Impact of volumetric versus gravimetric assessment on Olsen P concentrations

John J. Drewry ◽  
Bryan A. Stevenson ◽  
Stephen J. McNeill ◽  
Jo-Anne E. Cavanagh ◽  
Matthew D. Taylor
2011 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 343-358
Péter Csathó ◽  
Marianna Magyar ◽  
Erzsébet Osztoics ◽  
Katalin Debreczeni ◽  
Katalin Sárdi

A szabadföldi trágyázási (tartam)kísérletek eredményeit talaj-, illetve diagnosztikai célú növényvizsgálatok segítségével tudjuk kiterjeszteni, általánosítani – figyelembe véve természetesen a kiterjesztés korlátait is. Célszerűnek láttuk ezen túl a talaj könnyen oldható tápelem-, közöttük P-tartalmát is meghatározni a hazánkban hivatalosan elfogadott AL- (ammónium-laktátos) módszer mellett az Európai Unióban és Észak-Amerikában alkalmazott P-tesztekkel is (CaCl2-, H2O-, Olsen-, Bray1-, LE-, Mehlich3- stb.) a hazai OMTK kísérletek talajmintáiban. A kísérleti helyek talajtulajdonságaiban megnyilvánuló jelentős különbségek lehetőséget adnak rá, hogy a talaj P-teszteket – és a növényi P-felvételt – jellegzetes hazai talajokon, sokszor szélsőséges talajparaméterek mellett vizsgáljuk. Az egyes P-szintek között a 28 év átlagában mintegy évi 50 kg P2O5·ha-1volt a különbség. A P0-szinten mért P-tartalmak jól jelezték az egyes kísérleti helyek talajának eltérő P-ellátottságát, illetve, közvetve, fizikai féleségében, pH és mészállapotában meglévő különbségeket. A P2-szinten – a hazai talajokra, P-igényes növényekre a hazai szabadföldi P-trágyázási tartamkísérleti adatbázisban talált összefüggésekre alapozott – új AL-P határértékek szerint csupán a bicsérdi csernozjom barna erdőtalajon nem javult a P-ellátottság legalább a „jó” szintig. Vizsgálataink megerősítették az AL-módszer függőségét a CaCO3-tartalomtól: a Mehlich3 módszerrel való összefüggésben a karbonátmentes és a karbonátos talajok csoportja erőteljesen elkülönült egymástól. Az AL-P korrekció elvégzése, azaz az AL-P értékeknek egy standard talajtulajdonság-sorra való konvertálása (KA: 36; pH(KCl): 6,8; CaCO3: 0,1%) látványosan csökkentette az AL-módszernek a talaj CaCO3-tartalmától való függőségét. Az AL-P és Olsen-P, valamint a korrigált AL-P és Olsen-P tartalmak összehasonlításában ugynakkor ugyanez az összefüggés nem volt állapítható, ami arra utal, hogy az Olsen módszer bizonyos fokig szintén pH- és mészállapot függő. Kísérleti eredményeink megerősítették a Sarkadi-féle AL-P korrekciós modell helytálló voltát. Fenti megállapításunkat ugyanakkor a növényi P-tartalmakkal való összefüggéseknek is igazolniuk kell. Szükséges tehát a talajvizsgálati eredményeknek a diagnosztikai célú növényvizsgálatokkal, valamint a terméseredményekkel való összevetése. A tartamkísérletek talajai lehetőséget nyújtanak a környezetvédelmi célú P-vizsgálatok értékelésére, a talaj P-feltöltöttsége környezeti kockázatának becslésére. Ezekkel a kérdésekkel a cikksorozat további részeiben kívánunk foglalkozni.

