari masyarakat yang mewakilinya. Oleh karena itu, lewat sebuah karya sastra pengarang bisa mengekspresikan gagasannya. Untuk mengetahui pandangan dunia pengarang terhadap kehidupan sosial masyarakat Dayak Benuaq, penelitian ini menggunakan kajian teori strukturalisme genetik Lucien Goldmann. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan pandangan dunia pengarang terhadap kehidupan masyarakat Dayak Benuaq yang  tercermin dalam Api Awan Asap. Hasil dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa struktur karya sastra dalam novel Api Awan Asap meliputi tokoh, alur, latar, sudut pandang, dan tema yang menggambarkan pandangan dunia Korrie. Kemudian pandangan dunia pengarang dijelaskan melalui latar belakang sosial pengarang, pandangan terhadap kehidupan sosial, dan dialektika. Korrie mengekspresikan bentuk gagasannya bahwa Masyarakat Dayak Benuaq bukan oknum yang merusak hutan. Masyarakat Dayak sangat menjaga hutan dengan sistem masyarakat Dayak Benuaq yang diwariskan oleh nenek moyang. Sistem sosial masyarakat dijelaskan melalui kepercayaan masyarakat, interaksi sosial kemasyarakatan, ekonomi masyarakat, kesenian masyarakat, serta sistem pemeliharaan dan hukum masyarakat Dayak Benuaq. Kemudian pengarang sebagai subjek kolektif menggambarkan perbedaan kelas sosial antara kaum borjuis dengan kaum biasa. Dari penelitian skripsi ini dapat dilihat bahwa masyarakat Dayak memiliki konsep hidup untuk melestarikan alam dan sangat menghargai alam raya. Literature is a structure, but not something static. Literature is a reflection of society that represent it. Therefore, through a literary author can express his ideas. To know the author’s view towards the Dayak Benuaq’s social life, this research uses genetic structuralism theory proposed by Lucien Goldmann. The purpose of this study is to describe the author’s view towards the Dayak Benuaq’s social life that is reflected on a novel entitled Api Awan Asap. The finding of this study concludes that the literary stucture on the novel entitled Api Awan Asap includes character, plot, setting, point of view, and theme which describe the Korrie’s life. Then, the author’s life view is explained through the author’s social background, social life view, and dialectal. Korrie expreesses his ideas that Dayak Benuaq Society is not the doer who destroy the forest. Dayak Benuaq Society maintains the forest sustainability uses their own system that is innherited by their ancestors. Social Society system is exeplained through the society belief, social interaction, scoiety economy, society art, and as well as the maintenance and low system of Dayak Benuaq Society. Then, the author as the collective subject describes the social classes differentiation between the rich and poor people. Build on this study, it can be seen that Dayak Benuaq Society has a living concept to preserve the nature and appreciate the natural kingdom.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 191-199
Siti Marda Yuliana

The problem in this study is social impact from North Carolina citizen for the main character’s life. In the novel, Noah’s life is influenced by his social life, especially his love story with Allie. They are separated because of the difference of social class and people’s view about them who come from different status. From the result of this study found that, 1) social impact from people around to the main character in The Notebook novel, that is separating social class into three types, low class, middle class and high class, 2) social impact also influenced by the environment , which is North Carolina has beautiful view and make the people love their hometown by writing the poem, but in other side, environment makes space between people and their social status, 3) social impact is influenced by North Carolina citizen’s view who separate people based on the social class, and it makes the interaction between low class and high class is very limited, especially in relationship and marriage.    

