2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 602
Muhammad Syazali ◽  
Baiq Niswatul Khair ◽  
Hasnawati Hasnawati ◽  
Lalu Wira Zain Amrullah

ABSTRAKTuntutan pembelajaran abad 21 adalah kompetensi 4C - colaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity. Fasilitas pembelajaran yang tepat untuk ini adalah LSLC. Sejauh ini guru di SD/MI Ponpes Darussholihin NW Kalijaga belum pernah mengikuti kegiatan LSLC. Pengabdian ini sebagai langkah awal untuk mendampingi guru dalam ber-LSLC. Adapun tahapan pertama dalam LSLC adalah plan yg di dalamnya memuat penyusunan lesson design dan chapter design. Target luaran yaitu guru-guru SD/MI di Ponpes Darussolihin NW Kalijaga mampu menyusun chapter design dan lesson design. Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode pendampingan dan dilaksanakan melalui tiga tahapan yaitu: (1) workshop LSLC secara daring, (2) presentasi dari tim terkait chapter design dan lesson design, dan (3) mendampingi peserta dalam kelompok untuk mengembangkan chapter design dan lesson design. Kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Workshop online terselenggara pada interval 12 – 14 Agustus 2021. Presentasi dari tim dan pendampingan kelompok dalam mengembangkan chapter design dan lesson design terlaksana pada tanggal 18 September 2021 di MI NW Kalijaga. Jumlah peserta yang hadir sebanyak 33 peserta dari beberapa SD/MI di bawah naungan Ponpes Darussolihin NW Kalijaga. Diakhir kegiatan pendampingan, hasil kolaborasi masing-masing kelompok guru telah berhasil menyusun chapter design dan lesson design dengan kualitas yang baik dan siap untuk dimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran. Kata kunci: chapter design; lesson design; pendamipingan LSLC; ponpes NW kalijaga. ABSTRACTThe demands of 21st century learning are 4C competencies - collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity. The right learning facility for this is LSLC. So far, teachers at SD/MI Ponpes Darussholihin NW Kalijaga have never participated in LSLC activities. This service is the first step to assist teachers in LSLC. The first stage in the LSLC is a plan which includes the preparation of lesson designs and chapter designs. The output target is that SD/MI teachers at Ponpes Darussolihin NW Kalijaga are able to compile chapter designs and lesson designs. This activity uses the mentoring method and is carried out in three stages, namely: (1) online LSLC workshops, (2) presentations from teams related to chapter design and lesson design, and (3) assisting participants in groups to develop chapter designs and lesson designs. This activity went well and smoothly. An online workshop will be held on August 12-14, 2021. Presentations from the team and group assistance in developing chapter design and lesson design will take place on September 18, 2021 at MI NW Kalijaga. The number of participants who attended was 33 participants from several SD/MI under the auspices of Ponpes Darussolihin NW Kalijaga. At the end of the mentoring activity, the results of the collaboration of each group of teachers have succeeded in compiling chapter designs and lesson designs with good quality and ready to be implemented in learning. Kata kunci: chapter design; lesson design; LSLC mentoring; ponpes NW kalijaga. 

2016 ◽  
Katherine A. Lawson

[ACCESS RESTRICTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AT AUTHOR'S REQUEST.] This qualitative study serves as a model description for school districts to learn from the successes and challenges faced by one Midwest American district's launch of an innovative, project-based elementary school learning community. The researcher gathered stakeholder perspectives on the support systems needed to create a successful 21st century learning environment through interviews, focus groups, and archival data. Stakeholders included administrators, teachers, and parents. The support systems analyzed included the learning environment, curriculum and instruction, and professional development. Results suggest that flexibility, learner centricity, and 21st century skills are critical to all measured aspects of this 21st century learning community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 244 ◽  
pp. 11021
Arunya Pisitkasem

An aviation lecturer in the new normal world of learning have to understand the changes surrounding aneducational circumstance in the aspects of economy, society, politics, administration, environment, and technology, together with the pandemic of COVID-19 which causes a new normal way of living. The concept of new normal way of living are wearing face mask and carrying alcohol gel, enforcing social distancing measures, using technologies and digital system, decreasing social meeting or meeting in a small group instead, avoidingunnecessary touch, and giving precedence to health and hygiene. The aviation lecturers in the new normal world of learning need to understand the learning concept in the 21st century which focus on making learners achieve 21st century skills, i.e., critical thinking&problem-solving skill, creativity & innovation skill, cross cultural understanding skill, collaboration/teamwork & leadership skill, communications/information & media literacy skill, computing & ICT literacy skill, and career & learning skill. Roles and duties of aviation lecturers have to be modified in many roles as a citizenship of the 21st century, a good member of a group, a co-leaner/co-investigator/guide or facilitator, an educational developer, a technology man, a creator of Professional Learning Community (PLC) and a professional aviation personnel. Necessary skills of aviation lecturer in the new normal world of learning include 21stcentury skills, professional lecturer skill, learning design skill, multi teaching skill, critical thinking skill, technology skill, teamwork skill, communication skill, service skill/service mind, multicultural skill and aviation professional skill.

