Plans to Vitalize the Judicial Ruling System through Guarantee of the Victims’ Rights to Participate

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 263-286
Sang-Han Lee
2002 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Paulo Roberto Guimarães Couto ◽  
Ilse Maria Guilhermino Lemos

The result of a measurement serves as a parameter in a variety of applications, such as: the sale of products; the inspection of materials in relation to specifications/ limits set by a standard; providing support for a judicial ruling; improving the specific quality of products; estimating profitability and making comparisons with a view to mutual recognition between metrology laboratories and systems. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the relevance and applications of the ISO GUM 95 in the fuel analyses conducted by the LABCOM at the EQ/UFRJ, presenting results tables and discussions. The paper further discusses the strategic importance of metrological reliability of measurement results and of the actions of a laboratory within the context of the science of metrology in Brazil.

Dževad Drino ◽  
Benjamina Londrc

Preserved terminational or border- writings from the area of today’s Bosnia and Herzegovina, point towards the judicial role of the administrator of the province in disputes about the borders of land, belonging to particular tribes and they most certainly represent a valuable source in tracing the topographical distribution of certain tribes, but also point towards the type of organisation and execution of judicial power in the provinces. Thus, from the writings on bedrock near the village of Vaganj (the municipality of Šipovo, near Jajce), we learn that the governor of the Dalmatia province, Lucius Camillus Scribonianus, during the reign of Emperor Claudius, authorised the centurion of the VII legion to mark the borders of the Sapuat and Lamatin tribes, which he did. The writings begin with the name of the governor of the province, so the judicial ruling was always made at his order or decree (ex decreto, ex iussu, ex sententialetc), according to Roman jurist Callistratus. Justinian’s Digesta in the first volume and XVIII titulus with 21 fragment and 11 paragraphs, based on the fragments from the works of some of the most significant Roman jurists: Ulpian, Paulus, Julius, Modestinus, Papinianus and others, along with other officials, also regulate the responsibilities of the governor of the province. The paper was based on the Latin text Corpus IurisCivilis, vol.1, 1st edition, 1872, edited by Theodorus Mommsen and XI edition, edited by Paulus Krueger, based on the Liber Florentinus and the translation into the Serbian language by AntunMalenica, PhD.

2019 ◽  
Vol 50 (3) ◽  
pp. 515
Julie Everett-Hincks ◽  
Mark Henaghan

Gene editing use in pest control, primary industries and human health care pose significant new challenges for regulation. Under current New Zealand legislation (the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996) and a judicial ruling on interpretation of the legislation and regulations, the status of gene edited organisms in New Zealand are considered genetically modified and are regulated as new organisms employing a precautionary approach. This article has identified some of the complexities of the legislation inherent in regulating a rapidly developing technology, where such advances may be well ahead of current frameworks and public acceptance. Legal and policy issues have been considered. A future-proof framework to keep abreast rapidly advancing biotechnologies is required whereby new legislation for biotechnologies is developed and a single-entry point for biotechnology applications is implemented. Most importantly this article recommends valuing Treaty of Waitangi principles and have those principles lead us in all that we do. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 325-334
Mohsen Kadivar

On 26 May 2012, Kadivar in his colleagues published an open letter to six Shi’ite authorities criticizing their Judgements (fatwa) on Apostasy of an Iranian singer. The main subjects of this letter are: Instead of Targeting the Effect, Target the Cause, Two Strands of Extremism, The Compassionate Islam, The Distinction between Critique and Insult, Rejection of the Fatwa on Executing an Apostate and Blasphemer, Resorting to Qur’anic and Hadith Standards when Confronted with Nonsensical and Absurd Talk, and Unwholesome Fallout from the Judgement to Assassinate. Condemning to death an accused apostate or blasphemer is void of any reliable religious evidence from the Qur’an, Sunna, consensus and reason. Rather, it is contrary to the Qur’an and reason. Moreover, due to the many perversions resulting from this decree, it would certainly be a cause of weakening and impairing Islam. Only a competent court is entitled to issue such a judicial ruling, and its implementation is restricted to court functionaries alone. The decree of a qualified jurist alone does not suffice. Killing an apostate or blasphemer of the Prophet is absolutely void of any reliable Qur’anic proof.


