Introduction to physical chemistry: Acids and bases, the gas laws and numerical and graphical problem solving

1989 ◽  
Vol 66 (8) ◽  
pp. 694
A. D. Jordan ◽  
F. W. Birss ◽  
S. Fraga

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 222 ◽  
Gautam Bhattacharyya ◽  
George M. Bodner

<span>For more than 20 years, our research group has been studying why bright, hard-working students often struggle to solve problems they encounter in undergraduate chemistry courses. Our work has spanned the breadth of the sub-disciplines of chemistry, from organic chemistry to physical chemistry. This paper will begin with a review of some of the general conclusions of this work that revolve around the importance of recognizing the difference between routine exercises and novel problems...</span>

2002 ◽  
Vol 79 (12) ◽  
pp. 1465 ◽  
Warren J. C. Menezes

2020 ◽  
pp. 91-108
Brian Cantor

The Arrhenius equation describes the way in which the speed of a chemical reaction varies exponentially with temperature. This chapter describes the thermodynamics of chemical reactions, the complexity of chemical kinetics, their explanation in terms of atomic and molecular collisions and transitionary activated states, and the concepts of molecularity, reaction order and collision and reaction cross section. Svante Arrhenius was the son of an estate manager at Uppsala University. He was tremendously innovative scientifically, inventing the interdisciplinary fields of physical chemistry, the ionic theory of acids and bases, environmental science, global warming and immunochemistry. He had longstanding feuds with many, more conventional, scientists, particularly his doctoral supervisors, who nearly failed him because they thought his development of ionic theory was neither ‘proper’ physics nor ‘proper’ chemistry. He became Director of the Swedish Academy of Sciences Högskola in Stockholm, where he oversaw the initiation of the Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature and Peace.

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