Freeze-Etch Crystal-Like Structures in Membranous Glomerulosclerosis

Burton B. Silver

Tissue from a non-functional kidney affected with chronic membranous glomerulosclerosis was removed at time of trnasplantation. Recipient kidney tissue and donor kidney tissue were simultaneously fixed for electron microscopy. Primary fixation was in phosphate buffered gluteraldehyde followed by infiltration in 20 and then 40% glycerol. The tissues were frozen in liquid Freon and finally in liquid nitrogen. Fracturing and replication of the etched surface was carried out in a Denton freeze-etch device. The etched surface was coated with platinum followed by carbon. These replicas were cleaned in a 50% solution of sodium hypochlorite and mounted on 400 mesh copper grids. They were examined in an Siemens Elmiskop IA. The pictures suggested that the diseased kidney had heavy deposits of an unknown substance which might account for its inoperative state at the time of surgery. Such deposits were not as apparent in light microscopy or in the standard fixation methods used for EM. This might have been due to some extraction process which removed such granular material in the dehydration steps.

Nakazo Watari ◽  
Yasuaki Hotta ◽  
Yoshio Mabuchi

It is very useful if we can observe the identical cell elements within the same sections by light microscopy (LM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and/or scanning electron microscopy (SEM) sequentially, because, the cell fine structure can not be indicated by LM, while the color is; on the other hand, the cell fine structure can be very easily observed by EM, although its color properties may not. However, there is one problem in that LM requires thick sections of over 1 μm, while EM needs very thin sections of under 100 nm. Recently, we have developed a new method to observe the same cell elements within the same plastic sections using both light and transmission (conventional or high-voltage) electron microscopes.In this paper, we have developed two new observation methods for the identical cell elements within the same sections, both plastic-embedded and paraffin-embedded, using light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and/or scanning electron microscopy (Fig. 1).

Bruce Mackay

The broadest application of transmission electron microscopy (EM) in diagnostic medicine is the identification of tumors that cannot be classified by routine light microscopy. EM is useful in the evaluation of approximately 10% of human neoplasms, but the extent of its contribution varies considerably. It may provide a specific diagnosis that can not be reached by other means, but in contrast, the information obtained from ultrastructural study of some 10% of tumors does not significantly add to that available from light microscopy. Most cases fall somewhere between these two extremes: EM may correct a light microscopic diagnosis, or serve to narrow a differential diagnosis by excluding some of the possibilities considered by light microscopy. It is particularly important to correlate the EM findings with data from light microscopy, clinical examination, and other diagnostic procedures.

Joseph E. Mazurkiewicz

Immunocytochemistry is a powerful investigative approach in which one of the most exacting examples of specificity, that of the reaction of an antibody with its antigen, isused to localize tissue and cell specific molecules in situ. Following the introduction of fluorescent labeled antibodies in T950, a large number of molecules of biological interest had been studied with light microscopy, especially antigens involved in the pathogenesis of some diseases. However, with advances in electron microscopy, newer methods were needed which could reveal these reactions at the ultrastructural level. An electron dense label that could be coupled to an antibody without the loss of immunologic activity was desired.

E. S. Boatman ◽  
G. E. Kenny

Information concerning the morphology and replication of organism of the family Mycoplasmataceae remains, despite over 70 years of study, highly controversial. Due to their small size observations by light microscopy have not been rewarding. Furthermore, not only are these organisms extremely pleomorphic but their morphology also changes according to growth phase. This study deals with the morphological aspects of M. pneumoniae strain 3546 in relation to growth, interaction with HeLa cells and possible mechanisms of replication.The organisms were grown aerobically at 37°C in a soy peptone yeast dialysate medium supplemented with 12% gamma-globulin free horse serum. The medium was buffered at pH 7.3 with TES [N-tris (hyroxymethyl) methyl-2-aminoethane sulfonic acid] at 10mM concentration. The inoculum, an actively growing culture, was filtered through a 0.5 μm polycarbonate “nuclepore” filter to prevent transfer of all but the smallest aggregates. Growth was assessed at specific periods by colony counts and 800 ml samples of organisms were fixed in situ with 2.5% glutaraldehyde for 3 hrs. at 4°C. Washed cells for sectioning were post-fixed in 0.8% OSO4 in veronal-acetate buffer pH 6.1 for 1 hr. at 21°C. HeLa cells were infected with a filtered inoculum of M. pneumoniae and incubated for 9 days in Leighton tubes with coverslips. The cells were then removed and processed for electron microscopy.

