scholarly journals MENGEMBANGKAN JIWA KEAGAMAAN ANAK (Perspektif Pendidikan Islam dan Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini)

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Triana Rosalina Noor

The first five years of development are a very important period in child development, because in this range, children experience optimal cognitive development. At that time, it became the right range to develop a child's religious spirit. The research method used is literature study, namely conducting a process of reviewing books, existing theories to be linked with the topic of developing the religious spirit of early childhood. The results of this study indicate that in the process of developing the religious and moral spirit of early childhood, they must consider the stages of children's development, both psychological and physical development. The development of a religious spirit can be carried out in a tangible form through participation in daily religious activities, so that children get firsthand real experiences taught by parents or teachers. Methods of delivery can be through lectures, games, stories, role playing, habituation and exemplary. Therefore, both parents and teachers need to provide stimulation so that their children can respond quickly to learning religious concepts in the hope that they can develop their sense of diversity.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Maiyida Safita ◽  
Delfi Eliza

Education during the COVID-19 pandemic has created many things that need to be considered by providing education from parents and families, so that every child's development can develop optimally. One of the developments of children that must be developed during this pandemic is social development. This study aims to find out ways that can be done to develop social development. This research was conducted using a literature study research method, in this case the researcher used several relevant research sources in the form of previous books, articles and journals, which became the focus of this research, namely developing social skills in early childhood through role playing methods, when Children's social skills can develop optimally so that later children can solve problems and make decisions without having to depend on others in the future. From the results of the study, it can be seen that one of the most appropriate ways to develop social skills in early childhood is to use the role playing method. This can be proven from several previous research results that are relevant to developing social skills through role playing methods in early childhood.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 194
Maria Maria

This research examines the development of traditional culinary culture,  Bakpia and Wingko Babat XYZ with the aim of preserving the local culinary heritage located in Bantul. Bakpia and Wingko Babat XYZ  is a special traditional business place that sells traditional Yogyakarta food in the Bantul area which still uses traditional methods. This business has been around for a long time since 1997. Lack of the right strategy is the cause when local and foreign visitors do not know much information about the culinary business of Bakpia and Wingko Babat XYZ. Based on this, this study aims to identify and analyze the marketing process carried out by Bakpia and Wingko Babat XYZ, to determine the potential of traditional culinary culture and to explore strategy formulations in Bakpia and Wingko Babat XYZ. The research method in this study is a qualitative research method, by conducting direct and in-depth interviews with key persons, observation, and literature study. The qualitative method used is descriptive qualitative which will describe how the right strategy is based on the results of the analysis. The interview data were analyzed by several stages, namely the SWOT stage in the internal and external environment, the weight and ranking calculation stage, the IFE-EFE and IE matrix analysis stage, and the conclusion stage. In the research analysis, the IFE and EFE matrix values were obtained, where the IFE value was 2.774 and the EFE value was 2.842. This condition shows that Bakpia and Wingko Babat XYZ  is in the V quadrant position, which means Hold and Maintain, in this position the right strategy is market penetration and product development, and in the SWOT quadrant in quadrant II Cobination supports the Diversification strategy, this is requires making alternative strategies that can be used to increase existing strengths so that they can overcome threats.Keywords: culinary culture, SWOT, IE.AbstrakPenelitian ini meneliti tentang  budaya kuliner tradisional yaitu Bakpia dan Wingko Babat XYZ dengan tujuan untuk menjaga warisan budaya kuliner lokal yang terletak di Bantul. Bakpia dan Wingko Babat XYZ merupakan tempat usaha tradisional khusus yang menjualkan makanan tradisional khas Yogyakarta di daerah bantul yang masih menggunakan cara-cara tradisional. Usaha ini sudah lama berdiri sejak 1997. Kurangnya strategi yang tepat menjadi penyebab ketika pengunjung lokal maupun mancanegara tidak mengetahui banyak informasi mengenai usaha kuliner Bakpia dan Wingko Babat XYZ. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa proses pemasaran yang dilakukan Bakpia dan Wingko Babat XYZ, untuk mengetahui potensi budaya kuliner tradisional dan mengeksplorasi formulasi strategi di Bakpia dan Wingko Babat XYZ. Metode  penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif, dimana dengan melakukan wawancara kepada key person secara langsung dan mendalam, observasi, dan  studi pustaka. Metode kualitatif  yang  digunakan yaitu kualitatif deskriptif yang akan mendeskripsikan bagaimana strategi yang tepat berdasarkan hasil analisis. Data  wawancara dianalisis dengan beberapa tahap-tahapan yaitu tahap SWOT pada lingkungan internal dan eksternal, tahap perhitungan bobot dan peringkat, dan tahap analisis matriks IFE-EFE dan IE, serta tahap kesimpulan. Pada analisis penelitian diperoleh nilai matriks IFE dan EFE, dimana nilai IFE sebesar 2,774 dan nilai EFE sebesar 2,842. Kondisi ini menunjukkan bahwa Bakpia dan Wingko Babat XYZ  berada pada posisi kuadran V yaitu berarti Hold and Maintain, pada posisi ini  strategi yang  tepat adalah penetrasi pasar dan pengembangan produk, serta pada kuadran SWOT  pada kuadran II Cobination mendukung stategi Diversifikasi, hal ini mengharuskan membuat alternative strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan Kekuatan yang ada sehingga dapat mengatasi ancaman.Kata Kunci: budaya kuliner, SWOT, IE. Author:Maria : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta References: Agustim, W., & Nurhidayat, M. (2020). Analisis Matrik IE pada UMKM Berbasis Produk Pertanian Kelompok Wanita Pelaku Usaha Tanaman Hias di Desa Sidomulyo Kota Batu. Referensi: Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 8(1), 73-78., Fred R. 2016, Manajemen Strategis, Edisi 15. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.Evelyn, E. (2018). Analisis Manajemen Strategi Bersaing Dengan Matriks Ie, Matriks Swot Dan Matriks Qspm Pada Pt. Xyz. Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, 2(4), 99-105., Freddy. (2015). Analisis SWOT : Teknik Membedah Kasus Bisnis (Cara Perhitungan Bobot, Rating dan OCAI). Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.Retnawati, L. (2018). Perencanaan Strategis Si/Ti dengan Metode Analisa Swot dan BSC untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing di Universitas XYZ. JISKA (Jurnal Informatika Sunan Kalijaga), 2(3), 135-142. (2016). Metode Penelitian: Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.Tyas, S. K., & Chriswahyudi, C. (2017). Perencanaan Strategi Pemasaran dengan Pendekatan Matrik IE, SWOT dan AHP untuk Mendapatkan Alternatif Strategi Prioritas. Prosiding Semnastek.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 423-433
Dana R. Buana ◽  
Masayu N. Juwita

