Bokshan H.I.

The purpose is to identify the specificity of synonyms in the terminology system of the English language texts on economics and determine the most widespread patterns for the formation of synonymous pairs on the basis of the analyzed material.Methods. The following methods were employed in the research: general scientific (generalization, induction and deduction) and empirical-theoretical (analysis, synthesis) methods. The process of term-selection was performed with the method of continuous sampling. The descriptive method and the method of semantic-component analysis were used to distribute the synonymous terms into groups and identify the specificity of synonymous relationships. Results. Understanding the phenomenon of synonymy is an important precondition for improving language skills, since it implies the ability to choose the most accurate synonymous equivalent among a few variants of a certain concept and ensure the success of communication in this way. In spite of undesirability of terminological synonymy in scientific discourse, this phenomenon is especially widespread in the texts of economic orientation, since terms in this field of knowledge go beyond scientific use, enter social life and become a part of common vocabulary. Therefore, the emergence of variants and parallel functioning of several duplicates is caused by openness of this terminology system and its enlargement with common words. Since the area of economics covers a large number of participants, interacting at different levels, it is reflected –in a language dimension – in the scope of vocabulary designating the key concepts of this field and linguistic processes of the formation of terminology system. The most typical consequence of using the terminological apparatus by a large number of the native language speakers is a parallel functioning of a term and a common word (word combinations). Conclusions. The widespread synonymy in the terminology system of the English language texts on economics is explained by the specificity of this field of knowledge: the adjacency of economic concepts to everyday life that is reflected in the possibility of interaction between common and scientific vocabularies. The analyzed cases of synonymy show the pairs whose components have different stylistic marking: one of the components mainly belongs to bookish words, whereas the other one – to common vocabulary. Moreover, in the terminology system of the English language texts of professional orientation there are quasi-synonyms and relative synonyms. The most widespread ways of the formation of synonymous pairs is a combination of a common verb and a specifically economic term. The examples of syntactical synonyms represent the pattern with one verb component and the combination of a verb and a noun.Key words: scientific terminology, common words, synonymous pair, quasi-synonyms, relative synonyms, stylistic marking. Мета статті – виявити особливості синонімів у терміносистемі англомовних текстів економічного спрямування й визна-чити найбільш поширені моделі утворення синонімічних пар на основі проаналізованого матеріалу.Методи. У дослідженні було використано загальнонаукові (узагальнення, індукція і дедукція) та емпірико-теоретичні методи (аналіз, синтез). Процес відбору термінів проводився методом суцільної вибірки. Дескриптивний метод і методика семантико-компонентного аналізу використовувалися для інвентаризації і розподілу досліджуваних синонімічних термінів у групи та виявлення специфіки синонімічних відносин. Результати. Розуміння явища синонімії є важливою передумовою удосконалення мовленнєвих умінь, оскільки передбачає здатність добирати якомога точніший семантичний еквівалент з-поміж кількох варіантів відповідного поняття й забезпечувати в такий спосіб максимальну успішність комунікації. Попри небажаність явища термінологічної синонімії в науковому дискурсі, особливо поширеним воно є в текстах економічного спрямування, оскільки терміни цієї галузі виходять за межі суто наукового використання через проникнення у соціально-побутову сферу й частково стають загальновживаними. Відтак поява варіантів і паралельного існування кількох дублетів обумовлюється відкритістю даної терміносистеми та її поповнення загаль-новживаною лексикою. Оскільки сфера економіки охоплює величезну кількість учасників, що взаємодіють на різних рівнях, у мовному вимірі це відображається на масштабах функціонування лексики на позначення ключових понять цієї галузі й лінгвістичних процесах формування терміносистеми. Найбільш типовим наслідком активного використання термінологічного апарату значною кількістю носіїв мови є паралельне функціонування терміна та загальновживаного слова (словосполучення). Висновки. Поширеність явища синонімії в терміносистемі англомовних текстів економічного спрямування пояснюється специфікою галузі, а саме: дотичністю економічних реалій до побутової сфери, що на мовному рівні відображається в можливості взаємодії загальновживаної лексики з науковою. Проаналізовані випадки синонімії засвідчують наявність пар, складові частини яких мають різне стилістичне маркування: переважно один із компонентів належить до книжної лексики, тоді як другий – до загальновживаної. Крім того, в терміносистемі англомовних текстів фахового спрямування трапляються квазі-синоніми й умовні синоніми. Доволі поширеними способами утворення синонімічних пар, як показує опрацьований матеріал, є поєднання загальновживаного дієслова з вузькогалузевим економічним терміном. Випадки синтаксичної синонімії репрезен-тують модель з одним дієслівним елементом і сполученням дієслова та іменника.Ключові слова: наукова термінологія, загальновживана лексика, синонімічна пара, квазісиноніми, умовні синоніми, стилістичне маркування.

