The guidance program in the public secondary schools in New Jersey. (Rutgers U. Stud. Educ., No. 16.).

1950 ◽  
Rex B. Cunliffe
2015 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Umemetu Momoh ◽  
Nkechi Obiweluozor

This study examined principals’ administrative effectiveness in the implementation of quality assurance standards in public secondary schools in Edo and Delta States. To guide the study, three hypotheses were raised. The study adopted the descriptive research design. The population of the study comprised all the principals and teachers in the public secondary schools in Edo and Delta States, Nigeria. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 240 principals and 720 teachers from the schools. Data was collected using ‘Administrative Effectiveness and Implementation of Quality Assurance Standards Questionnaire (AEIQASQ)’ to find out principals’ level of administrative effectiveness in the implementation of quality assurance standards using the Normative mean of 62.5 which was established from the instrument as the benchmark for effectiveness. The findings revealed that principals’ administrative effectiveness was high in the public secondary schools in Edo and Delta States. There was also a significant relationship between administrative effectiveness and implementation of quality assurance standards in the States based on principals’ gender and experience. It was therefore recommended that since principals in public schools are effective, Government should provide them with adequate funds and all necessary support to ensure that quality assurance standards are fully implemented in the schools. Also, experience and gender should be considered in appointing principals among other criteria as experienced female principals were found to be more effective.

Jeger P. Paragas

This is a descriptive study which determined and analyzed the quality management practices of public secondary school heads. The study included the school heads and teachers in all Schools Division in Pangasinan. The identified quality management practicesare based on the parameters of APPES Manual. Kendall’s tau correlation coefficient was utilized to identify the significant relationship in the quality management practices of public secondary school heads to the performance of their respective schools. The researcher used questionnaire, interview and google form to gather the needed data. Same set of questionnaire was utilized for the teachers and school heads as respondents of this study. Findings of the study revealed that stakeholders were truly a great agent in improving the public secondary schools. Therefore, school heads must be eager to do this to have a strong partnership and participation of the stakeholders in the school. They contribute a lot for the direction leading to greater learning outcomes. Also, it was found out that weak correlation was hardly related to the quality management practices of the school heads with regard to the performance of their respective schools. Further, a proposed plan of action with regard to the indicators that were found out moderate would be presented to public secondary schools for them to better identify the risk and opportunities so to attain and maintain quality management practices of school heads and school perfomance in the Department of Education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 74-102
Nicole Karapanagiotis

This article is a theoretical and ethnographic investigation of the role of marketing and branding within the contemporary ISKCON movement in the United States. In it, I examine the digital marketing enterprises of two prominent ISKCON temples: ISKCON of New Jersey and ISKCON of D.C. I argue that by attending to the vastly different ways in which these temples present and portray ISKCON online—including the markedly different media imagery by which they aim to draw the attention of the public—we can learn about an ideological divide concerning marketing within American ISKCON. This divide, I argue, highlights different ideas regarding how potential newcomers become attracted to ISKCON. It also illuminates an unexplored facet of the heterogeneity of American ISKCON, principally in terms of the movement’s public face.

Arsyad Abd. Gani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh utilitas multimedia dan gaya belajar siswa terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada IPS terpadu. Data dikumpulkan melalui survei beberapa bulan ke Sekolah Menengah Umum SMP Negeri 13 Mataram. Melibatkan 108 siswa telah dipilih secara sistematis dari populasi target 240 siswa baik mereka yang gaya belajar visual atau pendengaran yang dipilih dengan cermat. Data dikumpulkan melalui tes prestasi belajar dan dianalisis secara statistik dengan menerapkan serangkaian perhitungan Anova. Penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa penggunaan multimedia secara efektif meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa untuk kedua gaya belajar. Di sisi lain, penggunaan media konvensional tidak membawa dampak signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa baik pada gaya belajar visual maupun auditori. Akhirnya, disarankan kepada para guru terutama untuk memberikan banyak perhatian pada pemanfaatan multimedia dalam pengajaran terutama dalam pengajaran ilmu sosial. Demikian pula, disarankan kepada guru untuk mempertimbangkan gaya belajar siswa. The research was aimed at finding out the effect of the utilities of multimedia and the students learning styles towards the students’ learning achievement on socil science. The data were collected through a couple of month surveys to the Public Secondary Schools of SMP Negeri 13 Mataram. Involving 108 students had been sistematically selected from the target population of 240 students either those who visual or auditory learning styles which was selected carefully. The data were collected through learning achievement test and analized statistically by applying a series of Anova computations. Research reveals that the use of multimedia was effectively improving the students’ learning ahievement for both styles of learning. On the other hand, the use of convensional media was not brought with it any significant effect to the students’ learning achievement either on visual nor auditory learning styles. Finally, it is suggested to the teachers especially in order to pay much attention to the utilization of multimedia in teaching especially in teaching social science. Similarly, it was also suggested to the teachers in order to take into account the students’ learning styles.

2009 ◽  
Vol 20 (5) ◽  
pp. 664-679 ◽  
Graeme Currie ◽  
Andy Lockett ◽  
Olga Suhomlinova

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