scholarly journals Electronic information educational environment and modern student

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
O. V. Lebedeva ◽  
F. V. Povshednaya

Introduction. The modern system of domestic higher education is designed to flexibly respond to the challenges of the modern world, one of which is the possibility of obtaining knowledge through distance learning. The use of electronic services in this process, acting as an online and offline learning tool, actualizes the urgent need to develop in a digital environment a high-quality content of academic disciplines that meets the requirements of educational standards in various areas of training of future subject teachers, primary school teachers, preschool educational institution teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists. At the same time, it is important to assess all the risks that can devalue the physical, moral and material costs of organizing the educational process in the e-learning system from both teachers and support service specialists and the university as a whole.Materials and Methods. The paper uses a descriptive method based on the study and systematization of survey data of pedagogical university students of different directions and training profiles for several years. The respondents were full-time and part-time students. The data collection tool was the e-learning service of Minin University.Results. The analysis of respondents' answers to questions about the pros and cons of distance learning in the system of electronic information educational environment of the pedagogical university allowed us to draw some conclusions about the existence of both positive and negative consequences of the implementation of distance learning, which threaten the psychological safety of participants in the educational process.Discussion and Conclusions. Taking into account the fact that the creation of an e-learning system at Minin University is a large-scale project of modernization of the higher education system, during the implementation of which, since 2012, some experience has already been accumulated that requires reflection, today we can talk about the possibility of considering this electronic information educational environment as minimizing the risks of distance learning through electronic services. Further work in the direction of optimizing the work of the e-learning system of the pedagogical university, including working out the strategy of the "individual educational route" of each student, including assistance to students with special educational needs, should certainly be carried out from the position of involving students in assessing the opportunities and difficulties of working in an electronic educational environment.

T. A. Chernetskaya ◽  
N. A. Lebedeva

The article presents the experience of mass organization of distance learning in organizations of secondary general and vocational education in March—May 2020 in connection with the difficult epidemiological situation in Russia. The possibilities of the 1C:Education system for organizing the educational process in a distance format, the peculiarities of organizing distance interaction in schools and colleges are considered, the results of using the system are summarized, examples of the successful use of the system in specific educational organizations are given. Based on the questionnaire survey of users, a number of capabilities of the 1C:Education system have been identified, which are essential for the full-fledged transfer of the educational process from full-time to distance learning. The nature and frequency of the use of electronic educational resources in various general education subjects in schools and colleges are analyzed, the importance of the presence in the distance learning system not only of a digital library of ready-made educational materials, but also of tools for creating author’s content is assessed. On the basis of an impersonal analysis of user actions in the system, a number of problems were identified that teachers and students faced in the process of an emergency transition to distance learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-80
Alexander V. Fedotov ◽  
Elena A. Polushkina

Problem and goal. The active introduction of e-learning and distance learning technologies in the educational process, the reform of traditional models of learning and education have become priority areas of reforms and initiatives in various national education systems in the 21st century. Given that public spending is the main source of funding for education in the OECD countries, assessing the economic impact of implementing a digital educational environment at different levels of education under pressure on public budgets has become a key issue for national governments and educational organizations, as well as the subject of special research. In Russian practice assessment of the economic effect of the full-scale use of e-learning and distance learning technologies in the implementation of educational programs of secondary professional (training of middle-level specialists) and higher education have not yet been carried out. For these purposes, a methodology has been developed, which, however, needs to be tested. Results. The study identified a list of costs required to ensure the full use of e-learning and distance educational technologies in realization of educational programs of secondary vocational (training of mid-level professionals) and higher (including graduate school) education; the methodlogy for assessing the economic effect of these measures is justified, and calculations are made based on this methodology. Conclusion. The developed methodology has shown its effectiveness and needs further research and quantitative analysis.

S. N. Taranukha ◽  
A. A. Kuzmin ◽  
M. N. Saveleva

The rapid growth of education digitalization has significantly increased the role of the electronic information educational environment of educational organizations. It has become the basic tool for organizing, maintaining and administering the educational process. The electronic information educational environment of an educational organization should ensure the recording of the progress of the educational process and the results of mastering the main professional educational program, i. e. competencies, based on the results of intermediate certification carried out in the distance learning system integrated into the electronic information educational environment. The article considers the application of qualimetric approaches in the assessment of the quality of graduate competencies in the implementation of higher education programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education 3++. The mathematical model of evaluation of the results of mastering the graduate program (competence forming) depending on the contribution of academic disciplines to the formation of each competence is proposed. Two methods of result evaluation are considered: as an arithmetic average and as a weighted value from the obtained evaluations in the disciplines forming this competency, as well as the possibility of monitoring the formation of competency in the process of mastering academic disciplines and entering the results of intermediate attestation into the electronic portfolio of the student. Assessment of the formation of competencies can be the next stage in the development of the student’s electronic portfolio, which is part of the electronic information educational environment.