The development of religious extremism in Indonesia continues to increase every year so that serious attention is needed by the government to deal with religious extremism in Indonesia. Indonesia is an archipelagic country where there are various ethnic groups and religions that coexist. However, the development of religious extremism sometimes becomes a serious problem for the Indonesian people because it can have a negative impact and damage the unity between nations and religions. This research uses literature study. This research method is carried out by reviewing various literatures, both books, newspapers, survey reports, academic journals related to religious extremism in Indonesia. The results show that not all religious extremism has an impact on the emergence of terrorism, but the government still must make the right policies in handling religious extremism that can cause division and affect peoples welfare. The policies that have been made by the government are considered appropriate and based on the laws that have been set by the government so that they can have a positive impact in maintaining the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation.

Novita Eka Nurjanah ◽  
Yetty Isna Wahyuseptiana

<div class="WordSection1"><p><em>The skills that must be mastered in the 21st century were creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. This was in line with Bloom's theory that creativity was the highest ability in aspects of cognitive development. Therefore important creativity was given to Early Childhood Education. Early childhood learning to stimulate creativity was done through various approaches. The approach applied didn’t yet refer to the needed analysis that was in accordance with the standards of early childhood learning.  The  approach  to stimulating  the  creativity  of  early  childhood  needed  to  be refined by referring to the stages of the child, namely learning through play. Playing must be able to stimulate the goals to be achieved. The application of playing based on reggio emilia’s approach to stimulate the development of early childhood creativity. The method used was literature study by conducting a study of books and journals. The results of the analysis of theoretical studies state that playing based on reggio emillia’s approach could help stimulated children's creativity after an early age. This was because the aplication of playing based on reggio emillia’s approach prioritizes children's freedom in exploring   the   surrounding   environment.   This   exploration activity will actively foster children's imagination. Playing based on reggio emilia’s approach involves an active role in early childhood.  Creativity requires space to move and playing based on the reggio emillia approach as the right link to help stimulated early childhood creativity.</em></p></div>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 354
Ani Bodedarsyah ◽  
Rita Yulianti

