scholarly journals Pembelajaran PAI Berbasis Daring bagi Guru TK di Kecamatan Mranggen Demak

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Khoirul Anwar ◽  
Choeroni Choeroni ◽  
Toha Makhshun

Pada masa pandemi covid-19 sekarang ini, kegiatan pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) di semua tingkatan dan jenjang pendidikan, khususnya di tingkat taman kanak-kanak mengalami berbagai tantangan dan kendala. Di antaranya masih banyak guru yang mengalami kesulitan mengelola pembelajaran jarak jauh karena keterbatasan mereka dalam menguasai pembelajaran berbasis daring.� Sementara itu, kendala yang dihadapi orang tua murid adalah ketidaksiapan mereka dalam mendampingi anaknya dalam pembelajaran berbasis daring. Kondisi demikian menjadikan pelatihan pembelajaran berbasis daring bagi para guru dan orangtua murid sebagai salah satu solusi dalam mengatasi kendala pembelajaran di masa pandemi. Inilah yang menjadikan arti penting kegiatan pengabdian saat pendemi seperti sekarang ini bagi guru-guru yang menjadi garda terdepan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Metode dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan cara pelatihan dan pendampingan. Hasilnya, para peserta mampu mempergunakan berbagai aplikasi pembelajaran daring. Implikasi yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini adalah bertambahnya keterampilan menerapkan teknologi pendidikan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran berbasis daring bagi guru-guru TK di Kecamatan Mranggen-Demak.��During the Covid-19 pandemic, distance learning activities (PJJ) at all levels and levels of education, especially at the kindergarten level, experience various challenges and obstacles. Among the many teachers who experience distance learning difficulties because of their limitations in mastering online-based learning. Meanwhile, schools that are related to students' parents are their unpreparedness in assisting children in online-based learning. This condition makes online-based learning training for teachers and parents of students as one of the solutions in overcoming learning problems during the pandemic. This is the important meaning of service activities during a pandemic like it is today for teachers who are at the forefront of learning activities. The method in this service activity is carried out by means of training and mentoring. As a result, the participants were able to use various online learning applications. The implication obtained from this activity is the development of the application of educational technology in online-based learning activities for kindergarten teachers in Mranggen-Demak District.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
Regina Halent ◽  
Ika Prasetya Mukti ◽  
Janu Pinardi

The spread of COVID-19 outbreaks makes learning activities in Indonesia become online learning. Online learning is followed by new problems, those are limited internet data, bad internet networks, and the use of many applications. Online learning in Indonesia must be immediately optimized because the COVID-19 outbreak is not over yet and there is a discourse that online learning will be applied permanently. The teacher can optimize online learning by building a website as an online classroom. If teachers build their websites, they can adjust the features on the website based on the online learning problems and the subject matter needs. Based on a questionnaire distributed, 83% of student respondents agreed if the teacher made a website. Besides, most of teacher respondents think the website can optimize online learning. The idea of the website as an online classroom is expected to contribute ideas and alternatives for online learning programs in Indonesia.

Lutfi Alkhuzaefi

<p class="15bIsiAbstractBInggris"><em>Since the emergence of the COVID-19 case in Indonesia, the entire education system has implemented distance learning (PJJ). Online media that can be used to carry out online learning include (whatsapp, zoom, google classroom, google meet, etc.), more specifically, teachers at SDN 02 Cibarusah are more likely to use google classroom media to carry out teaching and learning activities (1). In this case, the teacher's creativity is needed on how to manage the media for the applied learning method. The effectiveness of the learning system at this time deserves attention because it can affect the development of one generation (3). This study used a qualitative method by observing students, teachers and parents as well as parents, from the results of observations to many students who stated that online learning through google classrooms was quite effective (2), the teachers too, the teachers. stated that it is only necessary to provide a little understanding to parents of students to take an active role in online learning activities, and parents also welcome to support students in carrying out distance learning</em><em>.</em></p><p class="15bIsiAbstractBInggris"><em></em><strong>Abs</strong><strong>trak</strong></p><p>Sejak mencuatnya kasus COVID-19 di Indonesia, seluruh sistem pendidikan memberlakukan pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ). Media online yang dapat digunakan untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran secara online diantaranya (whatsapp, zoom, google classroom, google meet, dll), lebih spesifiknya para pengajar di SDN 02 Cibarusah lebih cenderung menggunakan media google classroom untuk melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar (1). Dalam hal ini dibutuhkan kreativitas pengajar bagaimana mengelola media untuk metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan. Keefektifan dalam sistem pembelajaran pada saat ini patut diperhatikan karena dapat berpengaruh pada perkembangan satu generasi (3). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan observasi kepada para siswa, guru dan juga para orang tua wali murid, dari hasil observasi kepada para siswa banyak yang menyatakan bahwa belajar online melalui google classroom itu cukup efektif (2), para pengajar pun demikian, para guru menyatakan bahwa hanya perlu sedikit memberikan pemahaman kepada para orang tua siswa untuk ikut berperan aktif dalam kegiatan belajar online, dan para orang tua pun menyambut baik untuk mendukung para siswa melaksanakan pembelajaran jarak jauh.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-99
Siti Fatimah Sihotang ◽  
Zuhri Zuhri