N.C. Lyon ◽  
W. C. Mueller

Schumacher and Halbsguth first demonstrated ectodesmata as pores or channels in the epidermal cell walls in haustoria of Cuscuta odorata L. by light microscopy in tissues fixed in a sublimate fixative (30% ethyl alcohol, 30 ml:glacial acetic acid, 10 ml: 65% nitric acid, 1 ml: 40% formaldehyde, 5 ml: oxalic acid, 2 g: mecuric chloride to saturation 2-3 g). Other workers have published electron micrographs of structures transversing the outer epidermal cell in thin sections of plant leaves that have been interpreted as ectodesmata. Such structures are evident following treatment with Hg++ or Ag+ salts and are only rarely observed by electron microscopy. If ectodesmata exist without such treatment, and are not artefacts, they would afford natural pathways of entry for applied foliar solutions and plant viruses.

R. Stephens ◽  
G. Schidlovsky ◽  
S. Kuzmic ◽  
P. Gaudreau

The usual method of scraping or trypsinization to detach tissue culture cell sheets from their glass substrate for further pelletization and processing for electron microscopy introduces objectionable morphological alterations. It is also impossible under these conditions to study a particular area or individual cell which have been preselected by light microscopy in the living state.Several schemes which obviate centrifugation and allow the embedding of nondetached tissue culture cells have been proposed. However, they all preserve only a small part of the cell sheet and make use of inverted gelatin capsules which are in this case difficult to handle.We have evolved and used over a period of several years a technique which allows the embedding of a complete cell sheet growing at the inner surface of a tissue culture roller tube. Observation of the same cell by light microscopy in the living and embedded states followed by electron microscopy is performed conveniently.

D. Johnson ◽  
P. Moriearty

Since several species of Schistosoma, or blood fluke, parasitize man, these trematodes have been subjected to extensive study. Light microscopy and conventional electron microscopy have yielded much information about the morphology of the various stages; however, scanning electron microscopy has been little utilized for this purpose. As the figures demonstrate, scanning microscopy is particularly helpful in studying at high resolution characteristics of surface structure, which are important in determining host-parasite relationships.

C. C. Clawson ◽  
L. W. Anderson ◽  
R. A. Good

Investigations which require electron microscope examination of a few specific areas of non-homogeneous tissues make random sampling of small blocks an inefficient and unrewarding procedure. Therefore, several investigators have devised methods which allow obtaining sample blocks for electron microscopy from region of tissue previously identified by light microscopy of present here techniques which make possible: 1) sampling tissue for electron microscopy from selected areas previously identified by light microscopy of relatively large pieces of tissue; 2) dehydration and embedding large numbers of individually identified blocks while keeping each one separate; 3) a new method of maintaining specific orientation of blocks during embedding; 4) special light microscopic staining or fluorescent procedures and electron microscopy on immediately adjacent small areas of tissue.

Norberto Treviño ◽  
Alfredo Feria-Velasco ◽  
I. Ruiz de Chávez

Although erythrophagocytosis by various species of Entamoeba is a well known phenomenon this has not yet been studied in detail at the ultrastructural level. The present work deals with the description of the incorporation process of erythrocytes by trophozoites of E. histolytica. For this study, trophozoites of E. histolytica, HK-9:NIH strain cultured in axenic conditions and washed human erythrocytes were placed on a hot plate at 37°C in physiological saline solution. After 5 minutes, 2.5% glutarldehyde was added and the samples were processed according to conventional techniques for electron microscopy.Based upon light microscopy studies on living trophozoites in contact with erythrocytes, it seems that erythrophagocytosis only takes place in one pole of the parasite.

D. E. Philpott ◽  
W. Sapp ◽  
C. Williams ◽  
Joann Stevenson ◽  
S. Black

The response of spermatogonial cells to X-irradiation is well documented. It has been shown that there is a radiation resistent stem cell (As) which, after irradiation, replenishes the seminiferous epithelium. Most investigations in this area have dealt with radiation dosages of 100R or more. This study was undertaken to observe cellular responses at doses less than 100R of X-irradiation utilizing a system in which the tissue can be used for light and electron microscopy.Brown B6D2F1 mice aged 16 weeks were exposed to X-irradiation (225KeV; 15mA; filter 0.35 Cu; 50-60 R/min). Four mice were irradiated at each dose level between 1 and 100 rads. Testes were removed 3 days post-irradiation, fixed, and embedded. Sections were cut at 2 microns for light microscopy. After staining, surviving spermatogonia were identified and counted in tubule cross sections. The surviving fraction of spermatogonia compared to control, S/S0, was plotted against dose to give the curve shown in Fig. 1.

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