Methodological approaches to the study of the problem of psychological and pedagogical adaptation of students-repatriаts in the holistic pedagogical process of the University

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-37
Zhibek Tajibayeva ◽  
Asyl Arenova ◽  

This article considers methodological approaches that can be rationally applied in the study of the problem of psychological and pedagogical adaptation of students-repatriates in the holistic pedagogical process of the University. Scientific researches of the problem of adaptation, including its theoretical bases are studied and analyzed. Kazakh, Russian and foreign scientists’ works were the theoretical and methodological basis for the provision of scientific analysis. Definitions of concepts repatriation, adaptation are given, types of adaptation are described in this article. An important stage of introducing a person to the values of higher education is admission to a higher educational institution, the development of fundamental scientific knowledge, professional basic concepts. In this regard, the problem of adaptation of repatriated students to the conditions of study at the University is of particular importance. The success of adaptation of repatriated students to study at the University is largely due to value orientations as a factor that ensures the effective organization of the educational process. The carried-out characteristic of the used approaches, principles and methods has shown their substantial aspect rather full analysis. And mastering the whole system of approaches, determines the ability to prepare an appropriate research methodology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
pp. 155-162

Education like others spheres of life of modern society is in the state of dynamic changes. New formats of universities as well as their missions and roles in the social and economic development are actively discussed by professional environment. A number of external and internal factors that determine the depth and scale of transformation have effects on the development of the system of higher education. The system of higher education is under the influence of the system and institutional dynamics, which dictate the need for changes. The activity of universities as centers of education, science and culture is one of the most important bases of social progress. This role becomes especially important in XXI century, which is based on new knowledge and principles of technological development. First of all a university takes new features in the current conditions of globalization. The fundamental task that needs to be solved in order to achieve the goals of a modern University is the change of meanings, goals and content of education by active participation in the internationalization processes of the system of higher education and by introducing reforms in educational process. Of course new economic conditions (global market and information technologies) require modifications. It was stated that the commercialization of University innovations in Azerbaijan is a relatively new direction, since the country is just adopts the path of an innovative economy. In this regard the transformation of a scientific idea to a product or a service faces a number of difficulties. It was investigated the problem of commercialization of the results of scientific activities of higher educational institutions in Azerbaijan. For the first time Azerbaijan State University of Economics has implemented its rebranding in the educational system of the country in order to strengthen the market position of the educational institution and realization of innovative marketing strategies. The University’s strategic goals were defined under the UNEC brand, and the brand development was successfully continued with the support of the scientific and expert community. An integrative educational environment is created in Azerbaijan State University of Economics and such environment ensures the unity of the “education – science – innovation – commercialization – production system”. It is important to note that UNEC strategy also provides for clustering of economical education and so that it provides for increasing the integration pace of the University into the world scientific and educational space. The article presents the innovative infrastructure of Azerbaijan State University of Economics connected with its integration into the global scientific and educational environment. The paper studies the matters of the international cooperation issues of the University with universities of such countries as USA, EU, Russia, Turkey, which expands the academic potential of the University and increases its competitiveness. The article substantiates the conclusion that the globalization of higher education increases the importance of commercialization of higher education institutions in the field of education and science. The article reveals the successful experience of UNEC University in the creation and implementation of joint educational programs, expanding academic mobility, attracting foreign applicants, conducting joint researches and international scientific events in partnership with universities in the EU, Russia and Turkey.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3D) ◽  
pp. 623-628
Roma Sybirna ◽  
Tetiana Fursykova ◽  
Ganna Polishchuk ◽  
Oleksandr Balanutsa ◽  
Alla Marchuk

One of the important problems of training competitive specialists in creative professions is the theoretical substantiation and practical implementation of the idea of integrating science and technology, education and production, searching on this basis for innovative approaches to creative education. Taking this into account, the problem of integrating knowledge in higher education acquires significance and has a number of advantages. The university is faced with the task of providing students with a holistic, scientific, flexible system of knowledge, which is modified depending on the profile and purpose of each type of educational institution. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is to integrate the content, forms and methods of teaching into the educational process.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 4 ◽  
E. V. Myalkina

