2020 ◽  
Vol 3.2 (79.2) ◽  
Uliana Naumenko ◽  
Anna Kozemirova

The article is devoted to the topical problem of professional training of teachers of humanities in higher education institutions in Germany. The problems and features of basic competencies that are formed in teachers of humanities in training in higher education institutions are considered. Objectives of the study: to investigate the professional training of teachers of humanities; consider the structure of higher education institutions in Germany; to analyze the presentation of the main material on the professional training of teachers of higher education institutions in Germany. Based on the study of domestic and German scientific sources, it was found that the attention of researchers focused on the study of the development of higher education, the origin and formation of pedagogical education in Germany; theories and practices of teacher training in Germany; comparative pedagogy. The study found that the training of foreign language teachers in Germany is based on ancient traditions and is closely linked to the peculiarities of the development of school education in the country; dissemination and teaching of foreign languages; opening of modern languages in universities of philological specialties; typology of educational institutions. It was found that the system of training foreign language teachers in Germany has gone from the training of a classical philologist to a thorough philological and psychological-pedagogical training.

Tetiana Boyko ◽  

The article highlights the specifics of professional activity of future foreign language teachers, which proves that increasing their competitiveness and reforming the system of general secondary and higher education in Ukraine increase the requirements for professional training of future foreign language teachers. It is stated that in the process of introduction of the latest information technologies in all spheres of activity of educational institutions the problem of formation of their information communicative competence in the process of studying in higher education institutions acquires special significance in the training of future foreign language teachers. The article describes the phenomenon of «multimedia technology» as a computer technology that allows you to flexibly manage the flow of various information. It is emphasized that there is no single approach to this phenomenon. The purpose of this article is to characterize the problem of multimedia technologies as a means of improving the effectiveness of professional training of future foreign language teachers. The author’s research proves that at the present stage the work on the introduction of multimedia in the educational process of higher education is carried out in two directions: the first is that multimedia is included in the educational process as an «aid» using traditional methods of education; the second direction involves changing the content of education, reviewing the methods and forms of organization of the educational process, building holistic courses based on the use of content in certain disciplines of higher education institutions that train future foreign language teachers. The article states that the use of multimedia by applicants for higher education, future teachers of foreign languages and ensuring the systematic use of multimedia technologies should be consistent with the didactic goals of professional training of applicants for higher education in foreign languages.

Olha Demianenko ◽  
Rymma Maiboroda ◽  

As the title implies, a scientific paper reveals the issue of an efficiency of professional activity of foreign language teachers in higher education institutions in the context of SIOP model. The problem of this study is that in spite of the stressed importance of teaching skills, student teachers lack many of the English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching skills which may have a negative impact on their teaching performance that in turn affects their teaching self-efficacy. The methods of applying SIOP model and the effect of using SIOP model on developing EFL student teachers’ teaching skills are studied. It is emphasized that among the multiple factors that affect students’ achievement is teacher effectiveness. Thus, the challenge remains to improve and promote the effectiveness of teachers in an effort to increase students’ academic achievement. The positive and negative aspects of the education shift towards SIOP model are identified, the principles of enhancing innovative educational process effectiveness are revealed. It is worth noting that any professional development of foreign language teachers in higher education institutions must address specific knowledge and attitudes that are relevant to teaching foreign language learners. Teachers need to understand basic constructs of the second language development, the nature of language proficiency, the role of the first language and culture in learning, and the demands that mainstream education places on culturally diverse students. There is growing evidence that professional development approaches that are guided by teacher input and that view teacher learning as continual and transformative makes higher education institutions a better place for students and staff. The results indicated that introduction of SIOP model has opened up a number of problems associated with the introduction of such training services. It is stressed that the factors of SIOP model can guide limited English proficient students and suggest some useful strategies for language teachers to handle the students’ difficulties in language comprehension. It should be stressed that the introduction of SIOP model in modern educational process opens up wide horizons and unlimited possibilities for the efficiency of professional activity of foreign language teachers in higher education institutions, which have yet to be studied and mastered by modern pedagogical science.