LABURPENA: Epai judizial batek xedapen administratibo baten aginduak baliogabetzen dituenean sortzen diren gatazka juridikoak aztertzen ditu lan honek. Zehazki, baliogabetutako arauaren babesean emandako egintza irmoekin zer gertatzen den aztertzen da. Halaber, baliogabetzeko epaiak baliogabetutako araua gauzatzean emandako administrazio-egintzen gainean zer eragin dituen ere aztertzen da, batetik, epaia artean argitaratu ez denean, eta, bestetik, epaiari errekurtsoa jarri diotenean eta, beraz, artean irmoa ez denean. RESUMEN: El presente estudio analiza los conflictos juridicos que se plantean cuando los preceptos de una disposicion administrativa se declaran nulos por sentencia judicial. Concretamente, se trata de ver que ocurre con los actos firmes dictados al amparo de la norma anulada; asimismo se analizan los efectos de la sentencia anulatoria sobre los actos administrativos dictados en ejecucion de la norma anulada, cuando la sentencia todavia no se ha publicado y en segundo lugar, cuando la sentencia ha sido recurrida y, por lo tanto, no es firme ABSTRACT: This study analyzes the legal conflicts which arise when the provisions of an administrative order are found null and void by a judicial ruling. In particular, it is about to see what happens whith those acts with no further recourse pronounced under the protection of the annuled norm; additionally, it is also studied the effects of the annulling judgement over the administrative acts pronounced in order to implement the annuled norm when the judgment has not been published yet and secondly, when the judgment has been appealed and accordingly it has not become final yet.


LABURPENA: Hurrengo lerroak Auzitegi Gorenaren Administrazioarekiko Auzietako Salaren 2014ko maiatzaren 16ko sententzia bati buruzkoak dira. Lortutako kasazio-errekurtsoak baztertu eta estatuaren titulartasuna duen liburutegi bat eraikitzeko obren udal-lizentzia baliogabetzat jo zuen sententzia bat lege-ezintasunagatik ez betearazteko prententsioa ukatzen duen instantziako auzitegiaren ebazpena berresten du. Epaiaren arabera, obra publikoa izatea ez dela nahikoa arrazoi ez betearazteko eskaera dekretatzeko, nahiz eta obra horren bidez jabetza publikoko ondasun bat lortu eta interes kulturaleko ondasunen erregimenari lotuta egon. Aitzitik, boto partikularrak dio, hiru gertakari horiek bat egin dutenez, instantziaren salak lege-ezintasunagatik ez betearazteko eskaera onartu beharko lukeela, Administrazioarekiko Auzien Jurisdikzioaren Legearen 105.2 artikuluaz haratago. Planteamendu horiek alde batera utzita, testuak honako tesi hau defendatzen du: ebazpen judizial irmo bat ez betetzea, bai kausa materialengatik, bai kausa legalengatik edo juridikoengatik, nahitaezko desjabetzearen suposizio bat da eta Konstituzioaren 33. artikulua hartzen du barne (ez, ordea, 24. artikulua). Ildo horretatik, aintzat hartuz ebazpen judizial guztiak, oro har, dagozkion baldintzetan bete behar direla, ordezkapen edo baliokidetasun bidez betetzea benetako desjabetzea ezkutatzen duen aitzakia baino ez da, eta ≪kalte-ordain egokien≫ izenean, behar bezalako erreparazioa edo balio justua eskatzen du. RESUMEN: Las lineas que siguen se articulan sobre una Sentencia de la Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo del Tribunal Supremo, de 16 de mayo de 2014, que, con desestimacion de los recursos de casacion entablados, ratifican la decision del tribunal de instancia de denegar la pretension de inejecucion, por imposibilidad legal, de una sentencia que habia declarado la invalidez de la licencia municipal de obras en cuya virtud se habia construido una biblioteca de titularidad estatal. La Sentencia niega que sea causa bastante para decretar la inejecucion solicitada el tratarse de una obra publica cuya realizacion da lugar a un bien de dominio publico que, ademas, esta sujeto al regimen de los bienes de interes cultural. Por el contrario, el voto particular sostiene que la confluencia de estas tres circunstancias deberia haber conducido por la sala de instancia a acceder a la pretension de que fuera declarada la referida inejecucion por causa de imposibilidad legal ex articulo 105.2 de la Ley de la Jurisdiccion Contencioso-Administrativa. Frente a estos planteamientos, en el texto se defiende la tesis de que la inejecucion de una resolucion judicial firme, ya por causas materiales ya, en particular, por causas legales o juridicas, es un supuesto de expropiacion forzosa, en el que esta implicado no el derecho del articulo 24 sino el del articulo 33 de la Constitucion. En este sentido, por tanto, y dado que, en puridad, todo pronunciamiento judicial firme es, con caracter general, susceptible de ser ejecutado en sus propios terminos, la llamada ejecucion por sustitucion o por equivalente no es sino un subterfugio que encubre, en realidad, una verdadera privacion de caracter expropiatorio, que demanda, incluso bajo la veste de una ≪congrua indemnizacion≫, la debida reparacion o justiprecio. ABSTRACT: The lines that follow deal with a judgment by the Contentiousadministrative section of the Supreme Court, from May 16th of 2014 that with the dismissal of the appeals on point of law ratifiies the decision adopted by the judge of first instace who had declared the invalidity of a municipal license for building by virtue of which a library owned by the State was built. The judgment denies to be a sufficient reason to decree the requested non execution the fact that it is a public work whose execution leads to a public domain property that besides it is bound by the regime of cultural assets. On the contrary, the dissenting opinion mantains that the convegence of these three circumstances should have lead the section to accept the claim that the non execution be agreed by cause of a legal impossibility of article 105.2 of the Act of the Contentious-Administrative jurisdiction. Opposite this approach, this text stands up for the thesis that the non execution of a final judicial decision either because of material reasons or in particular because of legal reasons is forceful expropiation case where it is at stake not article 24 but article 33 of the Constitution. In this sense, therefore, and due to the fact that strictly speaking every final judicial ruling can generally be subject to be executed in its own terms, the so called execution by substitution or by equivalent is not but a subterfuge that in reality conceals a true loss of the expropiatory nature which claims, even under the garb of a congruent compensation, the due reparation or fair value.

Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn Idris al-Qarafi al-Maliki

This chapter presents the English translation of the Introduction of the Criterion. Here, the author discusses the meaning of legal opinion, judicial ruling, and administrative acts, and how the book provides a comprehensive treatment of these issues. The book is composed in the form of a series of questions, in the manner that replicates the discussions that took place between the author's colleagues and himself. The answer immediately follows each question, pointing out the subtleties of these points and the issues that derive from them, as manifested in judicial decisions, legal opinions, and administrative acts of public officials. The book contains forty questions.

Dave Snow

AbstractAfter a judge declared its parentage regime violated the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, in 2016, Ontario passed theAll Families Are Equal Act(AFAEA), which recognized LGBTQ families and parents of children born through assisted reproduction. This article analyzes the legislative hearings on the AFAEA, and highlights three factors that shaped the final policy outcome: a coordinated group of progressive witnesses with legal expertise; the presence of “rights talk” to inflate the scope of the judicial ruling; and the government’s use of the Charter as both “shield” and “sword” to minimize conservative opposition. This highlights how the Charter can shape policy outcomes not just in the courtroom, but also during the lawmaking process. It also demonstrates that activists are now using the Charter—particularly the equality rights provisions—to change policy for two groups facing discrimination: trans parents and individuals using assisted reproduction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 751
Diana Gluhaia

Resumen: En este Auto se cuestiona la competencia judicial internacional de los órganos juris­diccionales españoles en materia de responsabilidad parental de una menor que cambió la residencia habitual a otro Estado miembro: Alemania. El artículo 9 del Reglamento (CE) nº 2201/2003 es una excepción al criterio general de determinación de la competencia judicial internacional y sólo se activa cuando se cumplen todos los requisitos exigidos por esta norma. La Sala entendió que no se cumplían todas las condiciones, ya que no existía un pronunciamiento judicial previo respecto al derecho de visita que requiriese una modificación debido al traslado de la menor a otro Estado miembro, y que carece de sentido en este caso alterar una decisión judicial no existente.Palabras clave: responsabilidad parental, competencia judicial internacional, residencia habitual del menor. Competencia para modificar una resolución judicial sobre derecho de visita.Abstract: His Order questions the international judicial competence of the Spanish courts in mat­ters of parental responsibility of a minor who changed habitual residence to another Member State: Germany. Article 9 of Regulation (EC) nº 2201/2003 is an exception to the general criterion of deter­mination of international jurisdiction and is only activated when all the requirements demanded by this rule are met. The Chamber understood that all the conditions were not met, since there was no previous judicial ruling regarding the visiting right that required an amendment due to the transfer of the minor to another Member State, and that it makes no sense in this case to alter a decision non-existent judicial.Keywords: parental responsibility, international jurisdiction, habitual residence of the minor, competence to modify a court ruling on visiting rights.

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