scholarly journals Gestion Des Espaces Verts Dans La Ville De Cotonou Au Sud Du Benin: Etat Des Lieux Et Perspectives

Bienvenu S. AGBANI ◽  
Sylvain A. VISSOH ◽  
Toundé Roméo Gislain KADJEGBIN ◽  

Résumé :La ville de Cotonou, capitale économique du Bénin, s’est développée au détriment des espaces verts. Or ceux-ci sont essentiels pour assurer une bonne qualité de vie et l’épanouissement des citadins. La présente recherche a pour objectif de recenser les espaces verts publics de la ville de Cotonou et d’analyser leurs modes de gestion.La méthode des itinéraires a été utilisée pour retrouver les espaces verts dont la liste a été obtenue à la Mairie de Cotonou. Pour chaque espace vert public retrouvé, il a été procédé à son géo-référencement (tracking), la détermination de sa superficie ainsi qu’à son classement.Les résultats montrent que la ville de Cotonou dispose de 70 espaces verts dont 44 sont linéaires et 26 sont polygonaux (ronds-points, jardins, squares, etc.). Les espaces verts linéaires font 63,291 km de long et ceux polygonaux ont une superficie totale de 109579,61 m2. Nonobstant leur faible importance, les espaces verts de la ville de Cotonou abritent une multitude d’espèces végétales. Il  importe  donc  que  les  autorités  municipales accordent beaucoup plus d’intérêt aux espaces verts publics (jardins, parcs, squares, etc.) dans les futurs plans de développement urbain afin d’accroitre l’esthétique de la ville.   Mots clés : Ville de Cotonou,  espaces verts, croissance urbaine, développement municipal.  AbstractThe city of Cotonou, the economic capital of Benin, has developed at the expense of green spaces. However, these are essential to ensure a good quality of life and the development of city dwellers. The objective of this research is to identify the public green spaces in the city of Cotonou and to analyze their management methods.The route method was used to find the green spaces the list of which was obtained from the Cotonou Town Hall. For each public green space found, it was geo-referenced (tracking), its area determined as well as its classification.The results show that the city of Cotonou has 70 green spaces of which 44 are linear and 26 are polygonal (roundabouts, gardens, squares, etc.). The linear green spaces are 63.291 km long and the polygonal ones have a total area of 109,579.61 m2. Notwithstanding their small importance, the green spaces of the city of Cotonou are home to a multitude of plant species. It is therefore important that municipal authorities pay much more attention to public green spaces (gardens, parks, squares, etc.) in future urban development plans in order to enhance the aesthetics of the city.Keywords: City of Cotonou, green spaces, urban growth, municipal development

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 79
Adéréwa Aronian Maximenne Amontcha ◽  
Julien Gaudence Djego ◽  
Toussaint Olou Lougbegnon ◽  
Brice Augustin Sinsin

Urban green spaces are essential to ensure the quality of life and the fulfillment of town-dwellers. The objective of this research is to assess the richness of public green spaces in the great Nokoué cities (AbomeyCalavi, Cotonou, Ouidah, Porto-Novo and Sèmè-Podji). The itinerary method was used to find the greens spaces whose list was obtained in the town halls. For each public green space found, the geo-referencing (tracking), the determination of the area of the public places and the measurement of the length of the tracks were made. The results revealed that the great Nokoué cities have 114 public green spaces which can be classified in four types (green Spaces of Tribes 4,39 %, Green Spaces of Pathways 13,16 %, Parks and Squares 26,32 % and Public Roads Alignment Trees 58,77 %). Cotonou is the city of the great Nokoué richest in public green spaces (61,95 %) whereas Ouidah has the highest ratio of public green spaces per inhabitant (Ouidah, 0.27 m2 /hbt, Porto-Novo, 0.18 m2 /hbt , Cotonou, 0.12 m2 /hbt Abomey-Calavi 0,06 m2 /hbt and Sèmè -Podji, 0,06 m2 /hbt ). No city of the great Nokoué has reached the ratio of 10 m2 of public green space per inhabitant as recommended by OMS. It is therefore important that urban authoritys give far greater attention to public green spaces (gardens, parks, squares, etc.) in future development plans.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 655
Ardiansyah Alrawi ◽  
Gunarto Gunarto

The emergence of various institutions today's economy helped spur the economy of the community. But unfortunately the growth of the economic institutions are not supported by an adequate legal development. The presence of various financial institutions helped bring a major role in economic development of society, especially the poor. These financial institutions emerged as a form of providing funds or capital goods for the public to purchase goods on payment in installments or periodically by consumers. Construction consumer finance based on an agreement with the principle of freedom of contract as legal bases for both parties. In practice financing undertaken by financial institutions poured in the form of a credit agreement. In each of providing credit to their customers finance institutions always face a risk, therefore the customer's business situation and developments to be followed continuously starts the moment the credit is given to the loan. As for giving legal protection to the parties in the process of providing collateral (guarantee), then one of them is with the enactment of Law Fiduciary. Implementation of lending followed by a fiduciary assurance processes at financial institutions in the city of Cirebon most important is the legal effect if the Borrower defaults which are expected to creditors (financial institutions) can be easily exercised fiduciary object. Constraints faced in a fiduciary guarantee is as follows: a. Any cost of making a deed by the Borrower felt heavy, incomplete b. Any requirements of the Borrower to elaborate on the type, brand and quality of the fiduciary object, c. The office registration still limited fiduciary, fiduciary registration e. The office could not provide information on everything about the guarantee with the issuance.Keywords: Financing Institution, Credit Agreements, Fiduciary.

