
  The article considers the essence and ways of solving an important task of a modern secondary school - the formation of social activity of student youth. Possibilities of student self-government in the context of solving this problem are analyzed. One of the ways of social activation of schoolchildren is considered - their involvement in work on various projects, during the implementation of which students learn to identify socially significant problems and make fruitful efforts to solve them. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the feasibility of using student government projects to form the social activity of student youth. The results of the research are given, which give grounds to consider student self-government as an actual and perspective means of activating schoolchildren as members of society, young citizens of Ukraine. One of the activities of student government, which is comprehensive and contributes to its effectiveness and influence in the school and out-of-school environment, is a project activity, which today has a wider scope and deserves further study, in particular in the context of solving educational problems of secondary school .

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (9) ◽  
pp. 2228-2231
Waldemar Gniadek

This article presents the life and work of Professor Mieczysław Konopacki, a Polish physician, freemason, social and political activist. Mieczysław Konopacki was born in 1880 in Wieluń, a town with almost 800 years of history. After passing his secondary school-leaving examinations in 1899, he began his studies at the University of Warsaw. Thanks to his diligence and commitment to research, in 1903, he received the degree of candidate of all-natural sciences at the Imperial Warsaw University. In the same year, he was arrested by the Russian authorities for his involvement in developing education in the Polish countryside and forced to move to Cracow, where he began his studies at the Faculty of Medicine of the Jagiellonian University. In 1907, he married and moved to Lviv with his wife, who was also an embryologist. There, the couple began working at the Histology Department. Also, there, in 1911, Mieczysław Konopacki obtained his doctor’s degree in medicine. He was an extremely hard-working and broad-minded man. He was a member of many associations and international scholar organizations. He took an active part in many congresses and symposia. In independent Poland, Professor Konopacki was involved in the organization of science. He tried to compensate for the many years of neglect caused by the policy of the partitioners. In 1933 Professor Konopacki was elected Vice President of the Warsaw Branch of the Young Men’s Christian Association. Complementing the social activity of Professor Konopacki was his activity in the Grand National Lodge of Poland. He died in Warsaw on September 25, 1939, fatally struck by shrapnel from a German bullet.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 13
Hasbullah Hasbullah

Abstract. Educational environment is needed in the education process, because the educational environment serves to support the process of teaching and learning, a comfortable environment and support for the implementation of an education is needed. The environment is distinguished into the biological environment, the non-living natural environment, the artificial environment and the social environment. Education is one of the first obligations for parents. In Islam, the person most responsible for the education of the child is the parent. The family is the "smallest people" who have leaders and members, has a division of work and work, and the rights and obligations of each member. The best exemplary education for children is if both parents are able to connect their child with the example of Rasûlullâh SAW, as uswah of all mankind. A positive school environment is a school environment that provides facilities and motivation for religious education. Keywords. Environment, Education   Abstrak. Lingkungan pendidikan sangat dibutuhkan dalam proses pendidikan, sebab lingkungan pendidikan berfungsi menunjang terjadinya proses belajar mengajar, lingkungan yang nyaman dan mendukung bagi terselenggaranya suatu pendidikan sangat dibutuhkan. Lingkungan dibedakan menjadi lingkungan alam hayati, lingkungan alam non-hayati, lingkungan buatan dan lingkungan sosial. Pendidikan merupakan salah satu kewajiban pertama bagi orang tua. Dalam Islam, orang yang paling bertanggung jawab dalam pendidikan anak adalah orang tua. Keluarga adalah “umat terkecil” yang memiliki pimpinan dan anggota, mempunyai pembagian tugas dan kerja, serta hak dan kewajiban bagi masing-masing anggotanya. Pendidikan keteladanan terbaik bagi anak, ialah jika kedua orang tua mampu menghubungkan anaknya dengan keteladanan Rasûlullâh SAW, sebagai uswah seluruh umat manusia. Lingkungan sekolah yang positif yaitu lingkungan sekolah yang memberikan fasilitas dan motivasi untuk berlangsungnya pendidikan agama. Kata Kunci. Lingkungan, Pendidikan Daftar Pustaka Ahmadi, Abu dan Nur Uhbiyati. 2001. Ilmu Pendidikan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Badudu, Js. 1996. Kamus Umum Bahas Indonesia. Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan. Juhji. 2015. “Telaah Komparasi Konsep Pembelajaran Menurut Imam Al-Zarnuji dan Imam Al-Ghozali”. Tarbawi. 1(02): 17-26 Juli - Desember 2015. Terdapat dalam Nata, Abudin. 2010. Sejarah Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Nizar, Samsul dan Zainal Efendi Hasibuan. 2011. Hadist Tarbawi. Jakarta: Kalam Mulia. Purwanto, Ngalim. 1996. Psikologi Pendidikan. Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya. Ramayulis. 2008. Ilmu Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Kalam Mulia. Soejono, Ag. tt. Pendahuluan Pendidikan Umum. Bandung: CV. Ilmu. Suwarno. 1982. Pengantar Umum Pendidikan. Jakarta: Aksara Baru. Tafsir, Ahmad. 2000. Ilmu Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Islam. Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya. Tafsir, Ahmad. 2003. Metodologi Pengajaran Agama Islam. Bandung: Rosdakarya. Uhbiyati, Nur. 1997. Ilmu Pendidikan Islam. Bandung: Pustaka Setia.

