scholarly journals Hvordan kan et utforskende undervisnings- opplegg i naturfag støtte læring og motivasjon hos elever med stort læringspotensial?

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-180
Katarina Pajchel ◽  
Aase Marit Tolebråten Sørum Ramton

This article presents how an inquiry-based teaching unit designed for the regular classroom can support the motivation and learning of gifted students. Inquiry-based teaching was conducted with such students, and data were gathered via anonymous questionnaires in which the students were asked how they perceived the learning activities. The responses were clustered around five themes: instructive teaching, deep learning, interest, variation and mastering. Our results indicate that these five aspects support students’ learning directly and indirectly through motivation. The inquiry-based teaching unit is distinct in that it allows the learner to immerse him or herself in a topic of interest and in varied and advanced tasks, deepening subject knowledge and enhancing practical and creative ways of working. The relevance and applications of the subject knowledge were found to be additional motivating factors. The teaching unit provides examples of several adaptation strategies recommended for gifted students integrated into the regular classroom.

Jurnal Socius ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Eva Maya Kesuma Sari

AbstractEducation is an activity that has core interactions between students and educators as well as various educational sources. Interaction between students and educators and educational resources can take place in social situations (education), Classroom Action Research is used to describe the motivation and learning outcomes of students' economic subjects in Class X IIS SMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin. Classroom Action Research is conducted when learning activities take place, both overall and related to the material. The results of the study show that the application of role playing makes students as the subject of learning activities, and they must actively practice the communication with their friends. Learning motivation of students looks enthusiastic and dynamic. So that it can improve the positive climate to improve maximum learning outcomes.Keywords: Learning, role playing, and learning motivationAbstrakPendidikan merupakan suatu kegiatan yang berintikan interaksi antara peserta didik dengan para pendidik serta berbagai sumber pendidikan. Interaksi antara peserta didik dengan pendidik dan sumber-sumber pendidikan tersebut dapat berlangsung dalam situasi pergaulan (pendidikan), Penelitian Tindakan Kelas digunakan guna mendeskripsikan motivasi dan hasil belajar mata pelajaran ekonomi peserta didik kelas X IIS SMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dilakukan ketika kegiatan pembelajaran yang berlangsung, baik secara keseluruhan maupun terkait dengan materi. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan role playing menjadikan peserta didik sebagai subyek dari kegiatan pembelajaran, dan mereka secara aktif harus melakukan praktik-praktik berkomunikasi dengan temannya. Motivasi belajar peserta didik terlihat antusias dan dinamis. Sehingga mampu meningkatkan iklim positif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar yang maksimal.Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran, role playing, dan motivasi belajar

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Endang Dwi Ningsih ◽  
Rahayu Setyaningsih ◽  
Vitha Vidianingrum

AbstractBackground Motivation is an important role in learning. Motivation empower someone doing activities and it has related with the learning interest. According to the writers observation at the Panti Kosala Nursing Academy Surakarta students, shows that the students have not interested in the learning process which is unparallel with the class attendance performance 100%. Base on the observation, a research done on the second level students of the Panti Kosala Nursing Academy Surakarta. The aim is to know the relation between learning motivation and learning interest of the students. The kind of research was analitical. The research design, correlation and Cross-section approach. The subject were the 97 second level students of the Panti Kosala Nursing Academy Surakarta. The result data were analyzed by Chi-square with P = 0,05 ; P value got : 0,000 < P = 0,05 indicate the Ha value available received (acceptable). The conclusion is having a relation between learning motivation and learning interest on the second level student of the Panti Kosala Nursing Academy Surakarta.Keywords: Motivation and Learning interest

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-186
Satria Wiguna

The purposes of this study are 1) To determine the learning interest of X MAN 1 Langkat students in the subject of Islamic Cultural History, 2) To determine the use of the talking stick method in teaching and learning activities in the subject of Islamic Cultural History for Class X MAN 1 students. Langkat, 3) To find out the increase in learning outcomes of Islamic Cultural History by using the talking stick method in the subject of Islamic Cultural History for class X students of MAN 1 Langkat. Students' interest in learning at MAN 1 Langkat class X in the SKI subject is very good and has increased after conducting research for two cycles. The use of the talking stick method in this study is online or online learning during the implementation of the second cycle, but it can increase student interest in learning well. In the learning process in cycle II the teacher changes the use of the method because the school implements online learning, but it still produces satisfying student interest in learning because the researcher or teacher always motivates and facilitates student learning activities. The use of the talking stick method can increase student interest in learning at MAN 1 Langkat class X in SKI subjects, which can be seen from the increase in each cycle. The use of the talking stick method with the percentage of students who completed learning in cycle 1 was 58% and cycle II was 84% ​​or an increase of 26%. There was an increase in student learning outcomes in cycle 1 by 68% and cycle II 81% which experienced an increase of 13%. . And the average increase in the percentage of teacher activity in the application of the talking stick method in cycle 1 was 78% and in cycle II was 81% or an increase of 3%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-90
La Ili ◽  
Gusti Handayani ◽  
Nanda Saputra

