2021 ◽  
pp. 70-75
Hahina N.V. ◽  
Los O.V.

The article discusses the role of a foreign language in the context of the realisation of the concept of lifelong education in Ukraine. The authors emphasize the importance of learning English as a foreign language which provides the opportunity for academic mobility, successful employment, competitiveness in the labour market and self-actualisation in any professional field, which in the long run will have a positive impact on social and economic development of the country. Nowadays a foreign language, English in particular, is considered not only as a discipline, but also a means of intercultural communication, an important tool of personal interaction in all spheres of human life. Therefore, learning English becomes an important component of lifelong education. According to the authors, the effectiveness of lifelong education depends on a number of factors, namely the compliance of knowledge and skills with professional and personal needs, the degree of active involvement of students in learning, productive feedback of participants in the educational process, implementation of the principle of continuity in education, sustained motivation, academic achievements. Since the leading role in the implementation of the concept of lifelong education belongs to the state, the authors consider it necessary to create the following conditions: to encourage foreign language training at all levels of the education system and provide favourable environment for learning a foreign language; to improve the regulatory framework for lifelong education; to ensure the continuity of educational standards and programmes; to involve employers, international organizations and other stakeholders in the process of training, including the development of curricula, standards, assessment of quality of education; to provide flexible, variable, student-centred programmes and their compliance with current labour market needs; to create new forms of organisation of educational activity; to introduce effective multifunctional distance learning platforms widely; to support foreign language training courses for employed and unemployed population; to integrate international teaching experience, modern pedagogical technologies; to enhance teacher training and professional development.Key words: lifelong education, foreign language teaching, motivation, continuity of education, professional training. Стаття присвячена дослідженню ролі іноземної мови в контексті реалізації концепції неперервної освіти в Україні. Автори наголошують на важливості вивчення іноземної мови, яка забезпечує можли-вість академічної мобільності, успішного працевлаштування, конкурентоспроможності на ринку праці та самореалізації в будь-якій професійній діяльності, що в перспективі матиме позитивний вплив на соціально-економічний розвиток країни. У сучасних умовах іноземна мова, зокрема англійська, сприймається не тільки як навчальна дисципліна, а і як засіб міжкультурної комунікації, важливий інстру-мент спілкування в усіх сферах життєдіяльності людини. Тож навчання іноземної мови стає вагомим складником неперервної освіти. На думку авторів, ефективність системи неперервної освіти залежить від низки чинників, а саме відповідності знань і вмінь професійним та особистим потребам, ступеня активного залучення студентів у навчальний процес, забезпечення продуктивного зворотного зв’язку учасників освітнього процесу, реалізації принципу наступності в освіті, наявності стійкої мотивації, досягнення успіхів у навчанні. Оскільки провідна роль у реалізації концепції неперервної освіти належить державі, автори вважають необхідним створення таких умов: посилення іншомовної підготовки на всіх рівнях освіти й забезпечення загальнодоступного освітнього середовища для вивчення іноземної мови; удосконалення нормативно-правової бази неперервної освіти; наступність освітніх стандартів і програм; залучення роботодавців, міжнародних організацій та інших стейкхолдерів на всіх етапах професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців, від дидактичної участі в розробці програм і стандартів до оцінювання якості освіти; забезпечення гнучкості, варіативності, студентоцентрованості освітніх програм і їх відповідності сучасним потребам ринку праці; створення нових форм організації навчаль-ної діяльності; широке впровадження в освітній процес ефективних мультифункціональних платформ дистанційного навчання; організація навчальних курсів, зокрема іноземних мов, для активного працездатного та безробітного населення; залучення зарубіжного педагогічного досвіду, сучасних освітніх технологій; посилення підготовки та якісне підвищення кваліфікації педагогічних працівників.Ключові слова: неперервна освіта, навчання іноземної мови, мотивація, наступність освіти, професійна підготовка.

Tatyana G. Bortnikova ◽  
Marina I. Dolzhenkova

The problem of ways of increasing motivation in the university foreign language teaching is analyzed. It is emphasized the motivation can cause the purposeful activity of a student’s personality in learning a foreign language. The analysis of scientific literature that is connected with the problems of motivation as a complex mechanism of the correlation of external and internal factors that determine the appearance and methods of implementation of educational activity forms, its focus on the internal incentives of knowledge gaining, is carried. Attention is focused on the fact that the efficiency of educational activities depends on the strength of motivation. The degree of success depends on the use of techniques and methods of the learning process organizing, which, in our opinion, contribute to the creation of motivational incentives of learning a foreign language: the linguistic and country-specific studies aspect, focus on professional activity, the use of computer technologies in extracurricular work, and educational process gamification. It is concluded that the internal motivation has a great motivating force, and its condition is the creation of the success situation by the teacher that can be reached with the help of reward for successful work system, attracting the additional material of country-specific studies nature, improving communicative skills, usage of educational platforms as homework, usage of the gamification to involve students in solving educational non-game processes and situations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 118-123
Denysenko I.I. ◽  
Tarasiuk A.M.

