scholarly journals Analisis Pengetahuan Siswa melalui Pembelajaran Penemuan di Sekolah Dasar Pahlawan

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ramdhan Witarsa ◽  
Dini Xena Dista

The purpose of this study is to get an overview of the knowledge of Pahlawan Elementary School students about energy change. The research method used is quantitative descriptive research method. In this research, inquiry learning is carried out on the subject of energy change. Throughout research, learning is based on inquiry learning that is linked to the environment. Overall students answer the questions given related to changes in energy and the environment. The results of what students think about these questions are analyzed and conclusions drawn. The results of this study indicate that students' knowledge in the Pahlawan Elementary School about energy change is still developing. This is indicated by several misunderstandings that occur continuously and repeatedly. The novelty of this research is the existence of a new step of inquiry learning  that is different in theory in general. The implication of this research is the need to improve the ability of teachers to assist the implementation of inquiry learning, this is so that a long concept does not occur.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Hadi Gunawan ◽  
Guslinda Guslinda

The background of this research is the importance of the attitude of caring for the environment that is planted early on starting from the elementary school level. The purpose of this study is to find out how the attitude of caring for students' environment in 184 Pekanbaru Elementary School. This research is quantitative descriptive research type. This research was conducted at 184 Pekanbaru Elementary School. Based on the results of research assessed from 6 indicators, namely cleaning toilets, cleaning trash cans, cleaning the school environment, beautifying classrooms and schools with plants, participating in maintaining parks in schools and participating in maintaining environmental cleanliness. Based on the results of the study showed that 184 Pekanbaru Public Elementary School students have a very caring attitude towards the environment with an acquisition value of 89.02 in the very caring category

Liftahul Sekar Aji ◽  
Sugiharti Sugiharti ◽  
Moh Salimi

<em>Students are more proficient in foreign languages and Indonesian, this can be seen from everyday conversations that rarely use Javanese. This study aims to determine the vocabulary mastery of Javanese language in elementary school students. This research method uses qualitative descriptive research method. The subjects of this study were the fifth grade students of Kutosari 7 State Elementary School and Pekunden Elementary School. Data collection was carried out using questionnaire instruments and tests in the form of student worksheets. The results of this study indicate that elementary school students lack mastery of Javanese language.</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Feri Budi Setyawan

The purpose of this research is to discuss about the obesity phenomenon which occurred in elementary school students of the country Randusari. This research aims to know the causes of obesity in elementary school students of the country Randusari. This research is quantitative descriptive research with engineering data retrieval using the test measurements of height and weight. The population in this research is the child in elementary school students of the country Randusari. Data analysis techniques using Descriptive Statistics Frequencies. The results of the research of the identification of external factors the causes of obesity in children is the relationship of genetic factors with the parents, not the share of food intake with energy output being consumed must be issued, and the lack of performing activities the sport has also become another cause factor against obesity it is art learning modules and skills at elementary school students of the country Randusari.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Tri Rusmiyati ◽  
Eddy Noviana ◽  
Zufriady Zufriady

Ecological intelligence is an ability or competence that a person has in adapting to the circumstances of the surrounding environment and can apply it in daily life. In this study, researchers conducted research on how ecological intelligence in elementary school students in the high class in terms of skills. Ecological intelligence in terms of skills includes the skills of using and utilizing resources, living in harmony with environmental preservation, solving environmental problems, and skills in environmental responsibility. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research, the main data source (primary data) obtained from questionnaires given to respondents and the results of interviews and documentation which is support data (secondary data). The results of this study show that the ecological intelligence of elementary school students in high class is classified as skilled (89.89%). When viewed from each indicator, the ecological intelligence of elementary school students in the high class is also categorized as skilled. This proves that elementary school students in the high class have begun to understand how important it is to protect the environment and also students already care about the surrounding environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-209
Nurhayati Mardhatilla ◽  
Ramdhan Witarsa ◽  
Nurhaswinda Nurhaswinda