Yuliia Nenko ◽  
Tetiana Sytnik ◽  
Olena Orlova

The article addresses the problem of development of the professional image of a foreign language teacher in Ukraine. The present study was contemplated to ascertain the attitude of university students in Ukraine towards the studied notion and reveal the level of its formation. The structure of the professional image of future foreign language teachers consist of several underlying constructs which have been described in the paper: cognitive, axiological and operational components. Results show that Ukrainian teachers-to-be held different perceptions to the notion of professional image of a foreign language teacher. The purpose of this survey is to provide suggestion of organizational, personal and pedagogical conditions to facilitate the development of professional image of future foreign language teachers in Ukrainian higher education institutions.

Ganna Polishchuk ◽  

The aim of this work is to study the level of tolerance in the process of conflictological competence formation of future foreign language teachers by the use of theoretical research methods (analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, comparison); empirical; quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The features of the "tolerance" concept in the scientific sphere, its types and its determinants as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon are clarified. The essence of the "pedagogical conflict" concept and the main causes of pedagogical conflicts are analyzed. The low tolerance level of both students and teachers is recognized as one of the main conflict causes in higher education institutions. As a result of the diagnostic examination of the motivational and value component of conflictological competence, the average level of students’ tolerance was established, which testified to the prospects of further work in developing the orientation of future foreign language teachers to constructive conflict resolution, tolerant attitude, cooperation and search for compromise solutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
S Tsymbal ◽  
N Skrypnyk ◽  

Introduction. The development of information technologies, the need to move to blended or distance learning and digitalization of education have caused considerable increasing of online communication and interaction between students and teachers of higher education institutions recently. The introduction of netiquette in the educational process of a modern higher education institution in general and in the practice of learning foreign languages in particular becomes more and more relevant. Many educators, including foreign language teachers, continue to use online tools of communication that have proven to be effective in blended or distance learning format. One of such tools for foreign language teachers is found to be mobile applications for instant messaging, or messengers. The purpose of the paper is to summarize the experience gained in the introduction of netiquette and the use of messengers in the context of teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions of Ukraine. Learning the netiquette and its introduction into educational process in this context is considered as one of the ways to avoid violations and use modern materials when teaching foreign languages. The following research methods as a survey, method of analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature and survey results are used. Results. The approaches of scientists to the culture of communication of participants in the educational process, interpreting the concept of "netiquette", the use of messengers in higher education and teaching of foreign languages in particular are covered. The results of the survey dedicated to the use of messengers in the educational process in which seventy two foreign language teachers from thirteen institutions of higher education of Ukraine took part are analyzed. Using messengers in the educational process was found to be quite common in the practice of teaching foreign languages both in terms of classroom management and as a learning tool. Despite the popularity, convenience and certain advantages of using messengers, there are some negative situations that can be considered as violations of netiquette. The reasons for students' violations may be lack of knowledge about netiquette rules, insufficient level of development of digital competence and practice of online communication in the educational environment. The introduction of netiquette guidelines at the beginning of a foreign language course can help teachers prevent violations. However, topics related to netiquette in the foreign language course in domestic higher education institutions are not sufficiently studied. Originality. The scientific originality of the research results is based on the fact that learning and introduction of netiquette has not been considered in the context of teaching foreign language yet. Despite netiquette is a part of digital competence, it has not received sufficient coverage in methodology of teaching foreign languages. Conclusion. The research has shown that the study of netiquette rules in a foreign language course can contribute to development of students' digital competence on the basis of modern language material. The development and establishment of netiquette guidelines to prevent its violations is appropriate in terms of methods of organizing the educational process in foreign languages, taking into account the increase of its online part in modern conditions.

O. Palekha

The article presents a comparative analysis of the experience of organizing future foreign language teachers’ independent learning in higher education institutions of Ukraine and Great Britain. It is highlighted that organization of independent learning has common and distinctive features.

2021 ◽  
pp. 89-96
Kuzmenko Yu.O. ◽  
Kovalchuk T.S.