2016 ◽  
Vol 73 (12) ◽  
pp. 2953-2958 ◽  
H. E. Andersen ◽  
J. Windolf ◽  
B. Kronvang

Abstract We investigated leaching of dissolved phosphorus (P) from 45 tile-drains representing animal husbandry farms in all regions of Denmark. Leaching of P via tile-drains exhibits a high degree of spatial heterogeneity with a low concentration in the majority of tile-drains and few tile-drains (15% in our investigation) having high to very high concentration of dissolved P. The share of dissolved organic P (DOP) was high (up to 96%). Leaching of DOP has hitherto been a somewhat overlooked P loss pathway in Danish soils and the mechanisms of mobilization and transport of DOP needs more investigation. We found a high correlation between Olsen-P and water extractable P. Water extractable P is regarded as an indicator of risk of loss of dissolved P. Our findings indicate that Olsen-P, which is measured routinely in Danish agricultural soils, may be a useful proxy for the P leaching potential of soils. However, we found no straight-forward correlation between leaching potential of the top soil layer (expressed as either degree of P saturation, Olsen-P or water extractable P) and the measured concentration of dissolved P in the tile-drain. This underlines that not only the source of P but also the P loss pathway must be taken into account when evaluating the risk of P loss.

1993 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-128 ◽  
C. A. Campbell ◽  
R. P. Zentner

In the Canadian prairie, producers generally sample soils in the autumn for nutrient analyses, whereas calibration of crop responses has been made based on soils sampled in the spring prior to seeding. A recent report suggests that available phosphorus (P) in soil increases between autumn and spring. At Swift Current, Saskatchewan, we have monitored bicarbonate-extractable P (Olsen P) every autumn and spring for the past 24 years, in four cropping systems: continuous wheat (Cont W), fallow-wheat (F-W), and two fallow-wheat-wheat (F-W-W) rotations. The first three systems received nitrogen (N) and P each crop year, with one F-W-W rotation receiving only N. These data were analyzed to test the authenticity of the aforementioned observations. We found that although there were some apparent overwinter increases in Olsen P there were also some decreases. Further, because of the considerable variability in Olsen P, relatively few of the overwinter changes were significant (P = 0.10). Efforts to correlate the changes in Olsen P to overwinter temperature or precipitation were unsuccessful. We concluded that Saskatchewan soil testing laboratories need not make adjustments to P fertilizer recommendations to account for changes in overwinter soil test P levels. Key words: Soil testing, bicarbonate-extractable P, crop rotations, available P

2021 ◽  
Leicester Cooper

<p>The central concern that this study addresses is how an understanding of geomorphological processes and forms may inform ecological restoration; particularly practical restoration prioritisation. The setting is that of a hill country gully system covered in grazing pasture which historically would have been cloaked in indigenous forest. The study examines theory in conjunction with an application using a case study centred on Whareroa Farm (the restoration site) and Paraparaumu Scenic Reserve (the reference site) on the southern Kapiti Coast, north of Wellington. The impact that the change of land use has had on the soil and geomorphic condition of Whareroa and the influence the changes may have on the sites restoration is investigated. The thesis demonstrates a method of choosing reference sites to be used as templates for rehabilitating the restoration site. Geographical Information Systems and national databases are used and supplemented with site inspection. The reference site chosen, Paraparaumu Scenic Reserve, proved to be a good template for the restoration site particularly given that it is located in the midst of a heavily modified area. On-site inspection considering dendritic pattern and floristic composition confirms the database analysis results. Soil variables (bulk density, porosity, soil texture, pH, Olsen P, Anaerobic Mineralisable N, Total N (AMN), Total C and C:N ratio) are investigated and statistical comparisons made between the sites to quantify changes due to land-use change, i.e. deforestation and subsequent pastoral grazing. Factors investigated that may explain the variation in the soil variables were site (land use), hillslope location, slope aspect, and slope angle. Permutation tests were conducted to investigate the relationships between the independent factors and the SQI (dependent soil variables). Land use and slope angle were most frequent significant explanatory factors of variation, followed by hillslope location whilst slope aspect only influenced soil texture. A number of soil variables at Whareroa were found to be outside the expected range of values for an indigenous forest soil including AMN, Total N, Olsen P, and pH ...</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (6) ◽  
pp. 1781-1787
R.S. Yadav ◽  
H.N. Meena ◽  
N.K. Jain ◽  
D. Bhaduri ◽  