Chumakova K.O.

The article deals with the methods of term formation in the fields of physical therapy and ergotherapy which are currently gaining popularity in Ukraine. The research covers the structural and semantic features of the mentioned terminological units.The objective of the research is to study the structural features of these terms in the English language. The mentioned objective, in turn, requires the fulfillment of the following tasks:– to analyze the morphological characteristics which are typical for the researched terminological units;– to identify the main ways of their formation;– to identify the structural models used for the formation of the researched multicomponent terms.The methods applied in this research included both linguistic ones, such as: the continuous sampling method, the method of morphemic analysis and word-building analysis, structural and etymological analysis, and general scientific ones, namely: quantification method, systematization and classification, generalization.The results of the research are defined as: a) the creation of physio- and ergotherapeutic terms glossary; b) the overview of the term formation methods; c) the identification of the most common patterns used to form multicomponent terminological units in the studied fields.Conclusions. Over the past decades, terminological units have become the subject of numerous linguistic studies worldwide. Despite the fact that terminological units belong to the lexical system of the language and, therefore, the methods of their formation are the same as those used for common lexemes formation, the ratio of certain nomination processes can differ. The research demonstrated that the ratio of monolexeme terminological units and polylexeme physio- and ergotherapeutic terms is 20% to 75% respectively. The majority of monolexeme terms are formed by means of affixation. The majority of multicomponent terminological units consist of two elements, and the most frequent pattern is N + N. Abbreviated terms (5% of the total number of the researched terminological units) are used parallelly with their full forms. Статтю присвячено дослідженню способів творення терміноодиниць галузей фізичної терапії та ерготерапії, що наразі набувають популярності в Україні. Дослідження фокусується на структурних і семантичних характеристиках зазначених терміноодиниць.Метою наукової розвідки є дослідження структурних особливостей зазначених термінів в англійській мові. Для її досяг-нення у дослідженні необхідно виконати такі завдання:– проаналізувати морфологічні характеристики, які є типовими для досліджуваних терміноодиниць;– визначити основні способи їх творення;– визначити структурні моделі, що використовуються для творення мультикомпонентних термінологічних одиниць досліджуваної галузі в англійській мові.Методи, використані в дослідженні, включали як суто лінгвістичні (наприклад, метод суцільного вибору, метод морфем-ного та словотворчого аналізу, методи структурно-семантичного й етимологічного аналізу), так і загальнонаукові (наприклад, метод кількісних підрахунків, систематизацію та класифікацію, узагальнення).Результатами цього дослідження є: а) складання глосарію фізіо- та ерготерапевтичних термінів; б) огляд основних мето-дів їх творення в англійській мові; в) визначення найчастіше використовуваних моделей.Висновки. Упродовж останніх десятиліть терміносистеми привертають дедалі більшу увагу лінгвістів. Незважаючи на той факт, що терміноодиниці належать до лексичної системи мови (а отже, для них характерні ті ж способи творення, що застосовуються для творення загальновживаних лексем), співвідношення різних процесів номінації може відрізнятися. Серед досліджених термінів галузі фізіотерапії та ерготерапії в англійській мові 20% представлені монолексемними терміноодини-цями, тоді як 75% є мультикомпонентними термінами. Більшість термінів-слів утворено за допомогою афіксації. Більшість полілексемних одиниць складається з двох елементів, а найбільш уживаною структурою таких термінів є N + N. Абревіатури (5% загальної кількості досліджених терміноодиниць) вживаються паралельно з повними їхніми формами.

