scholarly journals Effectiveness of the Combined Use of Microelements and Tetravit in Calves of the Dairy Period

2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 01027
Alexey Trebukhov ◽  
Elena Shaganova ◽  
Yulia Chekunkova ◽  
Nadezhda Momot ◽  
Yulia Kolina

Use of biologically active additives in feeding young animals is the most important element of resource-saving technologies. The aim of the study was to study the effectiveness of use of vitamin and mineral nutrition on the growth and development of young animals. 3 groups of calves were formed at the age of 10 days. Animals of the control group received the basic diet (OR), the II-experimental group received OR + salts of microelements and the calves of the III-experimental group received OR + salts of microelements and tetratwit in doses from 1 to 3 months – 1.5 mg, from 3 to 5 months – 2.0 mg and from 5 to 6 months – 3.0 mg. Tetravit was injected once every 2 weeks throughout the study. It was found that feeding the salts of microelements (copper, zinc, cobalt, manganese, iodine) to calves during the dairy period contributes to their more intensive development and growth of their meat productivity, both in combination with tetravite and without it. Use of salts of microelements separately, and in combination with a multivitamin preparation (tetravit) contributes to a significant increase in the studied hematological parameters in young animals, relative to control analogues.

А.И. Фролов ◽  
А.Н. Бетин

Жизненно важными микроэлементами для жвачных животных являются медь, цинк, марганец, железо, кобальт, йод, селен. Микроэлементы, в которых атом металла соединён и защищён белковыми молекулами, улучшают воспроизводительные качества самок за счёт повышения оплодотворяемости, уменьшения эмбриональной смертности, улучшения состояния мочеполовой системы или повышения интенсивности функционирования яичников. Поэтому в настоящее время актуальными являются разработка и внедрение в технологию кормления сельскохозяйственных животных наиболее эффективных препаратов с необходимыми биологически активными веществами. На основании проведённого исследования дано практическое обоснование использования в технологии кормления тёлок отечественной кормовой биодобавки на основе гидролизата соевого белка, витаминов и микроэлементов. Установлено её положительное действие на некоторые функции органов и систем животных. Экспериментально доказана эффективность её применения для оптимизации обменных процессов и повышения воспроизводительных функций тёлок. Так, биохимическим исследованием образцов крови подопытных животных установлено, что количество кальция и фосфора в крови у тёлок опытной группы по сравнению с контролем было достоверно выше на 2,35 и 2,9% соответственно. Эритропоэтическая фракция была более выражена у молодняка опытной группы. У тёлок опытной группы время от начала скармливания препарата до первой выраженной охоты и осеменения, по сравнению с контрольными животными, сократилось на 16%, а период от начала скармливания препарата до плодотворного осеменения – на 25,7%. Количество тёлок, пришедших в охоту и осеменённых в первый месяц, в опытной группе по сравнению с контрольной было на 43% больше. Оплодотворяемость тёлок опытной группы за учётный период составила 95%, что на 20% больше, чем у животных контрольной группы. Включение в рацион тёлок биодобавки в дозе 100 мл/гол. позволило получить дополнительно на 8,5% больше валового прироста живой массы по отношению к их аналогам. The vital trace nutrients for ruminants are copper, zinc, manganese, iron, cobalt, iodine, selenium. Microelements in which a metal atom is jointed and protected by protein molecules improve the reproductive qualities of females by increasing fertility, reducing embryonic mortality, improving the state of the genito-urinary system or increasing the intensity of ovarian functioning. Therefore the development and implementation of the most effective preparations with the necessary biologically active substances in the technology of feeding farm animals is currently relevant. On the ground of conducted research a practical substantiation of the use of domestic food supplement based on the hydrolyzate of soy protein, vitamins and trace nutrients in the feeding technology of heifers is given. Its positive effect on some functions of animal organs and systems has been established. The effectiveness of its application to optimize metabolic processes and increase the reproductive functions of heifers has been experimentally proven. Thus a biochemical blood samples analysis of experimental animals found that the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood of the heifers of the experimental group compared with the control was significantly higher by 2.35 and 2.9% respectively. The erythropoietic fraction was more defined in the young experimental group. In heifers of the experimental group the time from the beginning of feeding the drug to the first defined heat and insemination compared with control animals decreased by 16% and the period from the beginning of feeding the drug to prolific insemination – by 25.7%. The number of heifers that came to the heat and inseminated in the first month in the experimental group was 43% higher than the control group. The impregnation capacity of the heifers of the experimental group during the record period was 95% which is 20% more than in animals of the control group. Inclusion in the diet of heifers bioadditive at a dose of 100 ml / goal allowed obtaining additionally 8.5% more the gross body weight gain relative to their analogs.

