2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-62
Hanna Kholod

The aim of the research in the article was to clarify the features of modeling the images of the interviewer and the interviewee in print media. The study allowed expanding the theoretical basis in the study of interviews, filling in some gaps and outlining discussion points. The author's vision of the specifics of modeling the images of the interviewer and the interviewee in print media is proposed. A three-stage mechanism for modeling the images of the interviewer and the interviewee is presented. The specificity of the emergence and functioning of the communicative manipulative field between the participants of communication has been determined. A list of communicative manipulative techniques that can be activated when a manipulative field appears.Methods of description, analysis, synthesis and generalization were used. The following research procedure has become the methodology: 1) among the theoretical material, scientific works related to the topic we are going to have been selected; 2) scientific articles, monographs are analyzed, 3) controversial statements are highlighted in them and the author's point of view regarding the subject of research is presented; 4) the author's concept of modeling the image of the interviewer and the interviewee is proposed.The results and discussionmade it possible to formulate conclusions. Firstly, the images of the interviewer and the interviewee go through the followingstages of modeling: the formation of the aforementioned images during the communicative process, the transformation of the images of the interviewer and the interviewee while working on a journalistic text, modeling in the mind of the recipient the imagesof the interviewer and the interviewee, determined by the specifics of the perception and interpretation of the proposed information by the representative. media audience. Secondly, the images of the interviewer and the interviewee are multivariate. The factors of multivariate are the purpose of the interview, the communicative situation, the participants in communication, their worldview orientations, discourse, epistemic characteristics of the participants in communication, the transformation of images due to the work process and the specifics of perception, as well as the interpretation of information by the media audience.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-134
Bella Dwi Syahputri Ispriadi ◽  
Devy Anggita Putri ◽  
Prahasti Ken Dewani

Abstract. This article discusses the existence of print media during the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, many printed media have lost their readership significantly. The Covid-19 pandemic has become a disruption that has a negative impact on the print media industry. People choose to switch to digital media because it is easy and the information they need is faster. Changing the media used in conveying information will certainly have an impact on the future of the media itself. When the turnover of print media decreases, the print media company will go bankrupt / close and lay off employees and cut employee salaries. The method used in this article uses a qualitative descriptive approach by using a research procedure according to the latest available facts to solve a problem regarding the existence of print media during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on the data obtained, it is explained that from 434 print media throughout January to April 2020, 71 percent of print media companies experienced a decrease in turnover of 40 percent when compared to the same period in 2019. Based on the data above, it can be seen that a decrease in media existence print during the COVID-19 pandemic. This decline certainly had an impact on the business turnover of advertisers, which resulted in a decrease in advertising budgets on various media platforms.Keywords: Covid-19, Existence, Print Media, PandemicAbstrak. Artikel ini membahas tentang eksistensi media cetak pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Saat ini, amat banyak media cetak yang kehilangan para pembacanya secara signifikan. Pandemi Covid-19 ini sudah menjadi disrupsi yang berdampak negatif bagi para industri media cetak. Masyarakat memilih beralih ke media digital karena mudah dan informasi yang dubutuhkan lebih cepat. Berubahnya media yang digunakan dalam penyampaian infromasi tentu akan memberikan dampak pada masa depan dari media itu sendiri. Ketika omzet media cetak turun maka perusahaan media cetak akan mengalami bangkrut/tutup serta terjadi pemecatan pegawai dan  pemotongan gaji karyawan. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan sesuatu tata cara riset sesuai fakta-fakta yang terdapat terbaru untuk memecahkan sesuatu permasalahan mengenai eksistensi media cetak pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Beradasarkan data yang diperoleh menjelaskan bahwa dari 434 media cetak disepanjang bulan Januari hingga bulan April 2020, terdapat 71 persen perusahaan media cetak mengalami suatu penurunan omzet dari 40 persen bila dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama pada tahun 2019. Bedasarkan data diatas maka dapat dilihat penurunan eksistensi media cetak selama pandemi covid 19. Penurunan ini tentunya berdampak pada omzet usaha dari para pengiklan mengalami penurunan yang mengakibatkan anggaran iklan pada berbagai platform mediapun menjadi semakin berkurang.Kata Kunci: Covid-19, Eksistensi,Media Cetak, Pandemi