2020 ◽  
pp. 391-405
E.E. Bylina

The article aims to define a speech act (SA), for the explication of which the performative statement of “I recommend” in the Internet review is used. The following tasks are set: to carry out a semantic analysis of the dictionary definitions of the verb to recommend; to analyze the implementation of the values of the verb in the performative statement “I recommend” in the Internet review; to identify the means at different levels of the linguistic system (lexical, grammatical, phonetic) that affect the intensity of the illocutive force of the given expression in the Internet review. The research was based on about 150 English-language online reviews of Beauty and personal care products from In the course of work on the article the following general scientific methods were used: generalization, systematization, classification, analysis and synthesis of material; linguistic methods: continuous sampling of fragments of discourse, vocabulary definition analysis, transformation analysis, contextual analysis, linguistic-statistical method. As a result of the analysis, the author comes to the conclusion about the hybrid nature of SA, for the explication of which the performative statement of “I recommend” in the Internet review is used and consists of advice and positive evaluation (approval). A number of means at different language levels are used for the effectiveness of these SAs.

Е.М. Григорьева

Постановка задачи. Статья посвящена детальному анализу фразеологизмов английского языка различных тематических групп и особенностям их регистрации в англо-английских и англо-русском словарях и справочных пособиях. Рассматривается ряд характеристик, которые отличают фразеологические единицы от свободных словосочетаний. Кроме того, исследуется вопрос включения пословиц в состав фразеологического фонда того или иного языка. Впоследствии отобранные методом сплошной выборки фразеологические единицы классифицируются по различным основаниям, а также проводится детальный анализ особенностей их отражения в представленных изданиях. Результаты. Осуществляется классификация фразеологизмов по следующим категориям: функция в коммуникации, определяемая их структурно-семантическими особенностями, а также тематическое деление. Отдельно рассматриваются фразеологизмы-эвфемизмы, относящиеся к нескольким тематическим группам, среди которых смерть, ругательства и беременность. Выделяются и описываются характерные особенности организации микроструктуры (словарной статьи) каждого отдельно взятого издания. Выводы. На основании проведенного анализа регистрации английских фразеологизмов сделаны выводы о том, что данная лексика получает подробное и точное отражение в справочниках. Проведенный анализ теоретической литературы показал правомерность включения пословиц во фразеологический фонд, поскольку они принадлежат к культурному наследию того или иного народа и воспроизводятся в речи в исходной форме. Тип и адресат справочника определяют особенности организации словарной статьи, а также компоненты, которые входят в нее (дефиниция, переводной эквивалент, иллюстративный пример, грамматическая, стилистическая, региональная и этимологическая пометы, графическая иллюстрация). Statement of the problem. The article is devoted to a detailed analysis of the phraseological units of the English language of various thematic groups and the features of their registration in the English-English and English-Russian dictionaries and reference books. Features that distinguish phraseological units from free phrases are studied. More than that, the question of belonging proverbs to phraseological stock is studied. Then phraseological units selected by the continuous sampling method are classified according to different grounds, and a detailed analysis of the features of their reflection in the analyzed sources is carried out. Results. Phraseological units are classified into some categories according to the following criteria: function in communication, determined by their structural and semantic features and thematic division. Phraseological units-euphemisms related to several thematic groups, including death, curse words and pregnancy are studied. The characteristic features of microstructure organization of each individual source are described. Conclusion. The analysis of English phraseological units registration showed that this lexis is reflected in dictionaries in a proper way. Theoretical literature analysis shows justification of proverbs inclusion into phraseological stock as they are a part of national cultural heritage and are reproduced in speech in the basic form. Further, the author comes to a conclusion that dictionary type and addressee of the reference book determine features of microstructure organization and their components (definition, translation equivalent, illustrative example, grammar, stylistic, regional and etymological labels, graphic illustration).