G. A. Nozdrin ◽  
L. P. Ermakova ◽  
I. K. Mensh ◽  
Ya. E. Borodina ◽  
S. N. Tishkov

The comparative effect of the combined drugs Feliferon and Azoksivet and the drug Globfel-4 for rhinotracheitis in felines on hematological parameters of white blood was studied. In our study on the treatment of viral rhinotracheitis, 16 cats were examined. During the experiment, all cats showed the following clinical signs: lethargy, fever, leakage from the eyes and nasal passages. The animals were kept in separate cages in accordance with the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrates. The control group was given 1 ml subcutaneously, once a day every other day, with a course of 7 injections, immunoglobulin against rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and chlamydia - Globfel-4. The experimental group was treated with drugs Azoxivet intramuscularly in a course of 7 injections, once a day every other day, and Feliferon at a dose of 400,000 IU intramuscularly, once a day. The course of treatment was 7 days. Blood sampling was performed from the anterior saphenous vein of the forearm before and after therapy. The concentration of erythrocytes and hemoglobin was determined on an automatic hematology analyzer Mindray BC-2800. When treating cats with rhinotracheitis with Globfel-4, pronounced leukocytosis, absolute and relative lymphocytosis were noted. With the combined use of Azoxivet and Feliferon, these blood changes do not occur. When treating cats with rhinotracheitis with Globfel-4 or the combined use of Azoxivet and Feliferon, the absolute concentrations of monocytes and granulocytes increase within the physiological norm. The relative concentrations of these white blood phrases increase within the physiological norm only with the combined use of Azoxivet and Feliferon.

2019 ◽  
pp. 47-50
L.A. Nikanova

Приведены данные по изучению эффективности применения антиоксиданта дигидрокверцетина Экостимул2 и пребиотика арабиногалактана. Включение в рацион поросятотъёмышей дигидрокверцетина (50 мг/гол/день) и арабиногалактана (5 г/гол/день) положительно повлияло на гематологические показатели крови, биохимические показатели сыворотки крови, антиоксидантную защиту и продуктивность поросят. После завершения эксперимента живая масса поросят в опытной группе была на 10,6 выше, чем в контрольной. Совместное применение дигидрокверцетина и арабиногалактана положительно сказалось и на сохранности поголовья, которая в опытной группе составила 100, в контрольной группе 90. Количество лейкоцитов в крови поросят опытной группы было ниже на 8,0, а эритроцитов выше на 1,5 по сравнению с этими показателями у поросят контрольной группы, что отразилось на содержании гемоглобина и гематокрита крови. У поросят, получавших кормовые добавки, кислотное число, перекисное число и СЖК было ниже, чем у контрольных животных на 19,8, 20,5 и 19,7 соответственно. С этими показателями корреспондируется антиокислительная активность сыворотки крови, которая при применении кормовых добавок была выше на 26,5, чем в контроле. Кормовые добавки профилактировали гипербилирубинемию. В результате концентрация общего билирубина в плазме крови поросят опытной группы была ниже на 13,9, активность АлАТ и АсАТ в сыворотке их крови также была ниже на 18,7 и 17,6, чем в контроле. В сыворотке крови у поросят опытной группы содержание холестерина было выше на 1,8 мМ/л, чем в контроле, что характеризует состояние холестеринообразовательной функции печени. Содержание же глюкозы в крови у них было в пределах физиологической нормы и находилось на уровне 5,44 мМ/л, в то время как у поросят контрольной группы её содержание составляло 6,67 мМ/л (выше физиологической нормы) и могло свидетельствовать о повышенной функции коры надпочечников и, в связи с этим, наличии глюконеогенеза.The data on studying of the use effectiveness of the antioxidant dihydroquercetin Ecostimul2 and the prebiotic arabinogalactan are presented. The inclusion of dihydroquercetin (50 mg/goal/day) and arabinogalactan (5 g/goal/day) in the diet of weaned piglets had a positive effect on blood hematological parameters, serum biochemical parameters, antioxidant protection and piglet productivity. After the experiment the live weight of piglets in the experimental group was 10.6 higher than in the control one. The combined use of dihydroquercetin and arabinogalactan positively affected the safety of the livestock which in the experimental group was 100, in the control group 90. The number of leukocytes in the blood of the piglets of the experimental group was 8.0 lower and the erythrocytes were higher by 1.5 compared to these indicators in the piglets of the control group which was reflected in the content of hemoglobin and blood hematocrit. In piglets receiving feed additives the acid number, peroxide number, and FFA were lower than in control animals by 19.8, 20.5, and 19.7 respectively. These indicators correspond to the antioxidant activity of blood serum which was 26.5 higher when using feed additives than in the control. Feed additives prevented hyperbilirubinemia. As a result the concentration of total bilirubin in the blood plasma of piglets of the experimental group was 13.9 lower, the activity of AlAT and ASAT in their blood serum was also lower by 18.7 and 17.6 than in the control. The cholesterol content in the blood serum of piglets from the experimental group was 1.8 mol/L higher than in the control which characterizes the state of the cholesterolforming function of the liver. The glucose content in their blood was within the physiological norm and was at the level of 5.44 mol/L while in the piglets of the control group its content was 6.67 mol/L (higher than the physiological norm) and could indicate an increased function of the adrenal cortex and in connection with this the presence of gluconeogenesis.