This study aims to: (1) increase student activity during the learning activities of sub-theme 1energy sources; (2) Improve learning outcomes in sub-theme 1 energy sources; and (3) Producinglearning media for sub-theme 1 sources of innovative energy that can increase motivation and learning outcomes in sub-theme 1 energy sources. This type of research is a classroom action research using the Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. This media is motivated by the students' mastery of the subject matter is low, the activity of students during the learning process is very lacking, students are less interested in the methods and media used by researchers. This innovative work consists of two types of media, namely the Spinning Wheel and the Smart Puzzle. This rotating wheel uses iron and used parabolic plates. Meanwhile, this Smart Puzzle is made from Styrofoam and Asturo paper. The wheel will stop pointing to a source of energy for the students to arrange their smart puzzles. The results obtained in the practical application of this media are that it can increase motivation and learning achievement in sub-theme 1 energy sources for fourth grade students of SDN 2 Sigli. It is proven in the first cycle of 33 students who achieved complete learning, 16 students or 48.5% obtained an average score of 68.2. Then the complete students increased again in the second cycle to 28 students or 84.9% with an average score of 77.6 which exceeded the indicator achievement target of 70. Based on the results of observations, this learning process was in a good category. .

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Ilyas Ilyas

The purpose of this research was to determine whether there is a direct effect of the activity of students in learning, learning interest, and the self-directed learning to the learning outcomes of physics. The method used is causal path analysis. Causal research conducted to describe the scheme and effect relationship that is deeper than two or more of the facts and the properties of the subject under research. The sample in this research was 156 students were randomly selected as a research subject. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires and tests. Data processing techniques using path analysis. The results showed that: (1) the activity of students in learning directly affects learning outcomes physics, (2) the interest of student learning directly affects learning outcomes physics, (3) the independence of student learning directly affects learning outcomes physics, (4 ) students in learning activities directly affect student learning independence, (5) interest in learning directly affects learning independence (6) students in learning activities directly affect the interest in learning. The implications of this research indicate that the activities, interests and independence of learning can be enhanced so as to affect the outcome of learning physics Keywords: student activities, learning interest, self-directed learning, learning outcomes

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-222
Yulia Susanti Pingga

  This research intends to examine the use of cooperative learning models in Christian Religious Education (PAK) subjects to increase the learning interest of students of class XI IPS 3 SMAN 1 Kupang. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods. Informants are 26 students and 1 PAK teacher. The results revealed that there was a positive response from learners when learning in the classroom was conveyed using the cooperative learning model. This is indicated by indicators: students feel comfortable and happy to follow learning using the cooperative learning model, there is attention from students when the subject matter is delivered using the cooperative learning model as a support to motivate students to be interested in learning activities, students are so interested in following learning by using the cooperative learning model because they get assignments and opportunities to become leaders (leaders) for students. Friends in the group, students are able to remember the material that has been delivered through the cooperative learning model because in group learning they help each other find the material discussed, students can understand the subject matter delivered through the cooperative learning model, as well as the growing interest in learning students when learning materials are delivered using the cooperative learning model. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk meneliti penggunaan model cooperative learning pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen (PAK) untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa kelas XI IPS 3 SMAN 1 Kupang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Informan yaitu 26 orang siswa-siswi dan 1 orang guru PAK. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat respon positif dari peserta didik saat pembelajaran di kelas yang di sampaikan dengan menggunakan model cooperative learning. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan indikator: siswa merasa nyaman dan senang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model cooperative learning, adanya perhatian dari siswa ketika materi pelajaran disampaikan menggunakan model cooperative learning sebagai pendukung untuk memotivasi siswa agar berminat dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, siswa begitu tertarik mengikuti pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model cooperative learning karena mereka mendapat tugas dan kesempatan untuk menjadi ketua (pemimpin) bagi teman-teman dalam kelompok, siswa mampu mengingat materi yang telah disampaikan melalui model cooperative learning karena dalam pembelajaran kelompok mereka saling membantu menemukan materi yang dibahas, siswa dapat memahami materi pelajaran yang disampaikan melalui model cooperative learning, serta bertumbuhnya minat belajar siswa ketika materi pembelajaran disampaikan menggunakan model cooperative learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Haridi Haridi