2020 ◽  
pp. 329-341
Grazia Romanazzi

Freedom, autonomy and responsibility are the ends of every educational process, especially in the modern society: globalized, rapid, in transformation; society in which each one of us is called to make numerous choices. Therefore, it is urgent to educate to choose and educate to the choice, so that young people can emancipate themselves from possible conditionings. To this end, the Montessori method represents a privileged way: child is free to choose his own activity and learns "to do by himself" soon; the teacher prepares the environment and the materials that allow the student to satisfy the educational needs of each period of inner development. Then, Montessori gives importance to adolescence because it is during this period that grows the social man. Consequently, it is important to reform the secondary school in order to acquire the autonomy that each student will apply to the subsequent school grades and to all areas of life

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 221-226
Олена Горова

Професійне   становлення   особистості   супроводжує   всі   етапи  соціально-вікового   розвитку  особистості.  Трудова  діяльність  є  основним  видом  суспільної  активності,  який  дозволяє  працівнику  задовольняти  основні  потреби,  особливо  у  процесі  постійних  соціальних,  освітніх  реформ.  Важливим  завданням психологічного супроводу працівника у процесі виконання професійної діяльності є забезпечення  сприятливих  умов  формування  професійно  важливих  якостей.  Соціальна  успішність  є  результатом  ефективного  розв’язання  виробничих  завдань, які  мають  суспільно корисну  важливість  та  пов’язані  з  потребами інших людей. Якісний прогресивний розвиток працівника можливий лише за умови збереження  стійкого  позитивного  ставлення  до  професії.  Позитивна  професійна  самоідентифікація  пов’язана  з  ототожненням  та  персоналізацією  працівником  особистісних  рис  працівників,  які  досягли  успіху  у  професії,  мають  суспільно  визнані  результати  діяльності.  Таким  чином,  професійна  успішність  як  суб’єктне  новоутворення  у  якості  відчуття  гордості  за  власні  результати  діяльності  забезпечує  реалізацію традиції наставництва і  передачі позитивного професійного досвіду.    Професійно  успішний  працівник  усвідомлює  необхідність  та  важливість  результатів  своєї  діяльності  для  інших,  що  вимагає,  відповідно,  від  соціального  середовища  усвідомлення  необхідності  визнання  результатів  діяльності  фахівців.  Знехтуваний  суспільством  працівник,  або  той,  результати  діяльності  якого  позиціонуються  як  меншовартісні,  дистанціюється  від  професії  та  має  негативний  потенціал розвитку. Professional formation of the person accompanies all phases of social and age of the individual. Gainful  employment is the main form of social activity that allows the employee to realize the basic needs. An important task  of psychological support worker in the course of professional activity is to provide favorable conditions for the  formation  of  professionally  important  qualities.  Professional  success  is  the  result  of  an  effective  solution  of  industrial jobs that are socially useful and important related to the needs of others. High-quality progressive  development of an employee is only possible while maintaining a stable positive attitude towards the profession.  Positive  professional  identity  associated  with  the  identification  and  personalization  of  employee  personality traits of employees who have been successful in the profession, who have publicly acknowledged  performance. Thus professional success as the subjective feeling of a lump in the pride of their own results of  operations  ensures  the  implementation  of  the  tradition  of  mentoring  and  of  positive  transfer  of  professional  experience.  Professionally successful employees aware of the need and the importance of the results of its operations  for the other, which requires, respectively, from the social environment - awareness of the need to recognize the  performance of specialists. Unclaimed society worker, or the results of operations, which are positioned as less  important, is moving away from the profession and has a negative potential. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 119-143 ◽  
Anna Filipi