This study aims to determine and described the learning creativity of elementary school students using the number head together learning model. This research method is a literature review research method. The stages of this literature review are data collection, data reduction, data display, discussion, and conclusions. The results showed that from 17 articles published from 2010-2020 about the number head together learning model and learning creativity of elementary school students, there were 2 articles that matched these variables. The number head together learning model can increase the learning creativity of elementary school students. The novelty of this research is the connection between one article and another that discusses the same topic. The impact of the results of this study is the increasing number of literature review studies to reinforce existing theories.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-45
Rahayu Winingsih

The purpose of this study is to find out the improvement of elementary school students' learning achievement through the medium of picture word cards. The problem in this study is still the low learning achievement of students seen from the initial test of learning achievement. This research took place in class I SDN Babatan IV/459 Surabaya. The school is located at Jalan Raya Menganti Babatan Wiyung District of Surabaya City. The research time was carried out in semester 1 (odd) in October of the 2020/2021 School Year. The subject of this study was a student of class I SDN Babatan IV /459 Surabaya which amounted to 28 students. This research design is class action research (PTK) through stage flow (planning, research action, data collection and data analysis) carried out with two cycles. The result of this study is an increase in student learning achievement in each lesson cycle with a minimum completion criteria (KKM) of 70, cycle I completed learning of 15 students or 60% of students who have achieved the minimum completion criteria with an average score of 72.95. While cycle II has increased, 28 students completed their studies or 100% of students have achieved the minimum completion criteria with an average score of 85.4.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Lilis Diah Kusumawati ◽  
NFn Sugito ◽  
Ali Mustadi

Interactive multimedia is a technology that mediates the development of learning activities to make it more interesting and enjoyable so that it can motivate students to learn. This study aims to determine feasibility of interactive learning multimedia product in motivating student for fourth grade of elementary school to learn mathematics. The research method uses the concept of ADDIE models to develop products with five stages, 1) analyze; 2) design; 3) develop; 4) implement; and 5) evaluate. The result showed that the development of interactive learning multimedia is feasible used for motivating students in grade 4 to learn mathematics. The result of validation by material experts showed that the products developed reached a score of 43 so that it was included in the "very good" category, while the results of the validation by the media experts showed that the products developed reached a score of 59 so that it was included in the "very good" category. Teacher responses related to the practicality of product use reached a score of 113 so that it was included in the "very good" category, while student responses related to the practicality of using the product reached a score of 83 so that it was included in the "very good" category. In motivating students to learn mathematics, interactive learning multimedia can be applied to elementary school students in grade 4.AbstrakMultimedia interaktif adalah teknologi yang memediasi pengembangan kegiatan pembelajaran agar lebih menarik dan menyenangkan sehingga mampu memotivasi siswa dalam belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan produk multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dalam memotivasi siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar untuk belajar matematika. Metode penelitian menggunakan konsep model ADDIE untuk mengembangkan produk dengan lima tahap, 1) menganalisis; 2) desain; 3) berkembang; 4) mengimplementasikan; dan 5) mengevaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif layak digunakan untuk memotivasi siswa kelas 4 dalam belajar matematika. Hasil validasi oleh ahli materi menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan mencapai skor 43 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”, sedangkan hasil validasi oleh ahli media menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan mencapai skor 59 sehingga masuk dalam kategori "sangat baik". Tanggapan guru terkait dengan kepraktisan penggunaan produk mencapai skor 113 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”, sedangkan respons siswa terkait dengan kepraktisan penggunaan produk mencapai skor 83 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”. Dalam memotivasi siswa untuk belajar matematika, multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dapat diterapkan untuk siswa sekolah dasar di kelas 4.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-157
Faizal Chan ◽  
Agung Rimba Kurniawan ◽  
Siti Kalila ◽  
Fiki Amalia ◽  
Devi Apriliani ◽  

Abstract The purpose of this study is to describe the impact of bulliying on the confidence of elementary school students ". The impact of bullying can affect students' psychological development. Another impact of victims of bullying can be an offender for others. The research method used in this study is qualitative. This type of research used in this study is a purposive study because researchers feel the sample taken is most knowledgeable about the problem to be examined by the researcher. Based on the results of the study it can not be seen directly the impact of victims of bullying, but psychologically the victims of this bullying experience pressure. Even in some cases, victims of bullying do not have confidence. 

