scholarly journals Influence of fertilizers on yield and its relationship with the quality of potato stubs in Vologda region

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 01033
Olga Chukhina ◽  
Anna Demidova ◽  
Tatyana Vasilyeva

In the conditions of the Vologda Region on sod-podzolic soil, the calculated fertilization systems on average for 2015 - 2018 increased the yield of potato tubers by 41 - 66% compared to the minimum dose of fertilizers. The maximum starch content of 12.8% was observed when using an organomineral fertilizer system. The research shows a direct linear relationship between the content of “crude” protein and the yield of potato tubers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-141
Aleksey Evgenievich Sekirnikov ◽  
Vladimir Vitalievich Sedov ◽  
Viktor Fedorovich Shapovalov

The influence of chemicals on productivity and quality of potato tubers cv. Kurazh cultivated on sod-podzolic sandy soils under radioactive contamination was studied in the south-west of the central Non-Black Soil Zone of the Russian Federation. Organo-mineral system (manure, 40 t/ha + N75P30K90) applied in complex with chemicals and biological agent Gumistim turned to be the most effective fertilizer system providing the maximum potato yields during the experiment. Moreover, complex application of the chemicals increased protein level and decreased starch content in tubers, it also improved amino acid composition; concentration of heavy metals and specific activity of cesium-137 did not exceed sanitary and hygienic standards (SanPiN 2.3.3 1078-01).

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 640-648
L.P. Ikoeva ◽  
O.E. Khaeva ◽  

The effect of microfertilizer «Agro-Master» on the yield and quality of early and medium early of potato tubers varieties was studied, carried out at the experimental field of North Caucasus Research Institute of Mountain and Foothill Agriculture - branch of the VSC of RAS in the forest-steppe zone of Republic of North Ossetia-Alania on grass rotation in the period from 2017 to 2019 yy. The experimental data indicate that the use of microfertilizer «Agro-Master» in a specific soil and climate zone is a promising technique that can improve the productivity and quality of potato tubers in the field. The data of our studies on leached chernozems showed no clear differences in the timing of the onset of the development phases of potatoes. The intensity and speed of emergence of seedlings to a greater extent depends on weather conditions and varietal characteristics. It was found that when spraying potatoes with microfertilizer «Agro-Master» in different doses, the process of dying of tops is slowed down in comparison with the control options. So, in the Zukofsky early variety, the top-off phase begins 7-8 days earlier than the Red Scarlett variety and 10-11 days of the Predgorny variety of local selection. The maximum yield increase was observed when processing of the microfertilizer «Agro-Master» at a dose of 2 kg/he on the pre-mountain local breeding grade – 27,5 tons per hectare, while the increase in yield to control was 5,0 tons per hectare, for varieties of Zukofsky early and Red Scarlett – 5,0 and 4,7 tons per hectare respectively. The highest dry matter content was on the experimental version (dose 2 kg / ha) for the Predgorny variety – 26,6 %, the Zukofsky early and Red Scarlett varieties – 25,9 and 23,8 %, that accordingly is more than control on 3; 2 and 3 %. The starch content in the studied potato tubers in the experimental varieties was diverse. The maximum starch content in potato tubers was obtained using the variant treated with Agro-Master at a dose of 2 kg/he for Predgorny variety (16,0 %), which is explained by the favorable influence of microfertilizer «Agro-Master» and the manifestation of varietal characteristics.

2004 ◽  
Vol 61 (6) ◽  
pp. 598-603 ◽  
José Carlos Feltran ◽  
Leandro Borges Lemos ◽  
Rogério Lopes Vieites

Increasing concerns have been verified with regard to the quality factor of potato tubers and their correct form of use and consumption. The purpose of this research was to determine the technological quality of potato tuber cultivars and identify the best forms of use and consumption. A completely randomized experimental design was adopted with 18 treatments represented by cultivars Agata, Apuã (IAC-5977), Aracy (IAC-2), IAC Aracy Ruiva, Asterix, Bintje, Dali, Clone IAC-6090, Itararé (IAC-5986), Laguna, Remarka, Liseta, Mondial, Novita, Oscar, Picasso, Santana, and Solide, with four replications. Specific gravity showed a positive correlation with starch content, texture, pulp pH, and soluble solids, and was negatively correlated with reducing sugars. The technological characteristics represented by specific gravity, dry matter content, texture, starch content, reducing sugars, pulp pH, titrable acidity, and soluble solids are influenced by genotype or cultivar. Cultivars Oscar, Itararé, IAC Aracy Ruiva, Clone IAC-6090, Aracy, Solide, Asterix, Santana, and Laguna were outstanding with best characteristics for frying, mashing and roasting. Mondial, Picasso, Novita, Dali, and Agata are appropriate for boiling, and more specifically for salads. In turn, potato cultivars Apuã, Remarka, Bintje, and Liseta are suitable for mashing and for roasting.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 910-914
Sheeja K Raj ◽  
B.M. Suman ◽  
K. Prathapan