The effect of Social Media (SM) technology on human life in the 21St century cannot be denied; the use of SM platforms can be seen in various fields, such as education, medicine, politics, social life, communication methods, and daily life. The research aimed to investigate SM’s impact on Female Saudi International Students’ (FSIS) English language learning and creation of identities. This study utilized a qualitative method to obtain in-depth knowledge of FSIS’ practices on SM and the effects on their learning and identity. The semi-structured interview was used to collect the data from eight FSIS. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Three main themes were generated: FSIS’ daily practices, FSIS’ digital identity, and FSIS’languages on SM. The findings show that FSIS is active on SM, having accounts on different SM platforms. They communicate with people from Saudi Arabia and of different nationalities. Also, the findings assert that FSIS has a strong digital identity on SM. Moreover, the findings emphasized that using SM helps some of the FSIS to improve their English language proficiency. They use SM as a learning tool for English language acquisition. The limitations and the implications of the study are stated in the Conclusion. For further research, suggestions are made to investigate more phenomena regarding Saudis’ using of SM.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (390) ◽  
pp. 146-153
L. Savchenko ◽  
S. Tovkach ◽  
A. Shilina ◽  
N. Yablonovskaya ◽  
O. Subbotina ◽  

An advertising slogan is a special genre of advertising text that acts as a connecting link in the entire advertising campaign. In addition, slogans also perform a number of other functions, being the most important unit of advertising communication, they influence the recipients of information, affect their emotions and behavior. The relevance of the topic is due to the increased interest in the rapidly developing language of advertising. The article is devoted to general issues of the functioning of an advertising slogan in the structure of advertising activities, classification of slogans in advertising communication. Research methods are determined by the goals and objectives of the work. In a complex linguistic analysis, the following general scientific theoretical methods are used: the continuous sampling method, the descriptive-analytical method, the comparative-comparative method. The theoretical significance of this study lies in the expansion, deepening and systematization of theoretical information about the concept of an advertising slogan. The scientific and practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the materials of the study can be used in theoretical courses on advertising in the study of intercultural communication. Results. The totality of the typological characteristics of the slogan distinguishes it from the background of other verbal units of advertising appeal. These are laconicism and imagery of form, expressiveness, focus on dialogue with the addressee. The slogan of a product that is just entering the market must contain the brand name. This will allow the consumer to be remembered faster. Having analyzed the functions and typological characteristics of the slogan, we came to the conclusion that the slogan is a key autonomous element of the advertising message and can be used both in the context of advertising, being its component, and separately, having semantic, structural, compositional features. The slogan can act as a linguistic unit, independent of other elements of the advertising text, expressing the essence of the advertising campaign, the company's image, the dominant idea. Thus, the changes caused by extralinguistic factors inevitably lead to the creation of new advertising images, which in turn requires a qualitative transformation of the nature of the advertising text and the emergence of new advertising slogans.

Marham Jupri Hadi ◽  
Tris Shakti Permata ◽  
Tarmizi Tarmizi

Education tourism refers to a travel program to a location with the primary goal is to engage in learning activities directly associated with a tourist destination. The current study explores the practice of edutourism as implemented by Beruga’ Alam Institute which involved college students of English language education. This case study employed participant observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation to gain a deep understanding regarding the case under study. 13 participants consisting of 7 students of English language education, a program coordinator, 2 tour guides and the head of the institute took part in the interviews. Collected data were analyzed interactively to conclude the study. The findings of this study revealed that the concept of educational tourism practiced in Beruga’ Alam Institute reflected its five fundamental vision namely: a) well behaved; b) being insightful; c) being skillful; d) being self-reliant and; e) contribution. The promoted model of edutourism in Beruga’ Alam begins with meditation, followed by exploration, reflection and ended with a publication. These stages feature every edutour program. The edutour programs offered to college students include nature exploration, art and culture exploration, Kings and Saints (graveyards) visits, charity and social life exploration, staying with the locals, local figures visits and other programs. Students were also offered short courses like photography writing, cooking class, and public speaking during the tours. Finally, based on the participants’ reflection on their edutour experiences, all of them express positive views on the programs and were willing to participate in the future education tourism programs.