Based on preliminary study, it is known that the students of class X<br />IPA 1 MAN 2 Banyuwangi have problems in the learning process of<br />mathematics. Therefore, teachers need to seek solutions. The<br />teacher's efforts include applying cooperative learning model of<br />Group investigation type. This study aims to determine: 1) Increased<br />motivation and learning activities of mathematics through<br />cooperative learning model type of gruop investigation on students<br />class X IPA 1 MAN 2 Banyuwangi. 2) improving mathematics<br />learning outcomes through cooperative learning model type of gruop<br />investigation on students class X IPA 1 MAN 2 Banyuwangi. This<br />research is a classroom action research conducted on the subject of<br />Mathematics. Subjects in the meticulous are students of Class X IPA<br />1 MAN 2 Banyuwangi academic year 2017/2018. The research<br />procedure consists of two cycles for 4 meetings. Each cycle is<br />carried out with activities: Planning, Action Implementation,<br />Observation, Evaluation, Reflection. Analytical technique that will<br />be used is descriptive technique. The results showed: 1) there is an<br />increase in motivation and learning activities of mathematics<br />through cooperative learning model type of gruop investigation in<br />students of class X IPA 1 MAN 2 Banyuwangi. 2) there is<br />improvement of mathematics learning outcomes through cooperative<br />learning model type of gruop investigation in students of class X<br />IPA 1 MAN 2 Banyuwangi.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Haridi Haridi

Based on preliminary study, it is known that the students of class X<br />IPA 1 MAN 2 Banyuwangi have problems in the learning process of<br />mathematics. Therefore, teachers need to seek solutions. The<br />teacher's efforts include applying cooperative learning model of<br />Group investigation type. This study aims to determine: 1) Increased<br />motivation and learning activities of mathematics through<br />cooperative learning model type of gruop investigation on students<br />class X IPA 1 MAN 2 Banyuwangi. 2) improving mathematics<br />learning outcomes through cooperative learning model type of gruop<br />investigation on students class X IPA 1 MAN 2 Banyuwangi. This<br />research is a classroom action research conducted on the subject of<br />Mathematics. Subjects in the meticulous are students of Class X IPA<br />1 MAN 2 Banyuwangi academic year 2017/2018. The research<br />procedure consists of two cycles for 4 meetings. Each cycle is<br />carried out with activities: Planning, Action Implementation,<br />Observation, Evaluation, Reflection. Analytical technique that will<br />be used is descriptive technique. The results showed: 1) there is an<br />increase in motivation and learning activities of mathematics<br />through cooperative learning model type of gruop investigation in<br />students of class X IPA 1 MAN 2 Banyuwangi. 2) there is<br />improvement of mathematics learning outcomes through cooperative<br />learning model type of gruop investigation in students of class X<br />IPA 1 MAN 2 Banyuwangi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Fatin Rohmah Wahidah ◽  
Farida Kurniawati

The purpose of this study was to determine the application of self-regulated learning interventions to increase learning motivation and learning abilities in junior high school students who come from families with low socioeconomic levels. The intervention was given for five sessions through psychoeducation and assignments. The subject of this study is a male, 15 years old. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data analysis using triangulation techniques. The results of the analysis of observations, interviews, and assignment documents show that there are differences before and after the subject was given intervention. In general, self-regulated learning intervention has a positive impact on learning motivation and learning abilities of the subject. Several factors that support and inhibit intervention were explained. Some suggestions are given to develop the further intervention.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Mujiem Mujiem

This research is a classroom action research that aims to improve the ability of teachers to apply the problem centered learning model of learning in the Elementary School 187/ X Bangun Karya, Academic Year 2019/2020. The subject of this study was a teacher at 187 / X Bangun Karya Elementary School, Rantau Rasau District, Tanjung Jabung Timur District, Jambi Province. This class action research was carried out in two cycles, each cycle consisting of two meetings. The results of the evaluation are converted into a recapitulation table of the results of cycle I. The conversion results state that the research has not yet reached the target, it needs to be continued with cycle II. The results of observers in the implementation phase of the second cycle showed that all parts of the learning activities were going well, so that there were no more parts of the learning activities that needed to be improved. While the results of the second cycle are converted with the results of the recapitulation table states that the study has reached the target limit of completeness criteria in the first cycle that is equal to 50% and an average of 68.7 in the initial conditions of improvement in the second cycle completeness criteria to be 100% and the average namely 91.7 states that the Focus Group Discission can improve the ability of teachers to apply the Problem Centered Learning learning model in learning in 187 / X Public Elementary School Build Work Year 2019/2020.

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