scholarly journals Analysis of Territorial Accessibility to the Nodes of Health Activity in the Municipality of Pitalito, Colombia

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 1
Diego A. Escobar ◽  
Jorge A. Montoya ◽  
Carlos A. Moncada

The current population growth links different social and economic development problems that must be addressed, within these public health, which should be of high priority in order to minimize the threats of health in the citizenry; therefore, administrative entities must get strong commitments in minimum periods of time. Taking into account the above, it is proposed to evaluate the level of accessibility offered by the road infrastructure network in the municipality of Pitalito, department of Huila, as well as the level of coverage by population and area for the years 2015 (base scenario) and 2031 (intervened scenario), through the use of geostatistical methods from digital tools.

2014 ◽  
Vol 971-973 ◽  
pp. 2350-2353
Ai Yun Sun ◽  
Xi Yang Ding

martial arts through the promotion of conditions , difficulties and countermeasures analysis of the system, that China should be based on public health and martial arts fighting two clues to promote athletics , martial arts part of the refining and development of the " elite sports " and select wide popularity part , to promote the realization of the true sense of the public , in order to improve business operations and direction of development to promote social and economic development and to meet the needs of people in sports consumption level . In other words, watching athletics , martial arts fitness and economic integration of the three organic constituted martial arts through the promotion of the premise, but also the power of martial arts to the world .

1977 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 369-392 ◽  
Barry Edmonston ◽  
Frank Wm. Oechsli

Venezuela has experienced significant economic development during recent decades, although rapid population growth has partially offset economic gains. During the five-year period 1969-1973, the gross national product increased at an annual rate of 5.0 percent, which, coupled with population growth, yielded real per capita increases of 2.6 percent annually. Relatively smooth transition in the nationalization of the Venezuelan oil industry in 1976 presents a favorable assessment for the economy during the next decade. Yet while there has been notable progress in conventional economic indicators, there have been less rapid improvements in education, nutrition, and health. This paper examines past trends in Venezuelan population growth within the context of general social and economic development. Because of the importance of fertility in affecting population growth, particular attention is paid to fertility trends.

2012 ◽  
Vol 201-202 ◽  
pp. 924-927
Zi Jia Wang

2010 Shanghai World Expo will be "Better City, to make life better" as the theme, which includes five sub-themes: urban and economic development of the relationship between、cities and sustainable development of relations, urban and rural interaction between, urban and high-tech development of relations, urban and multicultural development. Its meaning is to require more livable environment, better quality of life, this is the dream of mankind in the new century. This article focuses on people-centered concept, a true understanding of human hope and desire of the prospects for urban development. Learn from the World Expo, looking back at the Chinese architectural development, we will find that China is its unprecedented pace of development and the influence and role in the world political economy and international affairs, deeply attracted worldwide attention. Only adapt to the needs of the Chinese social and economic development, according to China's development resources and environmental conditions in order to build green, ecological architecture, Chinese architecture may go down the road of sustainable development. Thus clear, Expo will not only bring a new concept of the Chinese people for building development, and also sublimation of the peace and development, mutual promotion and common progress, this is based on the eternal theme of the whole world.

1970 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-19 ◽  
Georges Sabagh

On May 22, 1966, the eve of the first Tunisian census since independence, President Habib Bourguiba expressed as follows the objectives and uses of this census: The methodical efforts we are making, within the framework of the Plan, to raise the standard of living of citizens are of necessity based on statistical data concerning the size and distribution of the population, its activities and its manner of life.…The census does not consist solely in just counting our population. Its purpose is to collect all sorts of information likely to help us draw our plans for economic and social development judiciously.The need for population data has undoubtedly provided an impetus for the collection of such data as well as for demographic research not only in Tunisia but also in other Middle Eastern countries. In recent years, an added impetus for demographic research has been the realization that, in some of these countries, population growth may be threatening social and economic development.

