scholarly journals On the issue of an interdisciplinary approach as a way to improve the legal regulation of state veterinary supervision

Ju. Soboleva ◽  

The article examines the problems of legal regulation of state veterinary supervision. Based on the analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the provisions of the legal doctrine and the existing experience of the Departments of the Federal service for veterinary and phyto-sanitary surveillance of the Russian Federation, it is revealed that the reduction in the level of damage to legally protected values is not yet achieved, since the number of detected offenses does not decrease, but increases. Methods for calculating the values of indicators used to assess the severity of potential negative consequences of possible noncompliance with mandatory requirements and the probability of non-compliance have not yet been approved for veterinary supervision. The article outlines a possible way to solve the identified problems associated with in interdisciplinary approach, in particular, using the achievements of such Sciences as computer science and mathematics to improve the legal regulation of state veterinary supervision.

Kseniia Antipova

This article explores the main approaches of Russian and foreign authors towards big data definition; reflects the classification of data, components of big data; and provides comparative characteristics to legal regulation of big data. The subject of this research is the legislation of the Russian Federation and legislation of the European Union that regulate the activity on collection, processing and use of big data, personal data and information; judicial and arbitration practice of the Russian Federation in the sphere of personal data; normative legal acts of the Russian Federation; governmental regulation of the Russian Federation and foreign countries in the area of processing, use and transmission of data; as well as legal doctrine in the field of research dedicated to the nature of big data. The relevance of this research is substantiated by the fact that there is yet no conceptual uniformity with regards to big data in the world; the essence and methods of regulating big data are not fully explored. The goal of this research is determine the legal qualification of the data that comprise big data. The task lies in giving definition to the term “big data”; demonstrate the approaches towards determination of legal nature of big data; conduct  classification of big data; outline the criteria for distinguishing data that comprise the concept of big data; formulate the model for optimal regulation of relations in the process of activity on collection, processing, and use of the data. The original definition of big data in the narrow and broad sense is provided. As a result, the author distinguishes the types of data, reflects the legal qualification of data depending on the category of data contained therein: industrial data, user data, and personal data. Attention is also turned to the contractual form of big data circulation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 130-142
Mariia Viktorovna Globa

The present study is devoted to determining the place and role of legal positions of higher judicial bodies of Russia (judicial legal positions) in the mechanism of legal regulation. Let us specify in advance that the author means the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation (taking into account the 2014 amendments made to the legislation concerning the liquidation of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation) as the higher judicial bodies of Russia. Establishing the meaning and role of judicial legal positions in the mechanism of legal regulation is carried out by the author of this study through the analysis and demonstration of the main sources of formation of legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the author of this work identifies as sources of formation of judicial legal positions: legal and non-legal. Non-legal sources of formation of legal positions of the highest courts of Russia differ from the legal ones in the fact that initially they do not have material expression, exist in the abstract, however, have no less importance for the process of formation of judicial legal positions. To the legal sources of creating legal positions of the highest judicial bodies of Russia the author includes: formal sources of law, current legal practice, legal doctrine. As non-legal sources of formation of legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation are: the inner conviction of a judge and professional legal consciousness of a judge. The author of this scientific research consistently reveals the importance and role of each source of formation of judicial legal positions. The conducted study of the most significant sources of formation of judicial legal positions allowed to better understand the place of legal positions of higher courts of Russia in the legal system and their role in legal regulation, which is reduced not just to the interpretation of judicial acts, but also to the formation of new legal provisions, which ultimately form a uniform judicial practice. Methodological basis of the study consisted of: analysis, synthesis, comparative-legal method, deduction, induction and other ways of knowledge used in science. Scientific conclusions and proposals contained in this work may serve as a basis for further theoretical study of the problems of judicial legal positions and used in the activities of legislative and law enforcement bodies.

Valeriy Aleksandrovich Polushkin

The subject of this research is the relevant issues pertaining to popularization of science in the Russian Federation. The goal of this article lies in determination of the currently existing key issues of popularization of science in the Russian Federation: 1) the absence of effective response to the transformation of the traditional field of scientific promotion activity (distribution of new forms and methods of such activity); 2) imperfection of the new legal regulation of educational and scientific promotion activity, which may implicitly lead to negative consequences. The conducted research involves in theoretical conceptualization of scientific promotion activity in the digital age the novelties of legislative regulation of educational activity adopted in April 2021 (the so-called Law on Educational Activity). Unlike other works dedicated to the analysis of this law, this article assesses its basic provisions from the perspective of the effectiveness of achieving the goals set in the context of its impact upon the state of popularization of science in the Russian society. It is established that the model for preventing deterioration of the quality of educational content proposed in the Law on Educational Activity is not effective enough and may further reduce the quality of scientific promotion activity. Therefore, the purpose of imposed restrictions may fail to be achieved. The author believes that the more effective way would lie in intensification of the activity of traditional actors of popularization of science, rather than restriction of the activity of nontraditional actors of popularization of science.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 36-42