D. V. Isyutin-Fedotkov

The article considers and analyzes various opinions on the category "forensic study of personality". From the point of view of the Russian language, the various meanings of the term "study" fully and in a multifaceted way reflect the activities of the investigator in the study of the person in the course of sufficient disclosure and investigation of crimes. It is concluded that forensic study of personality can be considered as a process, theory (doctrine) and part of criminalistics (educational discipline, special course). In this connection, the definition of the term "forensic study of personality" depends on understanding of its essence. Forensic study of personality as a process for the study of personality is associated with activity. Forensic study of the personality as a theory (doctrine) is associated with the objective laws that constitute the subject of criminalistics. Forensic study of the personality as a section of criminalistics (academic discipline, special course) is based on a theoretical basis, on the basis of which methods, approaches to studying personality are considered. The ultimate goal of forensic study of personality is solving the problems of disclosure and investigation of crimes. Author's definitions of the term "forensic study of personality" are proposed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-134
Dudung Abdul Rohman

This research departs from the phenomenon of widespread acts of violence with religious nuances that often occur in Indonesia. A negative stigma is often addressed to the Muslim community. In this context, moderation narrative of Indonesian Islam published by the Ministry of Religion through the printed media Republika Newspaper is essential to reduce and counteract the issues of radicalism and religious terrorism. The results indicate that the media takes a role in constructing narrative news about the moderation conception of Indonesian Islam from the perspective of the Ministry of Religion, so that it becomes a presentation of information and public opinion. After being analyzed, the moderation conception of Indonesian Islam includes: (1) Islam rahmatan lil-alamin; (2) Islam that promotes openness, brotherhood, and benefit; (3) Islam which is based on tolerance, justice, and balance; (4) Islam which is comprehensively understood; (5) Islam which is not radical or extreme. Keywords: Discourse Analysis; Print media; Narrative of Islamic Moderation.

M. Nur Erdem

Violence has been a part of daily life in both traditional and digital media. Consequently, neither the existence of violence in the media nor the debates on this subject are new. On the other hand, the presentation of violence in fictional content should be viewed from a different point of view, especially in the context of aesthetization. Within this context, in this chapter, the serial of Penny Dreadful is analyzed. As analyzing method, Tahsin Yücel's model of the “space/time coordinates of narrative” is used. And the subject of “aestheticization of violence” is analyzed through a serial with the elements of person, space, and time. Thus, the role of not only physical beauty but also different components in the aestheticization of violence is examined.

2001 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-186 ◽  

Contemporary social identities are hybrid and complex, and the media play a crucial role in their construction. A shift from political identities based on citizenship to economic ones based on participation in a global consumer market can be observed, together with a concomitant shift from monolingual practices to multilingual and English-dominant ones. This transformation is here explored in a corpus of German advertisements. Multilingual advertisements accounted for 60–70% of all advertisements released on various television networks and in two national newspapers in 1999. The subject positions that are created by multilingual narrators and multilingual narratees are characterized by drawing on the Bakhtinian concept of dialogism, and on point-of-view more generally. In order to test the acceptance of or resistance to these identity constructions outside the discourse of commercial advertising, the uses of multilingualism in nonprofit and personal advertising are also explored. All these discourses valorize German–English bilingualism and set it up as the strongest linguistic currency for the German business elite.

2012 ◽  
Vol 21 (26) ◽  
pp. 34-43
Joanna Bryła-Lech

Fixed word combinations and their modifications are frequently used by journalists in press releases of a political and/or social profile. Analyzing the source material gathered from “Gazeta Wyborcza” in 2001, I found many lexical variants of phrasemes and proverbs.The most interesting modifications appeared in the headlines. This article describes a few such examples.Fixed word combinations make it easier for senders of political-social announcements to express their thoughts indirectly. They can be used to convey irony, mockery, or aversion towards a person or the subject of the statement in a veiled way. The proper understanding (i.e., in accordance with the sender’s intentions) of such a constructed announcement often requires some intellectual effort from the reader. It is a kind of game. Interpreting the metaphorical sense causes a relationship to form between the participants of the communicative process.Changeable modifications appear as a result of the replacement of one component by a different word, which from the sender’s point of view is more attractive than the one in the base form (Bąba 1989, p. 54). This leads to the appearance of so-called lexical variants. Most frequently, these units are not fixed in the Polish language, but are created especially for the needs of a certain text. They enable the meaning of a phraseme or proverb to be matched to the content of the article, which constitutes the context of its usage. They usually narrow the meaning.The modified phrasemes and proverbs attract the reader’s attention, convincing him of the sender’s views. The language of politics and the media is the language of manipulation and persuasion. Fixed word combinations are very important language devices that facilitate an effective influence on the reader/receiver.