Introduction: the problem of diagnostics of the quality of education at a higher education institution is becoming increasingly relevant in the conditions of the need to fulfill the criteria for the effectiveness of higher education institutions, the introduction of new generation standards in higher education institutions and the modernization of the educational program management system. Diagnostics of the quality of education is considered as an important process that ensures a steady position of the university in the educational services market, the  growth of indicators for the admission campaign,  the increase of reputational capital. Diagnostics of the quality of education makes it possible to identify significant factors in determining the prospects for the development of a university, having a significant impact on the performance indicators of a university and characterizing the results achieved and the resources used.Materials and Methods:the article discusses the system for the quality of education evaluation at Minin University, it describes its key components, reveals the elements of the diagnostic complex and their systemic interconnection. The characteristics of the elements of the diagnostic complex describes in detail the issue of improving the efficiency of the university in terms of the implementation of the management model of the main professional educational programs, the description of the diagnostic procedure for each category of participants in the educational process is presented.Results:the author describes the methodology and the main stages of diagnosing the quality of education at the university using the example of  Minin University, gives integrated assessment criteria and their relationship with other elements of the monitoring system and evaluating the quality of education at the university, lists the effects of introducing a comprehensive system for diagnosing the quality of educational activities.Discussion and Conclusions:in the final part of the article, the possibilities of further improving the system of assessment of the quality of education in the educational system of higher education are considered. Arguments about the need to further expand the range of issues raised by the diagnostic process are made; the ratio of the existing positions of the university to the requirements of the legislation is made. 

Olena Kravchenko

The article argues that the relevance of providing the quality of the official website content of modern universities is predetermined by the objective requirements of the present day, such as the priority of the state policy in the field of integration of higher educational institutions into the European education space, the globalization of information technologies and increasing of the Internet activity among the population. The subject of the study is the features of the websites' information content of the universities from different countries. It is determined that the website content of a modern institution of higher education contains information on various types of university activities (educational, scientific, pedagogic, financial, and marketing). The content of websites of foreign and universities was analyzed according to the following criteria: language; informativeness; utility; administrative and financial transparency; technical design. The analysis of website content of various universities was carried out in accordance the availability of information of university’s general characteristics, of the organization of the university’s educational process and features of student life, of university's scientific activities, of ways of advertising and the formation of a positive image of an educational institution in the imagination of Internet visitors. The attention is focused on the features of the websites' information content of the leading foreign and domestic universities. The main distinctions are in the ways of positioning the institution in the future; outlining the competitive advantages of an educational institution and highlighting the opportunities for improving the quality of the educational process; popularizing the university's scientific activities, and identifying the ways to confirm the reputation of the university. It is proved that the development of top-quality content contributes to the improvement of the image of the higher educational institution on the Internet, as well as increases the competitiveness of the university in the market of educational services both in the country and abroad. Awareness of the relevance of providing the quality of the official website content of the institution of higher education allows to tackle the problem of creating and distributing vital, unique, classified, and interesting information.

Olga Yu. Muller

The relevance of the problem under study is associated with an important task of the higher education system the preparation of students future teachers for project activities in an educational institution. A modern teacher should have a wide range of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of project activities. The purpose of the paper is a theoretical substantiation of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of project competence of future teachers in the university environment. As designated pedagogical conditions are named and described: organization of training in cooperation; introduction of an additional course Learning to work on a project into the educational process; the use of the project method as a form of independent work of students in the study of various disciplines of the curriculum. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that pedagogical conditions have been developed and substantiated, contributing to the effective formation of the project competence of future teachers in the conditions of a university. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that its results enrich the theory and methodology of vocational education in the field of forming the project competence of future teachers; complement scientific ideas about the pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of project competence, as well as about the features of its functioning; scientific approaches are systematized. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the revealed pedagogical conditions lead to the effective formation of the project competence of future teachers in the conditions of a university. The developed additional course can be applied in the practice of teaching universities in order to improve the quality of professional training of future teachers. The experimental base of the study was the budgetary institution of higher education Surgut State University. The methods used in the research: generalization, analysis and synthesis of information, comparison, analysis of educational and project activities of students. The effectiveness of preparing students - future teachers - for project activities with students is an urgent task in the education system, which can be ensured through the implementation of certain pedagogical conditions. It is the pedagogical conditions that increase the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities and contribute to the most fruitful work of the teacher and students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1323
Denis POLENOV ◽  
Sanat SATAEV ◽  