Arsitektura ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 165
Ifni Farida ◽  
Galing Yudana ◽  
Erma Fitria Rini

<div align="center"><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="518"><p><strong><em>Abstract:</em></strong><em> Development of the urban population in Indonesia that growing rapidly these days, of course will cause impacts for the city itself, including in terms of environmental degradation. Therefore, society needs of a comfortable and livable city is getting higher, which is known as the concept of livable city. One of the key principles of the concept of livable city is the availability of public space as a place to socialize and interact. Surakarta, within 5 (five) years, being actively promote provision of public green space, as one of the public space, as evidenced by the increase of public green space area 23,16% in 2016. In a study titled Indonesia Most Livable City Index, Surakarta has a livable city index reached 69,38% above the national average. The problem in this research is how the level of conformity of the public space in Surakarta with the concept of livable city? This study aims to determine the level of conformity of the public space in Surakarta with the concept of livable city, which covers several aspects, including: availability, coverage, accessibility, comfort, amenity, and supporting activity. The method in this study using deductive research approach and scoring analysis technique. Based on the analysis, it can be seen that the level of conformity of the public space in Surakarta with the concept of livable city included into the category of medium-level conformity. Nonetheless, it needs improvement in some aspects of public space in Surakarta whose value is still low, in order to realize the public space in Surakarta according to the concept of livable city.</em></p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="518"><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="518"><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>level of conformity, public space, livable city, scoring analysis</em></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 159
Anisah Budiwati

This research explores the concept of understanding of mosque managers in the public space about the importance of facing the direction of Qibla. Samples Mosque located in the public space of the Hospital Jogja International Hospital, Adisutjipto Airport and Mall Plaza Ambarrukmo be proof of the tendency of pattern of understanding of managers of religious orders to face the direction of Qiblah correctly. By using qualitative analysis method and data collection method in the form of observation, interview and documentation, it is found that first, that understanding of mosque managers in public space at three places reflects the quality of life of Islami ie measuring to the expert so that the direction of qibla . Secondly, the accuracy of the direction of the mosque building in the public space in Sleman Yogyakarta is included in the category of accurate with the maximum reason for the 6 minute arc disturbance, where the direction of the largest deviation on the mosques is 0o 1 '20.8 "or equivalent to 3,074 km which means still leads the city of Mecca.Keywords: Accuracy, Understanding and Mosque in Public Space Penelitian ini menggali konsep pemahaman para pengelola Masjid di ruang publik tentang pentingnya menghadap arah kiblat. Sampel Masjid yang berada di ruang publik yakni Rumah Sakit Jogja International Hospital, Bandara Adisutjipto dan Mall Plaza Ambarrukmo menjadi bukti kecenderungan pola pemahaman pengelola terhadap perintah agama untuk menghadap ke arah kiblat dengan tepat. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif dan metode pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi diperoleh hasil penelitian, pertama bahwa pemahaman para pengelola masjid di ruang publik pada tiga tempat tersebut mencerminkan kualitas hidup Islami yakni melakukan pengukuran kepada pihak ahli sehingga arah kiblat sesuai dengan keilmuan astronomi. Kedua, akurasi atau ketelitian arah kiblat bangunan Masjid di ruang publik di Sleman Yogyakarta termasuk dalam kategori akurat dengan alasan maksimal penyimpangan 6 menit busur, di mana arah penyimpangan paling besar pada masjid-masjid tersebut adalah 0o 1’ 20,8” atau setara 3,074 km yang berarti masih mengarah kota Mekah.Kata kunci: Akurasi, Pemahaman dan Masjid di Ruang Publik