Introduction. The socio-political and legal prerequisites for enhancing the coordinating role of the state, its budgetary policy and financial and legal regulators to counter the negative consequences of the coronavirus infection pandemic (PKI) are considered. International financial organizations (IMF, World Bank, OECD and others), supporting states in the fight against CRP, propose new standards of fiscal and investment policy developed by them on the basis of financial planning and budgeting with the involvement of budgetary funds and public financial reserves for social and economic support of the population from the consequences of CRP. States use these post-CRP international stability standards as part of their fiscal and development strategies. Materials and methods. The report of the UN Department of Global Communications on measures to counter the destruction of economies as a result of COVID-19 and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals 2020 was used. The conceptual provisions of the Analytical Summary of the Department of Fiscal Policy of the IMF (April 2020) with recommendations to government agencies on the restoration of economies destroyed by the CRP were considered. The article provides the norms of the Russian budget, tax, banking legislation, adopted in the implementation of the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 02.04.2020 No. 239 on measures against CRP. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation of March 18, 2020 No. 52-FZ on budgetary policy for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022 was considered in connection with the CRP. Used a document of the Bank of Russia dated 08/10/2020. on measures to limit the consequences of the coronavirus infection pandemic and other acts. Results. The international recommendations of the IMF on supporting the public sector of the economies in the context of countries overcoming the consequences of the CRP through budget loans, guarantees, fiscal risk management, and coordinated fiscal stimulus are considered. A steady tendency on the part of states and international financial organizations (IFIs) to strengthen the budgetary law of states and promote “soft law” international legal regulation of standards for the implementation of the planning, coordinating and supervisory functions of states, which should be strengthened as overcoming the destroyed CRP economies, finance, education, culture, social sphere. Discussion and conclusions. IMF in their reports emphasize that international financial and other cooperation of states in the context of the fight against CRP should move to a new level of trust and mutual assistance. It is shown that the new financial and legal norms in the budgetary, tax, and banking legislation of the Russian Federation in 2020 act as a set of anti-crisis regulation measures in the face of countering the CRP with the involvement of budgetary funds from the National Welfare Fund (NWF) and other sources of budgetary financing under control by the method of treasury support.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 26-30
Yuriy Saranchuk ◽  
Mihail Azarov

the article discusses the structure of the Internet of Things, as well as the sphere of its use and purpose; analyzes the existing legal basis of functioning the Internet of Things on the territory of the Russian Federation and offers four possible directions of its legal regulation; authors pay special attention to the security of the Russian ecosystem of the Internet of Things and consider issues criminal liability due to the negative consequences of the functioning of smart devices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 16-21
Ekaterina M. Vavilova ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the legal regulation of the field of cashless payments, as one of the key elements of the developing digital economy in Russia. Special attention is paid to such legal problems as incomplete terminology, lack of a systematic statement of the rules governing the implementation of settlements in the form of money transfers at the request of the recipient of funds (direct debit) and settlements in the form of electronic money transfers. The author concluded that the legal regulation of certain forms of non-cash payments is chaotic, which, of course, has its negative consequences in settlement relations. In addition, the article notes the particular importance of increasing the level of legal regulation of cashless payments in connection with Russia’s desire to reach a new level of economic development — digitalization, which is regulated by the strategic planning documents of Russia, in particular, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 09.05.2017 No. 203 “On the Strategy development of the information society in the Russian Federation for 2017—2030”. In this regard, non-cash payments, as the most convenient, automated and economical way of payments, play a particularly important role in the development of the digital economy in the country. The result of the study was the author’s recommendations for improving the terminological apparatus, for systematizing specialized legislation, as well as for the need to supplement the list of settlement (payment) documents.