Cognitive development is an important aspect. One of them is the ability to think symbolically. To improve the ability of symbolic thinking of early childhood certainly cannot be separated from the role of educators. Indicators of cognitive development that must be achieved by children aged 4-5 years are: numbers 1-10, recognizing the concept of numbers, recognizing the symbol of numbers, and recognizing the symbol of letters. For this reason, it is appropriate for educators to work hard to improve the ability to think symbolically in early childhood by providing stimulation through appropriate learning media like children, one of which is the media learning of dimples. This research was conducted with a class action research method. From the two cycles that have been done show the results that there is an increase in the ability of symbolic thinking in early childhood group A using the media learning dimples.Perkembangan kognitif merupakan aspek yang tidak kalah penting. Salah satunya  adalah kemampuan berpikir simbolik. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir simbolik anak usia dini tentu tak lepas dari peranan pendidik. Indikator perkembangan kognitif yang harus dicapai anak usi 4-5 tahun adalah: membilang  benda 1-10, mengenal konsep bilangan, mengenal lambang bilangan, dan mengenal lambang huruf. Untuk itu sudah selayaknya pendidik berusaha dengan keras untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir simbolik anak usia dini dengan cara memberikan stimulasi melalui media pembelajaran yang tepat bagai anak, salah satunya adalah media pembelajaran lesung angka. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode peneletian tindakan kelas. Dari dua siklus  yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan hasil bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemmapuan berpikir simbolik pada anak usia dini kelompok A dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran lesung angka.

Perspektif ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-194
Dina Faradillah Syam

Abstrak RA Nurul Falah adalah salah satu lembaga yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan anak usia dini yang regulasinya ada di bawah Kementerian Agama RI. Lokasi lembaga berada di Kecamatan Kalideres Kota Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta. Lembaga RA ini menerapkan kegiatan Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR) selama masa pandemi COVID-19 yang melanda Indonesia sejak bulan Maret tahun 2020. Demi terselenggaranya efektivitas kegiatan Belajar Dari Rumah, penyelenggara RA Nurul Falah memberikan laporan penilaian secara berkala tiap bulan. Laporan penilaian ini diberikan kepada 16 orang tua siswa yang ada di RA Nurul Falah. Program pemberian laporan penilaian kegiatan belajar dari rumah kepada orang tua ini dapat menjadi sarana pembinaan orang tua dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan Belajar Dari Rumah dan sarana komunikas antara orang tua dan guru dalam mengetahui kemajuan kemampuan enam aspek kemampuan perkembangan anak. Pemberian laporan penilaian selama kegiatan belajar dari rumah ini juga diberikan sebagai dukungan pembinaan kepada orang tua untuk memahami perkembangan dan gaya belajar anak. Orang tua sangat terbantu dengan adanya laporan penilaian ini karena dengan penilaian ini mereka dapat mengetahui kemampuan anaknya meningkat dari hari ke hari dan mengetahui kegiatan yang dilakukan selama masa Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR) adalah kegiatan yang bermakna dengan tujuan untuk mencapai perkembangan anak sesuai tingkatan usianya. Abstract RA Nurul Falah is one of the institutions that organize early childhood education whose regulations are under the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. The location of the institution is in Kalideres District, West Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta. This RA institution implements Learning from Home activities during the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit Indonesia since March 2020. To ensure the effectiveness of Learning from Home activities, the organizer of RA Nurul Falah provides an assessment report regularly every month. This assessment report was given to 16 parents of students at RA Nurul Falah. This program of providing reports on the assessment of learning from home activities to parents can be a means of fostering parents in implementing Learning from Home activities and a means of communication between parents and teachers in knowing the progress of the six aspects of children's developmental abilities. The provision of assessment reports during learning from home activities is also provided as coaching support for parents to understand children's development and learning styles. Parents are greatly helped by this assessment report because with this assessment they can find out their child's ability to improve from day to day and know that the activities carried out during the Learning from the Home period are meaningful activities to achieve child development according to their age level.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
I Ketut Sudarsana

<p>This paper aimed to describe the improvement of the quality of early childhood learning by utilizing various multimedia. The method used was a literature study by exploring various thoughts in various sources that have focused on conducting studies on early childhood education and various multimedia developed. Improving the quality of early childhood learning is very important to be performed in an effort to educate children as early as possible, so that children grow and develop as intelligent individuals, both intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Teachers and parents need to understand and use various multimedia and guide children so that various aspects of development such as phases and tasks of child development can take place optimally.</p>

