Gewalttätigkeiten in Partnerschaften – Männer und Frauen mit Suchtproblemen als Opfer und Täter/Täterinnen

Suchttherapie ◽  
2021 ◽  
Irmgard Vogt

ZusammenfassungIn diesem Beitrag geht es um Gewalttätigkeiten in Partnerschaften und den Zusammenhang mit dem Konsum bzw. Missbrauch von Alkohol und anderen (stimulierenden) psychoaktiven Substanzen. Hellfelddaten, die vom Bundeskriminalamt zusammengestellt werden, belegen, dass rund ¼ derjenigen, die wegen Gewalttätigkeiten in Partnerschaften angezeigt werden, unter dem Einfluss von Alkohol stehen; die Mehrzahl von ihnen ist männlich, die Minderheit weiblich. Jedoch belegen Befragungsdaten (sog. Dunkelfelddaten), dass das Ausmaß der Partnerschaftsgewalt viel höher ist und viel höhere Zahlen von Täter:innen und Opfern existieren. Zudem zeigen Studien, die mit den Conflict Tactics Scales durchgeführt worden sind, dass das Aggressionsniveau von Männern und Frauen sich wenig voneinander unterscheidet. Das gilt allerdings nicht für sexualisierte Gewalt, Frauen sind fast immer die Opfer von sexualisierter Gewalt. Zusammengefasst kann festgehalten werden, dass Männer und Frauen sich in etwa gleicher Häufigkeit sowohl „nüchtern“ als auch unter dem Einfluss von psychoaktiven Substanzen in leichte aggressive Auseinandersetzungen einlassen, aber es sind vor allem Männer, die darüber hinaus gehen, insbesondere hinsichtlich sexueller Gewalt. Schätzungen auf der Basis von Behandlungsdaten weisen darauf hin, dass rund 2/3 der Frauen, die in einer Suchtbehandlung sind, Opfer von Partnerschaftsgewalt sind. Eine kleinere Gruppe von Frauen ist in kleinere aggressive Auseinandersetzungen involviert und einige wenige Frauen sind selbst gewalttätig. Diese Gruppen von Frauen benötigen unterschiedliche Hilfsprogramme ebenso wie Männer als Gewalttäter oder Opfer, damit sie sich entweder gegen Gewalt in Partnerschaften wehren können oder ihren Ärger und ihre Impulsivität kontrollieren lernen.

Circulation ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 125 (suppl_10) ◽  
Cari J Clark ◽  
Susan A Everson-Rose ◽  
Resnick Michael ◽  
Iris Borowsky ◽  
Sonya S Brady ◽  

Introduction: Women are more likely to experience distress and injury from intimate partner violence (IPV), and may also be at greater risk of higher blood pressure than male victims. However, most prior epidemiologic research has not included men and has not examined perpetation, despite the predominance of mutually violent relationships. Therefore, this study investigates sex differences in the relationship between exposure to IPV victimization and perpetration and systolic blood pressure (SB). Methods: The study included 3447 (52% female; mean(sd) age=22(3)) participants of Waves 3 (2001–2002) and 4 (2007) of the publically-available subset of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Frequency of psychological, physical, sexual IPV and IPV-related injury were ascertained with the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales at Wave 3. Exposure to IPV was categorized as no IPV victimization or perpetration (ref), only low victimization and / or perpetration, high victimization and low/no perpetration, high perpetration and low/no victimization, and both high victimization and perpetration. SBP was measured at Wave 4 using standard procedures. Potential confounders (age, educational attainment, race, history of child abuse) and mediators (depressive symptoms, breakfast consumption, moderate physical exercise, BMI, smoking, alcohol consumption) were recorded at Wave 3. Multivariable weighted linear regression was used to test the relationship between SBP and IPV by adjusting for confounders then by adjusting for the proposed mediators. Analyses were stratified by sex and a multiplicative term was tested. Results: Approximately 30% of the sample reported IPV exposure (n=2050), of which 23% (n=831) experienced low victimization and or perpetration, 5% (n=157) high victimization, 6% (N=203) high perpetration, 6% (n=206) both high victimization and perpetration. Women were slightly more likely to report high perpetration and both high victimization and high perpetration (p<0.01). In separate models controlling for confounders, experiencing both high victimization and perpetration was associated with 4.02 mmHg SBP higher in men (95% CI: 0.32, 7.72) and 2.51 mmHg SBP higher in women (95% CI: 0.18, 4.84) compared to those with no IPV. In addition, reporting high perpetration was associated with 3.83 mmHg higher SBP in men (95% CI: –0.72, 8.38), while high victimization was associated with 2.94 mmHg higher SBP for women (95% CI: –0.61, 6.49). Further adjustment for the hypothesized mediators slightly attenuated the findings. The multiplicative term (IPV X sex) was marginally significant (p=0.09). Conclusions: Exposure to high levels of victimization and perpetration is associated with higher levels of SBP for men and women. High victimization alone is related to higher SBP for women while high perpetration is related to higher SBP for men.