Discourse ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 143-161
V. N. Matveeva ◽  
N. V. Stepanova

Introduction. The present study examines the pragmastilistic potential of migration discourse based on the speeches of modern British politicians. The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the acute social specifics of migration discourse and its manipulative component. In today’s world, migration processes have become global and their impact on the development of the host culture is becoming increasingly evident. There is still no established strategy for the integration of migrants into the new society, which creates a conflict environment and determines the hostility of the indigenous population towards migrants. Migration discourse as one of the directions of policy discourse becomes an effective tool for managing public opinion. Various persuasive tactics are incorporated in the speech of politicians using linguistic means, the use of which in the British migration discourse is considered in this article.Methodology and sources. The key tasks of the study are to identify specific discursive tactics, by means of which the persuasive strategy is implemented in the British migration discourse, and to analyze the stylistic techniques used to design the discovered tactics. During the study, pragmastilistic analysis was used, the application of which involves referring to the following methods of linguistic research: the method of continuous sampling, quantitative, descriptive and comparative methods, the method of stylistic analysis, discursive analysis. The material of the study was the speeches of modern British politicians from 2004 to 2021. Results and discussion. The analysis of migration discourse based on the texts of speeches by modern British politicians allows to talk about the stylistic saturation of the material and the main means of expressiveness used in the framework of the discourse under consideration. The main tactic of opponents of free migration is the comparison of “good/bad” migrants, which is actualized using antithesis. As for the lexical stylistic means, the use of the epithet should be specified, which is also a way of actualizing opposition tactics. Thus, this tactic is implemented both at the lexical and syntactic level. Similar tactics are also relevant in the framework of pro-migration rhetoric, namely, when comparing the local elite and the visiting population, which performs all the work necessary for the functioning of society. In most cases the main stylistic technique for tactics actualization is antithesis (or the convergence of antithesis and epithet). Proponents of pro-migration policies also use metaphor (tactics for describing the political process) and syntactic parallelism (tactics for describing the benefits of migration). Finally, the most common tactic inherent in both poles of migration discourse is the tactic of generalization. It consists in equating the speaker with his audience, their “fusion”, and is most often actualized using hyperbola.Conclusion. Migration discourse is characterized by an ideological orientation, which is actualized using certain speech techniques, tactics and strategies. Migration discourse, as a multifaceted entity, can also serve to harmonize social life by facilitating the integration of migrants into the host culture. Migration discourse is a powerful ideological weapon that can be used both to contribute to integration and to incite ethnic hatred. Stylistic tools play a key role in the implementation of a persuasive strategy, which is actively used both in migration and in political discourse in general. The main tactics of the migration discourse of modern British politicians are opposition and generalization, used both in pro- and anti-migration rhetoric. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 361-384
Liudmyla Shytyk ◽  
Alina Akimova

