scholarly journals Urgensi Pendidikan Karakter dalam Membentuk Akhlak Peserta Didik

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-100
Rony Rony ◽  
Siti Ainun Jariyah

Character education in Indonesia needs to be instilled from an early age, given the decline in morality of students in the era of globalization. Morality is an element that shows the quality of people's lives. Religious people assume that religion always teaches its followers to do good and prohibits them from doing wrong. Meanwhile, humanists assume that a person's morality is seen from how someone obeys the values ​​and norms in society. Cultivating character education through three stages, namely internalization and externalization. The three processes of planting can show positive results, of course, the character of the students is also good. However, if the three processes are not optimal, the results obtained by students are also not optimal. The internalization process becomes the basic process or foundation for the character education of students, where the family forms the basis of a character in the form of character recognition to students. And externalization is the next process of internalization where this process is filled by education staff, peers, social media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Sakhi Herwiana ◽  
Mukminatus Zuhriyah ◽  
Ria Kamilah Agustina

The objective of this community service activity / PKM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) is to provide knowledge to participants (parents and children) about the importance of character education from early age through the family. This program was motivated by problems that happens in society in Ngusikan, Jombang, East Java, children in that area addicted to play gadgets and have a tendency to anti-social behavior and lack of social courtesy. The method in this program used a dialogical collaborative-participatory approach includes in-house training (lectures, questions and answers, discussions) for the delivery of material, direct practice to make storytelling media, testing, practice of using fairy tale media and mentoring assisted by KKNT students. The number of participants in this program is approximately 40 participants, including students. This community service activity (PKM) was followed by women who have job as a housewife. The participants stated that this activity was very useful and was a new experience. This community service activity went well and was greeted with enthusiasm from the participants..

Jurnal Socius ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Ahmad Rusadi

All this time the character education is still needed until now because of the declining moral continually occur in the generation of this nation and nearly brought the nation to a destruction, It is necessary to find repair solutions, one of which is to implement character education in the world of education. This research uses qualitative research, the procedure of data collection used were: Observation, interviews, and Library. The method of qualitative data analysis techniques through three stages, they were data reduction, data display and drawing conclusion. The results showed: The  Planning of character education shows that  all the teachers make learning program by entering values into the character of learning, holding management planning in improving the quality of education, and planning of student activities, the value obtained by the mandate, responsibility, humanity, nationalism, curiosity, logical thinking, critical, work hard, creative, independent, self-confidence, respect for diversity, tolerance, solidarity, care for the environment, patriotism, courtesy, collaboration, innovation, work hard and living clean behavior. The implementation of character education shows the teachers put character values to the students during the learning, conduct management and policy agenda in support of character education in schools , and organize student activities, the value obtained are the care each other, independent, sense of desire of knowledge, love of country, care about the environment, creative, innovative, work hard, respect for achievement, togetherness, available, self-contained, obey to social rules, respect for diversity, discipline, responsible, and Nationalist. Keywords: Implementation, and character education

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-84
Zulfah Lis Syafawati ◽  
Marzuki Marzuki

AbstractThis study aims to analyze the relationship between values education and character education in the material of norms and justice for grade 7 SMP/MTs subjects of Pancasila and Citizenship Education. This study uses a qualitative approach by means of library research as a technique of collecting data from various related references to analyze content. The results of the study indicate that value education and character education in civic education have an integrated relationship with each other. With value education, students have values in themselves which are considered good, right, worthy and valuable to take action. Actions based on these values are manifested in character education as a guide for good behavior in the family, school, friendship, community. Good character values must always be instilled in children from an early age so that they become good habits and reflect human beings who have character and are civilized or make good citizens. The values contained in character education are manifested in civic education subjects, one of which is in the material of norms and justice for grade 7 SMP/MTs.Keywords: education, character, values, normsAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keterkaitan pendidikan nilai dan pendidikan karakter dalam materi norma dan keadilan kelas 7 SMP/MTs mata pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan cara studi kepustakaan sebagai teknik pengumpulan data dari berbagai referensi yang terkait untuk menganalisis konten. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pendidikan nilai dan pendidikan karakter dalam pendidikan kewarganegaraan saling memiliki keterkaitan yang terintegrasi. Dengan pendidikan nilai, peserta didik memiliki nilai-nilai dalam diri yang mana dianggap baik, benar, layak dan berharga untuk melakukan tindakan. Tindakan berdasarkan nilai tersebut terwujud dalam pendidikan karakter sebagai pedoman dalam bertingkah laku baik di lingkungan keluarga, sekolah, pertemanan, masyarakat. Nilai-nilai karakter yang baik harus selalu ditanamkan sejak dini kepada anak-anak agar menjadi kebiasaan yang baik dan mencerminkan manusia yang berkarakter serta beradab atau menjadikan warga negara yang baik. Nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam pendidikan karakter diwujudkan dalam mata pelajaran pendidikan kewarganegaraan, salah satunya pada materi norma dan keadilan kelas 7 SMP/MTs.Kata kunci: pendidikan, karakter, nilai, norma

HAWA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Nurman Hidaya ◽  
Yasipin Aisna

ABSTRACTThe decline in the quality of the nation's character is characterized by the number of cases popping up that are not in accordance with norm values such as; rampant corruption, theft, murder, rape and juvenile delinquency cases such as brawls, free sex and drug abuse, to overcome this it is necessary to character education for children from an early age. The purpose of writing to find out how to improve the character of the nation based on Evidence Based. In the process of searching literature, several databases are used such as Pubmed, NCBI, goole shoolar and sciencedirect. It is expected that parents will set an example and instill good character in children and play a useful role playing game and prevent children from seeing unfavorable characters in the environment. With character education will develop the basic potential to be kind, think well, and behave well. Strengthening and building multicultural children's behavior, enhancing the competitive civilization of students in society. Keywork: Parenting, Game Types and Character Building