This paper examines how and by whom tellings with two young children are triggered at ages 23, 36 and 42 months. The data for the investigation is derived from a larger Australian English corpus of over 50 hours of interactions in the home, although one of the children is a bilingual Italian/ English-speaking child. The data is derived from two parent/child dyads, and in the case of the child aged 42 months, a triadic interaction between a mother, her own child and a second child. Using the micro-analytic methods of conversation analysis, the study analyses five samples of tellings. The first two describe how a child, Cassandra, aged 23 months, is invited to recount events of her day by her parents. The trigger for these tellings is the social activity of sharing everyday routine events. The next two samples focus on Rosie at 36 months who is also invited to share a telling by her parent about a birthday party celebration and one about a neighbourhood cat, Claude. The first telling is triggered by an object, a balloon from a birthday party from the day before, while the second is triggered by play involving the character of a cat, initially derived from a favourite story, Hairy Maclary. In the final sample, Cassandra, aged 42 months, initiates a telling about an experience at her grandmother’s which is trigged by a picture in a book. The analyses in each case reveal the interactional issues that arise in the action of telling and how these are dealt with by all participants. By focusing on the three ages, key features in the children’s participation in storytelling are uncovered.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107429562110208
Skip Kumm ◽  
Jacob Reeder ◽  
Erin Farrell

Students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) are likely to require interventions to help them navigate the social demands of the school environment. Several meta-analyses of social skills interventions have been conducted, which have provided guidance and demonstrated the effectiveness of social skills training for students with EBD. This article details a framework for teaching and practicing social skills interventions. Included in it are descriptions of several social skills strategies and ways in which the teaching of them can be individualized to meet the needs of students with EBD.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Ja-Ho Koo ◽  
Jhoon Kim ◽  
Yun Gon Lee ◽  
Sang Seo Park ◽  
Seoyoung Lee ◽  

AbstractBy using multiple satellite measurements, the changes of the aerosol optical depth (AOD) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) over South Korea were investigated from January to March 2020 to evaluate the COVID-19 effect on the regional air quality. The NO2 decrease in South Korea was found but not significant, which indicates the effects of spontaneous social distancing under the maintenance of ordinary life. The AODs in 2020 were normally high in January, but they became lower starting from February. Since the atmosphere over Eastern Asia was unusually stagnant in January and February 2020, the AOD decrease in February 2020 clearly reveals the positive effect of the COVID-19. Considering the insignificant NO2 decrease in South Korea and the relatively long lifetime of aerosols, the AOD decrease in South Korea may be more attributed to the improvement of the air quality in neighboring countries. In March, regional atmosphere became well mixed and ventilated over South Korea, contributing to large enhancement of air quality. While the social activity was reduced after the COVID-19 outbreak, the regional meteorology should be also examined significantly to avoid the biased evaluation of the social impact on the change of the regional air quality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Raymond Bernard Kihumuro ◽  
David Jolly Muganzi ◽  
Elton George Wandira ◽  
Racheal Alinaiswe ◽  
Jovitah Joselyne Nanyunja ◽  

Abstract Background The number of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive adolescents in secondary school has increased over the years. Little is known on how the students cope to the pressures and demands of their academic and health lives in the boarding secondary schools. This study explored the factors surrounding their anti-retroviral therapy adherence as well as their experiences. Methods We did a qualitative study that employed in-depth interviews amongst purposively selected 19 HIV positive adolescent students in boarding secondary school and seven key informants. Key informants were members of boarding secondary school staff directly taking care of the adolescents living with human immune virus and had spent at least two academic terms in that school. The study participants were recruited from four health facilities in Bushenyi district, southwestern Uganda, and key informants from five boarding secondary schools in Bushenyi. These were engaged in in-depth interviews using an interview guide. Data was transcribed, coded and the content analyzed thematically. Results Adolescents living with human immunodeficiency virus in boarding secondary school face challenges similar to adolescents outside boarding school settings. However, some challenges are unique to them. Students faced numerous barriers which made it difficult to adhere to their medication. Stigmatization in its different forms was also a major challenge amongst students. Willingness disclosure of serostatus was beneficial to the students since it guaranteed support while at school; facilitating adherence and better living. However, students were uneasy to disclose their status. Some students adopted negative coping mechanisms such as telling lies, escaping from school, and class to access medication. Conclusions Adolescents in boarding secondary schools face similar challenges as compared to their counterparts with some being unique to them. Few school mechanisms help these students to cope while at school. Limited disclosure has proven useful but some adolescents have opted not to disclose their status and hence used negative coping mechanisms. These challenges need to be addressed and a safe environment to encourage limited disclosure should be made.

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