Objective. The purpose of the article is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the ways of transmitting the characters’ internal speech (internal direct speech and non-proper direct speech) in a psycholinguistic projection. Materials & Methods. During the research we used general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, observation, description, classification, definitive analysis), linguistic and psycholinguistic methods (the methods of structural-semantic, component and opposition analysis, the method of dialogical interpretation of the text). Stepan Protsyuk’s psychologically biographical trilogy about Ukrainian writers – Vasyl Stefanyk («The rose of ritual pain»), Arkhyp Teslenko («Black Apple») and Volodymyr Vynnychenko («Masks fall slowly») served as material for research. Results. The multiplicity and multi-sectoral focus of the notion of «internal speech» from the standpoint of psychology, psycholinguistics, philosophy, literary criticism and linguistics are determined. An integrated approach to understanding the essence of internal speech is based on its dialogicality, virtual communicativeness, self-communicativeness and interdependence of language and speech. The qualification characteristics of the internal direct speech and non-proper direct speech are outlined, their structural and semantic varieties are described. The internal speech of the characters appears not only for reproduction of the monologic reflections of the character, but also as a form of inner, veiled talk of characters among themselves. With this in mind, two forms of representation of the internal direct speech are singled out: monologic and dialogic. The non-proper direct speech is differentiated into two varieties depending on stylistic reference points and the degree of approaching the direct speech: «literary» («author’s») and «character’s» («personal»). The functional-stylistic potential of ways of transferring the internal speech in the idiostyle of Stepan Protsiuk is revealed. Conclusions. It is concluded that the ways of transmitting of internal speech (internal direct speech and non-proper direct speech) widely used in the psychologically biographical novels of Stepan Protsiuk provide additional linguistic material for creating of psychological portraits of heroes and contribute to the artistic solution of the tension between the author’s speech and hero’s speech. Moreover, they help to adjust the interactions in their dialogue, reduce the distance between the narrator and the hero, the hero and the reader.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (87) ◽  
Maryna Hederym ◽  
Nataliya Hlinka ◽  

The article is devoted to the study of one of the most important issues in modern linguistics – the problem of elliptical sentences, namely their definition, classification, different approaches to the study of this phenomenon and functioning in English-language scientific and technical texts. One of the tasks of scientific text is the ability to convey a large amount of new information in a sufficiently limited amount of text. It is this that leads to syntactic compression (the use of an ellipse) in such texts. Syntactic compression, as we have mentioned, is one of the characteristics of the modern scientific style. Authors of scientific texts seek to reduce the amount of text by compression, while increasing its content. Ellipse is a multidimensional phenomenon in language that allows authors to make the communication process more productive by using language savings. The ellipse has an extremely large pragmatic potential in achieving an extralinguistic effect. The use of the ellipse as a means of linguistic economy in scientific and technical texts is especially appropriate because the characteristic features of scientific and technical style are its informativeness (content), logic (strict sequence, clear connection between the main idea and details), accuracy and objectivity. It is an effective way of unloading sentence matter and exempting it from meaningfully redundant or structurally redundant components that carry repetitive information, it is based on the principle of compactification of predicative units. From a stylistic point of view, the desire to save language means leads to the emergence of new constructions that enrich the language, make speech dynamic, expressive. The article considers pragmatic and linguistic features of the ellipse, its structural and functional features. The article traces an attempt to review and structure the main theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "ellipse", the study of functions that perform elliptical structures in sentence structure and analysis of functional features of elliptical structures in English scientific and technical texts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
Safrul Muluk ◽  
Habiburrahim Habiburrahim ◽  
Syarifah Dahliana ◽  
Saiful Akmal

Issues and incidents of bullying may take place, regardless of time and place, notwithstanding at Islamic education institutions. This study is aimed at finding out types of bullying and their triggering factors taking place in the university classroom; examining steps taken by lecturers to anticipate and prevent classroom bullying; and analyzing the impact of bullying on EFL students’ academic achievement. This mixed-methods study involved 546 students and 30 lecturers of the English Language Education Department at three state Islamic universities in Indonesia; Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah in Jakarta, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga in Yogyakarta, and Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry in Banda Aceh. Both surveys and interviews were employed to collect the required data. The findings elucidate that physical, social, verbal, and racial are among the most common emergent bullying incidents the students experienced. Revealing the triggering factors of bullying, the data show that competition in academic and social life, differences in thoughts and appearances, lack of understanding of bullying meaning, and lack of regulation are pointed as the source of bullying. The findings also indicate that bullying influences students’ academic achievement; bullying incidents have driven their victims into four pathetic conditions: less confident, stressed, anxious, and passive. Some steps are applied by the lecturer to prevent and handle bullying; they are: providing classroom regulation, being a counselor for students, enforcing the regulation, and massive socialization.

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