S. Yu. Hohonyants ◽  
A. O. Klochko ◽  
O. A. Salash ◽  
Ye. G. Rudenko

The development of the information society determines the study of the introduction of information technology in the educational process of educational institutions as a tool for self-development, self-realization, social and communicative adaptation. Creating an information and educational environment of the educational institution is responsible for the success of the introduction of information and communication technologies in education at all levels. Theoretical analysis of the concept of "information and educational environment" is presented and its main characteristics are highlighted: openness, expandability, scalability, integration, adaptability. The principles on which information and educational environments should be created are formulated: multicomponent, integrity, distribution, adaptability. The functions of the information and educational environment in the distance learning system are revealed. It is shown that the information-educational environment satisfies the information-educational needs of the participants of the educational process, timely and high-quality provision of educational material, maintains connections "inside" and with "external" information space, fixes the relationship of content addressed to different subjects. The structure of the information and educational environment of the Ivan Chernyakhovsky National University of Defense of Ukraine is presented, which is an integral part of the integrated use of information and communication technologies in the educational process. A prerequisite for creating an information and educational environment is the availability of electronic content, technologies and means of electronic communication of all participants in the educational process. Information and educational environment is possible only if the development of all its components - management, content, organizational, technological. The management component includes the educational policy of the educational institution. The content component includes information and methodological resources. The organizational component performs integrating, systematizing and informational functions. The technological component is directly related to the choice of software.

Safin Ildar Khamzovich ◽  
Khasanova Oxana Vladimorovna ◽  
Karimova Anna Anatolyevna ◽  
Semushina Elena Yurievna ◽  
Shustova Svetlana Viktorovna

The article focuses on the peculiarities of teaching speaking in E-learning educational environment, which today is a must for organizing educational process of high quality. The material to analyze is based on the on-line part of the course "Foreign language practice (English)", worked out for the students of Bachelor’s Program "Pedagogical Education (double major) and Second Foreign language " (5 years, full time) of Kazan Federal University. The status of foreign language teachers has always been high as they play an important role in fostering cross-cultural communication, in promoting tolerance and bridging nations and countries. It is up to teachers to make students understand the essence of successful communication that lies in respecting the diversity of cultures, peoples, nations, and languages. In this respect being culturally competent is of great importance (MINGAZOVA; MELLO; GAFIYATOVA, 2017). The course "Foreign language practice (English)" is located on the platform Special attention is paid to the implementation of a communicative approach when teaching speaking, considering the individual educational trajectory of the student or the study group. In addition, the research gives the gist of the theoretical analysis and the results of the experimental testing of the teaching speaking approaches, the effectiveness of the methods used when forming speaking skills of the students. Thus, we could state that when teaching speaking in E-learning educational environment, it is necessary to conduct preparatory stages in the form of studying and training new vocabulary online, which leads to the possibility to give more time to group forms of work during face-to-face classes. The groundwork and analysis of the selected factual material indicate that, teaching speaking can be effectively carried out online, if certain requirements are met, such as the use of a communicative approach, the proper organization of individual and group work, high self-discipline and motivation of the student and the teacher. The use of E-learning educational environment can improve the quality of training speaking skills in higher educational institution.


Modern higher education (including pharmaceutical) is inextricably linked with the use of new information and communication technologies in the educational process. In the current conditions, the question arose about the implementation of educational programs in accordance with the federal state educational programs of higher education with the help of mixed (hybrid) training, which involves a combination of traditional (full-time) and distance learning. One of the forms of e-learning used as part of hybrid learning is Learning Management Systems (LMS), created on the basis of Internet technologies. LMS MOODLE is most often used in Russian universities. At Kursk State Medical University, the LMS MOODLE system has been actively used for many years as a platform for distance learning in the organization of continuing medical education courses. At the Faculty of Pharmacy, LMS MOODLE was used in organizing and conducting training practices in botany. To organize and conduct practical training in the LMS MOODLE system, a training course «Educational field practice in botany» was created. For each day, separate sections were organized, in which the necessary information for students was placed. In general, the following LMS MOODLE elements were used to create a training course on educational practice: «SCORM Package», «Test», «Task», «Hyperlink», «File», «Folder», «Forum», «Chat». Analysis of the use of LMS MOODLE showed that this system can be used quite successfully for the organization of the educational process as an element of e-learning and allows you to control the assimilation of educational material.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 290-295
Tatiana Valerianovna Dobudko ◽  
Natalia Vladimirovna Malova ◽  
Olga Isaakovna Pugach

E-learning technologies in the context of full-time and distance education have long passed the stage of innovation and have become an integral part of modern professional education. However, a number of issues related to the implementation and maintenance of the educational process based on e-learning are still relevant. This paper analyzes the problem of unification of software products, cloud technologies and services that form the electronic information and educational environment (EIEE) of a university. The authors interpret homogeneity and heterogeneity concepts in the context of the EIEE and illustrate the industry specifics of requirements and expectations for homogeneity. It is clearly proved that the heterogeneous EIEE of the university acts as a useful object/model of study when training specialists for work in cultural institutions in the fields of computer science and computer engineering, applied computer science. In these cases the EIEE structure of the university through the provision of experience develops students readiness for subsequent formal and non-formal life-long training. The paper also presents tools for assessing the existing level of heterogeneity of the EIEE and a method of expert evaluation that allows to predict the optimal level of heterogeneity-homogeneity for the EIEE of a particular university.