Philosophy ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
pp. 481-482

There are, it seems, 30 or more philosophical societies in Britain. Some, such as the Aristotelian Society or the Mind Association, are mostly for professional philosophers, but of all stripes. Others, such as the Royal Institute of Philosophy, are for anyone interested in philosophy, whether professional or, in the best sense, amateur—that is, not paid for their philosophy. Then there are those smaller, but by no means unworthy bodies, which cater for interest in some special branch of philosophy, such as phenomenology or philosophy of religion or of science. There are societies for European philosophy, for the history of philosophy, for applied philosophy, for women in philosophy, and for much else besides.If not exactly chaos, it all testifies to a real and possibly fruitful diversity in the British philosophical world. But in the last year or so, leading figures in many of the societies have been meeting to discuss forming an umbrella organization to encompass the whole lot. Whether this umbrella is to provide shelter for philosophers from squalls raining down on us from above, or whether it is for some other purpose, is not entirely clear.That there are squalls, at least for those teaching the subject in universities and elsewhere is clear. Teachers everywhere, from universities to primary schools, suffer from a deluge of managerial irrelevance, much of it apparently predicated on the latest managerial nostrum. According to the Government's own guru of ‘delivery’, managers no longer need to ‘win hearts and minds’, but should rather push through short term measures for long term gains, come what may. We have little idea what this means, but it sounds unpleasant. There may well be a case for an Association to speak with one voice on behalf of a profession which needs a degree of freedom from management in which to teach and to think, and which is increasingly called on to respond as a profession to managerial initiatives.But not, we would hope, to speak with one voice on anything else. A one voice philosophy is a contradiction in terms, even were there only one philosopher. Nor does philosophy need a slate of people to speak to the media and the general public. It would be too much like a list of officially licensed authorities where there should be no authority. And it will not work anyway. Good producers and editors will continue to consult the philosophers they know and like, just as they always have.

10.23856/2902 ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 121-127
Ganna Prihodko ◽  
Andrii Galaidin

This article deals with the development of ecological linguistics as a new object of study in modern linguistics. It examines the peculiarities of language research approaches as an instrument of harmonious lifestyle of the people as well as an important means of social contact in the international research. The anthropocentric and eco-centric lines may be distinguished as competitive modes in the development of modern humanitarian sciences for the reason that they introduce different approaches to investigating processes and results of human activity. The subject of ecolinguistics is the interaction between language, man as a linguistic person and his environment. Language is considered as an integral component of the chain of relationships between man, society and nature. Special attention is paid to the notion “meaning” from the point of view of ecological linguistics. It is stressed that meaning is the link connecting the representations of interaction with the verbal and non-verbal objects in the mind of the person.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 217
Nandang Kusnandar

This research was conducted in Ujungberung sub-district. This research is a qualitative research that emphasizes the phenomenological aspects of Islamic religious extension agents in Ujungberung District, Bandung City. The research method in this research is descriptive qualitative. The experience of Islamic Religious Instructors in Ujungberung District in carrying out counseling on religious moderation with various joys and getting deep knowledge in the field when carrying out counseling and also there are still people who do not know about extensionists themselves. And in carrying out extension services in Ujungberung District, it is inseparable from the main duties and functions of extension workers to carry out and develop guidance activities with the function of extension personnel as informative and educational, consultative and advocacy The Islamic Religious Instructor in delivering da'wah messages through tabligh in Ujungberung District reviews several aspects including: First, in terms of the form of activities carried out by Islamic religious extension agents in Ujungberung District, in accordance with the informative and educational function of the form of extension activities carried out, consisting of Majlis Taklim, MTKD, Training, Friday Sermons and Lectures. Second, in terms of the type of message conveyed in accordance with the form of extension activities carried out. The types of messages conveyed in the activity of conveying da'wah messages through tabligh include messages of Aqidah, Morals, Fiqh, and Love for the Fatherland or in other languages ​​called Nationalism. Third, in terms of those used in conveying da'wah messages in extension activities. The media used by the extension agents consisted of print media, written media and electronic media. Ceta media consists of Al-Qur'an, Hadith books, religious books and other printed media such as leaflets or brochures.

2018 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
pp. 129-153
Piotr Cybula

Purpose. The purpose of this article is to verify, to a certain extent, the thesis on greater protection of the traveller after the entry into force of the Act on Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements, in relation to the hitherto binding provisions of the Act on Tourist Services represented e.g. in literature and the media. Method. The paper uses the dogmatic-legal method - analysis of problems presented on the basis of legal regulations and literature on the subject. Findings. The author points out, on selected examples, that with regard to many problems, which are important from a practical point of view, this protection has actually worsened the situation, the traveller is less protected than under the Act on Tourist Services. In fact, the new provisions lead to partial worsening of the legal situation of the traveller. Research and conclusions limitations. Due to the timing of the adoption of Directive 2015/2302 and the Act on Packages Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements, the presented issues are new, with relatively little literature to date. Practical implications. Conclusions resulting from the article may be used to assess the importance of the implementation regarding the provisions of Directive 2015/2302 in Polish law, including possible legislative interference. Originality. The problem has not been presented so far. Type of work. Problem article.

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