2021 ◽  
pp. 135-142
Marlene Filippi

Whilst teaching years 5 and 6 I was once asked to describe my library. My response to this was ‘it rocks’. The staff viewed me quizzically and subsequently moved on to their lunchtime conversation. Little did I know this would be the theme of the 2015 conference? In 2013 I inherited my current library as the stereotypical ‘quiet’, very structured environment of the past century. It was visited by few students during their lunchtime as they required a lunchtime pass (only 6 per class) which was given to them by their classroom teacher. These passes were then collected by library monitors at the door - no pass, no library!Library lessons consisted of 30 minute sessions whereby books were loaned, returned, a story read and the class departed and then the next class arrived to repeat the procedure regardless of age. The schedule was busy as there are 24 classes. There were occasions whereby a book was recommended as a great read and short listed books from the Children’s Book Council were shared. How to change the mind set of both staff and students to see the library and its potential was both my challenge and my goal. It was time to move towards 21st century learning whereby students can develop the skills of creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. This is not rocket science as this is every teacher librarian’s goal. I can successfully say that 2 years later my library rocks and this sentiment is wholeheartedly shared by students, staff and the community.‘So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you.’ (Willy Wonka, 1971) That was 2014.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Niko Sudibjo ◽  
Lia Ratna Sagita Tondok

The 21st century learning trends carry several skills that need to be developed, one of which is critical thinking. The purpose of this study was to analyze the use of the Book Talk method in order to foster critical thinking skills and communicate verbally expressive students aged 3-4 years using Indonesian-themed animal books. This Classroom Action Research was conducted in the Nursery class of Rainbow Victory Plus Bekasi school with the number of research subjects as many as 14 students. Data collection was carried out in 3 cycles held in May 2018. The results of this study showed tha Book Talk method was able to increase critical thinking skills and verbal expressive communication of students. However, it was also found that Book Talk was not suitable for certain types of students. Pembelajaran abad ke-21 menuntut keterampilan berpikir kritis dan melakukan komunikasi efektif sebagai syarat keberhasilan. Kemampuan ini perlu dilatih dan diajarkan sejak usia dini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis penggunaan metode Book Talk dalam rangka menumbuhkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berkomunikasi ekspresif verbal siswa usia 3-4 tahun dengan menggunakan buku cerita berbahasa Indonesia bertema hewan. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini dilakukan di kelas Nursery Rainbow sekolah Victory Plus Bekasi dengan jumlah subjek penelitian 14 siswa. Pengambilan data dilakukan dalam 3 siklus yang dilakukan pada Mei 2018. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa metode Book Talk dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berkomunikasi ekspresif verbal siswa. Meskipun demikian, ditemukan juga bahwa Book Talk kurang cocok untuk beberapa tipe siswa tertentu.

Aija Ozola

Today’s rapid socio-economic changes are closely correlated with the development of education, identifying the need for new educational content and new kind of collaboration in education. In theoretical knowledge the term “21st century learning” and its content reflects the essence of changes in the context of collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking. The goal of the research is to identify the characteristics of 21st century learning in the practice of general education of Latvia. The analysis of theoretical literature and qualitative analysis of documentation has been used. A case study of the practice of general education of Latvia based on the theoretical knowledge was implemented using content analysis of the self-assessment reports of educational institutions. Main characteristics of the 21st century learning in the institutions of general education were identified by structuring the chosen content units. Self-assessment reports of the institutions of general education of Latvia demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the core and content of the 21st century learning. Educational institutions focus on the development of the main categories of the 21st century learning, such as collaboration and communication, creativity and critical thinking.