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the education section. All educators and students are affected by this pandemic. All learning processes, which are usually done face-to-face, under government recommendations, must be carried out online from home ( E-learning ) now. Thus, online-based distance learning (E-learning) is becoming more and more developed with a variety of different techniques and strategies. One form of utilizing E-Learning applications that can be used for current learning activities is Quizizz. Quizizz can be used as a solution to create interactive and fun online interactive quizzes. Quizizzhas many advantages that are very useful in motivating students to learn by using the principle of learning while playing. The purpose of this research is to assist teachers to be able to use and utilize online learning media with the support of the Quizizzapplication to create cool, contemporary, interactive and fun online interactive quizzes. The implementation method is carried out in the form of training activities for making cool and contemporary online interactive quiz games, with the participants from Alqur'an Taqarrub Kindergarten teachers, Medan. Based on these training activities, it was identified that the teachers were very enthusiastic and understood how to make their quizzes for kindergarten students by using the menu provided. Thus, it is clear that the use of the Quizizz E-Learning application can assist teachers as educators in conducting evaluations without being limited by place, an attractive appearance and regulated time settings guide students' concentration.

Rian Sugianto

<p><em>The implementation of learning activities in schools has undergone a very big change with the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, learning activities that were initially carried out face-to-face in schools were replaced with online learning or commonly known as online learning. This change certainly has a serious impact on the systems and techniques of implementing educational activities in Indonesia, especially in school learning activities. The pros and cons of course become a natural thing when there is a change in policy. Online learning is not only technically problematic, but the essence or purpose of learning has not really been tested for its effectiveness in the online learning system. This study uses descriptive qualitative research that describes tutoring services in reducing students' learning difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed that the barriers to online learning were parents of ignorant students, internet access, difficulty understanding the material, feeling lazy and having difficulty concentrating. The solutions are: making online learning media systems, communicating with parents, making learning summaries, giving assignments that encourage students to be active.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-159
Nur Hayati

In an effort to suppress the spread of the Covid-19 virus, Kemdikbud took a policy to close schools during the Covid-19 pandemic. All schools that initially did conventional learning by face-to-face, now learning is done from home through distance learning or online system, no exception pondok pesantren. The purpose of this research is to find out the distance learning process conducted by Pondok Pesantren Darunnajah 2 Cipining, Bogor. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative approach. Based on research can be known that in learning, pesantren use various platforms such as google classroom, google meet, whatsapp, and smart system. In this online learning, the materials and tasks given are quite diverse, although there are no tasks in the form of discussions so that the interaction between students and students and teachers cannot be done. All parties, both students, teachers, and parents experienced a culture shock with the existence of this distance learning system / online. Distance learning /online also gives rise to physical distancing. Religious activities that are usually carried out in pesantren are now carried out at home and all must be reported to the teacher or room guardian via whatsapp. The challenges faced in online learning include a lack of interaction between teachers and students, a network that arises to sink, quotas that are rapidly depleted and expensive, and a lack of active participation of students. Therefore, the readiness of both teachers and students, as well as motivation from parents can also support the implementation of this distance learning process. In addition, the provision of quotas is also important to support the online learning process carried out by pesantren.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-110
Avneet Hira ◽  
Emma Anderson

The transition of traditional schooling to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted formal school education. Though at home, teachers and students continued teaching and learning in socially distant ways using online technologies. From various teacher surveys, only about 60% of students in the United States regularly engaged with learning activities. Teachers and parents also expressed a significant need for help to keep students motivated and engaged in learning activities. During the pandemic, online learning left teachers and parents needing support for learning activities that motivate and engage students. Project-based learning is an increasingly popular pedagogical practice centered around students working collaboratively on projects while the teacher facilitates learning activities and progression. Project-based learning embodies several factors considered central to motivation in online learning. In this paper, we inquire how this approach presents itself as a candidate for learning during the pandemic when considering students’ motivation to learn through online learning experiences. We construct a conceptual framework informed by motivational theories that share core tenets with this form of learning and use the framework to analyze interviews of 11 teachers from 4 schools that taught with a project-based learning approach before the pandemic and transitioned to teaching, using it online, in the Spring of 2020. From our analyses of the teachers’ narratives, we discuss teaching aspects of the approach that lend themselves well to online teaching, elements that the teachers believe are missing, and how educators might cater to these missing aspects with a focus on student motivation to learn.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-181
Eko Kuntarto ◽  
Faizal Chan ◽  
Nurul Qalbi Eka Pratiwi