Field experiment was conducted at Coconut Research Balaramapuram, during Kharif 2017 to study the effect of nutrient levels and schedule of application on the quality parameters of upland rice intercropped in coconut. The experiment was conducted in randomized block design (RBD) with four different nutrient levels and four different schedules of nutrient application. Quality parameters like crude protein and starch content were significantly influenced by nutrient levels. The crude protein content was found to increase with increase in N level, however starch content was found to increase up to 70 kg N and 35 kg K ha-1 and after that a decline in trend was observed.  The highest crude protein content (8.38 per cent) was recorded with highest nutrient level, NPK @ 120:30:60 kg ha-1.  However, lower nutrient level, NPK @ 70:30:35 kg ha-1 recorded higher starch content (85.03 per cent).  Among the schedule of nutrient application, N applied in three equal splits (15 days after sowing (DAS), active tillering and panicle initiation stage), P as basal and K in two equal splits (15 DAS and panicle initiation stage) along with foliar application of 0.2 per cent zinc sulphate and 0.04 per cent sodium borate at 45 DAS recorded the highest crude protein (7.50 per cent) and starch content (84.17 per cent). The study clearly indicated that the increased level of N and K increased the protein content due to the active role of N and K in protein synthesis. However, high rate of N application decreased the starch content. In addition to the application of NPK, foliar nutrition of zinc sulphate and sodium borate at 45 DAS considerably improved the quality of grain by increasing the starch and protein content.

Н.Т. Чеботарёв ◽  
О.В. Броварова

Исследования эффективности минеральных удобрений на фоне последействия извести, внесённой в 1983 году, проводили в 1983–2020 годах на опытных полях Института агробиотехнологий ФИЦ Коми НЦ УрО РАН. Целью исследований было изучение влияния минеральных удобрений на продуктивность и качество бобово-злаковой травосмеси, а также выявление изменений агрохимических показателей почвы под влиянием удобрений и мелиорантов. В результате установлено, что наиболее значительный средний урожай бобово-злаковой травосмеси получен при использовании минеральных удобрений (N60P75K75) на фоне последействия извести (2,0 г.к.). Он составил 6,6 т/га сухого вещества (СВ) и превышал вариант без удобрений на 153,8%. Близкая урожайность трав получена при использовании NPK по фону извести 1,0 г.к. — 6,2 т/га СВ. Установлено, что при использовании удобрений и мелиоранта содержание сухого вещества в травах снижалось на 1–2%. Наибольшее количество сырого протеина было в травах при совместном применении NPK и извести (12,3–13,9%), как и содержание фосфора, калия и кальция (0,91–0,94; 2,82–2,93; 0,77–0,79% соответственно). Наши исследования показали: наиболее оптимальным приёмом воздействия на кислую дерново-подзолистую почву является применение минеральных удобрений (N60P75K75) по фону последействия двух доз извести. К 2010 году содержание гумуса повысилось на 0,4–0,5%, обменная кислотность снизилась на 0,6–0,8 ед. pHKCL, гидролитическая кислотность — на 1,3–1,9 ммоль/100 г почвы, содержание подвижного алюминия — на 1,1–2,2 ммоль/100 г почвы. Значительно повысилось количество подвижного фосфора (156–184 мг/кг почвы) и калия (до 141 мг/кг почвы), в большей степени — при применении NPK по фону последействия извести 2,0 г.к. The effectiveness of mineral fertilizers was tested on the background of lime applied in 1983 at the Institute of Agrobiotechnology from 1983 to 2020. The aim was to analyze the impact of mineral nutrition on productivity and quality of a legume-gramineous mixture as well as on soil chemistry. The mixture showed the best productivity (6.6 t DM ha-1) on the background of N60P75K75 and pH of 2.0. The yield increase amounted to 153.8%. Mineral fertilization under soil pH of 1.0 resulted in 6.2 t DM ha-1. The use of ameliorant decreased DM accumulation by 1–2% under fertilization. Combination of NPK and liming led to the highest content of crude protein (12.3–13.9%) as well as P, K and Ca (0.91–0.94; 2.82–2.93; 0.77–0.79%, respectively). Application of N60P75K75 had the best effect on acid sod-podzolic soil on the background of double liming. By 2010 humus content increased by 0.4–0.5%, pHKCL — by 0.6–0.8 units, hydrolytic soil acidity — by 1.3–1.9 mmol/100 g of soil, soluble Al concentration — by 1.1–2.2 mmol/100 g of soil. Concentrations of soluble P and K grew significantly — 156–184 and up to 141 mg/kg of soil, respectively, mostly due to the NPK application under soil pH of 2.0.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-19 ◽  
Гареев ◽  
Ilgiz Gareev