Andrey Vinnitskiy

The subject of this research revolves the around the normative precepts pertaining to administrative responsibility of bankruptcy trustees (Part 2 and 3.1 of the Article 14.13 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation) in their systemic relation with other articles of the Code, regulatory norms of legislation on bankruptcy, as well as relevant provision of the legal doctrine. The author studies, generalizes and critically analyzes the vast case law of arbitration courts on the most important issues of administrative responsibility of bankruptcy trustees. The work employs the administrative practice of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr). The conducted research allows making the following conclusions pertaining to administrative responsibility of bankruptcy trustees: 1) need for introduction of the concept of abuse of the right to initiate administrative prosecution of trustees; 2) impermissibility of the circumvention by the Rosreests authorities of the legislation on state control through the institution of administrative prosecution; 3) impermissibility of the frequently used extended interpretation of the Part 2 and 3.1 of the Article 14.13 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation; 4) reasonableness of clarification of the element of redundancy pertaining to the Part 3 .1 of the Article 14.13 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation; 5) fundamental impermissibility of the “mitigating requalification” of the act from the Part 3.1 to the Part 3 of the Article 14.13 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation. The conclusions are extrapolated to adjoining elements of administrative violations.  The author proposes consideration of the discovered general flaws of legal regulation in the context of work being conducted on preparation of the project of new Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation.

Андрей Владимирович Калач ◽  
Надежда Геннадьевна Кулакова ◽  
Надежда Владимировна Романова

В статье подчеркнута негативная направленность коррупции как явления, указаны причины выбора Финляндии в качестве одного из объектов настоящего исследования, охарактеризованы противодействие коррупции и борьба с коррупционными проявлениями в Российской Федерации на современном этапе. Факторами, оказывающими значительное воздействие на развитие коррупции (и сопутствующих ей явлений и проявлений) в России, являются: 1) значительные масштабные размеры «теневой» экономики; 2) широко распространенная система «откатов», «отмывания «грязных денег»; 3) периодические экономические (финансовые) кризисы; 4) имущественное расслоение между «богатыми» и «бедными»; 5) несправедливое распределение материальных благ и ценностей; 6) несовершенство законодательства и многочисленные «пробелы» в нормативных и подзаконных правовых актах в сфере противодействия коррупции и борьбы с ней; 7) наличие чрезвычайно раздутого бюрократического аппарата и исключительно сложных бюрократических административных процедур; 8) правовой нигилизм и низкая правовая культура российского общества. Единый национальный координационный центр по противодействию коррупции в Российском государстве отсутствует. В качестве ключевых законодательных актов в сфере противодействия коррупции выступают: Антикоррупционная стратегия (Финляндия) и Национальный план (Российская Федерация). В законодательстве Российской Федерации, предусматривающем противодействие коррупции и борьбу с коррупционными проявлениями, имеются следующие системные и содержательные недостатки: а) органы государственной власти лишены большей части самостоятельности в разработке и принятии решений, направленных на снижение уровня и сведения к минимуму негативных последствий коррупции, поскольку согласно ч. 1 ст. 5 Закона № 273-ФЗ основные направления антикоррупционной политики определяет Президент РФ; б) отсутствует системная (фундаментальная) идеологическая установка, способная реально изменить морально-нравственный и политический климат в российском обществе; в) огромное количество законодательных пробелов и противоречий в правовом регулировании в сфере противодействия коррупции и борьбы с ней; г) «неработающие» нормы законодательных актов, которые предусматривают привлечение к реальной уголовной ответственности государственных чиновников (государственных служащих) высшего управленческого звена, а также облеченных властными полномочиями должностных лиц в системе органов государственной власти и управления входящих в состав Российской Федерации субъектов. Главной проблемой в борьбе с коррупцией, в том числе и на законодательном уровне, является слишком высокий уровень криминализации российской системы государственной власти. Само государство неспособно (или не желает) влиять на сложившееся в настоящее время в российском обществе терпимое («нейтральное») отношение к коррупции. Анализ положительного опыта Финляндии позволяет сформулировать выводы, которые Российской Федерации необходимо учесть в полномасштабном противодействии коррупции и разносторонней борьбе с коррупционными проявлениями. The article emphasizes the negative direction of corruption as a phenomenon, shows the reasons for choosing Finland as one of the objects of this study, describes the current state, the fight against corruption and the fight against corruption in the Russian Federation. Factors that have a significant impact on the development of corruption (and its attendant phenomena and manifestations) in Russia are: 1) the large-scale size of the «shadow» economy; 2) a widespread system of «kickbacks», «laundering dirty money»; 3) periodic economic (financial) crises; 4) property stratification between «rich» and «poor»; 5) the unfair distribution of wealth and values; 6) the imperfection of the legislation and the numerous «gaps2 in normative and sub-legislative legal acts in the field of combating corruption and combating it; 7) the presence of an extremely bloated bureaucratic apparatus and extremely complex bureaucratic administrative procedures; 8) legal nihilism and low legal culture of Russian society. There is no single national focal point for combating corruption in the Russian state. The key anti-corruption legislation is the Anti-Corruption Strategy (Finland) and the National Plan (Russian Federation). The legislation of the Russian Federation, which provides for the fight against corruption and the fight against corruption, has the following systemic and substantive shortcomings: a) state authorities are deprived of most of their independence in the development and adoption of decisions aimed at reducing the level and minimizing the negative consequences of corruption, since you have to look back at the President of the Russian Federation; b) there is no systematic (fundamental) ideological attitude capable of really changing the moral and political climate in Russian society; c) a huge number of legislative gaps and contradictions in the legal regulation in the field of combating corruption and combating it; d) «inoperative» norms of legislative acts that provide for the criminal prosecution of state officials (public servants) of senior management, as well as officials vested with authority in the system of state power and administration bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The most important problem in the fight against corruption, including at the legislative level, is the too high level of criminalization of the Russian system of state power. The state itself is not able (or unwilling) to influence the tolerant («neutral») attitude to corruption that has developed in Russian society at present. An analysis of the positive experiences of Finland contributes to the formulation of final conclusions that the Russian Federation needs to take into account in the full-scale fight against corruption and a comprehensive struggle against corruption.