This research aims to describe the types of difficulties encountered by students when conducting online learning through WhatsApp, as well as how teachers address students' learning difficulties. The method used in this research was qualitative research method using case study design. Data were gathered through online observation and interviews. Data analysis was carried out by collecting data, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. To check the validity of the data, sources and technique triangulations were used. The results of this research showed that there were several difficulties experienced by the students during online learning through WhatsApp group, such as lack of support facilities because students did not have their own mobile phones, unstable internet network, and insufficient internet quota. Regarding the use of WhatsApp in learning activities, students had difficulty discussing in the group or using WhatsApp features. The teacher overcame the obstacles for students who did not have their own mobile phones by asking their classmates or neighbors who lived nearby to provide information related to learning activities. To address challenges such as an unstable internet network, the teacher instructed students to find a location with a good network while learning. Then, regarding students who did not have an internet quota, the teacher recorded the student's WhatsApp numbers so they could get free internet assistance from the Ministry of Education and Culture. To solve problems related to the difficulty of students discussing in groups and difficulties using the WhatsApp feature, the teacher always guided and assisted students on how to use the WhatsApp features in the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-146
Supartin Supartin ◽  
Triska Laurensya Galanggadjir ◽  
Asri Arbie ◽  

The Covid 19 pandemic has a major impact on all sectors of life including in the world of education. The implementation of PJJ (Distance Learning) requires new innovations in the development of learning devices so that learning continues to run well even though learning activities are carried out at home. The development model used in this research is the 4D Development model. The result of this study is that the learning device is said to be "valid" through a construct validity test. The resulting learning device is said to be practical based on the average percentage of learning implementation during 3 meetings by 95% and the percentage of teacher and learners' response results related to the use of learning devices in the online learning process by 98%-100% and 82%-86% on indicators. Concluded learning devices are developed quality and can be used as a new reference in the learning process. Keywords: Team Based Learning, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Learning Tools

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
Atina Atina

The purpose of this article is to see the effectiveness of long distance learning (PJJ) systems in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic makes learning carried out using a distance method by utilizing various online learning platforms such as google classrooms, zoom cloud meetings, quisziiz, whatsAap grub and other online learning tools that have their respective functions in supporting the implementation of network learning. The conclusion of this article is that the implementation of online learning activities has been maximal and effective. Online learning runs smoothly, when it feels less than ideal. Obstacles that satisfy students and teachers in bold learning include: internet quota data, unstable networks, and supporting devices such as cellphones and laptops. Limiting learning is effective if applied during the Covid-19 pandemic, but a more varied model is needed to keep it interesting if used in the long term

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Diana Kristanti ◽  
Hary Purwanto ◽  
Maria Lidya Wenas

Learning activities have an essential role in improving learning, which serves to see how understanding students receive new knowledge from the teaching and learning process, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic with audiovisual materials at Kana Ungaran Integrated Kindergarten. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative (survey). The data collection method used a questionnaire. The results showed that: (1) aspects of children's learning activities in participating in the learning process in terms of prayer (93%) were stated to be very active; (2) then the observing aspect (76%) can be noted that children are involved in online learning; (3) then the aspect of remembering (94%) can be stated that the child is very active in participating in the learning process in terms of placing; and (4) the next aspect is understanding (66%) can be stated that they are pretty active in the learning process. From the research results, the lowest aspect is understanding (66%), and the highest aspect is remembering (94%). This study suggests that teachers and parents work together and entrust the child to the supervisor during the online learning process. Aktivitas belajar memiliki peranan penting dalam proses peningkatan pembelajaran, yang berfungsi untuk melihat seberapa paham siswa menerima pengetahuan baru dari proses belajar mengajar terlebih pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dengan berbantuan audio visual di TK Terpadu Kana Ungaran.  Jenis penelitian yang digunakan ialah kuantitatif deskriptif (survei). Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Hasil penelitian bahwa: (1) aspek aktivitas belajar anak dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran dari dalam hal berdoa (93%) sebelumnya (53%) dinyatakan sangat aktif; (2) kemudian aspek mengamati (76%) sebelumnya (45%) dapat dinyatakan anak aktif dalam pembelajaran daring; (3) selanjutnya aspek mengingat (94%) sebelumnya (59%) dapat dinyatakan anak sangat aktif dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran dalam hal mengingat; dan (4) aspek yang keberikutnya ialah memahami (66%) sebelumnya (36%) dapat dinyatakan cukup aktif dalam proses pembelajarannya. Dari hasil penelitian menghasilkan aspek terendah ialah memahami (66%) dan aspek tertinggi ialah mengingat (94%).  Dalam penelitian ini disarankan kepada guru dan orang tua murid untuk bekerjasama dan mempercayakan anak kepada pembimbing selama proses pembelajaran daring.

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