An application of calculated doses of fertilizer for potatoes in the gray forest soil of medium-size distribution, on average for 4 years, provided a receipt of planned crop of 25-35 tons per hectare and 94% of planned harvest in the background of 40 tons of tubers per hectare. Thus at higher fertilizer backgrounds, calculated to harvest 35-40 tons tubers per hectare, the starch content decreased and its harvest increased 2.22-2.33 times. The maximum permissible concentration of nitrate in potato tubers does not exceed.

2020 ◽  
pp. 26-28
Н.Т. Чеботарев ◽  
Н.Н. Шергина

Пахотные угодья Республики Коми в основном представлены дерново-подзолистыми почвами с низким естественным плодородием, которые без применения удобрений быстро подвергаются деградационным процессам, что резко снижает их продуктивность. Цель исследований: оценка эффективности долговременного применения органических и минеральных удобрений при выращивании картофеля в кормовом севообороте в условиях Республики Коми. Методической основой выполнения работ были комплексные исследования дерново-подзолистых почв, клубней картофеля на участках многолетнего полевого эксперимента, заложенного на землях Института агробиотехнологий ФИЦ Коми НЦ УрО РАН в соответствии с «Методическими указаниями географической сети опытов с удобрениями». Длительный период исследований (более 40 лет) характеризовался различными климатическими условиями, которые отразились на количестве урожая и качестве клубней картофеля. Было проведено 7 ротаций (14 лет) с выращиванием картофеля. Вносили органические удобрения – торфонавозный компост (ТНК) в дозах 40 и 80 т/га (1 и 2 фон, соответственно) под картофель и минеральные удобрения – NPК в дозах 1/3; 1/2 и 1 для восполнения выноса растениями элементов питания. Установлено положительное влияние комплексного применения органических и минеральных удобрений на урожайность и качество картофеля, а также на плодородие дерново-подзолистой легкосуглинистой среднеокультуренной почвы в кормовом севообороте в почвенно-климатических условиях Республики Коми. В результате применения шестипольного севооборота и комплексного внесения удобрений с 1978 года к 2019 году в почвах снизилась обменная и гидролитическая кислотность; повысилось содержание гумуса на 0,5% (в контроле); на 0,2–0,5% (с тремя дозами минеральных удобрений); на 0,3–1,1% (с ТНК); на 0,2–1,6% (при совместном применении органических и минеральных удобрений). Наибольшие урожаи картофеля получены при совместном применении органических (80 т/га) и минеральных удобрений (1 NPК) и составили 37,1 т/га клубней (8,5 тыс/га кормовых единиц). При таком соотношении удобрений показано высокое качество клубней картофеля: содержание крахмала 15,5%, витамина С – 19,4 мг%, сырого протеина – 14,1%. Количество нитратного азота не превышало ПДК (ПДК 250 мг.с.м.). Экономические расчеты показали, что при внесении ТНК 40 т/га + 1 NPК в дерново-подзолистые почвы с.-х. использования в среднетаежной зоне Республики Коми при выращивании картофеля, условный чистый доход составит 68,4 тыс. р. с 1 га, себестоимость 1 т картофеля – 2,8 тыс. р., рентабельность 188,7%. The arable land of the Republic of Komi is mainly represented by dern-sub-ground soils with low natural fertility, which without the use of fertilizers are quickly subjected to degradation processes, which dramatically reduces their productivity. The aim of the research is to evaluate the efficiency of long-term use of organic and mineral fertilizers in the growing of potatoes in feed crop rotation in the conditions of the Komi Republic. The methodological basis for carrying out the works was comprehensive studies of dern-subhead soils, potato tubers on the sites of a multi-year field experiment laid on the lands of the Institute of Agrobiotechnology of the FRC Komi SC UB RAS in accordance with the «Methodological Instructions of the Geographical Network of Experiments with Fertilizers». A long period of research (more than 40 years) was characterized by different climatic conditions, which affected the number of crops and the quality of potato tubers. There were 7 rotations (14 years) with potato cultivation. Organic fertilizers – peat-avous compost (TNK) in doses of 40 and 80 t/ha (1 and 2 background, respectively) for potatoes and mineral fertilizers – NPK in doses of 1/3; 1/2 and 1 to replenish the carry-out of food elements by plants. The positive effect of the integrated use of organic and mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality of potatoes, as well as on the fertility of soddy-podzolic light loamy medium cultivated soil in fodder crop rotation in the soil and climatic conditions of the Komi Republic, has been established. As a result of the use of six-bed crop rotation and the integrated application of fertilizers, metabolic and hydrolytic acidity decreased in soils from 1978 to 2019; humus content increased by 0.5% (in control); 0.2–0.5% (with three doses of mineral fertilizers); 0.3–1.1% (with TNCs); 0.2–1.6% (with combined use of organic and mineral fertilizers). The largest potato yields were obtained from the combined use of organic (80 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers (1 NPK) and amounted to 37.1 t/ha tubers (8.5 thousand/ha feed units). The largest potato harvests were obtained with the combined use of organic (80 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers (1 NPK) and amounted to 37.1 t/ha of tubers (8.5 thousand/ha of feed units). With this ratio of fertilizers, the high quality of potato tubers was also determined: the starch content was 15.5%, vitamin C – 19.4 mg%, crude protein – 14.1%. The amount of nitrate nitrogen did not exceed the MPC (MPC 250 mg.s.m.). Economic calculations showed that if TNK is added 40 t/ha 1 NPK to the dern-sub-ground soils of agricultural use in the medium-sized zone of the Komi Republic when growing potatoes, the conditional net income will be 68.4 thousand rubles from 1 ha, the cost of 1 t of potatoes – 2.8 thousand rubles, profitability 188.7%.