Yu. N. Rumyantseva ◽  
E. S. Kachurova ◽  

he article attempts to formulate the criminal law component of the problem of support national security, based on the National Security Strategy approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2021. The authors consider the formation of the national security domestic paradigm, highlight the stages of creating a system of national security legal regulation in the Russian Federation, and assess the effectiveness of such regulation. It is concluded that the negative consequences of the reforms carried out in Russia partly themselves pose a threat to its national security. The article studies the formation of the state criminal law policy; the development of criminal law measures against terrorism, extremism, economic crime and corruption; countering the malicious use of artificial intelligence and robotics as priority areas of countering threats to national security by criminal legal means. The formation of an effective criminal legal framework for countering economic crime and corruption is associated with the development of the modern criminal and criminal-legal policy concept. The changes in Russian legislation aimed at ensuring national security through the tightening a number of the Criminal Code norms in relation to terrorist and extremist crimes after the coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014 are illustrative. The risks of malicious use of artificial intelligence require a proactive reaction of the domestic legislator. Analyzing the sphere of development of the economic foundations of the state and society, it is necessary to focus on the conditions of fierce competition from foreign goods, works and services. At the same time, it is impossible not to take into account the fact that competition is often associated not only with scientific and technological advantages, but also with various kinds of abuses on the part of legal entities, which brings the authors back to the discussion on the introduction of the institution of legal entities criminal liability in the Russian Federation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 557-565
A. V. Khromov

The article provides a comparative analysis of administrative legal norms of the Russian Federation and Finland that regulate the participation of citizens in the protection of public order. The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that the human rights activities of law enforcement agencies, their importance in the fieldof public law enforcement, personal and public security is often unproductive, especially in the context of the global economic crisis, in which the functioning of law enforcement agencies alone is obviously not enough to protect human rights and freedoms and maintain public law and order. It is known that public tension in the state, including in Russia and Finland, increases sharply in emergency situations: during man-made disasters, epidemics, social crises, and terrorist activities. In such situations, the existence of public organizations whose activities guarantee the protection of public order and the elimination of negative consequences of emergency situations is extremely necessary. The Author considers the concept of public order, reveals its essence and content. The definition of the term “protection of public order” is formulated. It defines the legal regulation of citizens’ participation in public order protection in the Russian Federation and Finland. Common and similar features of such regulation are highlighted. The main legal acts regulating the participation of citizens in the protection of public order in Russia and Finland are analyzed in detail. According to the Author, strict centralization, as well as the lack of proper interaction of law enforcement agencies with society, is one of the key problems of enforcement and protection of public order in the law enforcement system of Russia and Finland. The issue of voluntary national teams functioning both in Russia and Finland is being considered. Attention is drawn to their specific features. In the end, the author concludes that at present, both for Russia and Finland, the issue of protecting citizens who take part in the protection of public order is a difficult one. It can be stated that in comparison with the Russian Federation, Finland provides a much smaller amount of guarantees for the protection of citizens who participate in the protection of public order.

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