M. Grigoryev ◽  
N. Chernogradskaya

Animals imported to Yakutia from other regions fall into feeding and housing conditions that differ from their usual agro-climatic conditions, which causes the problem of their adaptation. Yakutia is one of the areas where the feed of its own production has a lack of basic minerals, which affects the health and productivity of animals, which has an additional negative influence on the adaptation process of imported cattle. In order to replenish macro- and microelements in the body, it is necessary to introduce various local mineral feed additives, premixes, and use mineral salts into the ration. Under the conditions of Central Yakutia the influence of local mineral feed additives (zeolite of the Khonguruu Deposit in the Suntar district and sapropels of local lakes) containing macro- and microelements that increase the meat productivity of steers has been studied. As a result of the research the influence of local mineral feed additives on meat productivity and physiological condition of Hereford steers has been established. Influence of zeolite and sapropel in a complex with mineral salts on digestibility of nutrients of the ration and use of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus by experimental animals has been defined. The influence of feed additives on the quality of meat products has been studied. The results have shown that the use of local mineral feed additives in the composition of ration of steers during the fattening period at a dose of 0,7 g zeolite per 1 kg of live weight of the animal and 200 g of sapropel in combination with 10 g of mineral salts contributed to the gain in live weight, carcass weight, carcass yield, yield of edible parts, and economic efficiency of fattening. For the entire period of the experiment the gain in live weight in groups was: in control group 2222,9 kg, in the 1st experimental group 2396,2 kg, in the 2nd experimental group 2471,1 kg. The total economic effect for the 1st experimental group for the period of experiment amounted to 44,3 thousand Rubles, for the 2nd experimental group 78,0 thousand Rubles or per 1 head/day 14,06 and 24,76 Rubles, respectively.

A. Farkhutdinova

The expediency of using the probiotic drug Biolax-U in the rations of lactating and dry cows of Black-and-White breed has been studied and scientifically proved. The influence of this drug on the morphological and biochemical parameters of animal blood has been determined. The composition of the probiotic drug Biolax-U consists of eight strains of a balanced complex of living lactic acid bacteria, yeast and actinomycetes, as well as biologically active substances. For experimental studies conducted on 2 groups of cows have been selected by the method of pairs-analogs, the influence of feeding of feed have been prepared with the use of the microbiological drug with probiotic action Biolax-U on feed consumption, morphological and biochemical changes in blood has been studied. Analysis of the rations of cows indicates that the content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur and trace elements such as manganese, copper, zinc and cobalt in the feed has been reduced. It has been found by studies that the use of probiotic drug Biolax-U had the positive influence on the feed intake, digestibility and better assimilation of feed nutrients and contributed to the improvement of blood morphological and biochemical parameters. For example, in animals of the experimental group hemoglobin has increased by 3,6 % (Р < 0,05), red blood cells by 10,1 (P ≤ 0,05), the content of leukocytes by 4,43, carotene by 9,6, glucose by 3,4; reserve alkalinity by 15,6, calcium by 19,4 (P ≤ 0,01), and phosphorus by 18,4 % compared with the control group of animals. During the lactation significantly improved hematological parameters including alkalinity reserve by 5,11 %, calcium level by 11,1, phosphorus by 8,6, hemoglobin by 14,2 %, the content of erythrocytes by 12,3, leukocyte by 3,86, and carotene 11,1 % against the parameters of animals of control group. The improvement of morphological and biochemical parameters of blood of cows indicates about stimulating effect on hematopoiesis and the general clinical condition of animals that contributes to the improvement of metabolic processes when using feed prepared with the use of microbiological drug with probiotic action Biolax-U.