In the article the essence of the concepts “diagnostic competence” and “professional competence”, “pedagogical diagnostics” was revealed and the model of diagnostic competence (DC) of the foreign language teachers at a higher education institution was considered. Thepurpose of the study is to analyze the experience of developingthe diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers in various higher military educational institutions and to identify the positive and problematic aspects of the diagnostic competence of foreignlanguage teachers in the military education system. The concept of “diagnostic competence of the teacher” is defined as the unity of theoretical and practical readiness of the teacher to carry out diagnostic activities to solve professional needs and tasks. According to the authors, DC is an integral and mandatorycomponent of the professional competence of foreign languageteachers in higher education,which is the result of their diagnostic training, intellectual, activity and subjectivediagnostic ability, as wellas professional, personal and psychological readiness to implement its diagnostic function through creative adherence to pedagogicalprinciples and the use of modernmethods, techniques, technologies and means of pedagogical diagnosis of foreign language communicative competence of servicemen in pedagogical activities as traditional methods and means of pedagogical diagnostics and modern mathematical and statistical methods and ICT. The principles, criteria and indicators of DC in the system of militaryeducation and their influence on the development of diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers of higher educational institutions are scientifically substantiated and analyzed. The structure of DC of foreign language teachers of highereducation institutions is also determined and its components are detailed out: value-motivational, cognitive, operational-effective, reflexivecorrective. The content and quality of these components are actualized during the pedagogical activity of foreign language teachers. In the article, the pedagogical conditions for the development of DC of foreign language teachers in higher education are substantiated, namely: pedagogical modeling of the development of diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers in higher education in the system of postgraduate education; introduction of the technology of integrated assessment of the development of the FLCC (foreign language communicative competence) of servicemen; the use of objective criteria and indicators for assessing thedevelopment of diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers in higher education. The authors of the article consider problematic issues related to the development and improvement of the accuracy of determining integrated assessments of the development of the FLCC of servicemen. The main attention is paid to determining the prospects for the development and the use of diagnostic competence, considering examples of its implementation in the educational process in higher military educational institutions of Ukraine.Key words: diagnostic competence, professional competence, integrated assessment, structure of diagnostic competence of a foreign language teacher at a higher education institution. У статті розкрито сутність понять «діагностична компетентність» та «професійна компетентність», «педагогічна діагностика» та розглянуто модель діагностичної компетентності викладача іноземних мов вищих військових навчальних закладів (ВВНЗ). Метою дослідження є аналіз досвіду розвитку діагностичної компетентності викладачів (ДКВ) іноземних мов в різних вищих військових закладах освіти та визна-чення позитивних та проблемних сторін ДКВ іноземних мов у системі військової освіти. Визначено поняття «діагностична компетентність викладача» як сукупність теоретичних та практичних прагнень викладача до реалізації діагностичної діяльності з метою вирішення фахових вимог та завдань. На думку авторів, діа-гностична компетентність (ДК) є обов’язковою та невіддільною складовою професійної компетентності викладачів іноземних мов ВВНЗ. Остання, з одного боку, є наслідком їх діагностичної підготовленості, розу-мової, діяльнісної та особистісної діагностичної здібності, а з іншого, – фахової, суб’єктної та психологічної готовності до здійснення своєї діагностичної функції шляхом дотримання педагогічних засад та положень і творчого втілення в педагогічну діяльність новітніх та передових методів, методик, технологій та засо-бів педагогічного діагностування іншомовної комунікативної компетентності (ІКК) військових фахівців з опорою як на традиційні засади педагогічної діагностики, так і на сучасні математично-статистичні методи та засоби ІКК. Науково обґрунтовано та проаналізовано принципи, критерії і показники ДК в системі військової освіти та їх вплив на розвиток діагностичної компетентності викладачів іноземних мов ВВНЗ. Також визначено структуру ДКВ іноземних мов ВВНЗ та виділено її складові компоненти: когнітивний, ціннісно-мотиваційний, операційно-діяльнісний та рефлексивно корекційний. Сутність та властивості цихкомпонентіввідтворюються в процесі педагогічної діяльності викладачів іноземних мов. У статті проана-лізовано досвід розвитку діагностичної компетентності викладачів (ДКВ) іноземних мов ВВНЗ, а саме: засоби та шляхи педагогічного моделювання розвитку діагностичної компетентності викладачів іноземних мов ВВНЗ; необхідність впровадження технології інтегрального оцінювання розвиненості ІКК військових фахівців; впровадження та використання об’єктивних критеріїв і показників оцінювання розвиненості діагностичної компетентності викладачів іноземних мов ВВНЗ. Авторами статті розглянуті проблемні питання щодо розвитку й підвищення точностівизначення інтегральних оцінок розвиненості ІКК військових фахівців. Основна увага приділяється визначенню перспективи розвитку та використання ДК, беручи до уваги приклади її впровадження в навчальний процес у вищих військових закладах освіти України.Ключові слова: діагностична компетентність, професійна компетентність, інтегральне оцінювання, структура діагностичної компетентності викладача іноземних мов ВВНЗ.

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