scholarly journals Effect of bacteriocin-producing Pediococcus acidilactici strains on the immune system and intestinal flora of normal mice

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 238-246
Yiteng Qiao ◽  
Zhichang Qiu ◽  
Fengwei Tian ◽  
Leilei Yu ◽  
Jianxin Zhao ◽  
Aline Gamarra Taborda FLESCH ◽  
Aline Kirjner POZIOMYCK ◽  
Daniel De Carvalho DAMIN

INTRODUCTION: Functional foods are health promoters and their use is associated with reduced risk of chronic degenerative and non-transmissible diseases. Examples are symbiotic. The association of one (or more) probiotic with a one (or more) prebiotic is called symbiotic, being the prebiotics complementary and probiotics synergistic, thus presenting a multiplicative factor on their individual actions. OBJECTIVE: To assess the evidences on the benefits of the use of symbiotics in the treatment of clinical and surgical situations. METHODS: The headings symbiotic, probiotic and prebiotic were searched in Pubmed/Medline in the last 15 years, and were selected 25 articles, used for database. RESULTS: The use of symbiotic may promote an increase in the number of bifidobacteria, glycemic control, reduction of blood cholesterol, balancing the intestinal flora which aids in reducing constipation and/or diarrhea, improves intestinal permeability and stimulation of the immune system. Clinical indications for these products has been expanded, in order to maximize the individual's physiological functions to provide greater. So, with the high interest in the clinical and nutritional control of disease, many studies have been conducted demonstrating the effectiveness of using symbiotic in improving and/or preventing various and/or symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases. CONCLUSION: Symbiotic behave differently and positively in various pathological situations.

Yiteng Qiao ◽  
Zhichang Qiu ◽  
Fengwei Tian ◽  
Leilei Yu ◽  
Jianxin Zhao ◽  

Constipation is a prevalent gastrointestinal disorder that seriously reduces the quality of life. Clinical studies have shown that a great change or severe imbalance occurs in the intestinal microbiota of people with constipation. This study explored whether bacteriocin-producing and non-bacteriocin-producing Pediococcus acidilactici strains resulted in differences in the alleviation of constipation and changes in the fecal flora in BALB/c mice. The constipation-related indicators, gastrointestinal regulatory peptides and gut microbiota were identified to evaluate their alleviating effects and underlying mechanisms. The time to the first black-stool defecation and the gastrointestinal transit rate in constipated mice were found to be somewhat improved by four P. acidilactici strains (P > 0.05). Moreover, there were significant differences in the level of most gastrointestinal regulatory peptides in the serum, as well as in the composition and abundance of intestinal microbiota in different groups (P < 0.05). At the phylum level, the relative abundance of Firmicutes was significantly increased, but those of Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria were significantly reduced after the administration of four P. acidilactici strains for 14 d (P < 0.05). The levels of Bacteroides and genera from Enterobacteriaceae were significantly decreased, whereas Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus were upregulated when bacteriocin-producing P. acidilactici CCFM18 and CCFM28 strains were provided in the diet (P < 0.05). The results indicated that although constipation-related symptoms were alleviated to only a limited degree, the administration of four P. acidilactici strains effectively regulated the gut flora and provided a potential health benefit to the host, especially the bacteriocin-producing P. acidilactici strains.

2021 ◽  
Vol 162 (19) ◽  
pp. 731-740
Vilmos Fülöp ◽  
János Demeter ◽  
Áron Cseh