2008 ◽  
Vol 24 (10) ◽  
pp. 2289-2300 ◽  
Claudia Leite de Moraes ◽  
Paulo Cavalcante Apratto Júnior ◽  
Michael Eduardo Reichenheim

O objetivo do estudo é estimar a prevalência da violência física contra idosos no ambiente doméstico em população adstrita ao Programa Médico de Família de Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Por meio de um inquérito de base populacional, foram entrevistados 322 indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais, selecionados através de amostragem aleatória simples a partir do censo de idosos adstritos a seis equipes de saúde da família. Para detecção de violência física contra idosos, utilizou-se a versão em português da Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS1). A violência física de qualquer gravidade foi relatada por 10,1% (IC95%: 6,7; 13,4) dos entrevistados, enquanto que 7,9% (IC95%: 4,9; 10,8) referiram ter sido vítimas de violência física grave no ano anterior à entrevista. A violência esteve mais presente entre os mais novos, os que moram com maior número de indivíduos, os com história de diabetes e/ou doença articular. A grande magnitude do evento, sua maior prevalência entre indivíduos que apresentam outras vulnerabilidades e suas conseqüências negativas à saúde impõem que a Estratégia Saúde da Família incorpore ações para o enfrentamento da violência física contra idosos às suas atividades de rotina.

2007 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-62 ◽  
Michael E. Reichenheim ◽  
Ruben Klein ◽  
Claudia Leite Moraes

Although there are psychometric evaluations of the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2) when applied to heterosexual relationships, none has used item response theory (IRT). To address this gap, the present paper assesses the instrument's physical violence subscale. The CTS2 was applied to 764 women who also responded for their partners. Single dimensionality assumption was corroborated. A 2-parameter logistic IRT model was used for estimating location and discriminating power of each item. Differential item functioning and item information pattern along the violence continuum were assessed. Gender differences were detected in 3 out of 12 items. Item coverage of the latent trait spectrum indicated little information at the lower ends, while plenty in the middle and upper ranges. Still, depending on gender, some item overlaps and regions with gaps could be detected. Despite some unresolved problems, the analysis shows that the items form a theoretically coherent information set across the continuum. Provided the user is aware of possible drawbacks, using the physical violence subscale of the CTS2 in heterosexual couples is still a sensible option.

2005 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 1124-1133 ◽  
Anna Tereza M. Soares de Moura ◽  
Michael E. Reichenheim

A violência familiar é considerada uma questão prioritária em saúde pública, sendo o problema ainda mais marcante na infância. Informações referentes à morbidade deste agravo podem estar subdimensionadas devido a entraves na detecção de casos. O objetivo deste estudo é contrastar a magnitude da violência contra a criança, aferida ativamente em um ambulatório, com a casuística espontânea do serviço. Foram realizadas 245 entrevistas entre abril e junho de 2001, utilizando-se as Conflict Tactics Scales: Parent-Child Version (CTSPC) e a Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2) para aferir os eventos violentos. Os casos encaminhados ao Serviço Social representaram a casuística do serviço no período da busca ativa (12 meses). Encontrou-se uma elevada prevalência de violência física entre o casal, com eventos graves ocorrendo em 17,0% das famílias. Em relação à criança, agressões físicas "menores" foram referidas em 46,0% de famílias, porquanto a forma grave, em 9,9%. A prevalência identificada espontaneamente foi de 3,3%. Este estudo de caso mostra as oportunidades perdidas de detecção e chama-se a atenção para a necessidade de rever a abordagem da violência familiar em serviços de saúde.

2017 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 83-90 ◽  
Richard T. Jones ◽  
Kevin Browne ◽  
Shihning Chou

1989 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-168 ◽  
Dennis A. Bagarozzi ◽  
Walter R. Schumm ◽  
Dennis A. Bagarozzi

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