1985 ◽  
Vol 32 (9) ◽  
pp. 16-17
Loye Y. (Mickey) Hollis

It was probably not a unique experience, but it sure was fun, and more important, fifteen elementary school teachers improved their skills for teaching mathematics and did away with some anxiety about the subject. While they were about it, these teachers also increased the achievement in mathematics of forty-five elementary school students and showed them that mathematics can be a lot of fun.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-60
Fery Setyaningrum ◽  
Heni Siswantari

ABSTRACT The art of rampak kendang in Patimuan Cilacap Regency is an art that has existed for a long time and is hereditary in the people of Cilacap. In learning the art of rampak kendang, two types of plural intelligence exist and have their character in the form of visual-spatial and intrapersonal intelligence. This study aims to describe how visual-spatial and intrapersonal intelligence can form through the learning art of rampak kendang in elementary school students in Patimuan Cilacap. This research method uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Methods of data collection using observation, interviews, and document studies to analyze content, this study uses data validity techniques in the form of source triangulation, with data analysis techniques for data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. This study's results in the form of the formation of visual-spatial and intrapersonal intelligence are influenced by internal, external, textual, and contextual factors. Visuals spatial are formed based on understanding art through the senses, primarily through the eyes in the form of colour and space, then transforming the learning the art of rampak kendang captured by the eye into another type of recording and becoming a musical work that appears. In contrast, intrapersonal intelligence is formed with the ability to understand oneself and act based on understanding, which includes strengths and limitations of self, moods, intentions, motivations, temperament and desires, self-discipline, and self-understanding and respect. This study concludes that visual-spatial intelligence is created in the form of creating space by making floor patterns, observing and recording the trainer and then can mimic the movements of kendang, and the use of dancers 'and musicians' face makeup, and costume selection for performances. Intrapersonal intelligence appears based on listening to and playing music among musicians to create strength in oneself, calm the mood, control oneself, and be motivated so that it becomes more disciplined and more self-respecting and the environment. Kecerdasan Visual Spasial dan Intrapersonal dalam Pembelajaran Seni Rampak Kendang bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar ABSTRAK Seni rampak kendang di Patimuan Kabupaten Cilacap merupakan kesenian yang sudah lama ada dan turun temurun pada masyarakat Cilacap. Dalam pembelajaran seni rampak kendang ditemukan ada dua jenis kecerdasan jamak yang ada dan memiliki karakternya sendiri berupa kecerdasan visual spasial dan intrapersonal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses kecerdasan visual spasial dan intrapersonal dapat terbentuk melalui pembelajaran seni rampak kendang pada siswa sekolah dasar di Patimuan Cilacap. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen untuk menganalisis konten, penelitian ini menggunakan teknik keabsahan data berupa triangulasi sumber, dengan teknik analisis datanya reduksi data, penyajian data serta penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini berupa proses terbentuknya kecerdasan visual spasial dan intrapersonal dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal, eksternal, tekstual dan kontekstual. Visual spasial terbentuk berdasarkan memahami seni melalui pancaindera khususnya melalui mata berupa warna dan ruang, selanjutnya mentransformasikan bentuk dari pembelajaran seni rampak kendang yang ditangkap mata ke dalam bentuk wujud lain berupa rekaman dan menjadi karya musik yang rampak. Sedangkan kecerdasan intrapersonal terbentuk dengan kemampuan memahami diri sendiri dan bertindak berdasarkan pemahaman yang meliputi kekuatan dan keterbatasan diri, suasana hati, maksud, motivasi, temperamen dan keinginan, disiplin diri serta memahami dan menghargai diri. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah kecerdasan visual spasial tercipta berupa menciptakan ruang dengan membuat pola lantai, mengamati dan merekam pelatih kemudian bisa menirukan gerakan kendang, dan penggunaan make-up wajah penari dan pemusik, serta pemilihan kostum untuk pertunjukan. Sedangkan kecerdasan intrapersonal muncul ada berdasarkan mendengarkan dan memainkan musik antar anggota pemusik sehingga membuat kekuatan pada diri, menenangkan suasana hati, dapat mengendalikan diri, termotivasi sehingga menjadi lebih disiplin dan lebih menghargai diri serta lingkungan.

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