Improving the quality of education in Kazakhstan causes a number of factors, and first of all, it is the reform of the existing system of personnel management of higher education, where the main element is the development of the university staff. Improving the competitiveness of Kazakhstan's universities at the international level takes place primarily due to the project-oriented approach to the creation of innovative universities. The purpose of the work is to investigate the importance and necessity of the project-oriented approach as a set of knowledge, techniques, and skills of the university staff in the course of the management actions and decisions that determine the development and effectiveness of the educational institution. The authors revealed the lack of consistency, fragmentation, and fragility in the research of the issue of the project-oriented approach in the management of the university personnel. The methods of theoretical research and system analysis determined that the project-oriented approach to the personnel management in higher education institution from the perspective of personal activity approach to the work of teachers is optimal, effective and even necessary to obtain the quality result of the university. The paper clearly presents the organization of the management of the university staff, where a starting point is a project-oriented approach to the process of training students, staff development, reveals the algorithms and features of embedding technology project-oriented approach in the educational process, and reveals its content. The paper also discusses the motivation of the teacher, the reasons preventing to foresee innovations in the work, as well as compares the models of personnel management of the universities in Europe and Kazakhstan.

Elena Sartakova ◽  
Vladimir Makeyev

Анализируется процесс разработки модели предуниверситария в условиях технического вуза как комплексный механизм организации профориентационной и образовательной деятельности с абитуриентами. Подчеркивается, что предуниверситарий обеспечивает вузу поиск, отбор, сопровождение, профессиональную ориентацию и довузовскую подготовку абитуриентов к прохождению вступительных испытаний и обучению, создает условия для погружения обучающихся в образовательную и культурную среду университета. Разрабатываемая модель носит комплексный характер, так как развивается на основе инвариантных составляющих аналогичных организаций, учитывает опыт деятельности предуниверситариев, реализующих образовательную деятельность в различных вузах на территории России. Отличительными характеристиками модели предуниверситария являются целостность, открытость, вариативность, совокупность взаимосвязанных структурных компонентов (концептуально-целевого, содержательного, ресурсного, технологического и результативно-оценочного). Научная новизна исследования заключается в проработке модели предуниверситария технического университета, деятельность которого направлена на организацию сетевых моделей профильного обучения старшеклассников при сохранении традиционных форм довузовской подготовки; реализацию процесса психологической, интеллектуальной, культурной подготовки будущего студента к обучению в вузе через различные формы участия в системной образовательной и воспитательной работе предуниверситариев; обеспечение предпрофильной подготовки обучающихся (в том числе и ранней) и др. Теоретическая значимость работы связана с выявлением и описанием ключевых элементов деятельности предуниверситария безотносительно специфики отдельных университетов и моделей.The article is devoted to the process of developing a model of a pre-university in a technical university, which meets the modern requirements of a modern technical university, and provides the possibility of replication in various educational institutions of higher education of a technical profile, without reference to certain characteristics and creates the conditions for the implementation of the university’s specifics in the educational process. The article is devoted to the process of developing a pre-university model in the educational process of a modern educational institution of higher education of a technical profile, in which the pre-university is a mechanism for searching, selecting, supporting, vocational guidance and pre-university preparation of applicants for entrance examinations and training at a technical university, creates conditions for immersing students in educational and cultural environment of the university, which allows to determine to choose a profession and a university in advance, and, if necessary, to change the profile of training. The developed model takes into account the experience of various analogues of pre-university students implementing educational activities in various universities in Russia. The scientific novelty of the study is to work out all the elements of the pre-university model being created, which can be created on the basis of any technical university regardless of its starting conditions and limitations, and also provide opportunities for taking into account the specifics of the university, including: a) the creation of a system of pre-university training at the university, taking into account priority tasks in the field of recruitment and the possibility of creating conditions for ensuring the selection of various educational paths; b) the organization of coordination of career guidance at the university. The theoretical significance of the work is associated with the identification and description of the key elements of the pre-university activity regardless of the specifics of individual universities and models.