2021 ◽  
pp. 99-108
Гайна Абдуловна Арсаханова

Во второй декаде ХХІ века внедрение электронно-цифровых устройств во все звенья общественных отношений достигло выдающихся масштабов, что отмечено и на образовательном процессе учреждений высшего образования. Развитие современной образовательной среды вуза невозможна без использования цифровых средств обучения (ЦСО) таких, как: платформы дистанционного обучения (EQUITY MAPS, GOOGLE CLASSROOM, MOODLE), мобильно-цифровых приложений (CLASSTIME, LEARNINGAPPS, QUIZIZZ) и платформ онлайн связи (GOOGLE MEET, ZOOM, WEBEX). Особое место в контексте внедрения ЦСО принадлежит медицинском образовании, где уровень личной подготовки соискателя (теоретической и практической) очень важен в контексте спасения человеческих жизней. Цифровые средства обучения позволяют использовать  особенности современного соискателя с его постоянными пребыванием в цифровом пространстве с целью обучения до введения ограничительных мер, вызванных пандемией COVID-19. Образовательный процесс не должен останавливаться, и соискатели должны получать качественное образование, но нужно сохранять баланс между аудиторной и дистанционной формой передачи знаний и умений. На помощь участникам образовательного процесса может прийти образовательная технология смешанного обучения. Эта технология обучения достаточно новая и динамично развивается, она незаменима при очной форме обучения. Данная образовательная технология предоставления образовательных услуг сочетает в себе лучшие аспекты и преимущества преподавания в аудитории и интерактивного или дистанционного обучения, создает доступные курсы для соискателей образования, при которых учебный процесс представляет собой систему, состоит из разных частей, которые функционируют в постоянной взаимосвязи друг с другом, образуя целостную образовательную среду вуза. In the second decade of the XXI century, the introduction of electronic and digital devices in all links of public relations reached an outstanding scale, which was also noted in the educational process of higher education institutions. The development of the modern educational environment of the university is impossible without the use of digital learning tools (CSOs) such as: distance learning platforms (EQUITY MAPS, GOOGLE CLASSROOM, MOODLE), mobile digital applications (CLASTIME, LEARNINGAPPS, QUIZIZZ) and online communication platforms (GOOGLE MEET, ZOOM, WEBEX). A special place in the context of the introduction of CSR belongs to medical education, where the level of personal training of the applicant (theoretical and practical) is very important in the context of saving human lives. Digital learning tools allow you to use the features of a modern applicant with his constant stay in the digital space for the purpose of training before the introduction of restrictive measures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The educational process should not stop, and applicants should receive a high-quality education, but it is necessary to maintain a balance between classroom and distance forms of knowledge and skills transfer. The educational technology of mixed learning can come to the aid of participants in the educational process. This training technology is quite new and dynamically developing, it is indispensable for full-time training. This educational technology of providing educational services combines the best aspects and advantages of teaching in the classroom and interactive or distance learning, creates accessible courses for educational applicants, in which the educational process is a system, consists of different parts that function in constant interrelation with each other, forming an integral educational environment of the university.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 59-73
Olga A. Malakanova ◽  
Tatyana P. Orlova

The article discusses the concept of electronic information and educational environment of the university and its structure. The features of its implementation are analyzed on the example of Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev. The article presents the results of a sociological study, the purpose of which has been to point out the specifics of the use of the universitys IEE under conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to carry out the research regarding the students opinion about the educational features of distance learning process. The following components of EIEE are most often used during distance learning: personal educational account, e-learning system based on Moodle ( and the university portal ( The majority of respondents believe that online educational platforms have limited opportunities for interactive interaction between students and teachers. Students suggest to pay attention primarily to the technical equipment of the educational process and the development of free online educational platforms. That is their proposal regarding the optimization of the online learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 212-226
Egor A. Lopatin ◽  
Gennadiy S. Shkabin

Problem and goal. The beginning of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic led to the widespread transition of universities in the country and around the world to distance learning. The analysis of available studies in Russia, South Africa, Switzerland and other countries of the world allowed to conclude that there are insufficient comparisons of assessments of the use of distance education technologies before the coronavirus pandemic and after its first waves. The article is devoted to the study of the problem of assessing the capabilities of the electronic information educational environment Moodle in the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia before and during COVID-19. Methodology. A comparison of the results of a survey among cadets of the Ryazan branch of the Vladimir Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2017 and 2021 was made. Results. The empirical study revealed that after the first two waves of the pandemic and the gradual return to a more traditional full-time form of education among the cadets there are no those who rarely use the Moodle. The number of positive assessments of the effectiveness of using the Moodle and its impact on reducing the time spent on studying has increased. The article explains the identified request of students to improve the means of distance learning, in particular, in the direction of reducing complexity, increasing entertainment, reducing the time for checking materials. Conclusion. Working in an electronic information educational environment has become familiar to students, and they have come to realize the need to solve small problems. There is an ingrained understanding of the inevitability of introducing elements of distance learning into full-time education.

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