1971 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-105 ◽  
D. I. Pool

UNTIL recently the tendency has been to look at African population largely in terms of crude density. From this standpoint tropical Africa was often rated as ‘underpopulated’, and even the recent and prestigious Pearson Commission, although noting the overall effect of population growth on development, stated blandly: ‘In Africa and Latin America…settlement is so sparse that it is impossible to speak of overpopulation.’1Yet two years before, by synthesising a number of land-use studies and by demonstrating that, in terms of available land suitable for agriculture and pastoralism, there was pressure on rural resources, a prominent geographer had attacked, and one would have thought, had laid to rest, this argument. I do not wish to reiterate his case.2Instead, using his article as a base, I will attempt here to make very crude prognoses and predictions and then to look at their policy implications, both for the sector discussed by him and for other sectors of social and economic development.

1975 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 417-424 ◽  
Erland Hofsten

Originally, many of the initiators of the World Population Conference, which took place in Bucharest in 1974, had hoped that the Conference would imply a final breakthrough for the view that family planning measures should be given top priority in all less-developed countries. In fact, however, the Plan of Action passed by the Conference contains very little relating to population and family planning. Instead, the document is dominated by wordy phrases about the necessity of attaining social and economic development in those countries. Will the insight that family planning programs work efficiently only if they are an integral part of programs for the social and economic development of a country lead to such programs being realized? There is every reason to doubt that the Plan of Action will have any such effect. The reasons for the underdevelopment of Third World countries cannot be removed through such United Nations resolutions. In the People's Republic of China, family planning is widely accepted, especially in the towns, and now also among the rural population. Limiting the number of children is considered part of China's development effort. China is a less-developed country that is in the process of rapid social and economic development. The issue at stake in other Third World countries is how to achieve a similar development. As soon as this goal is achieved, family planning efforts are meaningful and have a chance of success. The experience of China demonstrates that even there it took time before the efforts succeeded. There are many Third World countries that could, without much difficulty, support a population considerably larger than the present one. But there are no doubt also a number of countries where the population is already so large that a continued population increase would be harmful. The need to achieve rapid development becomes increasingly urgent, not in the least to make it possible to attain a reduced population growth. The sad truth is that so little development takes place in those countries. Without social and economic development, the present rapid population increase will continue in those countries where there is already an overly dense population.

Ольга Викторовна Смирнова

Цель статьи - исследовать возможности и сферы применения цифровых технологий в образовательном процессе на примере дисциплины «Экономическая теория». Тенденции общественного и экономического развития, в т.ч. процессы цифровизации, выдвигают новые требования к системе образования. Существует необходимость содержательного обновления дисциплин учебного плана, применяемых образовательных технологий, а также определения направлений трансформации в организации образовательного процесса в соответствии с требованиями времени. Новизна заключается в разработке актуализированной рабочей программы дисциплины «Экономическая теория» путем обоснования и включения в ее разделы различных цифровых технологий, позволяющих заложить основу для дальнейшего формирования у обучающихся компетенций, в т.ч. цифровых, востребованных современным рынком труда. В статье обоснована необходимость использования ряда цифровых инструментов в учебном процессе, разработаны задания для практических занятий и самостоятельной работы обучающихся с использованием цифровых технологий, внесены изменения в лекционную часть, список рекомендованной литературы и интернет-ресурсов, необходимых для освоения дисциплины. Также представлены некоторые результаты применения цифровых инструментов в учебном процессе. The purpose of the article is to explore the possibilities and areas of application of digital technologies in the educational process on the example of the discipline «Economic Theory». Trends in social and economic development, incl. digitalization processes, put forward new requirements for the education system. There is a need for a meaningful update of the curriculum disciplines, educational technologies used, as well as determining the directions of transformation in the organization of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the time. The novelty lies in the development of an updated work program for the discipline «Economic Theory» by substantiating and including in its section’s various digital technologies, which make it possible to lay the foundation for the further formation of students' competencies, incl. digital, in demand in the modern labor market. In the course of the study, the necessity of introducing a number of digital tools into the educational process was substantiated, tasks for practical exercises and independent work of students using digital technologies were developed, changes were made to the lecture part, the list of recommended literature and Internet resources necessary for mastering the discipline. Some results of the use of digital tools in the educational process are also presented.

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