Fear as a product, continuum as a solution: the role of private companies in the transnational diffusion of zero tolerance policing to Brazil

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-27
Alcides Eduardo Dos Reis Peron ◽  
Tomaz Oliveira Paoliello
Clement Guitton

Attribution — tracing those responsible for a cyber attack — is of primary importance when classifying it as a criminal act, an act of war, or an act of terrorism. Three assumptions dominate current thinking: attribution is a technical problem; it is unsolvable; and it is unique. Approaching attribution as a problem forces us to consider it either as solved or unsolved. Yet attribution is far more nuanced, and is best approached as a process in constant flux, driven by judicial and political pressures. In the criminal context, courts must assess the guilt of criminals, mainly based on technical evidence. In the national security context, decision-makers must analyze unreliable and mainly non-technical information in order to identify an enemy of the state. Attribution in both contexts is political: in criminal cases, laws reflect society’s prevailing norms and powers; in national security cases, attribution reflects a state’s will to maintain, increase or assert its power. However, both processes differ on many levels. The constraints, which reflect common aspects of many other political issues, constitute the structure of the book: the need for judgment calls, the role of private companies, the standards of evidence, the role of time, and the plausible deniability of attacks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 174 ◽  
pp. 04038
Yuri Fridman ◽  
Galina Rechko ◽  
Ekaterina Loginova

The article discusses the place and role of strategic planning in ensuring that Kemerovo Oblast – Kuzbass develops comprehensively. For over thirty years, we have been studying the region with one of the leading national territorial-production centers established in the 20th century, how it emerged and functioned. Studies suggest that without regard to the economies of Russia as a whole and Kuzbass’s neighboring regions in particular, its issues cannot be satisfactorily resolved. At large, when strategic planning followed this assumption, it contributed to how fast and holistically the territory developed. Considering that, in the 21st century, strategy makers diverged from this concept and started to search for new approaches, the region’s economy has slowed down and its living standards have declined sharply. The momentum can be reversed with an active state socio-economic policy. Its previous forms, however, when the state gave preferences to private companies and did not require corresponding growth in standards of living in return, became unacceptable. It is necessary to work out a system of effective solutions and measures with mechanisms for reconciling the interests of the government, business and society within approaches that are adequate to the political and economic reality of today’s world.

2021 ◽  
pp. 004208592110264
Patricia Maloney ◽  
Duke W. Austin ◽  
SaunJuhi Verma

Existing studies evaluate zero tolerance policies and the school-to-prison pipeline. Additional research identifies the role of criminal justice systems in deporting immigrants. Our work bridges these two literatures by discussing how immigrant students navigate the criminal justice system within schools. Using interviews with immigrant students, teachers, and administrators, we address the question: How is the school-to-deportation pipeline maneuvered by stakeholders? Our study identifies how school authority figures react to and even use the fear of the pipeline to (1) either protect students from becoming criminalized or (2) exclude students from standardized exam participation so as to maintain funding sources.

2021 ◽  
pp. 007327532199926
Camille Lyans Cole

Between 1893 and 1908, at least six private consortia and the municipality of Baghdad were denied permission to operate steamships on the Tigris and Euphrates on the grounds that a navigation concession had already been granted to the Privy Purse ( hazine-i hassa). The Privy Purse justified its insistence on monopoly with reference to the emerging ideology of development ( nafia), though its ideas about the role of steam technology in nafia stood in contrast to those of private investors and other Ottoman bureaucrats. Working from the hazine-i hassa’s planning memos and contracts, I show that the private treasury envisioned a primarily agrarian future for Iraq, with steamships serving agricultural aims. As such, it focused on envisioning future steamships rather than managing its existing fleet, while still acquiring dominance over land and transport in the region. However, private companies and officials contested this vision, emphasizing the materiality of existing steamships, their roles in trade, and the potential for commercial competition as a means of resisting British imperial encroachment. After the Committee of Union and Progress came to power in 1908, the Privy Purse was disestablished and its properties reverted to the Finance Ministry, opening a brief window during which steamship companies were encouraged to proliferate. Quickly, however, new comprehensive schemes were proposed, though with railways replacing steamships as the corollary to Iraq’s imagined riches. Engaging questions about the futurity of both infrastructure and capital, as well as those posed by the technology-in-use paradigm, this article suggests that the hazine-i hassa is a rich starting point for analysis because the scalar and ontological tensions it embodied highlight how different kinds of futures interact in development planning to affect the present.

Анастасія В'ячеславівна Іванова

У статті проводиться теоретичний аналіз концепту нульової толерантності, особливостей та умов його застосування в сучасній державно-політичній практиці. Визначним напрямком дослідження є виявлення засад нульової толерантності в рамках державної політики, яка встановлює принципи легальної нетерпимості до небезпечних, антидержавних таантисоціальних проявів. Акцентується увага на особливостях та обмеженні застосування принципу нульової терпимості в рамках законодавчого визначення. У статті досліджуються механізми державно-політичного регулювання меж толерантності в контексті попередження розвитку небезпечних утворень задля забезпечення соціально-політичної стабільності в державі. Так само увага приділяється світовій практиці та національномудосвіду застосування принципу “zero tolerance policing” державою в рамках політики національної безпеки. Нульова толерантність аналізується як засіб забезпечення пильногоконтролю держави за будь-якими проявами тих явищ, які потенційно несуть небезпеку для суспільства та держави. В інакшому випадку в умовах неналежного контролю за дрібними чи початковими проявами, вірогідність їх розвитку зростатиме. Для попередження цього держава, державні органи застосовують принцип “zero tolerance policing”. В рамках національної безпеки формується певна модель реагування держави на небезпечні прояви, що допомагає попередити деструктивні явища в державі. Так само в статті автор відзначає протилежну позицію щодо застосування нульової толерантності та проблему її дискримінаційності. У статті окреслюється потреба в концептуальному визначенні нульової толерантності задля запобігання необґрунтованого її використання без меж. Автор відзначає проблему необґрунтованого застосування даного принципу, отже, концепція потребує детального розроблення як у теоретичній, так і правозастосовній практиці, й в особливості на рівні державної політики.

Grislayne Guedes Lopes da Silva ◽  
Reinaldo Miranda de Sá Teles

O presente artigo tem como principal objetivo averiguar como as empresas de Ecoturismo e Turismo de Aventura percebem a atuação do poder público e do privado em ações direcionadas para a acessibilidade. Considerando que o objeto de estudo é a acessibilidade, no decorrer da pesquisa buscou-se compreender como questões relacionadas a esse tema são percebidas pelos empreendedores; se o mercado está se adequando para receber esse perfil de público com deficiência ou mobilidade reduzida; e se há demonstração de interesse em tornar atividades acessíveis para essa demanda crescente. Os principais resultados do estudo demonstram que a maioria das empresas não estão preparadas para atender esse público, porém apontam direções que visam a melhoria no atendimento do público em questão e a qualidade da oferta de Ecoturismo e Turismo de Aventura no quesito acessibilidade. Accessibility in Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism: the role of the government and private companies The main objective of this article is to ascertain how Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism companies perceive the role of the government and private companies in activities related to accessibility. Whereas the focus of this study is accessibility, during the research phase it was sought to understand how issues related to this topic are perceived by entrepreneurs, if the market is adapting to be able to accommodate persons with disabilities or reduced mobility, and any interest has been demonstrated in making activities accessible in light of this growing demand. The main results of the study show that most companies are not prepared to accommodate this segment of the population; however, suggestions are made for improving their ability to meet the needs of this public, as well as the quality of Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism services in terms of accessibility. KEYWORDS: Government; Private companies; Accessibility; Qualitative research.

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