The article is devoted to one of the advanced formats of foreign language teaching at high school, which effectively complements extramural and full-time forms of education – distance learning. The author emphasizes that the quality and effectiveness of foreign languages distance learning athigher educational establishments depends on effectively organized course; the pedagogical skills of teachers, participating in the educational process; the quality of applied methodical content.The main principles of foreign languages distance learning in higher education has been covered, the means of improving the quality and effectiveness of this educational format has been proposed, the key conceptual regulations of foreign languages distance learning has been determined. The article proposes a model for organizing foreign languages distance learning course for future specialists, describes a system to control and monitor the knowledge of all types of speech activities. It is also noted that independent work in the foreign languages distance course at high school should not be passive, but on the contrary, the student should be involved in active cognitive activities, not limited to acquiring foreign language skills, but necessarily includes their practical application; to solve certain communicative tasks in the future professional activity.The article concludes that in the process of organizing the foreign language distance learning course at high school, it is necessary to take into account not only the didactic characteristics and functions of multimedia and telecommunications as a technological basis, but also the conceptual trends of didactic distance learning as a component of modern education. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the specific nature of foreign language teaching in general.Key words: higher educational establishment, distance learning, multimedia means, independent work, information and communicative technologies, Internet, interactive engagement.

Olha Datskiv ◽  
Sofia Datskiv

An integral part of the formation of the New Ukrainian School is an inclusive component, which forms a new philosophy of society based on the understanding of diversity and equality for all. Involvement in education and constant support of children with special educational needs should take place at all stages of receiving complete secondary education, especially in primary school. The paper discusses the features of inclusive foreign language teaching in primary school. Based on the research analysis, pedagogical observation of the educational process in English lessons in inclusive classes, the conclusion is made that it is important for primary school English teachers to use clear and comprehensive instructions before doing exercises and tasks, introduce and maintain the learning routine (greeting, a permanent place for writing homework, questions at the beginning and at the end of the lesson, etc.), change the types of tasks frequently, adapt previously used exercises to the new learning conditions, use scaffolding strategies. The article presents a set of exercises and tasks to use in English lessons when studying the topic “My home” in an inclusive 3rd grade of a general secondary education institution, as well as checklists for self-and peer evaluation of the inclusiveness of the learning environment for English teachers. The exercises and tasks of the set were tested in the 3rd-B grade of Ternopil schools No. 16 and No. 7. The final assessment of the educational achievements of students in English in the second semester of the 2020 / 2021 academic year confirmed the effectiveness and appropriateness of using these exercises and tasks in the English lessons. Checklists for self-and peer evaluation of the inclusiveness of the learning environment were tested and approved by English teachers and recommended for use in the educational process by foreign languages teaching methodology groups.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-217 ◽  
Andrés Arias de la Cruz ◽  
Jesús Izquierdo

Subject-matter specialists teaching content via a foreign/second language in higher education often exhibit a meaning-based pedagogy, unsystematically attending to inaccurate language. This observational study examined whether two foreign-language-teaching-trained instructors teaching content in English in a Mexican undergraduate program would emulate these instructional patterns, or would attend to language favouring language-and-content-integrated pedagogy. In the study, over 400 instructional episodes, video-recorded during 18 hours of regular-classroom teaching, were analyzed using the COLT observation scheme (Spada & Fröhlich, 1995). Results showed that the foreign-language educators favoured content, erratically attending to inaccurate language during communication breakdowns. Language attention occurred reactively through word translations, lexical-gap scaffolding, and isolated explanations for non-target phonological forms. These instructional patterns may result from the language teachers’ newly assumed content-based instructional roles. To favour language attention during subject-matter teaching, language instructors need training and curricular support that helps them draw on their foreign language teaching experience as they deliver content.

2014 ◽  
Vol 926-930 ◽  
pp. 4705-4708
Jiang Yan Mo

As same as the production practice in engineering, the foreign language can also realize the unification of the educational and productive. Through studying the application of multimedia network technology in foreign language training, this paper analyses the present status of the production training in foreign language in-depth, to design the multimedia network course meeting the requirements of the foreign language training. So as to improve the students’ foreign language professional ability and practical ability, stimulate the interest in learning, it promotes the benign development of the foreign language teaching, having profound significance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-265
Milena Meira Ramos dos Santos

Language teaching methodologies have changed/improved over the years to meet the needs of teachers and students in the classroom. In this paper we aim to present the evolution of foreign language teaching through a description of language teaching methodologies over time. We describe the principles underlying some methodologies, the role of teacher and student, and how learning assessment is done. Authors such as Richards and Rodgers (1991), Almeida Filho (1999), Silva (2004), Pérez (2007), among others, were some of the academic experts on which we relied to conduct this study. We conclude that methods should work as a reference for the teacher, and should be adapted to each particular situation or context in which they live. Therefore, the teachers should use the methodologies that reflect their principles, reducing the distance between the theory developed by language experts and the teaching experience.