2021 ◽  
Pitriani Padatu

Abstract: The study is motivated by the importance of games for early childhood life to help creating a conducive climate that provides opportunities for children to: develop acceptance of self and others, provide ideas, feelings, support for problem solutions, make the right decisions, practice new behaviors, and is responsible for self-determined choices. The present study is aimed at producing a guidance model for developing early childhood character through games. The study applies research and development approach with mixed research method design. The study is carried out in the following stages: (1) studying theoretical concept and developmental needs, (2) developing hypothetical guidance model for developing early childhood character, (3) testing the hypothetical model, (4) revising hypothetical into tested effective guidance model for developing early childhood character through games, (5) developing teacher’s guide for implementing the tested model, and (6) developing a training program for the users of the model. The study comes upwith the main finding that the constructed model is proven to be effective of developing early childhood character. There booklets are provided for the tested model users: (1) description of the tested model, (2) a guideline for using the tested model, and (3) a training program for the tested model users.Keywords: guidance program, early childhood character, gamesAbstrak: Penelitan indimotivasi oleh pentingnya permainan bagi kehidupan anak usia dini untuk membantu menciptakan iklim yang kondusif yang memberikan kesempatan bagi anak-anak untuk mengembangkan penerimaan diri dan orang lain, memberikan ide-ide, perasaan, dukungan untuk solusi masalah, membuat keputusan yang tepat, praktek baru perilaku, dan bertanggung jawab atas pilihan yang ditentukan sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model bimbangan untuk mengembangkan karakter anak usia dini melalui permainan. Studi penelitian ini menggunakan dan pengembangan pendekatan dengan campuran desain metode penelitian-penelitian ini jelaskan dalam tahap sebagai berikut: (1) mempelajari konsep teoritis dan kebutuhan pembangunan, (2) mengembangkan model panduan hipotetis untuk mengembangkan karakter anak usia dini, (3) menguji model hipotesis, (4) merevisi permainan, (5) mengembangkan panduan guru untuk menerapkan model uji, dan (6) mengembangkan program pelatihan bagi para pengguna model. Studi ini muncul dengan temuan utama bahwa model yang dibangun terbukti efektif untuk mengembangkan karakter anak usia dini.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Yanti Mustika ◽  
Lia Nurwidaningsih

The purpose of this research is to know the influence of early childhood science experiments on child cognitive development in Kartika Siwi Pusdikpal Kindergarten Cimahi. Learning early childhood science experiments at Kartika Siwi Kindergarten can help early childhood knowledge and understanding of science concepts, and help put aspects related to science skills to improve children's cognition. The research problem is whether early childhood science experiments have an effect on the cognitive development of children in Kartika Siwi Kindergarten. The research method used is experimental research method. The population of this research is all children in Kartika Siwi Kindergarten which amounted to 26 children. Sampling research using total sampling technique. Data collection using pretest and postest, documentation, as well as observation and data processing using t-test statistical formula. Based on the results of hypothesis testing that t arithmetic > t table, is 8.20 > 2.05 so the hypothesis in this study accepted. The results showed that early childhood science experiments can affect children's cognitive development of 4.50 (good category). It is suggested to teachers to be able to improve cognitive abilities of children by using variations and innovative methods in different games so that the cognitive abilities of children can be further improved.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 202
Dewi Mulyani ◽  
Imam Pamungkas ◽  
Dinar Nur Inten

Muslim children are part of the Muslims. They are the successors and propagators of the da'wah of the Muslims. It is an obligation for parents and teachers to provide them with the ability to read, write and understand the Qur'an as a guide for the lives of Muslims. With the literacy of Al-Quran from an early age, it is expected the generations of Muslims to understand and literate the guidelines of his life. However, children are different from adults. Early childhood teachers should choose the right techniques for early childhood. Children love the sound playing, fun, and freedom from stress. In this case, is offered one of the techniques favored by early childhood, that is storytelling techniques. This research method descriptive analytic with a qualitative approach. So that's this method can produce a clearer picture of Al-Quran literacy strategies for early childhood. In operational research, researchers conduct interviews, observation literature studies. The results showed that 75% of children in group A enjoyed Quranic literacy with storytelling techniques and in group B children 41,6% liked it too. Thus Al-Quran literacy through storytelling techniques is a fun and meaningful activity. 

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