O. M. Kaminska

Methods and forms of the educational process, which ensure the formation of professional and value orientations of future technical specialists are researched and theoretically grounded in the artticle. According to the classification by sources of knowledge, the following teaching methods are identified: verbal methods; visual methods; practical methods. The group of methods based on the word includes methods of storytelling, lectures and discussions, as well as methods of using educational and special scientific literature. The use of these methods should be combined with methods of education that are similar in nature: verbal, ethical narration, debate, ethical conversation, etc. Professional and value orientations of future professionals are one of the most important components of the personality structure, which show the attitude to the values of a profession and find expression in the interests, needs, views, assessments, motives of social and professional activities. The university forms in students not only basic professional knowledge, but also clear guidelines for life, teaches to separate true values from conventional ones, to perceive and evaluate complex phenomena and processes of the modern world. As during the student years there are the development of value orientations of the individual, the accumulation of knowledge, professional experience, awareness of their abilities, capabilities, there is a value of self-determination and self-improvement. Extracurricular work is proved to perform a leading function in the educational aspect in the process of formation of professional and value orientations of students of technical universities, as most of the methods and forms, due to lack of study time, it is advisable to conduct after classess. The system of extracurricular work is considered as a set of educational influences that provide purposefulness, systematicity, consistency, combination of pedagogical guidance with the initiative and initiative of students. The basic principles of this system are the professional and pedagogical orientation of the educational process, the relationship and interdependence of teaching and educating students; the connection of the educational process of a higher educational institution with pedagogical practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-106
V. D. Vereskun ◽  
T. E. Isaeva ◽  
A. V. Chelokhyan

The article (a case) highlights the experience of the regional university in staff optimization caused by the requirements of federal legislation to improve the quality of higher education and to outline the personnel strategy prospects for the future.The methodological basis of the study is the systematic approach, which made it possible to comprehensively assess the qualitative changes in the university staff; the use of the method of situational analysis largely contributed to an increase in the objectivity of the results obtained. Besides, the researchers used the following methods: the study of legislative documents that determine the activities of a higher educational institution; the analysis of theoretical papers on the management of educational institutions and on human resource management; the method of mathematical modelling and the analysis of statistical data, the method of social forecasting.The study comes to be theoretically significant, as it clarifies the concept of «staff optimization» and introduces the concept of «university staff optimization» as a new scientific term. The research also distinguishes the basic principles of university staff optimization and substantiates the reasons that caused this process, mainly related to the demographic, social and economic situation in our country and the tasks of reforming the higher education system. The article also examines the concept of «university personnel strategy» and highlights its components, focused on preserving academic traditions, on creating conditions for increasing the staff competency and on encouraging the faculty to intensify their activity. On the example of the regional university, there is carried out an analysis of quantitative and qualitative changes in the educational process staffing (in terms of academic degrees and titles, faculty compliance with the profile of the disciplines taught, etc.); the effectiveness of a number of new mechanisms introduced into the universities’ practice in order to update the requirements for the selection of candidates for teaching positions is studied. Thus appearing to be scientifically significant, the paper presents a regional university staff optimization model, which includes several logically related stages, allowing this process to be carried out most effectively: scientific, normative, practical and social. The recommendations to improve the personnel strategy and systematically enhance the quality of personnel in the educational process are formulated.The work is original, as it shows the systemic nature of work with the faculty when optimizing the staff in accordance with the university’s personnel strategy. The article might be of use for university leaders and researchers working on personnel issues and personnel management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (SPE2) ◽  
Irina V. Samarokova ◽  
Natalia S. Solovyeva ◽  
Natalia V. Kozhushkova ◽  
Yevgenii V. Korobeynikov ◽  
Оlesya A. Golubeva ◽  

This article is devoted to the organization of developmental education of students of higher educational institutions. Based on works by I.A. Zimniaia, T.I. Iliin, V.V. Kraevskii, G.M. Kodzhaspirova, I.Ia. Lerner, I.F. Kharlamov and other researchers, the authors clarified the concept of “developmental education of university students", analyzed its components, systematized domestic and foreign experience in organizing developmental education in a higher educational institution. The article also presents the author’s set of pedagogical conditions, which contributes to the organization of developmental education for university students. This set includes the following components: correction of students' value orientations in the educational process of the university; the development of cognitive activity of students and the construction of the educational process at the university, subject to the requirements of a person-centered approach.

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