D. Skafar ◽  
D. Shumeyko

Purpose: to study the effect of ethanol on the parameters of THC, the percentage of granulocytes and total protein in the hemolymph of the Red claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus).Materials and methods. The object of this experiment was 26 males of the Australian red-clawed crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) weighing from 23 to 83 g. The individuals were evenly divided into two experimental groups - with an injection of ethanol and a control group without an injection of 13 crayfish for each group. The injection dose was 2515 mg per 100 g of body weight. A day after the introduction of ethanol, hemolymph was taken with a syringe from the ventral sinus, the syringe was pre-washed with a 4% EDTA-Na2 solution. Three parameters were determined: the total hemocyte count (THC), percent granulocytes and percent total protein content. Counting of hemocytes and determination of granulocytes were performed in a Goryaev chamber under a light microscope. The total protein was determined by the refractometric method.Results. Differences in THC and total protein between the groups were statistically unreliable (p>0,05). THC in the experimental group is 36% more than in the control group. The total protein after the introduction of ethanol actually increased by 0,7%, and relatively by 14%. There were statistically different indicators of the proportion of granulocytes (p<0,05) - the average value of 33,1% in the experimental group versus 24,5% in the control group. A reliable (p<0,05) strong feedback was revealed between the total protein and the mass of individuals in both experimental groups, while in the experimental group there is a visible shift in the values of dependent hemolymph indicators towards an increase in smaller individuals.Conclusion. A single injection of ethyl alcohol with a dosage of 2515 mg per 100 g of body weight into the hemolymph of C. quadricarinatus does not cause significant changes in the THC and total protein after 24 hours. At the same time, the proportion of granulocytes actually increases by 9%, relative to 37%. This may indicate that granulocytes are involved in the formation of cancer defense mechanisms when exposed to toxic substances. The effect of different dosages of ethanol injections and the duration of its effect on hematological parameters requires additional consideration. It is necessary to investigate its effect on other indicators, such as the pH and buffer capacity of the hemolymph, the concentration of hemocyanin, glucose, lactates and calcium.

Elena Petrovna Miroshnikova ◽  
Julia Vladimirovna Kilyakova ◽  
Sergey Vladimirovich Ponomarev ◽  
Azamat Ersainovich Arinzhanov ◽  
Maria Sergeevna Miroshnikova

The article presents the results of studies of morphological and biochemical blood parameters of carp juveniles when adding the extract Quercus cortex (1, 2, 3 mg/kg of feed), probiotic preparation of Soya-bifidum (0.7 ml/kg of feed), antibiotics Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride in the composition of the drug Antibak 250 (100 mg/kg of feed). Analysis of hematological parameters of carp juveniles showed that adding Quercus cortex extract to the diet at a dosage of 2 mg/kg of feed contributed to increasing SGE by 66%, the average concentration of hemoglobin in the red blood cell by 20% compared to the control group. An increase in the level of leukocytes compared to the control was recorded only in the IV experimental group and made 13% (P≤0.05). An increase in glucose in the groups receiving Quercus cortex extract has been stated: in the I experimental group- by 4.2 times (P≤0.001), in II – by 3.4 (P≤0.001) and in III – by 3.3 (P≤0.001) compared to the control. Increasing glucose concentration indicates active metabolic processes and better stress resistance in the fish body. Iron content in carp blood was higher only in the first experimental group (by 3 times) compared to the control. Increasing activity of alanine aminotransferase was observed in all experimental groups, the highest rate of this enzyme being recorded in the IV experimental group (feed with probiotic additive Soya-bifidum) with a significant excess of control by 48%. Lactate dehydrogenase enzyme activity exceeded the control in all experimental groups, maximum increase (by 67%) was observed in the IV experimental group. Alkaline phosphatase was below the control in all experimental groups, minimum values being registered in the IV experimental group- by 37% less than the control. Indicators of p-amylase in the IV group exceeded the control by 2.6 times, in the V group – by 1.5 times. In the II group p-amylase was lower than the control by 44%, and in the III – by 1.9 times. According to the obtained hematological data, it has been established that including Quercus cortex extract into the diet of carp juveniles is promising due to the positive effect on the fish physiological status, immune status, metabolic processes, hematopoiesis and digestibility of feed.