Aim: To investigate efficient utilization of soil phosphorus for peanut nutrition through integration of management practices in medium black clay soils of Saurashtra region in Gujarat. Methodology: Soil phosphorus availability and uptake by peanut plants were assessed at five plant growth stages under six different management practices in Kharif season. The availability of soil P was estimated by Olsen P and Resin P extraction methods. The biomass production and phosphorus uptake at each growth stages were observed in order to draw the relationship between these parameters.? Results: The management practices like raised bed with polythene mulch, integrated and organic nutrient management was consistently found promising for enhanced availability and uptake of soil phosphorus under peanut cultivation. The Olsen P decreased with plant growth under all the management options, except organic and integrated nutrient management practices.? In contrary, the resin P generally increased with plant growth, especially under inorganic and organic nutrient management and raised bed with polythene mulch practices. Irrespective of growth stages, the phosphorus uptake by peanut plants was significantly and strongly correlated with biomass production (r=0.85, p<0.01) and Olsen P (r=0.41, P<0.05).? Interpretation: The results indicate that phosphorus requirement of peanut plants can be efficiently met by integrating land and nutrient management practices in these medium black clay soils.

1978 ◽  
Vol 18 (91) ◽  
pp. 243 ◽  
AJ Montgomery ◽  
G Rubenis

The level of soil phosphorus and the response of irrigated perennial pasture to phosphorus fertilizer were measured on 33 sites in the Goulburn Valley of northern Victoria. Eleven of the 33 sites were found to have Olsen P values above 10 p.p.m. and Colwell P values above 30 p.p.m. Of these 11, 9 did not give a pasture response to superphosphate and 2 gave a relatively small response. Functions of the form Y = a - be-CX (where Y = total pasture yield over 12 months (t ha-1), X = rate of superphosphate application (t ha-1), and a, b and c are constants respectively denoting maximum yield, maximum response, and the rate at which maximum yield is approached) were fitted to the yield data from those sites at which a response did occur. b was found to be correlated with a number of soil tests, the highest correlation coefficient being -0.74 for Colwell P. a was significantly correlated with some tests (P < 0.01) but was generally less predictable, and c gave very low correlation coefficients with all soil tests.

2013 ◽  
Vol 59 (No. 11) ◽  
pp. 530-536 ◽  
S. Wang ◽  
X. Liang ◽  
G. Liu ◽  
H. Li ◽  
X. Liu ◽  

The effects of phosphorus (P) fertilizer on P loss potential, soil Olsen-P and neutral phosphatase activities in paddy soils fertilized with superphosphate or pig manure (PM) were evaluated in this paper. Data were collected from a field experiment in the Tai Lake Basin, China. Superphosphate rates were 0, 17.5, 26.7, and 35.0 kg P/ha, and PM rates were 0, 1.4, 2.1, and 2.8 t/ha for each crop, respectively. Soil Olsen-P in the plow layer increased to a greater extent with PM than with superphosphate. Pig manure increased neutral phosphatase activities in the plow layer compared with PM-free treatment. In contrast, superphosphate inhibited neutral phosphatase activities compared with superphosphate-free treatment. Spring application of P fertilizer markedly increased the total P of surface water in November (&lt; 0.01 vs. 0.10 mg/L) compared with P-free treatment. The total P of shallow groundwater at a 75 cm depth was ~0.01 mg/L. Phosphorus fertilizer did not influence Olsen-P or neutral phosphatase activities under the plow layer. Downward movement of P did not occur. Appropriate rate of P application of 26.2 kg P/ha for each crop in this soil reduced the risk of P loss in the paddy wetland ecosystem.

2007 ◽  
Vol 36 (5) ◽  
pp. 1452-1460 ◽  
C. J. Watson ◽  
R. V. Smith ◽  
D. I. Matthews

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