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 375-380
Dwi Adi Nugroho

In social life there are always rules, norms and values that organize the behavior or patterns of society. Yet some members of society cannot fulfill the rights and responsibilities in accordance with the norms and rules. Unequal rights and obligations in social life is the reason why there are social classes in society. It means that the people who have wealth and someone who can carry out many rights and obligations will be in the upper classes and those one with little or even no rights and responsibilities will be grouped in the lower classes. This research therefore aims to explain the phenomenon of social classes in the novel Pamela, and social condition in 18th century life in England that reflected in the novel. This research used descriptive  qualitative  method.  It was conducted by describing the data within literary work which were related to the topic of the research. The analysis of the data was done using sociology of literature approach put forward by Swingewood and Laurenson. The results of this research show that during England 18th century, social discrimination has become a major problem in the community. Social status become the standard of interaction in the society. Success and prestige of a person are measured based on his/her birth. Nobody wants to be at the bottom of the social hierarchy. The character of Pamela never think that money and power is everything. She never despise her identity as a lower class citizen who is always treated unequally in the society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Ang Vincent Lawrence

<p>The company takes an important part of the social life of the community. In order to carry out its business activities, the parties granted the freedom to conduct business individually or through a business entity. One form of business entity that is still alive which is oftenly used is through a <em>Commanditaire Vennotschap </em>(CV). As the time goes by, the existence of the CV is deemed no longer able to meet the demands arising from the development. This triggered the desire of the parties to change the form of business from CV into a legal entity. Limited Liability Company or in Indonesia called as “Perseroan Terbatas (PT)” becomes the main choice by the entrepreneurs. The conversion of a CV into a PT is a step that can be taken by the entrepreneurs. The conversion of the CV into a PT is possible to be carried out without having to terminate the CV in advance as the termination of the CV will have impacts on the agreement it has made to be settled on that time, whereas on the other hand the agreements that have been made have not yet expired or done.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (07) ◽  
pp. 171-175
Syed Kouser Jabeen ◽  

Incarcerationpertains to the limitations imposed upon a particular person. Social imprisonment on the other hand does not require a particular place in order to confine an individual or a group of people. Their conformity then turns out to become an injected-hobby. This study intends to explore the paths which Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison highlighted in her era, because they contain an impressive contemporariness. The social incarceration of the marginalised lot, particularly the subaltern among them has been her major arcana. Through a keen examination of the novel A Mercy, the paper attempts to put forward the contemporary relevance of the issues addressed. The practice of slave-trade was a visible imprisonment of the marginalised, while the current society dealing with the aphasia of neo-colonialism is in itself an extended form of indirect detention. Slave trade acted as a synonym for flesh trade in relation to the marginalised women who have thus been troubled by double-incarceration. Psychoanalysis has been used as a scale of measurement in order to trace the inner captivities of the victims. It is apprehensible that Toni Morrison as a writer justified her position of being an ambassador of the marginalised women while possessing important concurrent connotations. The study provides an insightful glimpse into the hidden beastliness of the contemporary incarceration. Be it direct or indirect suppression, visible or invisible restraints, the current is the ugliest growth of a tumour. Thus, the deadly foreordination of the conceptualisations present in her texts have turned out to become a realistic modern day practice.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (17) ◽  
pp. 226-251
Alejandro Arteaga Martínez

Palamás, Echevete y yo o el lago asfaltado (Palamás, Echevete and I or the asphalted lake), Mexican Diego Cañedo’s second novel (1945), elaborates the time travel to the Mexican past. The sci-fi theme of the novel sustains a social criticism, and imitates H. G. Wells’ The Time Machine plot. In this essay, the sociocritical part of Cañedo’s work is studied, on one hand, because it seems to respond to the social problems of the period 1934-1946; and, on the other hand, because the relations established with Wells’ novel.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Mira Andrea Putri ◽  
Syamsul Bahri ◽  
Rita Suswati

This study deals with social class in British society in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.  The objectives of this study were to find out the impacts of social class toward british society based on the novel Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen and to describe  social class reflected toward british society in that novel. The study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research were dialogues and narration in Pride and Prejudice novel. The analysis of this study was based on Marxist’s concept (1995:25). The findings of this study were (1) two impacts of social class toward british society found in Pride and Prejudice novel, they were pride and prejudice (2) three types of social classes which were reflected, such as power, wealth, and status. 

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