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-187
Adi Heryadi ◽  
Subandi Subandi

The phenomena of corruption, collusion, and nepotism in Indonesia that are increasingly prevalent have made deep works for us as a nation. We can see the bad behavior of corruption, starting from the suboptimal quality of development results to the increasingly visible impact between the rich and the poor. People's dissatisfaction with the spectacle of corruption trials and terrible examples set by the nation's leaders has a psychological effect on the next generation. According to (Suud & Subandi, 2017), one of the repercussions of dishonesty is corruption. From the perspective of Islamic psychology, this study tries to answer research issues concerning what and how to undertake moral education for children. A library research or literature review is used in this study, as well as a non-interactive method called document analysis. Researchers consult a variety of sources, including documents, books, websites, study findings, and expert opinions, that are relevant to the research issue. The findings of this study show that, according to Islamic psychology, honesty education for children is a type of moral character education that teaches children aged 0 to 6 years how to coordinate their hearts and brains through words and actions. They always say that the Qur'an and Hadith are the most reliable guides. Furthermore, the stages of children's integrity character education discovered in Islamic psychology are the conception period, the first three years, and the 46th year, which are key moments in integrity character education. That will be in 46 years. The basic foundations for this performance are Surah an-Nahl: 78 and Surah an-Nisa: 5.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 41
Mohammad Zainuddin

Character education and development of Pancasila values need to be implemented ??in schools to face globalization era that will bring many changes along with acceleration of new cultures and civilizations from various nations in the world. It means the world of education in generating quality of human resources and professionals must prepare a competitive generation of characters. A concrete steps to realize together is character education from an early age. On the other hand, the teacher as the spearhead in education world can insert character implementation in every learning process. One effective step that can be done is to implement cooperative script strategy in learning process and character implementation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-28
Nurotun Mumtahanah

The strategy of improving the quality of character education through the so-called tazkiyatun nafsi method is an effort to improve the quality of character education in Indonesia by inculcating the Islamic values from an early age to the children or the generation of the nation. Data collection is done through such methods as observation, interview, and documentation. The informants are the head of Madrasah, akidah akhlaq teacher, Quránic studies teacher, guidance and counseling teacher, and some students of MI Sabilillah Lamongan. While to analyze the data is by using descriptive qualitative analysis techniques that will explain the phenomenon that occurred in a school. The result shows that the improvement of character education quality applied by using the tazkiyatun nafsi method is to familiarize the students to perform either fardhu or sunnah prayers for example dzuhur prayer, dhuha prayer in addition to familiarizing them to read the Qur'an and familiarizing them on the importance of dzikir, istighfar, and reciting the prayer on the Prophet. In every implementation of education, there are always supporting and inhibiting factors. The factors that support the implementation of quality improvement of character education through the tazkiyatun nafsi method are among others teachers are never tired to educate the students, the principal who always provides good policies on the implementation of KBM, including foundation circles, community organizations, and the last is the enthusiastic students of MI Sabilillah Lamongan, while the most dominant inhibiting factor is lack of available places.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-120
Ahmad Suheili

Character education in the family which is a big responsibility that parents must give to children from an early age. This study aims to determine the method of family character education according to Abdullah Nashih Ulwan in Tarbiyah Al-Aulad Fi Al-Islam book and its relevance to the present reality. This research is a library research. The data collection was carried out using the documentation method, and Data analysis is content analysis models. The results of this study conclude that the method of character education in the family according to Abdullah Nashih Ulwan is education with exemplary, educational by habituation, education with advice, education with attention and monitoring and education with punishment. This research also concludes that the method is still relevant to the present reality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Muhammad Syaikhon

This research is the kind of research the field with the approach descriptive qualitative with the title the implementation of character education early childhood in RA Sabilul Huda Laban Menganti Gresik. This research aims to review the process of implementation of character education on early childhood in RA Sabilul Huda Laban Menganti Gresik and to know the supporting factors and the inhibitors. Technique of data collection is  by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Analysis of data is with three stages, the reduction of data , presentation of data, and withdrawal conclusions/ verification These research findings can be concluded that the implementation of character education early childhood in RA Sabilul Huda Laban Menganti Gresik is through three rounds of including planning, implementation, and evaluation. The planning in the process of the implementation of characters education is begun by inserting the character values into the school curriculum, annual program, semester program, Program of Learning Plan weekly/Rencana Program Pembelajaran Mingguan (RPPM), and Program of Learning Plan dayly Rencana Program Pembelajaran Harian (RPPH). The process of implementation of character education is integrated in learning activities , exemplary, and habit.While the scoring in the process of applying character education integrated in the assessment of learning and spontaneous assessment conducted by educator. In the process of the implementation of character education in RA Sabilul Huda there are factors that support and inhibit. The factors that support the implementation of the character education are the charge of character education in the school curriculum, the motivations of school for the quality of output, the infrastructure that supports for the implementation of character education is enough. While the factors that inhibits the implementation of the character education are different characteristic students, the different environmental of students, the funding of character education still charged fully to the school, the students readily not focus, and the monitoring of the center of curriculum is not enough.

2018 ◽  
Jurnal Nazhruna

Game as a Character Education Strategy. Today, character education is very important to be instilled in children from an early age. Modern life with increasingly diverse social activities is feared to change and influence the character of children. This character planting can be started from the smallest and closest environment, the family. Furthermore, it can be further developed in the school education environment and the surrounding community. Character building in children is not only done through the provision of learning materials in school or habituation. But it can also be done through fun activities, namely playing. This play can use games that are educational using media and or without using media. Through educational games it is expected to be able to instill good characters to children.

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