I.N. Voronchikhina ◽  
A.G. Marenkova ◽  
V. S. Rubets ◽  
V. V. Pylnev

The results of elements development of varietal agrotechnics of a new high-potential line 238h of winter triticale presented. It was identified that under the conditions of 2020 the most cost effective fertilizer system is an early spring application of NPK (S) (15-15-15 (10)) at a dose of 200kg/ha. The profitability level of this fertilizer was 88,9%.

Introduction of complex mineral fertilizer of an azofoska in combination with ammonium nitrate and urea to early ripe potatoes of Zhukovsky and Red Scarlett variety on the planned productivity of 40 t/hectare has allowed to achieve a goal. At the same time in control option without fertilizers the productivity was 23,2-24,8 t/hectare. Use of encapsulated urea has led to decrease in productivity and level of profitability by 26,3-30,9%. Early ripe potatoes of Zhukovsky and Red Scarlett variety on natural fertility of the chernozem leached in the northern forest-steppe of the Tyumen region have created average yield of 23,2-24,8 t/hectare for years of researches. Use of complex mineral fertilizer of an azofoska in combination with ammonium nitrate and urea on the planned productivity of 40 t/hectare has led to increase in productivity on the first variety to 39,5 on the second variety up to 41,4 t/hectare. Introduction of the encapsulated urea has led to decrease in productivity of the early ripe potato tubers studied. At the same time, the peel was gentle and when cleaning it was strongly injured. As to the content of starch (11,9-12,6%) at both varieties the big difference between ex-perience options isn't revealed. The similar picture was observed also according to tastes of tubers. It has made 3,2-3,5 points at Zhukovsky variety and 3,4-3,7 points at Red Scarlett's variety. Profitability level in con-trol option at Zhukovsky variety was 157,3%, at Red Scarlett's variety – 140,5%. In options with non-encapsulated ammonium nitrate and urea the first variety got 172,6-184,1%, second variety – 190,4-207,2%. In option with encapsulated urea at varieties under study the profitability level has decreased 26,3-30,9.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Rowaa Ghannam ◽  
Shimaa Abdelsalam ◽  
Afaf Amin ◽  
Maha Hewedy

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