Muhammad Ansori

The 21st-century learning demanded students not only to be academically competent but also to master some crucial soft skills needed in today’s challenging world. Promoting and implementing HOTS becomes crucial things to do in the learning process. This study aimed to find out English teachers’ efficacy in using interactive, critical thinking and meta-cognitive pedagogical techniques to promote HOTS in the learning process. This study employed a survey research method. The research approach used is descriptive quantitative. Five Likert-scale questionnaires are used as the instruments for collecting the data. The questionnaires are distributed through the online form to 15 in-service English teachers at the secondary high school level. Furthermore, the data were analysed using a quantitative descriptive data analysis technique. The results of this study indicated that English teachers have high self-efficacy in using interactive, critical thinking, and meta-cognitive pedagogical strategies to promote HOTS in the learning process. The result of this study provides a preliminary understanding about the English teachers’ self-efficacy level in using some meaningful pedagogical techniques to promote HOTS in this 21st-century learning. This understanding will lead to the impact of their implementation in a real teaching context. Exploring their practice in the real classroom context in implementing HOTS becomes a crucial issue for further study.

Hikmawati Hikmawati ◽  
Agus Ramdani ◽  
Gito Hadiprayitno ◽  
Muntari Muntari ◽  
Mukhtar Haris

Permasalahan yang dihadapi Mitra: (1) Rendahnya nilai mata ujian IPA pada ujian nasional tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 di Kota Mataram yaitu sebesar 46,49; (2) Kurangnya kolaborasi antar guru mata pelajaran IPA dalam merancang perencanaan pembelajaran sesuai Kurikulum 2013. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian: pendampingan peningkatan mutu pembelajaran IPA melalui Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC). Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian: Kegiatan pendampingan diawali dengan sosialisasi LSLC tanggal 15 Februari 2020 yang diikuti oleh semua guru di SMPN 20 Mataram dan guru-guru IPA dari SMPN 5 Mataram, kepala sekolah SMPN 20 Mataram dan SMPN 5 Mataram, Pengawas Mata Pelajaran IPA dan Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kota Mataram. Siklus LS terdiri atas 3 tahapan yaitu plan, do, see. Pada tahap plan, guru-guru mata pelajaran IPA dari kedua sekolah berkolaborasi membuat chapter design dan lesson design. Pada tahap plan juga ditentukan guru model dan observer. Pada tahap do, guru model melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai lesson design yang telah dibuat, sedangkan observer mengamati aktivitas siswa. Pada tahap see, dilakukan refleksi yaitu guru model memberikan komentar terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan observer mengemukakan hasil pengamatan. Kegiatan see dipandu oleh moderator yaitu kepala sekolah. Tim pengabdian (dosen) bertindak sebagai narasumber. Tahap plan dilaksanakan tanggal 20 Februari 2020, sedangkan tahap do dan see dilaksanakan tanggal 28 Februari 2020. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini yaitu (1) menghasilkan chapter design dan lesson design untuk materi: Getaran, Gelombang, dan Bunyi; (2) Memberikan pengalaman langsung bagi guru model, guru IPA SMPN 20 Mataram dan SMPN 5 Mataram, Kepala Sekolah SMPN 20 Mataram, dan Pengawas Guru Mata Pelajaran IPA di Kota Mataram tentang praktik LSLC; (3) Aktivitas siswa selama pembelajaran termasuk kategori aktif, dan siswa dapat menjawab soal evaluasi di akhir pembelajaran dengan benar. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dapat meningkatkan mutu proses pembelajaran di SMPN 20 Mataram dan SMPN 5 Mataram.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-125
Niko Sudibjo ◽  
Lia Ratna Sagita Tondok

The 21st century learning trends carry several skills that need to be developed, one of which is critical thinking. The purpose of this study was to analyze the use of the Book Talk method in order to foster critical thinking skills and communicate verbally expressive students aged 3-4 years using Indonesian-themed animal books. This Classroom Action Research was conducted in the Nursery class of Rainbow Victory Plus Bekasi school with the number of research subjects as many as 14 students. Data collection was carried out in 3 cycles held in May 2018. The results of this study showed tha Book Talk method was able to increase critical thinking skills and verbal expressive communication of students. However, it was also found that Book Talk was not suitable for certain types of students. Pembelajaran abad ke-21 menuntut keterampilan berpikir kritis dan melakukan komunikasi efektif sebagai syarat keberhasilan. Kemampuan ini perlu dilatih dan diajarkan sejak usia dini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis penggunaan metode Book Talk dalam rangka menumbuhkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berkomunikasi ekspresif verbal siswa usia 3-4 tahun dengan menggunakan buku cerita berbahasa Indonesia bertema hewan. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini dilakukan di kelas Nursery Rainbow sekolah Victory Plus Bekasi dengan jumlah subjek penelitian 14 siswa. Pengambilan data dilakukan dalam 3 siklus yang dilakukan pada Mei 2018. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa metode Book Talk dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berkomunikasi ekspresif verbal siswa. Meskipun demikian, ditemukan juga bahwa Book Talk kurang cocok untuk beberapa tipe siswa tertentu.

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