Összefoglaló. A humán mikrobiom az emberi szervezetben és az emberi testfelszínen élő mikrobaközösségek összessége, amelyek többsége a gyomor-bél rendszerben él. Ezek a mikrobaközösségek számos és sokféle baktériumot tartalmaznak, gombákat, vírusokat, archeákat és protozoonokat. Ez a mikrobiális közösség, vagy mikrobiota, a gazdaszervezetben nagyrészt egymással kölcsönösségi viszonyban tenyészik, és gondoskodik a bélben a tápanyagok anyagcseréjéről, kalibrálja az anyagcsere-működést, tanítja az immunrendszert, fenntartja a közösség integritását, és véd a kórokozók ellen. A majdan megszületendő magzat a megfelelő tápanyagellátását az anyai véráramból kapja, és így az anyai szervezetben a mikrobiota indukálta baktériumkomponensek vagy metabolitok hatékonyan átvihetők a magzatba. Az anyai mikrobiális közösségek – ideértve a praenatalis bélrendszeri, hüvelyi, száj- és bőrmikrobiomot – a terhesség alatt valójában kifejezett változásokon mennek keresztül, amelyek befolyásolhatják az egészség megőrzését, és hozzájárulhatnak a közismert betegségek kialakulásához. A magzat nem steril, és immunológiai szempontból sem naiv, hanem az anya révén környezeti ingerek hatásaitól befolyásolva kölcsönhatásba lép az anyai immunrendszerrel. Számos anyai tényező – beleértve a hormonokat, a citokineket és a mikrobiomot – módosíthatja az intrauterin környezetet, ezáltal befolyásolva a magzati immunrendszer fejlődését. A fokozott stresszben élő anyák csecsemőinél nagyobb az allergia és a gyomor-bél rendszeri rendellenességek aránya. A várandós étrendje is befolyásolja a magzati mikrobiomot a méh közvetítésével. A bélflóránk, vagyis a mikrobiom, a belünkben élő mikrobák összessége és szimbiózisa, amelynek kényes egyensúlya már csecsemőkorban kialakul, és döntően meghatározza az intestinalis barrier és a bélasszociált immunrendszer működését. A probiotikumok szaporodásához szükséges prebiotikummal is befolyásolható a bélflóra. A pre- és a probiotikum kombinációja a szimbiotikum. Az anyatej a patogénekkel szemben protektív hatású, részben azáltal, hogy emeli a Bifidobacterium-számot az újszülött bélflórájában. A dysbiosis a kommenzális, egészséges bélflóra megváltozása. Ennek szerepét feltételezik funkcionális gastrointestinalis kórképekben, egyre több pszichiátriai és neurológiai kórképben is, mint az autizmus-spektrumzavar. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(19): 731–740. Summary. The human microbiome is the totality of microbe communities living in the human body and on the human body surface, most of which live in the gastrointestinal tract. These microbe communities contain many and varied bacteria, fungi, viruses, archaea and protozoa. This microbial community or microbiota in the host is largely reciprocal and takes care of nutrient metabolism in the gut, calibrates metabolism, teaches the immune system, maintains community integrity, and protects against pathogens. The fetus to be born is adequately supplied with nutrients from the maternal bloodstream, and thus microbial-induced bacterial components or metabolites can be efficiently transferred to the fetus in the maternal body. Maternal microbial communities, including prenatal intestinal, vaginal, oral, and dermal microbiomes, actually undergo pronounced changes during pregnancy that can affect health maintenance and contribute to the development of well-known diseases. The fetus is not sterile or immunologically naïve, but interacts with the maternal immune system through the effects of environmental stimuli through the mother. Many maternal factors, including hormones, cytokines, and the microbiome, can modify the intrauterine environment, thereby affecting the development of the fetal immune system. Infants of mothers under increased stress have higher rates of allergies and gastrointestinal disorders. The diet of the gravida also affects the fetal microbiome through the uterus. Our intestinal flora, or microbiome, is the totality and symbiosis of the microbes living in them, the delicate balance of which is established in infancy and decisively determines the functioning of the intestinal barrier and the intestinal associated immune system. The prebiotic required for the proliferation of probiotics can also affect the intestinal flora. The combination of pre- and probiotic is symbiotic. Breast milk has a protective effect against pathogens, in part by raising the number of Bifidobacteria in the intestinal flora of the newborn. Dysbiosis is a change in the commensal, healthy gut flora. Its role is hypothesized in functional gastrointestinal disorders, as well as in more and more psychiatric and neurological disorders such as the autism spectrum disorder. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(19): 731–740.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Rosa Martín-Mateos ◽  
Agustín Albillos

The complex interplay between the gut microbiota, the intestinal barrier, the immune system and the liver is strongly influenced by environmental and genetic factors that can disrupt the homeostasis leading to disease. Among the modulable factors, diet has been identified as a key regulator of microbiota composition in patients with metabolic syndrome and related diseases, including the metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD). The altered microbiota disrupts the intestinal barrier at different levels inducing functional and structural changes at the mucus lining, the intercellular junctions on the epithelial layer, or at the recently characterized vascular barrier. Barrier disruption leads to an increased gut permeability to bacteria and derived products which challenge the immune system and promote inflammation. All these alterations contribute to the pathogenesis of MAFLD, and thus, therapeutic approaches targeting the gut-liver-axis are increasingly being explored. In addition, the specific changes induced in the intestinal flora may allow to characterize distinctive microbial signatures for non-invasive diagnosis, severity stratification and disease monitoring.

2015 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-262 ◽  
Yuji Miyaguchi ◽  
Takuya Tomatsuri ◽  
Atsushi Toyoda ◽  
Eiichi Inoue ◽  
Yasuki Ogawa

1996 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
Lars A. Hanson ◽  
Ursula Wiedermann ◽  
Rifat Ashraf ◽  
Shakila Zaman ◽  
Ingegrad Adlerberth ◽  

Human milk is a very complex fluid with a number of components and multiple functions. New functions are continually being identified. It is clear that human milk can affect the immune system of the breasfed infant. This results both in enhanced vaccine responses and, at times, down-regulation of other immune reactivities, such as transplant rejection and the risk of developing certain immunologic diseases, such as type I diabetes. Breastfeeding presumably gives the infant the possibility for an optimal immune response by providing good nutrition, including a decreased risk of vitamin A deficiency. The control of the intestinal flora and the anti-inflammatory effects of maternal milk also increase the possibilities for an adequate immune response in the infant. Further study is needed of the roles of idiotypic and anti-idiotypic antibodies, growth factors, cytokines, and various anti-inflammatory factors in the maternal milk in the infant's host defence.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-14 ◽  
Monika Adamczyk-Sowa ◽  
Aldona Medrek ◽  
Paulina Madej ◽  
Wirginia Michlicka ◽  
Pawel Dobrakowski

Aim.Evaluation of the impact of gut microflora on the pathophysiology of MS.Results. The etiopathogenesis of MS is not fully known. Gut microbiota may be of a great importance in the pathogenesis of MS, since recent findings suggest that substitutions of certain microbial population in the gut can lead to proinflammatory state, which can lead to MS in humans. In contrast, other commensal bacteria and their antigenic products may protect against inflammation within the central nervous system. The type of intestinal flora is affected by antibiotics, stress, or diet. The effects on MS through the intestinal microflora can also be achieved by antibiotic therapy andLactobacillus. EAE, as an animal model of MS, indicates a strong influence of the gut microbiota on the immune system and shows that disturbances in gut physiology may contribute to the development of MS.Conclusions.The relationship between the central nervous system, the immune system, and the gut microbiota relates to the influence of microorganisms in the development of MS. A possible interaction between gut microbiota and the immune system can be perceived through regulation by the endocannabinoid system. It may offer an opportunity to understand the interaction comprised in the gut-immune-brain axis.

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