2019 ◽  
pp. 26
Antonio Díaz Sotelo

ResumenEl objeto de este texto es la exposición y análisis de los procedimientos de intervención pública en el paisaje urbano de la ciudad de Madrid. El objetivo último de ese análisis es identificar el modelo público para el paisaje urbano en Madrid.  Este texto se centra en la exposición analítica de documentos oficiales antes que en sus conclusiones definitivas, por lo que le corresponde la denominación de Informe.  Este informe se organiza en dos partes: una exposición teórica que enmarca el posterior análisis de instrumentos administrativos de intervención en el paisaje.  Se concibe como parte de la investigación de Tesis Doctoral titulada “Transformación Reciente del Paisaje Comercial en el Centro Histórico”, acotada en un marco temporal de apenas diez años, marcado por la crisis y la desregulación económica, y en un marco territorial limitado al centro histórico de Madrid. Esa investigación se enmarca en una reflexión general sobre la relación entre actividad económica y paisaje urbano. El interés de este informe para la investigación es sobre la utilidad de ese modelo público para el paisaje urbano en Madrid como parámetro para valorar la rentabilidad de los esfuerzos públicos y privados en la mejora de la calidad del paisaje urbano.AbstractThe purpose of this text is the exhibition and analysis of public intervention procedures in the urban landscape of the city of Madrid. The ultimate goal of this analysis is to identify the public model for the urban landscape in Madrid. This text focuses on the analytical exposition of official documents rather than on their final conclusions, for which reason the denomination of Report corresponds. This report is organized in two parts: a theoretical exposition that frames the subsequent analysis of administrative instruments of intervention in the landscape. It is conceived as part of the Doctoral Thesis research titled "Recent Transformation of the Commercial Landscape in the Historic Center", bounded within a period of just ten years, marked by the crisis and economic deregulation, and in a territorial framework limited to the historic center of Madrid. This research is part of a general reflexion on the relationship between economic activity and urban landscape. The interest of this report for the investigation is about the utility of that public model for the urban landscape in Madrid as a parameter to assess the profitability of public and private efforts in improving the quality of the urban landscape.

Sean Parson

Chapter 4 discusses Mayor Frank Jordan’s (1992–1995) revanchist Matrix Quality of Life Program, which sought to enforce a broken-windows policing system in San Francisco. The impact of the policy was felt largely by the visible homeless in downtown San Francisco, who were regularly harassed and arrested by the police and forced out of the city. Because quality-of-life policing desires to sanitize the public space of disruptive and asocial behaviour, the public meals of Food Not Bombs near City Hall resisted the city’s attempt to criminalize homelessness. This chapter argues that the city attempted to construct the homeless as anti-citizens and exclude them from the political and physical spaces of the city.

Mohamad Haidar

The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the public perception of the quality of service in the public transit system in Montreal using a combination of analyses and surveys. The results are used to make recommendations to improve the STM and its perception. General guidelines of SERVQUAL with some additional questions that are more specific to the current social environment of the city are presented. A survey was conducted by asking 250 international graduate Concordia students to rate a series of statements based on the importance of the issue and how much they agreed with the statement, the results were analyzed using three methods: SERVQUAL, SERVPERF, and IPA. The improvement of timetable synchronization between different metro lines and buses is crucial, as well as the education of STM employees in terms of dealing with different ethnicities, languages, and backgrounds are found. The chapter is a rare outside look at the STM and how users perceive the quality of the service, as opposed to the usual internal studies done by the organization itself.

2017 ◽  
pp. 213

The purpose of this paper is to determine a plan of action structuring public green open space in the City of Mengwi, Knowing efforts to increase the quantity of green space in the City of Mengwi, and know the concept of development and structuring of public green open space in the City of Mengwi. This paper uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological approach. The action plan structuring public green open space in the City of Mengwi action oriented with using this type of local parks, the action attribute applicative green city, square garden action, and action structuring neighborhood parks. Improving the quality of green space through enhancing functionality of existing green space, an increase in the proportion of green space utilization through neighborhood scale park like garden telajakan so that the amount of public open space can grow. The concept of the development of public green space in the City of Mengwi is based on the concept of implementing arrangement with green attributes, use local vegetation and observe the movement of the user system. Maximizing green space telajakan began by supplying bags garden is in the area of commercial and office.

2020 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 14001
Mariya Balmashnova ◽  
Tatyana Sorokoumova

As a result of increase in the number of residents of megacities, the anthropogenic impact on the public, recreational and agricultural areas is increasing. Anthropogenic load causes degradation of the natural structure of the city and has a negative impact on public health. In current situation, more recreational areas are organized for residents of the city. However, the organization of recreational areas does not always comply with the population requirements. In the formation that sort of spaces, it is necessary to obtain complete and reliable information about the quality of the environment, which can only be obtained through the regular monitoring studies. This article considers a number of recreational, agricultural and public areas under the noise exposure. The spatial organization of recreational areas should be carried out taking into account the main goal of creating a comfortable architectural and planning structure of the urban environment. This article shows the insolvency of the public, recreational and agricultural areas as comfortablespaces.

2018 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
pp. 00097
Małgorzata Sztubecka

Areas that are considered human-friendly are green spaces. The existing urban parks are designed to fulfill the role of relaxation, recreation, and entertainment. However, in many cases, these are historic places, which at the time didn't have much of an impact on external factors. Sustainable development issues are related to the quality of life and the usage of the environment and its resources by present and future generations. Noise and noise protection is an issue that is part of sustainable development. The inadequate implementation of the principles of sustainable development and non-inclusion of noise can noticeably lead to negative effects now and in the future. The aim of the paper is to analyze the soundscapes of two Bydgoszcz parks located in the city center. The values of the equivalent sound level for these areas were obtained from the existing Bydgoszcz acoustic plan. Subsequently, the resulting distribution of noise was compared with the results of subjective perception of sounds by visitors. On this basis, conclusions can be drawn regarding the ways of shaping such areas while taking into account the perception of visitors.

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