K. I. Khidirov ◽  
G. J. Kutlieva ◽  
B. I. Turaeva ◽  
N. A. Elova ◽  

Research has been carried out to study the influence of "ProBioKorm Uz", a biologically active feed additive, on the development and physiological characteristics of rabbits of ‘New Zealand’ breed. During the experiment, 2 experimental and a control groups were formed. Adding "ProBioKorm Uz" to the main feed at the rate of 1% and 2% had an increase in experimental group rabbits’ live weight. Average live weight of them was higher by 5,7 %-3.8% than in the control group. Feed units composed 1.59%, dry matter 0.56 kg (3.61%) and crude protein 0.11 kg (3.59%) compared with the control group. Rabbits of experimental groups had higher indicators of erythrocytes concentration by 0.34-1.00 1012/l (10.34-19.53%), leukocytes - by 0.370-0.46 109/l (5.66-8, 06%), as well as a high level of hemoglobin by 7.42-11.08 g/l (6.81-10.08%) and total protein - by 2.40-4.48 (3.64-6, 42%).

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (74) ◽  
pp. 123-126
N. B. Seba ◽  
M. A. Khomenko

In this paper present the results of research of influence of the preparation «Kvatronan-Se» and carboxylates of Se, Cu, Mn, Cr, Ge in different combinations on haematological parameters of blood of experimental animals. Study was carried out on the basis of PC Haleks-Agro. It is located in the village Gul'sk of Novograd Volynskiy district of Zhytomyr region. In the farm to bred of Simmental cows. For the experiment was formed four groups. We took into account age, live weight of 650–700 kg and the average milk yield 5000–6000 kg. Animals is located in identical conditions of feeding and maintenance. Research experiment was carried out on animals couples counterparts.  Preparations introduced animals three times at 10–12 days after insemination. The cows first experimental group were injected complex nanokarboksylativ Ge, Cu, Mn and Cr, second – drug Kvatronan–Se and animals third experimental group was administered a complex composed of Se, Cu, Mn, Cr. On 13 day after insemination in experimental animals were taken blood from tail vein and examined the contents of hematological parameters. Established that injection nanokarboksylativ enhance the fertility of cows in the first and third group, the figure rose to 20% in the second by 40% compared with the control. Research hematological parameters blood  animals shows that after entering content drugs of blood cells had minor changes but remained within the physiological norm. The results show that in  concentration monocyte the second group  was at 5.53% (P > 0.01) higher compared to the control group and 2.3% compared to the first and third. The content of lymphocytes in this group decreased by 26.3% (P > 0.05), 22% and 16% relative to the control, the first and third groups. Also, it should be noted that the hemoglobin in the experimental groups decreased in group I by 7.9% in the II – 3.9% and III by 7.3% compared with the control group. Also, these groups distinguished downward trend eosinophils 1.8%, 1.5%, 2.05%. Then, as the number of segment-nuclear neutrophils contrast, in the first group increased by 18.2% in the second and third at 16.9% comparatively control. The number of monocytes in the second group doslfidniy the suspicion was higher by 66.3% and 0.3% higher than the physiological norm – it may indicate a high immune response.

S. A. Shpуnova ◽  
O. A. Yadrishchenskaya ◽  
T. V. Selina ◽  
E. A. Basova

In order to increase the meat productivity of broiler chickens, increase production volumes and reduce the prime-cost of poultry products, it is necessary not only to ensure balanced feeding and compliance with production technology but also to include in the poultry diet non-traditional additives, biologically active substances that contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes and improve the digestibility of feed nutrients. One of these dietary additives is Betulin extracted from birch bark, which has antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties. In this regard, the purpose of the research was to study the influence of compound feed with the introduction of 2 % feed additive based on a synthetic microspherical nanoporous carbon carrier containing biologically active Betulin in its composition on the productivity of broilers. The results of studies on broiler chickens using compound feed with 2 % feed additive have been presented in the article. It has been found that the feed consumption per 1 kg of live weight gain in poultry of the experimental group have been lower by 9,5 % due to better absorption of nutrients, the live weight of broiler chickens of the experimental group at the age of 42 days was 2625,6 g and it was higher than the control group by 3,68 %. The digestibility of crude protein and fat reached 92,73 and 88,03 %, which exceeded the control group by 1,03 and 3,03 abs.%, respectively. It has been found that the use of compound feed with 2 % of the feed additive with the biologically active substance is of practical importance in connection with the increase in the productivity of broilers and the level of profitability of meat production by 8,2 abs.%.

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