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 4-10
M. Zelenskyi ◽  
I. Nesterenko ◽  
N. Volovik ◽  
D. Mytsenko

Modern theories of foreign language teaching are getting developed. The constant society digitalization influences it. Generation Z students closely associate their lives with technology. Moreover, teachers must find ways to apply effectively information and communication technologies in the learning process. In our opinion, one of the ways is the concept of blended learning. It implies the optimal combination of traditional pedagogical technologies and distance, online learning. The purpose of our research is to examine the effectiveness of the concept of blended learning in the process of learning a foreign language for students of non-philological majors. For this purpose, we conducted a pedagogical experiment. It assumes the introduction of the concept of blended learning in the educational process of higher education. The research was carried out with Ukrainian students of non-philological majors during the study of English (offline and online). Also, international students who are studying Ukrainian as a foreign language were involved. Comparative analysis of students' readiness to learn using different blended learning tools was used. Methods of mathematical statistics (nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney criteria) were utilized to analyse and process the experimental data. The results of the study indicate the effectiveness of blended learning technology usage in the process of foreign language teaching. Nevertheless, they show that the proposed tools help students better master a foreign language. Besides, students are both in active learning and passively reinforcing their knowledge using digital technologies during education. The authors consider it indisputable that blended learning tools should be used to some extent for students of all majors. The authors understand that the proposed tools are not exhaustive and definitive. Their list should be extended, and the use of specific tools depends on the teacher, students, the course, and other factors.

Oleksandra Borzenko

The article reveals the features of professional improvement of foreign language communicative competence of foreign language teachers in the European Union, which is the result of the development of European integration, globalization and information processes. Emphasis is placed on the importance of professional development of teachers and the need for changes related to the development of new goals in teaching foreign languages with the new up-to-date innovative teaching aids. It is determined that foreign language teachers of European countries are constantly looking for and actively apply in practice innovative methods, modern information technologies, as well as distance learning in language teaching. It is noted that an essential feature of modern innovation processes in the field of education and upbringing is their technologicalization – strict compliance with the content and sequence of stages of the implementation of innovations. Among all new technical aids for foreign language teaching, the computer is an essential component of the educational process, which has one of the most significant influences on the course of teaching. New up-to-date approaches to the formation of foreign language communicative competence in the foreign language teaching put forward new requirements for the professionalism of the teacher, his/her qualifications. It is determined that the improvement of foreign language competence of the foreign language teacher is influenced by the properties of his/her personality, general and professional competence, which is provided by a combination of knowledge of didactics, linguistics, methods of teaching foreign languages, cultural studies and creativity, professional mobility, continuous self-development. Foreign language teachers of the European Union improve their professionalism through various forms of education. The views of scientists on the research problem are characterized. Conclusions and prospects for the use of further development of the study are made.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 239-249
Оксана Самусенко ◽  

The paper deals with foreign language teaching methodology. It especially focuses on the ways of optimization of educational process for foreigners learning the Russian language. The goal of this article is the teaching of humorous texts as one of the ways to motivate students while mastering a foreign language. The paper includes an analysis of Russian educational material with a humorous component. The author explores the main difficulties of implementing humorous texts in the educational process and pays special attention to humour in animated movies. The conclusion is that an appropriately chosen humorous text motivates students to learn a foreign language, contributes to the development of linguistic, sociolinguistic and sociocultural competencies, and helps to overcome the communication barrier.

O. S. Ihnatyeva ◽  
S. M. Koval ◽  
L. V. Uskova ◽  
M. V. Chepurna ◽  

The article deals with the problem of successful usage of foreign language teaching progressive methods for university students of technical specialties in Ukraine. The major didactic functions (cognitive, developing, research, communicative) by means of computer technologies in the learning process are determined. The effectiveness and the expediency of innovative approaches usage in the process of foreign language study to improve the quality of students’ education are analyzed. The ways of informational technology application in the system of Ukrainian higher education are characterized. The effectiveness of learning foreign languages through innovative approaches and devices is analyzed and the characteristics of modern multimedia technologies in foreign language teaching are clarified. The restructuring of high school requires not only revision and improvement of general education according to new challenges of modern society but it also requires the change of educational processes methods. According to this it is important and necessary to use multimedia educational technologies. In the process of learning, multimedia education primarily presumes the usage of videos in the work with different computer programmes as well as making special presentations on the topic given through the usage of technically oriented audio and video information. The usage of computers in the process of teaching foreign languages increases the intensity of educational process. The factor determining successful application of informational technologies is teacher’s work with scientific and methodical support. The examples of multimedia technology usage are shown. The attention is paid to the multimedia presentation, its characteristic features and peculiarities. Computers greatly empower teacher’s abilities, promotes individualized studying, students’ individual activities and allows to adapt educational process to individual characteristics of students.

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